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The Screamer Ch. 12


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"We went to USC and majored in Internet Design. We have different minors. Mine is in Communication and Tila's is in Photojournalism. We both graduated at the top of our class. Unfortunately, web design over here is so cheap that it is hard to make a living. If we could have stayed in the states, we would have been all right," Maya explained.

"Who is the oldest, you or your sister?"

Maya laughed, "I am the oldest by five minutes. We are twins Gary. She and I are identical."

"Where is your sister now Maya?"

"The last I saw her she was spending the night with Mark. Jeremy grabbed us and told us to get to know you two men very well. He has always been so good to us. Mark seems like a wonderful man too. I can see why you are all friends. We haven't met Jill yet but we have seen her. She is exactly how Jeremy described her, spectacular."

"Did you two have student Visa's?" Gary asked.

"Initially, we did but we applied for Green Cards while we were at school. We have them, now, all we need are jobs and we can go back. Maybe someday, we can come and visit you Gary. I know I would really love that."

"Does Jeremy know you are thinking about going back to the states?" he asked.

"He told me to ask you if you might know anyone who could use our services. He doesn't want us to wind up on Walking Street. I will always love him for that," Maya smiled.

"I just might know someone Maya, I just might," Gary laughed as he thought how spectacularly Jeremy had just set him up. "I have two women with me on this trip I would like you and your sister to talk to."

Maya looked at him with those shining black eyes and she leaned up and kissed him deeply. "Oh Gary, I don't know what to say. If you could help us find a job, we'd be so grateful."

She kissed him again and slowly kissed his neck, chest and stomach. She took his cock into her lips and she gave him the sweetest blowjob she had ever given. She was an amazingly sensuous woman and her lips were wonderfully talented.

"Gary, will you let me do something please?" Maya whispered.

"Certainly Maya, what would you like to do?"

"When you cum for me, please let me take you in my mouth. I want you to cum in my mouth and not on my face. I want to look into your eyes as your cock erupts in my mouth. This isn't a porn flick; it is real."

"Darling, you can suck my cock anytime you want and yes, please let me cum in your mouth, on your tongue or down your throat. I want to look into your beautiful eyes while my cock slides into your spectacular face. You truly are beautiful."

Maya smiled brightly and she attacked him with love in her eyes. Her body glistened, her nipples taut and her breasts heaved as his cock filled her pretty face. Her eyes never left his and she was in awe of this man, as she loved his cock wonderfully. Gary moaned, his stomach tightened and when his legs began to shake, she knew he was about to give her what she desired.

"Cum for me, my darling. I want you now please," she said as she ran her tiny hands over his stomach. Gary's hands caressed her cheeks as he stared into her eyes. His body erupted and she felt the flood of his hot cum flowing along his cock and into her lovely lips. She held his cock as her lips grasped him just below the head and she felt each massive blast of his sweet, milky cum flow between her lips. She sucked; she swallowed, and loved every drop he gave to her. Her body erupted in a massive explosion of her own as his cock unloaded the fantastic lust-filled load into her sweet, precious lips.

"That was fantastic Gary, I can't tell you enough how much this morning has meant to me. I am going to have to attack Rose and keep her cumming for hours. She told me that there was no one on earth like you and I think she is right. You are so lucky to have those wonderful women. I love them."

"I love them too," Gary, laughed. "I hope they are having a great time."

"I don't know about that but I know I just had the time of my life. Now, I have to wait to discover what it is going to be like when you actually fuck me. I can't wait. Wendy and Debbie told me I'd need an ambulance. I hope they are right," she said as she attacked Gary's face yet again.

"Girl, you can build an appetite, let's go and find some food," he said as he kissed her and they walked out of the suite naked and smiling.

The door to the suite next door opened and Mark walked out with Tila. Maya introduced Tila to Gary and he swore he was seeing double. Gary looked at the shit-eating grin on Mark's face and he laughed.

"You don't have to say a word bro, I know, oh fuck, do I know!" Gary exclaimed. "Tila, it is a complete pleasure to meet you. We are going to find breakfast. Join us please. I have to find Jeremy and Tina and Karen."

Doors opened up and the finest collection of well-fucked people poured into the hallway. Debbie looked like she had had a successful run-in with the fifth fleet and Rose was wobbly but smiling. Debbie ran over, hissed them all and giggled. The girls kissed Tila and Maya sweetly.

