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The Screamer Ch. 12


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Gary looked at her with a look of utter shock on his face. "This is going to be really hard to figure out. I'm not happy about this either. You should have told me. Dammit! Now the big question is second or third floor?"

"Second or third floor what? I don't want to understand."

"Do you want to live on the second or the third floor? The suites are similar but the view of the lake is actually better from the third floor. The choice is yours. I just need to know," he said with an attitude.

"I'm sorry, I'm lost. I am not following you at all. I didn't think this would be such a big problem. I still don't understand about the floors thing though. Can someone help me with this?"

"Gary, I agree, she is smart. She is gorgeous. She is fucking phenomenal in bed but darling, I am thinking she is as thick as two short planks."

"I think we scared the crap out of her, if you ask me," Debbie said. "She seriously thinks she is in trouble."

"We had a meeting yesterday when we learned about your little situation darling," Holly said. "Yes, you can blame Hank. Few men can resist my ass baby. We had this decided two weeks ago but we were going to wait until we got back to Orlando to tell you. Orlando is going to be the first club to open. It is scheduled to be open on October 1. We want you to manage the Orlando Country Club. You can have any club you want but we hope you'll take Orlando."

It took a minute to sink in. She looked at everyone in total disbelief. "I definitely want Orlando. I can't believe this. Ohmigod, I can't believe this. Yes, I want Orlando. Yes, I want the Country Club. I'm confused though. Oh shit, ohmigod, are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"Thick as three short planks," Gary said. "I am asking you if you want to live on the second or third floor of the house with us. We want you there. We are deadly serious about this too. The choice is yours. You can let us know when you get back. The suites are similar but not the same. You look at them and let us know baby."

"Oh, and one more thing, actually several more but this one is the biggie. We knew about your goal of waking up in his arms darling. Was it as good as we knew it would be?" Debbie asked.

"Better than anything I could have imagined Debbie," she stated with a huge smile on her face.

"Darling, you've been in our bedroom. You have seen the massive bed in there haven't you?"

"Oh yes, I have, why?"

"Well here is the thing. Most of the time it will be the four of us waking up in that bed but occasionally, if he gets there too late, he'll just have to find another bed somewhere. We may be busy and he'll be shit out of luck," Wendy laughed. "There is a better than average chance that you'll wake up in his arms from time to time."

"Yeah, sometimes we actually do get headaches," Rose said.

"I'll believe that when I see it," Gary laughed.

"Okay, now we have to pull this shit on a few more people. Hank is going to be offered the Dance Club and Dave and Ashley are going to Las Vegas. Mark and Ashley spent the night together. Now we have to go break the news to them. Throw your heels on baby. This should be fun. After that, we are meeting with Hank and Dave," Holly said.

"Can I take the lead on Hank? I owe him a real shit kicking," Lindsay grinned. "I mean, he shouldn't have said anything about my lease. Then I find out what he said about Gary. I'll kill him."

"Hold on there girl," Wendy said. "Hank is a great guy and we love him a lot. You know that Holly can be very persuasive darling. It was my ass that got the part about waking up next to Gary out of him and not Holly's."

Everyone laughed at that and they headed into Mark's suite. Mark was waiting but Ashley was surprised as they just walked in. Holly told her that she had made a decision and asked her if she wanted to manage the Las Vegas Country Club. They explained that these two were going to be the flagships and that they were asking Hank to run the Dance Club in Orlando and Dave the Dance Club in Las Vegas with her.

She was ecstatic and she jumped out of bed, hugged, and kissed everyone. "I don't know where I'll live though. I don't know Las Vegas at all."

"That is already settled dear," Mark said. "When you were at my place, you stayed in a nice apartment didn't you?"

"Yes, the place was gorgeous Mark."

"Well, you'll be living one floor above where you were. That is where my executives live. The suites are larger and nicer. I think you'll like it. I have a question. How well do you and Dave get along?"

"We get along great. We're friends and lovers. Why?"

"Would you think he would want to share an apartment with you?"

"Baby, you give him that option and he'll suck your cock for the rest of his life. He'll love it." Ashley grinned.

