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The Screamer Ch. 12

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A sex filled week in Thailand, they party at Jooms.
23.4k words

Part 12 of the 12 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 06/19/2011
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"Is everyone packed," Gary said as Holly handed him a Rum Runner. "We are heading into the sex capital of the world and I want our people turning heads every place we go. I can't wait to hear the comments on Walking Street."

Phil did a double take, "Are we going to go to Walking Street? I've heard about that place. I am told it is wild."

"We are taking over a hotel at the end of Walking Street. Our friend Jeremy has it all arranged. I hope this little effort has gotten you in shape Phil. Jeremy is the world's largest Asian porn producer. Every room will be filled with our people and his performers. Talk about a fuckfest. This is going to be it."

"Ohmigod, is she one of his performers? That woman over there is magnificent," he said as he nodded towards Shannon who had just arrived.

Jill laughed, "Shannon, hiya gorgeous." Shannon walked over and kissed Gary and Jill. She hugged Michelle and Holly and turned to Rick and Phil.

"Hi there, I'm Shannon. Are you Michelle's new pilots?"

"Shannon is the women behind my designs. She isn't just the sexiest Korean Goddess on the planet; she is also one of the world's best fashion designers. She's always in demand but don't worry, she won't bite."

"Oh quit your fucking lying Gary," Rose laughed as the girls walked up to the bar. "She bites but it feels so good when she does it."

"We're packed; Tammy is a hoot though. She's a storm trooper. She has her heels on, she has a clipboard in her hand and she is making certain everyone has their passports. She's barking orders and organizing everything. Linda has made enough food to feed everyone for forty plus hours we'll be in the air. There is enough booze onboard to keep everyone happy round trip," Wendy reported.

"Two things come to mind, you say she is wearing her heels but what else is she wearing?

"She is wearing two wonderful smiles darling," Debbie smirked. "God, I love that girl."

"Remind me to thank Mark for the Rum Run he and Ainsley made in Grand Cayman. I love that stuff."

Gina and Brianna came out of the pool and walked over to kiss Shannon hello. "You look absolutely stunning again dear," Gina said to her.

"Delicious is a better word," Rose said as she walked up to Shannon and put her arm around her waist. "The only problem with Asian Food is that you can eat your heart out and fifteen minutes later, you're hungry for more," she snickered.

"That, my friends is what I have to put up with. I have two of the sexiest Asians in my life and they never cease to let me know how special they are. I can't win," Gary whined.

"Yeah, like you're complaining boss," Shannon snapped with her sparkling eyes blazing. "Every man I know would kill to change places with you for just one day."

"What time are we going to Miami tomorrow Gary," Brianna asked.

"We can fly out around 11am. Everything is ready. We can be back here by 2pm., relax and spend the rest of the day and then we head out to Thailand. Diane is in Miami and we're picking her up there. On the way west, we have to pick up Ainsley. We pick up Aleka in LA and we are going to have a layover for about two hours. Mark found us a property and Holly and I want to see it. Same thing is going to happen in Honolulu. Daniel and Kono found us a fabulous property on the water with great sunset views. We have to see that one right away. Then, it is on to Thailand."

The jets were picked up, loaded, fueled and everyone was finally onboard. Gary's jet stopped in Dallas and picked up Ainsley. The rest flew directly to Las Vegas. Phil and Rick taxied to the hangar where Mark, Dani, Lori, Jack, Tom and Jackson were waiting. Several of the gang jumped on Mark's jet to equalize the load and they headed to LA.

Aleka was waiting and they took her to look at the property. Mark and Gary told her about the plans for Honolulu and she was thrilled. They told her they were going to see the property that Kono and Daniel had picked out and they wanted her to see it. She told them she had access to everything they needed. She had relatives who did authentic Luau's and they would dearly love a full time job. She also had a long list of Hawaiian dancers that would blow their collective minds.

Everyone agreed that the LA property was perfect and Mark called back to Las Vegas and told his acquisition department to make the offer on the LA property as well.

When they returned, all the jets were fueled and ready to take off. Mark, Michelle, Jill, Gary and his women, Ainsley, Red and Nancy, Holly, Jim, Aleka, Dani and DeeDee climbed onto Mark's jet. They wanted to pick Aleka's brain as Hawaii had its challenges. Jack and Tom saw who was onboard and they went into high gear. The plane erupted repeatedly with their wisecracks. Many important details were learned and by the time they were on final approach, everyone had dressed and made themselves presentable. Well, not everyone.