"Well?" Rose asked each of them. "Were we right or what?"

Maya walked over to the girls and she kissed each of them. Tila was right behind her. They looked at them and Maya smiled, "The two of us are going to rock your worlds. I can only speak about Gary but this was my finest hour."

"Mine too," Tila said as she looked back at Mark and smiled sweetly. "You better get used to the fact that we are going to repay your kindness in ways you can't even imagine."

Gary looked at Mark and they both started laughing. "Here I thought Jeremy set this up," Mark grinned.

"Who said I didn't, "Jeremy said as he and Jill wandered out of his suite. "You fucks should know by now, I operate in many ways," he laughed.

The elevator door closed and Jeremy hit the button. Jill looked at Gary and asked him if there was any reason he might like to talk to Karen and Tori.

"What the fuck, I don't want to hear anyone complaining that I am a conspiracy theorist any more. This is living proof. I've been set up by fucking experts."

The elevator erupted in hysterics. Maya and Tina didn't laugh because they didn't get the joke but Rose was laughing so hard she could barely stand. Wendy threw herself at him and whispered in his ear, "We love them baby, make this happen please."

Breakfast was amazing, the food was delicious and the floorshow was even funnier. The banquet hall was filled with two hundred plus well-fucked smiling people.

"What is the deal?" Gary asked Jeremy.

"It's simple. They are very special to me. I want them to have it all. They have so much talent it isn't funny. I'm not talking sexual either. You have to see what they can do. They have their papers and they can leave anytime. I just want them to do a few things for me while they are there."

"What's that?" Gary asked.

"For starters, they are always a huge hit at Adult-X so I want them there. I also want them back here at least twice a year to shoot a series of films. That means, you fucks are going to have to bring them here."

"I can live with that," Gary said. Jill and the girls agreed as well.

Karen and Tori stumbled past their table and Gary introduced them to Maya and Tila. Karen had her laptop in her room and everyone went up to look at several websites they had designed.

Karen had a weird look on her face when Gary asked her what she thought. "If I tell you the truth, will I still have a job?"

"Do you want me to take you over my knee right here and now and spank your cute ass? You're job is not in question one bit. Never has been and never will be. You are with me for life and you fucking better know it," Gary said sternly.

"To answer your question, yes, I want you to throw me over your knee, spank me, fuck me and fuck my ass and never stop but that's not what I really think you want to know. I can tell you this; those two are far more qualified for my job than I am. Those are some of the finest, high-tech websites I've ever seen. I have a million ideas just looking at them."

"Maya, Tila, I want to introduce you to Tori Johnson and Karen Rivers. Usually, I let them handle things like this but since I am here, I want you to meet the two, sexy, crazy sluts you're going to be working for when you get back to your new home in Orlando next week. Karen handles the Press Relations and Tori is the head of my Marketing Department. You don't have to worry about a place to live. I have a small place over there and you can live there. I think you'll be comfortable. Jill will get with you and explain the pay schedule and you'll have full access to Mark's investment department. He's pretty good at growing your money."

They were speechless; they jumped on him, kissed him and then kissed everyone repeatedly. They stopped and looked at Jeremy. He held out his arms and hugged them. He told them he wanted them at Adult-X and that they were to make a few movies for his a year. They kissed him and hugged him again.

"I need a drink," Mark laughed as he kissed the girls again and welcomed them into the family.

Jill kept the girls a while and explained everything to them. Tori and Karen were happy as could be. They walked down the hall to the elevators with Debbie, Rose and Wendy. They went into the bar and after the drinks were poured, Jeremy got this wild look in his eye. Gary and Mark saw it and burst out laughing. They grabbed the women and walked up to the orgy suite.

"You know, Gar, you seriously hit the jackpot. These women are fantastic but they have really been deprived. I want to apologize to you ladies. Since you seriously are a part of this fine, wild family it is only fair that each one of you is welcomed properly," Jeremy grinned.

"Jeremy Carter, are you insinuating what I think you are darlin?" Rose murmured. "If you are, we have a pecking order. I've waited the longest for this. Do me! Do me! Do me now!"

"Wendy, she is such a greedy cunt," Debbie giggled as they sat back to watch the fireworks.

"This is one of the reasons I came to Thailand," Mark snickered. "I have a feeling the three of you are going to blow his mind," he said as he kissed Debbie and Wendy passionately. "Excuse us darlings; we will be back for you in a while."

