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The Screamer Ch. 12


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Jooms started laughing, "Gary and I have been friends for a long time. I don't know if you know it but he is a writer and I read everything he writes. He wrote a story a long time ago about a party he was at. He described a fabulous fuck table that his friend had built and I just had to have one. I had several done until I got it right and I love it."

"I told you, darling. That had to be where she got it. They are perfect," Nancy said to Red.

Jooms sat there, stunned. "Ohmigod, your Red and you would have to be Nancy if memory serves me right. I thought you were fictional, actually. Ohmigod, you are real. I love that story. Tell me; was the Connie character really like that?"

Red burst out laughing, "Seriously Jooms, Connie was the sexiest, hottest, horniest women we've ever met. She is a real person and one of the wildest fucks we've ever had."

She looked at Nancy and wondered, "In Gary's story, you're a submissive little slut. He sure described both of you perfectly. Darling, Jooms pussy needs your gorgeous face to pay attention to it. I just love Red meat. I don't get that much of it in Thailand."

Jooms spent a half hour licking Red and loving it. Her male attendant walked in and saw Nancy licking Jooms perfect pussy and he decided he wanted some of the little blonde. He began to lick her and then she felt his long cock slide into her.

"Oh fuck, this is spectacular, don't stop. Give it all to me. I love it," she cried.

The next four hours were spent with orgasms exploding, cum splashing onto waiting faces, tongues and teeth. Everyone was exhausted as they headed into the Limos. They kissed Jooms deeply and promised to see her the next time they were in Thailand.

"Don't be surprised to see the three of them later," Wendy said. "I know they want to come and see you."

"That is if they can walk," Rose giggled. "We've had a marvelous day. They, on the other hand had a line up a mile long to take care of. All Tammy could say this morning was uptight alright airtight."

"What the fuck do you think I'm looking for baby," Jooms said. "Let me tell you a not so secret secret. Those three men are the best I've ever had. Put the three of them together with one woman and she is in for the night of her life. I'm pretty certain you know what I mean," she said as she kissed them goodbye.

Tammy was waiting in the lobby when they returned. She had the wildest smile on her face anyone had ever seen.

"Well, where is my camera when I need one," she grinned. "I swear, you fucking look like you've just taken on the entire US Military Complex. It is up in the air if you survived though," she smirked.

"Listen to little miss prude. Did you have a good time baby," Debbie asked her. "Where are they?"

"Yes darling, I have had the best time and they are still at it. They can't be stopped. All of Jeremy's girls wanted the same treatment and they are giving it to them. Those three are unstoppable."

"That is exactly how we trained them," Brenda said as she helped a wobbly Jill to a chair.

"I'm glad they are busy, I'm going to lie down for a while," Rose said. "I'm exhausted."

Everyone looked at her in astonishment. She grinned and walked into the elevator.

Someone mumbled something and everyone turned to see Lori with a huge grin on her face. She tried to say something but nothing came out.

"Don't mind her; she lost her voice in the hot tub."

"She lost her voice or her vocal chords?" Aleka grinned. "Fuck that was wild. I'm going to lie down too. Lori, you had better get me another movie soon. My pussy is going to need a rest."

Ronnie and the rest walked into the hotel singing, 'Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy.' "I'll be fine, seriously I will. You'll know it when it happens. Once my eyes straighten out, I'll be fine," she laughed.

Tori and Karen walked in with Maya and Tila. "We're going to lie down for a bit, care to join us?" Tori whispered.

"Lead the way baby," Tila cooed.

The next day was a very lazy day at the hotel. There was a lot of hugging, handholding and not much else. Ronnie had commandeered a cabana by the rooftop pool and she held court with Brenda and Diane. Jack and Tom stopped in and they compared notes. Everyone agreed that this was an amazing experience.

"Ronnie, next time we're here, we'll take you to some of the strangest places you've ever seen. What you've seen so far has been wonderful but there are so many off the wall kinky things going on all the time. Honestly, I don't even want to think about them right now," Tom said as he stroked her stomach. "I never thought I'd say this but if you told me to fuck you right now, I'd respectfully decline. Keep in mind, I love you dearly darling."