Mark picked up the in cabin intercom mike. "Will the two cocksuckers please get dressed?"

A rousing chorus of, "We are dressed," was heard throughout the cabin. Mark looked around and laughed at the many smiling faces grinning back at him.

"I think he meant us," Jack came back over the intercom. "I don't know why he would think we'd be flying in the nude. Sheesh boss, give us a break."

Michelle flipped a switch and the main big screen switched to the cockpit view showing two stark naked pilots with massive hardons at the controls. She picked up the mike and purred, "We had the same electronics installed on here as on our old jet. You're busted!"

"I want to know why they still have hardons." Holly exclaimed.

Tom flipped a switch and the cabin was flooded with shrieks, moans and the sounds of one hell of an orgy going on.

"We've been monitoring Gary's jet. Seems they know how to party on that jet. I didn't realize we were flying the old farts this time," Jack whined.

Gary and Mark got up and walked into the cockpit. "Get your ass back in the cabin. We'll show you who is old or not." They took control and landed in lovely Honolulu.

They walked out of the cockpit and Tom yelled, "You're hired."

Mark grinned and yelled back, "Good, you're fired."

Jack laughed, "Fifth time this week. It's getting old boss."

Aleka made several phone calls, "They will meet us at the property. The limos should be here in a few minutes."

They arrived at the property and met Aleka's relatives. They walked the property and they had a great meeting. The property was expensive but that was expected.

Daniel and Kono's advice was important as was Brenda and Joy's.

Mark called Las Vegas and told his acquisition people to start immediately to purchase the property. He called their architect and told him what they were doing. Mark was assured that no additional problems could be expected, as the general contractor they were using was also one of Hawaii's largest builders.

They were good to go in Hawaii. If the property could be purchased reasonably, they had the Luau and dancers already in place. In fact, they had everything in place except for the chefs. Holly knew she was going to have to find someone who was used to Hawaiian and Japanese cuisine as well as everything else they were going to have. Honolulu would prove to be unique.

"If I have my way, it will also be "The Place" for Miss Hawaii's to hang out. That, in and of itself, will draw millions of visitors every year," Aleka said.

They boarded, happy as could be and headed for Thailand. Gary and Jill were at the controls and Mark and Ainsley were piloting Mark's jet. Jeff and Alan were partying hard in the cabin of Gary's jet and Phil and Rick were entertaining the crowd behind Mark and Ainsley.

Henry and Glen had the G550 under control and Gina and Brianna had Mark's G5 well under control. Jill was talking to the other pilots and when she got Gina on the radio, she burst out laughing. She flipped a switch and asked Gina to repeat her last message.

"This is Orgy4, we are flying at 32,000 feet at a speed of 560 mph and we are experiencing extreme turbulence. There is a terrible sound coming from the cabin. It sounds like at least a dozen cats are being skinned alive back there."

Gary started laughing, "I wondered which jet Holly was on. Thank you for the update Orgy 4, Orgy 1 out"

Gary laughed and told Jill to find out where Brenda, Holly, Dani and Michelle were. She talked to the jets and told them to have them meet with Gary and Mark on the tarmac when they landed.

"You know what's coming, don't you?" Gary asked Jill. "I can't wait to see what outfits Nom & Phoc will be wearing. Brenda gets Jeremy first."

Gary called Jeff and Alan to the cockpit and they handed over the controls. Jill went and changed and Gary shaved and put on a clean shirt. The jets landed and they were directed to a hangar on the far side of the airport.

They deplaned and lined up at the front of Gary's jet. Two limos and two large busses pulled up to the hangar. The drivers opened the door to the first limo and a tall, good-looking man stepped out accompanied by four of the sexiest, airline pilots wearing micro-mini skirts and the tiniest tops you ever saw.

"I didn't see that coming," Gary said to Mark.

Michelle laughed, "I did."

Brenda threw her arms around Jeremy, hugged, kissed him, and didn't let him go. "You look so good Jeremy. Damn, I've missed you."

The x-rated airline pilots walked into Mark and Gary's arms and kissed them deeply.

"Damn girls, you are looking hot as hell. I love those outfits," Gary said.

"Please thank Shannon for us. She did a great job on these," Nom whispered.

"You can thank her yourself," he said as Shannon walked up and kissed Jeremy lovingly. "Darling, you look good enough to eat."

"I'll hold you to that my love. Talk about looking good, holy shit, I didn't think it was possible but you get better looking every time I see you," Jeremy said as he kissed her again.

