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The Screamer Ch. 12


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They danced, partied and had a wonderful time. The hookers were friendly and treated Jeremy with a lot of respect. The ladyboys were all trying to get the attention of Jeremy's flight crew. They knew them and they all wanted to be them.

Diane walked up and hugged Gary and then Mark. "This is definitely one for the record books. I could be standing here naked and I'd feel overdressed. Shannon looks delicious, doesn't she?"

"Sweetheart, you look delicious yourself. Damn girl, I just might hit on you myself," Gary said.

"Oh is that right? If you do, I want written permission slips from my darlings," she said as the girls cracked up.

"Well, you delicious slut, if he won't do you, we sure will," Wendy grinned. "I think you look spectacular."

"Usually, I'm the one around here flashing my tits. I feel prudish."

Mark grabbed her, kissed her and opened her top completely. "There, I do prefer seeing your tits myself. They are such lovely tits, don't you think," he said as everyone gave thumbs up all around.

Gina and Brianna walked up and sat at the bar next to Holly and Red. Gary and Mark were standing admiring their uniforms when Mark looked down and saw the thong. "What does that say?" he said as he nudged Gary.

Gary looked; Gina and Brianna spread their lovely legs and gave them a good view. Gary started laughing and almost choked on his drink. "I love that."

"And we love you two too. What it says is what it means gentlemen. Jill's says the same thing. We particularly like the exclamation Mark," Brianna said. They looked again and that was all it took. Mark and Gary were hysterical. Mark found Jeremy and yelled, "Bro, get over here and look at these pussies"

Walking Street lived up to its reputation. Women, men and ladyboys were rented for short time and long time. The bar owners were paid and the whores departed. There was no shortage of customers. Men, women and couples from the world over were in Phucket for one reason and one reason only. They wanted to get laid and the kinkier the sex, the better.

Jill walked up and put her arms around Jeremy, "I have been propositioned so many times I've lost count darling."

There was a commotion at the door and every head in the place turned and looked at the woman who walked inside. Jeremy's jaw dropped and he shot a look at Gary. "Are you fucking kidding me? You brought Beyonce with you. Holy fuck, you know I've had a hardon for her from the first time I saw her. This is unbelievable," he said as she walked up to Gary.

"Darling, are you ever going to introduce me to this gorgeous hunk of man?" she whispered loudly. "He really is a spectacular man, isn't he?"

Mark and Gary were laughing. Jill was still draped across Jeremy's back, her tits massaging him temptingly.

"Jeremy, we'd love to introduce you to this spectacular, talented and oh so loving woman but we're afraid if we do, we'll have to kill you," Gary laughed.

"Jeremy, I'd like you to meet Linda Langford. She is my chef. Amazing isn't she?"

"Ohmigod, Linda, you are her double. You are magnificent," Jeremy said as he leaned over and kissed her. Everyone was looking at her and staring.

Eight people walked in the bar and Gary started to smile. "There you are. I've been looking for you," Tammy said. She was with one of Jeremy's men and she was smiling.

"Are you having a good time baby?" Wendy asked her.

"This is wonderful. I'm having a blast but wait till you hear this," she said as she hugged him.

JoJo walked up and kissed everyone. "You're never going to believe this one Gary. I'd like you to meet Trevor." She introduced everyone to him. "Trevor was my neighbor in Canberra. We haven't seen each other in years."

"Well, I hope you're treating my girl well Trevor."

"I am mate," he said as he flashed a bright grin. "She grew up to be a fabulous woman. I couldn't believe it when I saw her."

"I always knew he was hot, I just never thought he'd be a porn star," JoJo grinned. "Thank you so much for bringing me Gary. I love you so much."

Tammy walked up to Jeremy and told him straight out that they had heard about the party this afternoon. "We all want that too. This is not a request. Trust me, you'll love it," she smirked. "We will leave you breathless you gorgeous hunk."

Mark laughed, "You still watch Star Trek buddy?"

"You know I do," Jeremy laughed. "Why?"

Jill burst out laughing, "Resistance is futile Jeremy. You don't say no to our little firebrand."

"Ahhhh, well Tammy tell us when, we'll be there," Jeremy whispered as he bent over, picked her up and kissed her passionately. "Wait, I just figured this out. You're one of the girls from Jacksonville aren't you? I've heard all about you. Hell girl, I've been hearing about you for years."

