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The Senator and the Barbarian girl

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The bereaved Senator takes an interest in a barbarian girl.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/19/2021
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Dear readers, This story comes from the universe of "A Slave in Imperial Rome". I do standalone but reading that story first will help follow this story.

Please enjoy!


As I approached the shed the smell of unwashed humanity surrounded me. Phillipus, our slave foreman, would normally come to my business quarters in the VIlla to discuss matters to do with our field slaves. Today, however, he asked me to visit their domicile to help with a decision.

To my way of thinking, our breeding program was almost overly successful. The new shed, built to house the mothers and children of the program, was full of our successful efforts. The early results were now toddling around and eating more and more of our bread and other foods. My accountant was continually allaying my concerns about the cost with projections of the future value of the little food consuming monsters.

Whats more, they seemed to have no appreciation as to who I was, the Master of the Estate and their owner. Some would run up to me and wrap their dirty paws around my legs. I had made the mistake once of handing out sweets to some of them while on an inspection visit to the slave nursery. I suspect my dear wife had accustomed them to expect something from us when we passed by on our walks around the Estate. Now they expected something and I often succumbed.

Nevertheless, my accountant assured me feeding the urchins was a good investment in the future. I was always somewhat suspicious of the accountant's motives as she was a slave herself, and soon to be mother of another infant, fathered by my son Marcus.

Rebekah was not an official part of the slave breeding program, but rather was my son Marcus's personal slave. It was all a bit confusing as after his marriage I expected her to be sent to the fields or sold but he insisted that she would be part of his new household. Surprisingly, Lucilla, his bride, accepted this.

Marcus explained to me that he and Lucilla agreed to keep their personal slaves for breeding purposes. They also felt their former companion's and bed mates, in the case of Marcus's Rebekah, were loyal and safe and therefore were good additions to their new households. To add to the noisy household they were creating, Alonia, a former field slave that I owned and an early success in the breeding program was sent to Marcus as a wedding gift to live in their home which was situated on a corner of our estate along with Alonia's offspring.

Frankly, I suspected Marcus was overburdened with women, but he seemed happy and not surprisingly, uninterested in visiting the brothels in the city on my occasional forays.

In fact my visits to the brothels were now alas, infrequent, as I participated in the breeding program when the inclination was there. Personally, I found the experience less satisfying than anticipated. The field slave I chose to impregnate was terrified of either me or the act or both. She behaved like a frightened rabbit cornered by a wolf. She wouldn't come near me or remove her tunic until Phillipus stripped her of it. Maya had washed her carefully before bringing the frightened wretch to my room. I realized as she looked in awe at the majesty of my chambers that the creature had probably never seen anything beyond a mud, straw or wood hut. And the experience of being washed and clean was likely a novelty as well. Her background was of a wild tribe on the eastern forests of Germania. Still, she was a tall strong specimen and likely to bear productive field slaves. I certainly hoped so as the cost of maintaining the progeny was dear.

Copulating with this wild creature was not nearly as pleasurable an experience as I had convinced myself it would be. The potential momentary pleasure of fucking my slaves was part of the reason for proposing the program to Phillipus and my son. I soon learned that a terrified woman, who would not even open her eyes to look at me and seemed to convulse in fear as I opened her legs was not the carnal scene I had envisioned. In fact, I had to have Phillipus tie her legs apart and hold her arms as I inserted my cock into her channel. Give me any day the sexual skill of a trained and willing courtesan from Madame Marsa's establishment down the road from the Forum.

To my consternation, Marcus's experience with the slave chosen for him to impregnate was of an entirely different nature. I suppose the fact that she was a former tribe mate and cousin of Rebekah and was thoroughly prepared for sex by Marcus's personal slave helped quell the slave's fear. From the number of nights she was in his bed and the unmistakable sounds of carnal pleasure coming from his room led me to believe he enjoyed his task. Oddly enough, his own slave was usually present in his room when he fucked her cousin. I wasn't sure of the morality of that but my wife told me to just let them be. In any event all that commotion produced a healthy offspring.