Four hours and many drinks later, no one was steady on their feet. Bets were taken as to the hour that Rose's eyes would uncross. Wendy lay back panting; sweat dripping from her nipples and grinning like a Cheshire Cat. Debbie was incomprehensible. Every word she tried to speak came out sounding as if she was speaking Romanian.

"I told you they were good," Mark grinned.

"Allow me to do my Tony Tiger impression, "They're GREAT!" Jeremy laughed.

They looked at Rose and everyone started to laugh. Her expression was as if she had snorted a kilo while driving across the McArthur Causeway wearing Red and Blue Crystal glasses. She was totally fucked up.

Jeremy smiled, leaned down and whispered in her ear, "You can star in my movies anytime you want darling. Fuck, you are wild. You all are."

Debbie and Rose were coming back to normalcy, "What the fuck just happened?" Debbie managed to say.

A chorus of femine laughter wafted through the air. "My men just happened." All heads turned to see Brenda standing there with Jill, Red, Nancy, Michelle, Holly, Shannon, Ainsley, Gina, Brianna, Maya, Tila and Ronnie.

"We're fucked," Jeremy, laughed.

"No darling, we are going to be fucked and the three of you are going to be doing the fucking," Brenda laughed.

Jeremy grabbed Brenda and started.

"If they can do this, I'll be more impressed than I've ever been in my life," Rose whispered. "That really was the wildest time I've ever had. He does this everyday. When you think it can't get better, you're wrong!"

They knew this would happen. They were expecting it and they really did live up to their reputation. Each woman received her full, undivided, wanton, lustful attention and the hormone level was off the chart. Orgasms were exploding everywhere while they waited their turn with the masters.

"That's our boys," Brenda said to Jill who had just finished an hour of total unbridled bliss with the three men she loved the most. They watched as Holly went airtight and the room quieted dramatically.

Rose, Wendy, Debbie, Maya and Tila were happily licking every pussy and watching the action.

Ronnie was recovering and muttering, "Fuck me, motherfucker, fuck me that was wild."

Maya and Tila were the last to experience the three amigos. These two may well have been top porn stars but today would be a day they would never forget. The men treated them to wonderful, serious lovemaking and then the fucking went off the chart. Their previous experience had not prepared them for these three men. Although they were new to this, they each knew that this was definitely the start of a wonderful new life.

Debbie poured drinks and handed them to the guys.

"Well, that was a nice starter, who's next?" Jeremy giggled.

"Well, it seems we were left out of the party," Lindsay said as she walked into the room with Gina and Brianna.

Gary doubled over laughing. He grabbed Lindsay and kissed her deeply, "Bring it on darling."

Jeremy and Mark smiled and the three men spent the rest of the afternoon creating memories and warming hearts.

"Write this date down," Jill said. "I am so used to these three that they seldom impress me but today, they have blown my mind. This is definitely a world record."

"Take a look around you my love," Gary said. "In this room right now you will find the finest, sexiest and most delicious women on the planet. What man would say no to one of them let alone any of them? We are the ones who are blessed here."

"I'll second that," Mark said as he wiped the sweat from his body.

"Just don't ask us to repeat this until we've had dinner at the very least," Jeremy grinned.

"I have no idea how good they were at the beginning but I can tell you this," Brianna purred. "They sure finished with a bang. That was wild. I was warned, I just didn't believe it. Can we bottle these three? We'd all be billionaires by morning. Fuck that was amazing."

"What time are we hitting Walking Street?" Wendy asked.

"I don't go down there until after 10pm but that is just me. I'm sure some of the people are already there. You women are going to be propositioned constantly. The whores are going to be pissed. They hate it when I bring my people out. When you add the Americans to the mix and they will be pissed. By the way, no one is to pay a dime tonight. Just show the bartender your necklace. They will record the name and bill me," Jeremy told them.

"WooHoo, someone is going to proposition me," Holly yelled as the room burst out in uncontrolled laughter. "I'm expensive."

Jeremy spit his drink all over the place. "Holly, you are such a delicious slut. Just remember, a Baht is worth 21 cents American."

"Darling, if they offer you 50 they are really only offering you $10," Gary laughed.

"I'm insulted already," Holly, laughed.