Their lips teased each other and Jeremy stroked her body as she wrapped her legs around his waist. Her arms were wrapped around his neck as she kissed him again. "Jill told me what you were like and that I had to do the three of you at once. I can't wait. These two send me to heaven all the time. I'm like Rose, greedy and looking for the trifecta baby."

"Now you know why we love her so much," Rose giggled. "Tammy, trust me, it will be better than you think."

Jeremy kissed her again and winked at Gary. "You amaze me bro."

They wandered in and out of the clubs and bars along the way. Rose was having a conversation with a tall, gorgeous ladyboy and it was obvious she was turned on. She was sweet, funny and definitely hot. Jeremy walked up behind Rose and whispered, "She's hung like a horse darling."

"Hello Jeremy, how are you darling?" the ladyboy purred. "Are you still angry with me?"

"Not as long as you stay away from my people. Have a good evening," he said as he put his arm around Rose and steered her away.

She put her head on his shoulder and smiled. "I like a man who watches out for his girls. You're a good man Jeremy. I can say this to you now and mean it. I love you too. We all do. Now that we know all three amigos, we feel much better. You've exceeded our considerable expectations darling." She kissed him again and held him tightly.

Maya and Tila strutted into the bar. All the working girls knew them and everyone wanted their attention. The customers drooled at the familiar faces and they were propositioned constantly. They handled themselves with grace and style as they headed for the bar. The owner immediately told them he wanted them to work for him. They smiled and said something in their native language he obviously didn't like. Maya blew him a kiss and walked over to Wendy.

"I'll never doubt a word you ever say Wendy. You were so right. He made me feel loved for the first time in my life. You are so lucky. I can't believe we are going to be living close to you. I hope we will get to see you once in a while." Tila joined them as Maya was talking to Wendy. Wendy was looking at the two spectacular women and she started to laugh.

Rose and Debbie walked up and Wendy relayed Maya's hope that they might get to see them occasionally.

"Darling," Debbie said as she hugged both of them, "I think you misunderstood. There is a very good chance that you will see us every single day considering that you will be living in our home. We will see you all the time. We are going to be working together and playing together all the time."

Tila was beside herself with joy. She looked at her sister and hugged her. "Maya, our prayers have been answered."

"Now, we have a few house rules that we insist you follow completely. There is no discussion about this; it is just the way it is. For starters, we seldom wear clothing. House rules mean high heels are to be worn with or without stockings. Lingerie is always in fashion.

You are going to be living in total luxury. You will travel with us, play with us and we will love you more than you can ever imagine. I was the Asian princess but now, I have to share that title with you two and Shannon. That's great because we all know how much people enjoy Asian cuisine. You are required to have at least three mind-blowing orgasms per day at a minimum. You can suck cock from the time you get up until you go to sleep. Pussy is always on the menu so I doubt you will ever go without. Any questions?" she giggled.

"Gary said we were going to be living in Florida," Tila said. "Where in Florida will we be?"

"We live in Windermere, Florida. It is just outside of Orlando. It is a very exclusive area. You'll like it."

"Can we go to Disney World? We used to go to Disney Land in California. We loved it," Tila asked.

"You know that sounds like fun. I haven't been there in years," Gary said. "We live there, we just never go. I'm game."

"I just laid the law down Gary," Rose said. "They know about the house rules and that they can't have less than three orgasms a day. Since I lost the resident Asian goddess status, they've been told to be kind to me."

You're my Asian goddess darling. Always have been and always will be," he said as he held her warmly.

"Gary, do you mind if we take the girls out tomorrow afternoon? We have a treat in store for them," Maya asked.

"Sure darling, our dance card looks like it is going to be full all day. What did you have in mind?" Gary asked.

"We were going to treat them to a special massage, they will love it?" Maya grinned.

Jeremy's eyes rose, "Are you planning on going to Jooms baby?"

"We thought it would be a real experience for them. Jooms is a friend, I know it is safe to go there," Tila said.

"You'll have fun. I think I'll take Mark and Gary there later myself. They will enjoy themselves."

Michelle and Nom walked in and headed to the bar. She waved at everyone and sauntered over. "Have you ever walked down this street with Nom? It's wild. We've been lied to Mark. All these years we thought Jeremy ruled this town. We were wrong. Nom is number one around here. Everyone wants a piece of her."

