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The Schoolmarm Ch. 02

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I was shocked to death, I never saw a man like that,
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 01/28/2010
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It was early fall and the end of a school day. I was cleaning up my desk in the classroom when the minister's wife walked in.

"Hello Gloria, I was walking by and thought I would stop in and say hello."

"Hi Noreen, I could use some time with an adult," I said with a smile.

Noreen White was about my age or a few years older, I'm 23. Being a minister's wife she didn't accent her attractiveness, but her beauty was so natural it couldn't be hidden by her prim clothing and her red hair worn pulled back in a bun. She was a friendly woman and we've enjoyed each others company at some of the church functions. Her husband was about 10 years older than her and not half as nice, but he does have to instill the wrath of God in us every Sunday, so being too nice I guess wouldn't work. He's not a bad man just not a lot of fun.

Noreen said, "One thing I do have to tell you is that the town is going to have a few of the men fix the roof on your cabin and it might take a few days, would like you stay with the reverend and me while the work is being done?"

"Do you have enough room, it would be such an inconvenience for the both of you," I said.

"You can stay in the spare room in the church hall," She said.

I agreed, not really having much of a choice, but I told her it would be wonderful. We continued to chat about different topics until she realized she had to run along. I closed up the school shortly after she left and walked to my cabin which was only a few 100 feet away.

Being the town "schoolmarm" has been a blessing to me, but it does come with its restrictions. I was a widow and didn't have enough money to return home when my husband was killed. I was lucky enough to be offered the position for two years which included the cabin I'm living in. The restrictions are I get lonely for some excitement. I did have a very exciting adventure with three of my older students during the summer, but that was only a one time thing. How many times can I touch myself at night thinking about that one afternoon?

The men came to fix my roof bright and early in the morning. They loaded my one bag in their wagon and drove me to the Ministers house. While we were approaching the house the Reverend White was leaving in his buggy, he waved and kept going.

Noreen opened the door before I had a chance to knock and helped me bring my bag inside.

"I'm so glad the men drove you here this bag weighs a ton," she said while laughing.

"Just a few things I might need,"I said.

"The Reverend will be away, he had to go to the next county, so you can stay here. It'll be more comfortable then the room in the hall," she told me.

"As long as you don't mind, sounds good to me."

I never realized that there two bedrooms in their home. We dropped my bag in one of the rooms and then went into the kitchen and had a cup of tea. She told me she had to visit a family that was having a streak of bad luck and she wanted to deliver a food basket.

"We'll have to harness the horse and use the old buggy," she said.

"I can do that while you pack the food," I said.

We talked and laughed on the ride. I told her that I went to a girl's boarding school when I was a youngster. She told me about her early days, which were very reserve, so I didn't mention the things I did, didn't want to shock her.

The home we went to was just a mile or so on the edge of town.

When we arrived and just about at the door, a young handsome man answered.

Noreen said she was here to see Mrs. Clayton. He told us that was his grandmother and introduced himself to us as he let us in. Mrs. Clayton was an elderly women and she was sitting in a chair with a cover over her legs to remove the chill, even though the cabin was very comfortable. She was proud as could be about her grandson who we found out was 22 years old, was named Jessie after his father, and traveled three days to check in on her and make sure she was okay. He told us he wanted her to come home with him so he and his wife, Damn, could take care of her.

Noreen and I sat on the settee opposite Mrs. Clayton and Jessie excused himself so he could clean off after doing some neglected chores. He went into a room that Noreen and I could see when we looked past Mrs. Clayton. Jessie left the door half opened, but he was out of view. While the three of us were chatting I saw Jessie walk by the open door with his pants on, but bare chested, I don't know if Noreen saw him or not. A short time later he walked by the door again and he was completely naked! I know Noreen saw him then because she jumped like she was hit by lightening. I had to casually cover my mouth with my hand so I wouldn't laugh. He was drying his hair with a towel and tuned his back to us so we were both looking at his bare butt. I was enjoying this. He moved out of sight again and a minute later he was standing in front of the door again giving us a full frontal view. His cock was swinging between his legs as he; I was beginning to think, pretending to be drying off. He never looked up or gave me any real knowledge that he was doing it on purpose, but come on now! H e moved out of sight again, but the next time we saw him he was fully dressed and coming back into the room.

We visited for a while with both of them and then said our good-byes. Noreen told Jessie to be sure to tell her when he would be leaving with his grandmother so she wouldn't worry. He said he would. He walked us out to the buggy and as we were pulling away he gave us a smile that made me think the naked show was on purpose. I was feeling a little damp to say the least.

We didn't say anything for a few minutes until Noreen said "Gloria, did you see that?"

"Yes I saw it and it was beautiful," I answered.

"What was beautiful?"

"His big cock," I said.

"Oh my God Gloria, you're awful. I wasn't referring to just that part of him I meant the whole situation."

"It was very exciting," I said.

"I was shocked to death, I never saw a man like that," she said.

"You mean you didn't look?" I asked.

"Well, no I did look," she said and was blushing a nice beet red.

"You've seen your husband like that for sure," I asked.

"Oh goodness no, the reverend is always a gentleman.