"Darling, you've never met Nom, Phoc, Filo and Jasmine have you?" he asked as they stepped forward.

"No I haven't and I never thought my designs would look this good either. I'm going to have fun playing with you," She smiled and kissed each one of them.

They hugged and kissed everyone. Jeremy kissed Jill and turned to Michelle. Their kiss was sweet and Holly walked up and grabbed him. She spun him around and laid a lip lock on him that was awe-inspiring.

He hugged Mark and Gary and suggested they get out of the 112-degree heat. The pilots went and assisted the rest of the group loading everything onto the bus. They headed out of Bangkok for Phucket. The pilots spoke perfect English and they would act as tour guides on the way to Phucket.

Jeremy spent a lot of time talking to Rose, Debbie and Wendy. He looked at Gary and asked, "How does one ugly motherfucker like you wind up with three of the most delicious women?" He turned and looked back at the girls, "The asshole hit the mother lode this time. You are spectacular. Welcome to the family."

The ride to Phucket reminded everyone of a video arcade game. Bangkok traffic was beyond insane. The drivers somehow managed to avoid hitting people, bicycles and cars.

"I have a wonderful reception planned when we get there. All of my staff is there and they are all ready for a week of pure unbridled fun. I've a lot of new talent and they are wonderful. Did I see Jackson get off the plane?"

"Yeppers, you did. You had better warn them. He's here for pussy and Thai food," Mark laughed.

"Is he the only straight guy?"

"Yes and he's afraid he might break some of your girls."

Jeremy laughed loudly and told him he was going to be in for a surprise. "I'll fix him up with a woman who will blow his fucking mind."

When they arrived at the hotel, rooms were assigned and luggage was delivered. Every person had his or her own room and their own personal guide compliments of Jeremy. Not all but most of Jeremy's performers spoke English and as the Americans walked into their room; they were greeted by the sexiest men and women in Thailand.

"Are you kidding me?" Debbie whispered in Gary's ear. "Look at these people. They are gorgeous. I'm surprised though. Most of the women are Asian but the men seem to be from all over the world."

"That is because they are honey," Gary said as he kissed her ear. "You look absolutely delicious yourself darling. The women are from all over the Orient while the men are mainly European and Australian. They will keep you going non-stop baby."

The rooms were luxurious and spacious. Every single room had been designed for one purpose and one purpose only. Hot, delicious, glorious sex was the only reason people stayed in this establishment. Tourists came from the world over to indulge in the forbidden fruits of the Orient. Thailand was renowned for its non-stop no-holds barred sex. Anything you could want was available.

Jeremy, to his credit, had never crossed the line. He produced some of the hottest porn on the planet but he never had anything to do with children or animals. There were many who catered to that market but it would not happen with him.

Rose and Wendy were escorted to the suite by two good-looking hunks who introduced themselves as Hans and Eric. Hans was from Norway and Eric was from Ireland.

"I hope everything is satisfactory darling," Nom purred as she and Phoc walked into Gary's suite. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him again. "You just get better looking every time we see you darling. I have something for you." She unbuttoned his shirt and walked behind him. She slipped a gold thin necklace around his neck. It had an ID tag that read 'Gary' on it.

Phoc did the same to Debbie while Hans and Eric gave Rose and Wendy theirs.

"Darling, unless we are going outside, chances are everyone will be deliciously naked so Jeremy thought that these would help keep peoples names straight," she said as she began to caress his crotch. "I know one thing I plan on keeping straight my love."

Phoc started to laugh as he took Debbie's hand, "Eric and Hans will escort these lovely ladies to their rooms. We have the four luxury suites on this floor assigned to you. Everyone will have their own room but most of the time, everyone leaves their doors open. We are planning to party a lot ladies. The reception will begin in an hour. Let's go get you settled in to your suites."

"Gary, is Mark alright?" Nom asked. "He seems to be distracted hon. I've never seen him like this. Jeremy asked us to keep him busy and keep his mind off things."

Nom poured Gary a drink and they sat while Gary brought him up to speed on what was really going on. Nom and Phoc had been friends with them for years. Nom was upset at what she heard.

"We'll look after him darling. He is too good a friend. I know everyone here is going to be fucking themselves senseless this week and that's great but we'll keep an eye on him and make sure that he smiling."