"That is understandable. When you're that gorgeous, it just makes sense," Mark quipped.

Back at the hotel, the parties were in full force. People were making their way back to get naked and have fun.

Holly was standing in the lobby when everyone returned. Ronnie and Nancy walked in laughing their heads off. Nancy figured she could have made a million on the walk back to the hotel. Men were throwing money at her as they walked.

"If this decorating gig doesn't pan out, I know I could be a hooker in Thailand," she cried. "I feel so secure now but we lost Red somewhere along the way. Has anyone seen her?"

"Add her to the list; I haven't seen Jim since last night. The last time I saw him he was in the middle of an orgy that looked like it would last forever," Holly grinned.

Jack and Tom led the way as the entire flight crew arrived. Jill had a grin on her face a mile wide. Gina and Brianna were giggling as Nom told everyone not to wait up for them. Rick walked up, put his arms around Ainsley and literally dragged her to the elevator.

Their people were pouring back into the hotel and the sweet sounds of pure unbridled bliss soon filled every floor.

Mark had wandered away and was talking on his cell phone. "Are you okay?" Gary asked him.

"Yeah, I'm okay. According to the Doctor, she is fine. The latest surgery went perfectly. He took the bandages off today and there is no scar at all. He has two more to go and she will be perfect again. I am happy about that but once she is released, I won't even have these updates anymore. I don't know Gar; I've never done this before. I really am in love with this girl. It's probably better this way though. I am not going to change who I am for anyone."

"I'm glad she is doing well. I really am. I am serious; I want her to sign that contract. What I will never accept is for you to change who you are for anyone. You're a powerful, successful man. You are a man of principle too. We share the same values. Mark, there are millions of people who apparently believe what she believes. It is why this country is on the skids. You know it and so do I."

"The report I saw just blew me away. Obama borrowed billions of dollars from China, then turned around, and gave China a fucking grant to do scientific research. That is simply fucking insane," he said. "Anyway, I promised everyone, and I do fucking mean everyone that I would lighten up and enjoy myself."

"Listen, when I get my ass chewed from Nom and Phoc, I get the message. Everyone is concerned. I get it," Mark laughed.

"If it worked, then I did my job," Jeremy said as he walked up on the conversation. "Usually, when they are chewing your ass something pleasurable is about to happen. They are worried, we all are and we are not going to let you sink into a pity party."

"Thanks guys, I do appreciate it. What do you think the odds are of three guys getting laid in this establishment?" Mark laughed.

"I don't know about that but I do know we can get a drink in here," Gary said as they walked into the bar.

"There they are," a familiar voice said as they stood at the bar. Lindsay, Ashley and Leeann walked up with three of Jeremy's girls and three of his male stars. "We were hoping we'd find you."

Lindsay kissed Gary deeply while Ashley grabbed Mark. Leeann looked into Jeremy's eyes and purred, "My spies tell me you're great in bed. Care to prove that, Mr. Carter?"

"I don't know Leeann, that is a tall order," he said as he turned to Gary and laughed. "Someday, I'll have to teach you how to hire more outgoing people." He turned into Leeann and swept her off her feet, picked her up, put her on the bar and spread her legs. Her tiny skirt rode up and he pulled her thong to the side. He looked at her lovely pussy and ate her right there on the bar.

"We all want to party together darling," Lindsay said. "Jeremy's people are wonderful and they fuck like minks. Can we please all play together darling? It will be fun. Of course, I'd rather grab you, take you to my room, and fuck you for days on end but I can do that at home. Have I told you that I love you today baby?"

"No you haven't and frankly, my feelings were hurt," he said as he kissed her lovingly.

Leeann sat on the bar with Jeremy's face buried in her pussy, "He's pretty fucking good Gary. You definitely have some competition my love."

"Hey bitch, what am I, chopped liver?" Mark whined.

""You know I love you Mark, I just realized something. Up until a few minutes ago, I had two men in my heart. Now I have three. I like a good return on my investment," she laughed. "Oh Jeremy, get me off this bar and fuck me darling."

"Don't you just love a fiscally responsible goddess?" Mark laughed.

They decided to head back up to the orgy room. It would undoubtedly be in use but it was huge and they could have a place for all of them to play.

Ashley hugged Mark and pulled him down to her face. "You have always made me feel like a Queen and tonight, I am going to make you my King. You are the kindest, gentlest, sexy, loving man now that I know you so much better; I really want to see you being pleased tonight. Thank you for being you. I love you Mark.