"I know you do baby," she laughed. "Trust me, I can relate."

Mark, Gary and Jeremy walked out onto the pool deck carrying huge Bloody Mary's.

"What is redder, those drinks or your eyes?" Michelle giggled. "Were you three going for a world's record?"

"Michelle, I love you with all my heart. If you mention sex to me, you are going into the pool!" Mark exclaimed.

Red, Nancy and Jill arrived. They kissed the guys and sipped their drinks. "Jooms wants to see the three of you," Red said.

"Hey, you knew you were going to get that message. I told you. You didn't believe me but I know her too well," Jeremy laughed.

"She is a real fan of Gary's writings. Did you know she duplicated Bob's table?" Red asked.

"Seriously, she did that?" Gary said. "I hear from her all the time. She is a harsh critic. Well, I can tell you this, we'll go see her, just not today. We need a rest."

"I am so glad to hear that," Nancy smirked. "I'm surprised that Jill is even awake."

"I do remember hearing about your triumphant return from the land of the giants," Mark roared. "What's the matter darling, did you finally meet your match?"

"I met something; I think it had MACK on the hood though. Get me a drink. Where are the girls?"

"Last I heard; they were snoring like lumberjacks. I think they had a good time," Gary smiled.

The last couple of days, many great friendships were cemented. Jeremy's people took the Americans all over and showed them so many wonderful sites. Jooms got a visit from her guys and when they left her, she was beaming with the adoration she held for each of them.

The jets were loaded and eventually they lifted into the air. They had papers to sign in Honolulu. The acquisition department had negotiated a very good deal and they eventually obtained the property at a price that made sense. Daniel, Kono and the girls were pleased.

They stayed the night in Honolulu. For most, it was their first time on the island. They loved it. The Hawaiian contingent took them to an authentic Hawaiian Luau and everyone had a great time. Holly and Linda were more interested in the food and presentation. Luaus were not something they had in their repertoire.

Time was marching on. Mark had a lot of business to take care of in Las Vegas. Gary and his crew had a ton of work ahead of them in Florida. Ainsley had to get back to Fort Worth and Aleka went to Orlando to work with Holly, Red and Nancy on the Hawaiian property.

Mark enjoyed his time in Thailand but upon his return, he was preoccupied with Cherry. His professional life was normal but his personal life was a mess. He lost weight constantly. When he wasn't working, he sat online hoping to see her but she was seldom there. When he did see her, either she ignored him or mocked him. He knew he had to snap out of this but it was hard to do.

Construction was progressing well in Orlando, Las Vegas, Nashville, Dallas, Miami, LA and Honolulu. Everything was on schedule. The other properties were purchased and scheduled.

It had been over a month since they returned from Thailand when Mark received a call from Dr. Bowen informing him that Cherry was going to be released. Her face was perfect, as she had healed wonderfully. Michelle arranged to have Lori's pilots Dave and Ron fly her and her parents back home. She took a couple of weeks to rest at home and she returned to the Peeler Palace the last week of July.

Brenda held auditions in Las Vegas and New York. The professional dancers were selected. Additional dancers were selected for first seven clubs. Training was ongoing and Orlando was a beehive of activity.

Shannon was pleased with the Country Club products. Ainsley's boots, shoes, hats and chaps were spectacular. Gary approved the new lines and the factory was producing product at a furious rate.

Red and Nancy were working at fevers pitch and the illustrations they had prepared were spectacular. The clubs were going to be amazing.

Pierre arrived in Orlando and looked at the completely remodeled house. He agreed that it was perfect to shoot the Country catalog. He brought in his film crew and his photographers.

Everything was falling into place. Holly was working constantly. Jim was sharing the workload, which was enormous. The girls were interviewing candidates for the retail stores. Brenda and Joy were, of course, the first two to be selected to manage the Honolulu store. Their familiarity with the product was proving to be helpful in many ways.

Property was purchased on Oklahoma City at a very good price. New York was a different story. Mark had made the call and several properties were looked at. Gary, Holly and Mark had spent several days looking at prospective properties. New construction was out of the question due to costs however, many properties were available that would allow them the size and configuration they would need right in the Times Square area of Manhattan. Acquisition and remodel cost would be enormous however; the projected return would make this location a viable and highly visible return on investment.