I just laughed and let the subject drop and we rode without saying much.

I glanced over at her and at the same time just looked my way and we both burst out laughing!

"Gloria that will be a sight I'll never forget."

"That will be a sight I don't want to forget," I said with a grin.

"Gloria you're just awful," she said while laughing.

After a busy day we made a light supper and were in the sitting room in front of the fireplace sipping a special treat of hot chocolate.

The evenings become chilly so the fire warmth was welcome. We were both in robes and wearing slippers. I just had my drawers and a chemise on underneath. Noreen was wearing an ankle length nightshirt under her robe.

During the day I would notice Noreen would have a blush and I know darn well see must have been thinking about our little episode with Jessie earlier in the day. I found my mind drifting to the vision of his cock and balls. I'm not sure if I was blushing along with Noreen or not. We were both sitting in our own thoughts when Noreen said,

"Am I a bad person for thinking about what we saw this morning and enjoying it?"

"Of course not you had no control of what we saw," I said.

"I realize that, but I've been thinking that I liked seeing it,"

"It?" I said knowing exactly what she was talking about, but wanted to tease her some.

"Yes, It, you know his thing,"

"You've been thinking about his thing?" I asked, enjoying this.

"Yes his thing and behind and his bare chest," she blurted out.

"Noreen, I've been thinking about the same things you have," I said.

"Gloria I think he was walking around naked like that on purpose, just so we would see him!"

"I think you're right about that, he had to realize the door was open and we could look in."

"Why would he do such a thing like that?" she asked.

"I heard that some men like to have women look at their thing."

"Oh how awful," she said, but not with a lot of conviction.

"I didn't think it was so awful I rather enjoyed it, it's not everyday you get to see a handsome man naked" I said.

"It was different and Gloria I have to confess, I was shocked at the time, but remembering what I saw has been pleasurable,"

"I wonder if he would do it again for us," I said, more thinking out loud than having an actual plan.

"Do you think he would Gloria?" Noreen said.

"If he likes doing that stuff I'm sure he would, but he's leaving soon and the reverend will be home tomorrow morning for church services. So the timing is all off even if he wanted to," I said.

"One of the Deacons is giving the service tomorrow didn't I tell you? My husband will be away until Tuesday"' Noreen said, like she's ready to do it.

"After services tomorrow wewill ride out to Mrs. Clayton's home again," I said.

"Then what would we do? We can't just say we want to see your thing again!"

"Why not?" I answered.

After Sunday school and the Sunday service Noreen and I rode out of town.

"I can't believe we're even thinking about doing this, the schoolmarm and the preacher's wife, oh my God."

"I know Noreen, but I think if we didn't when we're old ladies we'll be kicking our own butts for not trying," I said with a laugh.

We pulled up to the house and walked to the door and knocked. We heard Mrs. Clayton tell us to come in. She was sitting where she was yesterday, but wearing fresh clothes and had a cup of tea next to her.

"Hello ladies, I didn't think I would see you again so soon," she said.

Noreen answered that we had to come out this way and it would be a shame not to stop in and say hello to you and Jessie."

"That's so sweet; Jessie is out in the barn working on my wagon. You can go out there to say hello if you like," she said.

We talked with her for awhile then excused ourselves saying we had to go, but we would stick our heads in the barn and say hello to Jessie.

The barn door was open and we both walked in to see Jessie hammering the wheel hub on. He seemed startled to see us at first, but greeted us with a big smile saying what a pleasure it was to see us again.

"It's a pleasure to see you again too," I said.

We told him the same story we told his grandmother about being in the area.

"Jessie you seem like a nice man, so I'm going to come right out and say what I have to say and hope you don't get mad," I said.

He had a look of concern on his face, but said "I can't imagine what you could say that would get me mad," and gave us that smile again.

"Yesterday when we were here and you were in the bedroom getting cleaned up we both could see you naked," I said.

"I'm so sorry ladies, how stupid of me, I'm sorry if you were offended."

"Well actually we both liked what we saw," I said with a timid smile.

Noreen was standing there the whole time, I swear not breathing!

So with a big smile he said" so you came here to tell me that you enjoyed seeing me naked?"

"Yes we did" Noreen managed to say.

"I'm glad you two beautiful women weren't traumatized, so that's it?" he said.

"No, we want to see you naked again," I said.

He looked at me like I just spoke a different language.

"You want me to get naked for you two ladies?"

"Yes that would be correct," said Noreen.

He laughed out loud and shook his head, then looked at us and said" I'd love to."

We moved to the rear of the barn and Noreen and I sat on a bale of hay and Jessie stood in front of us.

"So should I just get undressed?" asked Jessie.

"You can start by slowly taking off your shirt," I said

He unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it aside. He was lean and had a nice patch of hair on his chest. He started to unbutton his pants and I could feel myself getting flushed, Noreen was glowing. He turned his back to us and removed his pants. He had a firm butt and strong well muscled legs. He turned to face us and his cock was sticking straight up. Noreen let out a gasp and when I looked towards her, her eyes were glued to Jessie's cock. It was long and thick and his balls pubic area was covered with light brown hair.