"Come on; let's get this show on the road. One big prick is about to feel my wrath," Lindsay said. "Don't mind me, I was just rehearsing."

They went down to Hank's room and walked right in.

Lindsay's dirty blonde hair was flying as she walked into the room. Hank looked at her and stood up. She pushed him back onto the bed. "You motherfucker, how dare you tell these people the things I told you in confidence? I am so embarrassed and pissed. Do you know what you did to me? Do you have any idea? Then you go and blab about my one true fantasy. I'll never tell you another thing if I live to be a hundred. I am so very disappointed in you."

Hank laid there and started to stammer. "I'm sorry Lindsay. I am so sorry. I shouldn't have said anything I am sorry if I hurt you. I really am."

"Well, this has just made a huge change in my life asshole. When you fuck something, you do a good job of it," she snapped her head and her hair flew dramatically.

"Ohmigod, what have I done?" he asked sheepishly.

"I'll tell you what you've done. You've forced our hand Hank. We had not planned on doing this until we got back from our trip but now we have no choice," Holly said crossly. "As a result of your indiscretion Hank, we now have to offer you the Dance Club in Orlando and Dave; we are offering you the Dance Club in Las Vegas."

"Well asshole, what do you have to say about this?" Lindsay screamed at him.

"Dammit Lindsay, I am so sorry. I really don't know what to say. I didn't mean to hurt you I really mean that. I'd never hurt you."

Lindsay looked at Gary, "You call me thick as three short planks; this boy's elevator doesn't go to the top floor. Hmmm, I guess that settles that too."

People were giggling on that one.

"I think you're right darling, that can't be an act. Hank, are you really that clueless?" Gary said. "You forced our hand Hank. Lindsay will be managing the Country Club and you will be managing the Dance Club. Sheesh! Now you two kiss and make up."

Lindsay kissed him and smacked his huge weapon with her tiny hand.

"When is your lease up Hank?" Gary asked.

"I don't have a lease; I am on a month to month basis. Why?"

"Because you are moving in to my place; Lindsay and you will be living there rent free. It will be easier for all of us. What is your lease situation Dave?"

They found out he was in a similar situation as Hank so that worked out very well.

"I have a question for you Dave. I have a lovely four-bedroom apartment one floor up from where you stayed at the party. Would you mind sharing it with Ashley?" Mark asked.

"Is Ashley going to be managing the Country Club?" Dave grinned as he looked at the auburn-haired beauty.

"Yes she is; does that work for you Dave?" Holly asked.

"Oh yes it does," he beamed as he looked at her.

"Do us a favor, keep this quiet until we get back to Orlando," Holly said. "Now, can someone find this girl something to eat?"

The hotel had out done themselves for breakfast. It probably helped that they too had enjoyed more sex than they usually would have encountered. Jeremy's crew was legendary in Phucket and the Americans were a lovely addition.

As they were finishing their third cup of coffee, Maya & Tila arrived looking stunning as usual. Jeremy called them aside and told them he had talked to Jooms earlier and he was assured that they would receive the best of the best.

"The reason I called was to see how many people he had available. I'd like you to take several more with you. Please take Jill, Michelle, Lori, Aleka, Diane, Ainsley, Brenda, Ronnie, Shannon, Tina, Karen, Gina, Brianna, Lindsay, Ashley, Red and Nancy with you. I have three limo's waiting for you. Jooms is happy for both of you. She's sorry to see you go. Take Lindsay and Ashley please. Round up everyone and meet us here in an hour."

Jeremy was waiting when they reassembled.

"Maya, Tila and I have arranged a very special day for you. I have Limos waiting to take you to an elaborate, wonderful experience that you'll only find here in Thailand. This establishment is owned by a very good friend of mine. Her name in Jooms and she is a spectacular woman. She has promised me that you will receive the ultimate in Thai erotic pleasures. I know you will enjoy yourselves. Have fun everyone. We'll see you when you return."

Upon entering Jooms plaza, they were amazed at the opulence. Whoever Jooms was, she definitely had expensive and sensual tastes. They were met but a tall attractive woman who appeared to be Korean. She ushered everyone onto elevators and were taken to the third floor of the building. The main floor was gorgeous but the third floor was out of this world elegant.