With fresh drinks in hand, they entered the orgy room. Jeremy introduced his people to Gary and Mark. Lindsay directed Mark, Gary and Jeremy to lay flat on the mattresses. The Asian women were spectacular and the men were hung and gorgeous. Lindsay and her Asian friends began to massage Gary sensuously. Mark and Jeremy were getting the same treatment.

"You are the perfect man Gary," Lindsay whispered. "We own your body tonight," she said as she leaned in and kissed him passionately."

Six hands teased his body, stroked his flesh and toyed with his cock. The Asian girl kissed him and licked his nipples. He felt a pair of lips take his cock and begin to lick his rapidly hardening shaft. Lindsay kissed him and her girlfriend did as well. The lips on his cock were good and he swallowed him completely.

The Asian girl dropped her pussy onto Gary's lips and she tasted sweet. Her body was wonderful, beautifully proportioned and definitely sexy.

Lindsay licked her nipples while she rode Gary's face. Lindsay licked her lips, her tits and her stomach as her hands spread her pussy got Gary's tongue. She slid down and began kissing his chest and down to join the man with his cock in his mouth. Both sets of lips sucked him and she pulled Gary's legs up and spread them wide. She took his cock back into her mouth while his ass was being licked and fingered. Lindsay grabbed his ankles and he felt a thick cock press against his ass. She sucked him gently as the long heavy cock filled his ass.

Lindsay leaned into his ear and whispered, "He fucked my ass earlier today. It felt so good. I wanted you to experience him darling. He's good isn't he?" She took his cock back into her mouth and sucked him while his ass was being stretched erotically.

"That's it baby, fuck his ass. Is his ass as tight as mine is? It is so hot watching you fuck his ass, here, let me stretch his ass for you baby. Don't you just love her pussy baby? I could eat her for hours," Lindsay purred.

She pulled his cock from her lips and she felt his cock stretch her loving pussy perfectly. With each stroke in his ass, his cock jumped in her tight twat. She kissed the man and rode Gary hard. The girl on his lips was cumming and he drove her wild with his tongue. The cock inside him was great and Lindsay was her usually wonderful self.

By the end of the evening, every woman received the full three-amigo treatment. Each woman ended the evening airtight and incomprehensible. All the men filled every opening repeatedly and when Lindsay and Gary headed for bed, she told him something special.

"Tonight was wonderful. Every time I make love to you, it is always special but the best is yet to come. Tomorrow, I will have achieved a goal that I hope will be repeated someday."

"What goal darling?" he asked as he kissed her passionately again.

"My one goal, from the first day I met you was to one day wake up in your arms. I want to hold you, love you, kiss you and fuck you forever my darling."

They made love again and when they awoke, it was special. Lindsay loved this man with all her heart and she made no bones about it. The great part of this was that his girls knew exactly how she felt and they loved her as much as she loved them.

Gary lit a cigarette and passed it to Lindsay as the door to his suite opened and the girls walked in. They saw her lying in bed with the sweetest smile on her face. They kissed each other good morning and kissed Gary wonderfully.

"Holly is on the way up. We figured this would be as good a time as any to drop this bomb on Lindsay," Wendy said sternly.

The smile vanished completely from Lindsay's face. She didn't say a word because she was scared half to death. Holly walked in wearing her heels and nothing else. She stood at the end of the bed with her legs spread and her hands on her hips.

"Girl, I'm not very happy with you. From the get go I've told everyone that if this thing was going to work that you had to be honest with me and not hide anything from me. I did say that, didn't I?" Holly demanded.

"Yes, and that is exactly what I've done," Lindsay said.

"Bullshit," Rose said, as she got right into Lindsay's face. "Why is it that we have to come half way around the world to find out that your lease on your apartment is up and you have to move in three weeks?"

"I'm going to kill Hank. I told him not to say anything until we got back. I know I have to talk to you about where you want me to be. I don't want to sign a lease only to have to break it in a few months. I don't know where I am going to be. I just didn't want to bring it up while we were on this trip. I'm sorry, I should have said something earlier," she said.

"You're damned right you should have. Now we are going to have to find a place for you to live. It's not as if we don't already have a shitload of work to do. I mean this is serious," Debbie said angrily. "Fuck Lindsay, what is the matter with you girl?"

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