"Walking Street, Oh sweet, we get to really get slutted up for you darling," Gina, grinned. "Shannon made us new uniforms. I understand the pilots have to be in uniform tonight."

"That includes you two," Shannon said as she looked at Jill and Ainsley. "You're going to be the hottest sluts on Walking Street my loves. The men already have their new uniforms. I have your uniforms in my suite."

"Let's eat," Mark said. "I am famished."

As they stumbled into the banquet hall, the first person they saw was Jackson. His eyes were the size of bowling balls. He saw Mark and flashed him the biggest grin. Michelle cracked up at the look on his face.

Shannon gave the women their uniforms. Gina and Brianna smiled and Jill looked at Shannon, "You've got to be kidding me. I have belts bigger than this skirt. The top is adorable, what do you call these, two pasties and a clasp?" she giggled. The cutaway jackets highlighted the bottom of their breasts, which would be plainly visible.

"I don't know darling, I have never worn anything so heart meltingly slutty. I am going to enjoy wearing this," Ainsley said. "Have you seen the shoes yet?"

Shannon smiled and handed each woman a pair of mile high white stilettos.

"Well, they've had dinner. After they see us in these uniforms, don't be surprised if we have a repeat right on the sidewalk," Jill grinned.

"Ohmigod, look at the thong," Ainsley purred.

"That is just the funniest thing I've ever seen I love it," Brianna laughed as she looked at the tiny thong embroidered with "D'O IT" on the front. Under the logo, it said 'Then do me!' "The exclamation point is a penis," she laughed.

Jill was blushing as she looked at Shannon who was sitting in an easy chair giggling like a schoolgirl.

"Gary is going to lose his mind. Trust me, I know what trips his trigger and this will definitely do it," Jill said. "I hope I can walk in these shoes. I don't think I've ever had a pair this high before."

"What are you wearing tonight Shannon?" Gina asked her.

"Oh, a little something I thought would look startling," she snickered. She opened a case and took out a pair of gold hot pants and a gold top that barely covered her nipples. Her gold shoes were as high as the others were and she promised to look fantastically fuckable.

Mark had headed for a nap and Gary and the girls were spending some quality time alone. When it was time to get ready to go out, the girls left Gary and headed out to get dressed.

The clothes Shannon had designed for them was going to add to his astonishment. Her designs were ultra sexy and they were perfect for each woman. Gary was sitting in his suite, sipping a drink when they returned.

"Who are you and what did you do with my women?" he smiled. "All these years, I've known each one of you was gorgeous but even I couldn't imagine you looking this hot. I don't want to go out; I just want to stay in with you."

"That, Mr. Edwards is why we love you," Debbie purred.

"That and the fact that no man on earth is as good in bed," Rose smirked.

"You should know," Wendy giggled and ducked as Rose threw a coaster in her direction.

Mark walked in with a drop dead gorgeous Hawaiian on his arm. Everyone kissed Aleka, stood back, and admired her drop-dead sexy outfit. They headed to the elevators and joined Jeremy in the lobby. As they stepped off, Jeremy hung up his cell phone. Many of the group waited in the lobby. The elevator doors opened and the pilots walked into the lobby.

The whistles and catcalls were deafening. They walked into the center of the lobby, smiling and strutting their stuff.

"Okay, I'm speechless," Mark, said. "If I was in Las Vegas right now, I'd swear I was looking at the stage of the Coliseum at Caesars."

"I know one thing," Gary grinned, "I'm commandeering your pilots Jill. WOW!"

"To hell you are," she laughed.

"Okay, from now on, you have to wear that outfit 24/7. Your choice darling."

"Screw that, you are all under house arrest. I am not letting any of you leave here," Jeremy said. "Shannon, you outdid yourself girl." He looked around and didn't see her. "Where is Shannon?"

The elevator chimed and the place came unglued as Shannon stepped off the elevator. The vision in gold was breathtaking. Everyone began applauding as she walked to the rest of the group.

"Before we leave," Jeremy beamed, "We've set a new mark for elegance and sensuality for this town. Shannon, every time I see you, you totally blow my mind. This is so far over the top I can't even describe it. Thank you darling."

Everywhere they went, people stopped, stared and drooled. The street hookers looked on in awe. As they walked into the bars, every head turned and the owners came over to welcome them.

"Jeremy, you bring these gorgeous women in here, you put me out of business. What did I ever do to you?" one owner said to him.

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