"Lady's I like that you're looking at me, but could you lift your skirts to give me some inspiration?"

"Oh my God no," said Noreen.

"Yes," I answered.

Noreen looked at me like she heard me wrong, but I just smiled back.

I reached down and grabbed the bottom of my skirt and petticoats and pulled them up to my waist, past my stocking tops. I wasn't wearing any drawers. Noreen was watching me with her mouth open.

"Gloria, could you spread your legs so I can get a better look?"

I parted my legs so he could look all the way up.

"Ah what a beautiful sight that is," Jessie said with a smile, "and you sweet Noreen would you lift your skirt for me?"

"I couldn't do such a thing," she said.

"I'm standing here with my cock and balls out for your inspection and Gloria is showing me her womanhood," he said.

"Oh my God I've never done such a thing, "she said.

"Only do what you're comfortable with," I told her," I for one find this to be very exciting, but I'm a little uncomfortable holding my skirt up."

I stood up and untied my skirt and took it off. I then stepped out of my petticoats and placed them on the bale of hay I was sitting on. I stood before both of them with my bottom exposed. Jessie had a big grin on his face and Noreen was looking at me, but I couldn't tell if her look was shock or desire.

"I know I will end up in hell for sure, but at least I'll know Gloria down there. I'll take my skirt off too." declared Noreen.

She stood up and untied her skirt and took it off. She hesitated for a moment but continued removing her petticoats and she tossed them on her hay bale. She was wearing drawers that went to her knees, she looked over at me and I told her go ahead do it.

She untied her drawers and turned her back to us and let them drop to the floor. She had a beautiful well rounded behind, which was so white I bet it never saw the light of day. She slowly turned around and let us see her womanhood that had a sparse patch of red hair on it.

"You are absolutely stunning," Jessie said, and I agreed.

She sat down on the hay bale with her knees together. I sat down also but spread my legs so Jessie could see all of me. Noreen must have seen Jessie's eyes move over to me when I spread my legs and I noticed she slowly spread her legs too.

"Jessie I have a question for you," I said.

"Ask," he said.

"When we saw you naked yesterday how come your cock wasn't hard?"

"Well for two reason's, one was because I was worried one of you would say something and my grandmother would be embarrassed by me, and two I just let me say relieved myself shortly before then."

"Your thing didn't get hard because you peed?" asked Noreen

Jessie laughed and said, "I didn't pee I made my self cum."

"I don't understand," said Noreen.

"Jessie, why don't you show us," I said with a grin.

He took his cock in his right hand and started to slowly stroke it up and down, with the other hand he played with is balls. I moved my hand between my legs and started rub myself. Noreen looked over at me and asked what I was doing. I told her to touch herself down there and she would find a magical spot .Her hand moved down and into her patch of red hair.

This had to be first for Jessie also, his eyes were moving from me to Noreen as he stroked himself. I saw Noreen's hand start to move faster and so did mine. I could tell by the quickness of his stroking he was about to shoot.

"Noreen, look what happens," I said.

I really didn't have to tell her because her eyes never Jessie's cock. With a sudden jerk a load of sperm shot out of him and landed on my thighs, several more streams of the hot juices landed on me.

Noreen let out a cry from seeing the exploding cock and from relieving herself.

I dipped my fingers in the sperm on my thigh and rubbed it on my pubic hairs as I continued to move my hand in a circular motion over my magic spot. I also cried out when I felt the lovely explosion release inside me.

Jessie sat back on a hay bale; we were stunned by what just happened. Noreen and I were still reclined with our legs open and our wetness leaking out. Jessie's cock wasn't sticking straight up any more.

"Lady's give me a little time and maybe I'll be ready to give you both some real action."

"Jessie, I think we corrupted Noreen enough in one day," I said laughing.

"Oh my God, what was that I just did to myself," Noreen asked with a grin on her face.

"I'll explain it to you on the ride home," I said.

"We better get back before dark or people will start to worry," I said.

Without saying anything we all put our clothing on and walked out to our buggy.

"Jessie too bad you have to leave in the next day or two," I said.

"Lady's you sure make it difficult to leave I can tell you that, but even though grandma will be coming home with me I'll be coming back from time to time to make sure the house is in good repair until we deicide what to do with it."

"You be sure to let us know when you're back in town," said Noreen with a smile.

Jessie and I both smiled back at her.

Noreen and I boarded the buggy and drove back home. I told her what I knew about the magic spot and she said she was sure she'll try it out again when thinking about this afternoon.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

OH, So Hot!

thefrenchtonguethefrenchtongueover 6 years ago
Very erotic

I loved it.I'm really getting to like stories about mutual masturbation.thank you

maddictmaddictover 8 years ago
OH Hell

I wood of stayed too. A couple of brave pioneer women.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
CFNM at it's finest!

I so enjoyed the story. Thanks for sharing it with us and more please soon!

stillstrokinstillstrokinabout 15 years ago
Can't wait for the religious orgasm.....oh my God, Oh my God, Oh m-y-y-y G-g-g-g-o-o-o-d

Another enticing story. No wonder your on my favorites list. i keep looking forward to each new post. Keep up the good work.

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