Each woman was handed a flute of Champaign and subsequently introduced to a team of four attendants. Each of the two women and two male teams of attendants were spectacular people. The women were mainly Asian and the men had been internationally selected.

Shannon grabbed Rose and whispered, "When we get home, we're going to have to work on our own makeup. These women are fucking insanely gorgeous."

"The men are absolutely spectacular. Look at the bodies on these men. This definitely looks promising," she grinned.

The women were taken to a lovely dressing room and their clothing was hung up. They were each given a silk wrap and escorted into a large, very dark room. Very special massage tables were arranged in a circular fashion and were barely visible in the darkness. The ceilings were extremely high and lovely silk sheets wafted in the air above their heads. The room was filling with the scent of orchids and other flowers. Smoke was wafting into the air and beautiful naked bodies were barely visible but they were there.

Their drinks were refilled by the attendants and each woman was directed to a massage table where they were asked to lie on their back. A male attendant attached a footrest to the bottom of each table and the tables were raised to approximately a forty-five degree angle. A female attendant lit a hookah and handed the women the mouthpiece. Music played a strong, sensuous beat and the lighting changed constantly giving the room a feeling of motion.

Whatever was in the pipe was having an immediate and dramatic effect on the women. The smoke went down smooth and their flesh became ultra-sensitive instantly. It wasn't a normal rush; the effects were ever changing and long lasting. They were elevated and looking into the circle. The lights dimmed to black and the music became stronger.

A spotlight shone onto the center of the circle; a trap door opened and a vision of elegance rose into the room. The woman was Asian but it was unclear where she was from. She was wearing a gold choker, gold chains, bracelets and a gold chain around her waist. Her heels were tall and they highlighted her body in every aspect.

"Good day ladies, my name is Jooms. I will get to speak to each of you personally. It is my goal to make this day one you will never forget. We are going to explore every aspect of sensuality, sexuality, fantasy and kink that you could ever imagine. I want you to completely relax and leave everything to our wonderful attendants. They are skilled in the art of pleasure and they will insure your complete satisfaction and safety."

The room went completely black, the music stopped and not a sound was heard. The spotlight came back on and Jooms was seated on a special stool. A spectacular woman stood to one side of her and an amazing man on the other.

The attendants filled and relit each bowl. The women enjoyed this new blend of smoke. The music came back on softly and each woman felt hands oiling her deliciously. Jooms sat in the center of the circle and it quickly became apparent that she was on a turntable. She turned to allow herself to speak to everyone directly.

"I was thrilled when Maya and Tila called me. They are two of my favorite people on this earth. When they said that Gary and Mark were here in Thailand, I had to meet the women who have captured their hearts. I've known them for many years and I consider them friends. Very hot, kinky, lovely friends. The fact that you are here with me today tells me something important. To be with those men, you have to be out of this world sexy, insatiable women. Today will not be a regular day at Jooms. Today, we play and hold nothing back. When you give your all to Gary and Mark, Jooms gives her all to you."

The outer circle filled with gorgeous, sexy, naked men and women. The man standing next to Jooms turned and there was a collective gasp from the women. In addition to having a perfect body, muscular, carved abs and a handsome face, he possessed one of the largest, cocks any of them had ever seen.

The woman knelt and took his cock in her hands and she began to stroke him. Her strokes were expertly delivered and his cock grew quickly. As he filled, he displayed what could possibly be described as one of the most perfect organs ever created. She held it and showed it to everyone.

All eyes watched this display intently, paying no heed to the myriad of hands that were caressing their own bodies. The drug was intense and everyone felt as if they were floating in space and time.

"I have selected the finest cocks in Thailand to pleasure you today. As you can see, they are exquisite. They taste as good as they look and they feel even better. My ladies will please you everyway possible," she said as her girl took his monster cock into her tiny mouth.

His cock passed her lips and he kept going. As this massive cock was sliding down her throat, each attendant picked up what appeared to be a rabbit dildo and inserted it into each of the women. The dildos were different and they felt spectacular.