Training had increased dramatically and they learned the computer systems that would be in place nationwide. The system would reduce the paperwork, increase efficiency and keep a close look on the bottom line in real time. The first nine centers had received their management assignments and everyone was pleased. Every aspect of starting this project presented serious challenges however; the problem-solving ability of these people was astonishing.

Help Wanted ads were run in the Orlando papers and the response was overwhelming. Each full center was going to need 476 employees, not counting the retail store. Centers such as Nashville, San Francisco and Miami would need 238 employees. There were over 8,800 jobs in total that would be created in the next year not counting the construction jobs.

Holly looked at the spreadsheet Gary created outlining the projections and when she read the bottom-line, all the color drained from her lovely face.

"This is much different from the numbers I had projected. How confident are you with these numbers?" she asked.

Gary explained that the figures were, at best, an estimate but if they turned out to be accurate, the entire project would far exceed her wildest expectations.

"You'll notice I haven't included figures from the retail store. Those expenses are mine, not yours. When I ran the numbers, I was shocked at the number of employees so I went back and redid the figures again. We better get cracking darling, the first two centers open in just over two months," Gary explained.

"Has Mark seen these figures yet?" she asked.

"It definitely changed his mood somewhat. I sent him this file a while ago. He had run similar figures and they were very close to these. We told you darling, we work with large numbers. Now, we just need to get everything in place. We are going to have to set up a training facility right here. Jim might be the perfect person to put that together."

"I think it is time to tell everyone exactly what is going to be required. When will Orlando and Las Vegas be ready? I was told we'd be in by the third week of August in Orlando. Is there any change to that?" Holly asked.

"According to what I've been told, everything is not only on schedule but it is actually a little bit ahead of schedule. This is a good thing."

Later that afternoon, they held a meeting and broke everything down for everyone. To say they were getting excited would definitely be an understatement.

"I want to ask each one of you to think of someone, just like you, who we should be looking at. Each one of you are part of our family, you know what we want. We're betting that you know at least one person who is so much like you that we'd be foolish not to bring them into the fold."

"Do they have to be 'certifiable'?" Lindsay giggled.

Holly burst out laughing, "You're here because you were 'certifiable' darling. Of course, I want 'certifiable' men and women. We have to have our core people to know everything if we are going to be successful. The people you bring in will hold management positions. That means they will be spending time here and in Las Vegas. Raise your hands if you think sending a non-certified person to Mark is a good idea."

Gary laughed as not one single hand was raised. "They've learned their lessons well," he laughed as the big screen came to life in the playhouse.

"I was sitting here getting worried," Mark laughed from Las Vegas. "If anyone of you had raised your hands, I wouldn't have said a word. Dani is another matter though. She has been known to hold a grudge."

Everyone laughed at that. Dani was a hellcat if ever there was one.

"I have some very good news though. Our talent scouts have been very busy. Currently, we have thirty-two new acts. We have already signed twenty-five of them and the rest will be signed within the week. We have also arranged for some spectacular opening night performers for Orlando and Las Vegas. I think you'll be very impressed."

Over the next few days, interviews were held and employees were hired in Las Vegas and Orlando. Holly and Ainsley had flown to Las Vegas while Jim and Lindsay took care of the Orlando interviews.

Holly called Gary to let him know that she was very concerned about Mark. "He's lost a lot of weight. Jackson says he isn't eating and he isn't talking to Michelle or Dani. They are worried sick about his too."

"He looked like shit when I talked to him yesterday and I chewed his ass out. He basically told me to go fuck myself that he was alright," Gary sighed.

"This project is the only thing that is keeping him going. He is committed to making this a success. He won't sleep with Michelle, Dani tried to blow him, and he snapped at her. I'm worried baby."

"Thanks for letting me know darling. I'm here if you need me. Any change whatsoever, you call me immediately. I love you baby," Gary told her.