"Just remember not to forget Jill, Dani, DeeDee or Michelle. They have been soaked waiting to get their hands on you," Gary grinned. "I have a woman who is going to rock your world my dear. In fact, I want the four of you to do her and Mark, Jeremy, Jill, Michelle, and my girls and I are going to watch. I was thinking about this on the flight over. She is going to rock your world. Let's go down to the reception."

They walked out into the hall and heard Debbie in the suite next door. They laughed and walked into a scene Gary would long remember. Debbie was kneeling, her hands massaging Phoc's spectacular tits and his nine-inch cock was firmly planted in her throat. Her thighs were drenched and she was having a fantastic time.

"My darling likes cock with her tits I see," Gary giggled.

"Baby, she comes by it naturally. You love it too. Darling, where did you find them? They are gorgeous women. You hit a home run baby," Nom purred.

Debbie looked up at Gary, took Phoc from her lips and smiled, "I want to do all of them. This is the wildest, kinkiest thing I've ever done and I'm just getting started. Holy Fuck Baby!"

Nom walked over, took Phoc's cock and licked it. "Debbie, my sweet delicious Debbie. We have two hundred of the top Asian Porn stars downstairs and they all want to do you."

She mumbled something unintelligible as she looked at her with fluttering eyes. She was cumming hard with that great dick in her throat.

"See you downstairs darling," Gary said as he kissed her cheek and licked Phoc's shaft as it slid into her mouth.

They stopped in and found Debbie cumming on Eric's long hard cock. She saw them enter just as a massive orgasm overtook her. Eric had a great cock and he definitely was good at what he did. Nom walked over, kissed her, and told her they would see her downstairs.

Rose and Hans were just getting dressed when they popped in. "Gary, where did this spectacular woman come from. I'm a fucking porn star and I've never fucked a more spectacular woman in my life. Don't let Jeremy get his hands on her. There will be bloodshed, I just know it," Hans smiled.

"I'm just going to fix my makeup baby and we'll be right down," Rose said as she bounded across the room and kissed him deeply. "I love you, my darling."

They walked into the banquet hall and the sea of beautiful people was amazing. Nom wasn't kidding, there had to be at least two hundred people in the room with more arriving constantly.

Mark and Jeremy were standing at the bar and Gary walked over to get a drink. "It looks like business is good. You have a gorgeous crop of new talent. I see a lot of new faces. How have you been?"

"I'm doing okay; been busy as hell. Our production schedule is up almost 20% and the demand is amazing. Everything is high def and the new equipment is making all the difference in the world. It is also making it easier to recruit some of the sexiest women on earth. Speaking of that, how are you getting the fourth jet home? None of your people is leaving Thailand. I'm hiring all of them," he laughed.

"Who are you hiring?" Jill said as she and Brenda walked up to them.

"Apparently, he is about to do his Donald Trump impression. He's firing all of our people."

"Oh he is, is he? What are we supposed to do to make a living if he does that?" Jill laughed.

"Well, it seems you are the new stars of Bangkok Erotic Entertainment. In fact, every one of our people is now a porn star," Mark said in his best Ronald Reagan impression.

"Baby, are you going to film little old Brenda while she fucks everyone here?" She leaned over and kissed him. "You better have a lot of empty harddrive space my love. Brenda is going to fuck the crap out of everyone here, starting with the four of you. It's been way too long since we've really let it rip."

Jill had a tear in the corner of her eye. Mark leaned over and kissed her. Jeremy took her in his arms and held her close. "Brenda, you do realize how lucky we've been. I just feel blessed to have these three men in my life. I mean, to me, they are my husbands. I love them and I love you for teaching us. Thank you darling," Jill said as she kissed Brenda passionately.

"Before this night is over, none of us will be able to walk, mark my words," Brenda purred.

"That is why I'm here," Gary said.

"Me too," said Mark. "It's not like we don't get enough world-class pussy back home. I just want to go back to a time in my life where there were no problems, just pleasure with the two women I love more than I can ever tell."

Everyone had apparently arrived and Jeremy grabbed the microphone. He spoke in Thai and then in English. He welcomed everyone and introduced Mark, Michelle, Gary, Jill, Brenda, Wendy, Debbie and Rose to the assembled group.

"I know that I have a real treat for all of you," he said as he turned to Mark and Gary. "I've learned their culture over the years and they have learned a lot about America from me. One of the things they have become addicted to is the NFL." He turned back to the crowd and continued. "I have a wonderful friend who has joined us and I want to introduce you all to former Cincinnati Bengal Center, Mr. Jackson Martin. Jackson stand up please."

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