The music came up louder and all eyes were still on the perfect Asian with the massive cock in her throat. Her hands cupped his balls that were resting on her chin and everyone could see her face beaming back at them as they watched. The dildos came alive and suddenly everyone noticed that the dildos were not just vibrating, they were vibrating to the beat of the music.

The outer circle people began every possible sexual act imaginable and the attendants refilled the pipes and began to lick and kiss the women. The dildos were amazing but the floorshow was out of bounds.

The male attendants oiled the female attendants and they climbed onto the footrest of the massage tables. Their oiled bodies caressed and tantalized the women. Their lips teased, tongues licked and bodies slid each other into a wonderful state.

On the circle, men and women were sucking cock, fucking each other in every combination. The women were being pleased with the dildos, the driving beat of the music, the hands and lips that were caressing them and the long cocks they held in their hands.

The massage tables stood upright and the Thai women stepped off. A male attendant took their place and they removed the dildo. Their cocks slid into the women and the table was put back to where it was. Their cocks slid in and out sweetly yet affording them a full view of the floorshow. The men were, as Jooms described, perfect in body and technique. Their hard bodies and long cocks felt absolutely wonderful. They had soft touches but rock hard cocks. The women were luxuriating as their bodies were filled with these long strong cocks.

The tables flattened and actually, the heads of the tables dropped. The headrests dropped and each woman looked at another long, strong cock waving in their faces. The cocks caressed their faces and the weight of each man's balls excited them. Lips opened, tongues lashed out and cocks were kissed and licked hungrily.

These men had a rhythm and the women were floating in ecstasy. With each long stroke into their pussy, the cock left her throat. They built the rhythm and expertly fucked them. The female attendants were each licking and caressing their breasts and the women were experiencing huge orgasms. The people who had put on the floorshow scattered and joined in on the enjoyment.

Lori was in cocksucker heaven. She was not counting cocks; she was measuring her enjoyment by the mile. This Nubian beauty was positive that she had already swallowed five miles of cock on this trip and she wanted to double that figure today alone.

Muffled shrieks of orgasmic bliss were heard throughout the huge room and they were just getting started. The tables were placed upright and the men turned them around the tables went back to their previous position. The women, now on top, rode those long cocks deliciously. The female attendants made a few adjustments to the table and Red shot Nancy a startled look. The same thing crossed their minds simultaneously. Before they left, they wanted to talk to Jooms.

With their mouths full of cock and their pussies stretched so well, their asses were now available for play. Pipes were lit again with a different mixture, which was a lot stronger than the first two. The female attendants reinserted the dildos and chose a different setting. The music level became louder and as the man fucked her, the dildo not only vibrated to the music, it lengthened with the downbeat.

The women went wild. The sound level was intense but nothing compared to the total erotic bliss that washed over each one of them. The pipes were consumed and the fire that this stuff lit was truly amazing. Pussies were gushing and orgasms screaming all over and the men were relentless. The dildos were replaced by the other men and together the women were doubled in perfect harmony. The scent of flowers, the power of the smoke and the strength of the men had every one of these gorgeous women collapsing in total exhaustion.

The attendants help them from the massage tables. They took the elevator to the fourth floor that happened to have a huge whirlpool tub. The warm water stirred their senses and the sea of lovely, gorgeous sensuous beings brought them back to life. They spent a half hour in the tub, loving everyone within their grasp. The smoke was very strong and their desires were off the chart. Men and women loved them, kissed them, and did everything imaginable to them and they wanted more.

The attendants dried them off and walked them to an area of the building that was phenomenal. Luxury mattresses, draped in fine silks and tapestries created the effect of a sheiks harem. The women were used to luxury but nothing like this.

"This is like shopping at the perfect high end slut superstore. You, yes you. Please come and lick my pussy," Brianna giggled to Gwen. "Remind me to fuck Jeremy, Mark and Gary for the rest of my life. I can't believe how lucky we are. Do you believe those men?"

Jooms was going from tent to tent meeting and playing with each woman. She walked into Red and Nancy's tent and found these two delicious women in the arms of two of her favorite girls.

"Jooms, thank you for a wonderful day. We've really enjoyed ourselves so far. I have a question to ask you," Red smiled. "Where did you get the design for the massage tables?"

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