Mark had just returned from the construction site. He was extremely pleased with the progress. The structure was enclosed and they were beginning the installation of the massive mechanical stages. Once that was complete, work could continue at a very rapid pace. He had driven up to In-N-Out burger and ordered a couple of burgers. He was actually hungry today and that surprised him a lot.

He watched a movie and went online. As usual, she wasn't there. He looked at his watch and realized that she was at work. George had let him know that she had returned to work at the Peeler Palace last week. He wondered if she had received the package that he had sent her. The one thing he was sure of was that her views were so deeply entrenched that no amount of reasoning would ever change her mind. That saddened him but he had accepted it. He saw no other option.

He roamed around, restless and unfocused. He went to the game room and played video poker for a while. He tired of that and played some pinball. He poured himself a Snakebite, went, and watched the news. He had just decided to go to bed when his private phone rang. It was Ted from the Peeler Palace. Mark looked at his watch and realized it was the middle of the night back there. Ted told him that the detective who handled Cherry's case had just left his office. They had apparently learned that the punks who had attacked her had put a contract out on her life.

"They what?" Mark screamed. "Ted, for Christ's sake, what are they doing about this?"

"Apparently, the Gang Task Force discovered this about an hour ago. They contacted Detective Thompson immediately and he has officers sitting surveillance on her house right now. They haven't let her know yet. Apparently, they don't have enough evidence to press charges. A bank surveillance video shows her going into the alley of her own free will. I'm sorry Mark. She has to get out of here. I talked to George and he said she could come to Las Vegas and work at Sapphires. I wanted to let you know. You've more than proven to me how much you care about her. I knew I had to let you know."

"Ted, I can't thank you enough. Can I call you back in a few minutes? I want to make a few telephone calls. If she is willing, I have a place for her to stay. I do not want her to know I'm behind it but I have to get her to safety immediately."

"I can tell you this, I'm not going to get any sleep so definitely, call me back. I'll help with anything you want done. I'll call George and tell him," he said as Michelle stepped off the elevator informing him that George was on line one.

"Ted, I have George on the other line. I'll call you back right away," Mark said and hung up.

"Mark, what is going on?" George won't tell me but he is nearly hysterical. "Tell me she is alright please."

Mark filled her in, told her to wake up his chief investigator and tell him to get ten of his new security men he was training and get them to the airport.

"Wake Dani up and get her up here right away," he said as he hit the button to take George's call.

Dani came running into his office and he told her what had happened.

"Go get her, get her out of there and bring her here immediately. Her life is in danger and I won't tolerate that for one minute. There will be heavy security on the plane, on the ground and in the club when she gets to work. I know that she is going to freak right out. Don't mention my name; just get her ass out of there. I am calling Phil and we'll take care of her house. Michelle will arrange to have everything moved here and put in storage. Put her in our nicest apartment."

"I know what apartment I want to put her in," Dani stated in a stern voice. "I'm tired of pussy-footing around this issue. I'll go get her. You have a huge empty closet. Let's put her clothes where they belong. Dammit, I want you back. I'm tired of watching you kill yourself. We want our man back and we want him back now."

"I appreciate what you've said. For now, put her in our nicest apartment hon. Someday, it may happen but I'm not holding my breath. Just get her back here in one piece." He gave her Ted's phone number. Vehicles would be available when they landed.

Michelle was busy making rental car arrangements for the crew when they landed. Rick and Phil were in the car to the hangar. She had never seen them before and she might not make the connection. The security men were assembling. Jackson buzzed up and told him that Ralph Swanson, his head investigator was downstairs and he wanted to talk to Mark before he left.

"How serious is this threat Mark? I have a hell of a lot of contacts back at the FBI. They are good men and they don't like threats like this at all."

"You've seen the evidence Ralph. They don't have enough to charge them but they aren't taking any chances. What I would like is to have your friends put them under the microscope. I mean put them through the wringer. If there is anything, anything at all, I want them busted and put away for a long time. They think they picked a fight with a stripper. They have no idea who they are fighting. I want them fucked for the rest of their miserable lives. Anything your boys can do would be greatly appreciated. I think Detective Thompson and his police force would be most willing to help."

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