And speaking of Marcus's personal slave, the one named Rebekah, she was now loaned to me on a regular basis to maintain the accounts of the estate. How a mere woman of such an unruly tribe from a troublesome corner of the Empire could learn all the skills of an accountant was very curious to me. However, Titus Aurelius sang her praises when his mission to Judea had returned. She had been his money counter and record keeper on his staff and he praised her skills with numbers. His only regret was that Marcus would not allow him to indulge his desire to sample her feminine charms. Her body was off limits to Titus as Marcus made abundantly clear. Lucky for Marcus, Titus did not let his unwillingness to share his comely slave damage his career prospects.

Spotting Phillipus, flogger in hand, standing by the whipping post I walked over. A male slave was being removed from the disciplinary station. I noted the blood dripping down his naked back and inquired as to the reason for the punishment.

Phillipus replied, "Master, this slave dragged a female into the bushes at the far end of the western wheat field. He was not authorized to copulate with any females. As you are aware, only certain male slaves are part of the breeding program and this one is not allowed to have a female."

I was concerned that he would not be able to work in the fields. I asked Phillipus if the slave could work today. "Yes, Dominus, we will treat the wounds from the lash and send him out with the others. As well, he will be warned that should he try to copulate with a female again his testicles will be removed."

"Lets hope it doesn't come to that," I said as I watched the poor wretch being dragged over to the slave shed. I found that neutering male slaves was a distasteful practice, but one necessary for repeat offenders.

"Now Phillipus, please tell me the reason you have summoned me here."

"Follow me Dominus, I will show you."

I was led beyond the whipping post and the slave domicile towards a group of slaves sitting on the ground. Approaching a group of three women dressed in utterly disgusting rags I noticed a neighbour standing over them with a crop in his hands. Looking from him to the women I realized they were not from my slave stock.

"Greetings Senator Octavius," the farmer from the adjacent small holding said to me. I knew him mostly by reputation. Phillipus had visited his farm on business and had brought back stories of slaves kept in disgusting conditions, most barely alive from the ill treatment. The farmer, Septius, was a complete brute and had no idea how to treat his assets. His human stock was treated far worse than his few bedraggled animals.

"Septius, greetings to you. What brings you to my domain?" I said, hoping to get to the point quickly so as to get him and these filthy women off my land as soon as possible.

He squirmed at my abruptness but snivelled out a request, "Your Honour, I hoped to convince your slave master to make a trade for these comely women."

"A trade," I sneered. "These women have obviously not seen a bath in weeks and also a decent meal in the same time. They look to be starving. Why would I have any interest in them?"

"Sir, I assure you they have strong backs and can carry much wheat. They are able to cut grain from sun up to sun down without complaint."

"I seriously doubt they could even walk to the fields, let alone work in them."

"No your Honour, a small slash with the crop on their backs is all they need to work hard. And should your manly instincts be aroused I assure you they will lie on their backs willingly to satisfy you."

"A slash on their backs you say. How badly are they marked? Take their rags off. No wait. You mentioned a trade. What do you want in return?," I asked wondering what outrageous request he would make for these broken females who could barely look up at me from their misery and fatigue.

"Sir, hardly anything for three such valuable chattel. I was thinking that a healthy male slave no older than twenty years would be a small recompense for such a valuable trade."

I laughed out loud. "Surely you joke. These women can hardly stand up they are so broken and you want a healthy male? Nonsense."

"No sir, Cleaned up and fed they will work from dawn to dusk and then open their legs for your pleasure at night. Think of their soft thighs wrapped around your legs as you plunge your manhood into them."

"Septius, save me the lurid descriptions of their potential "services." I have enough of my own females to satisfy all my needs. But a strong male field slave is a very valuable possession and I am short of them right now." As I said this I gazed over the wretched creatures at my feet and I felt a pang of sympathy. I disliked any gratuitous cruelty to any animal and sometimes my dislike of abusive treatment carried over to slaves. Beside the economic loss that could result from a broken human I could sense that a slave was not that far off a citizen even though they were merely property of citizens. No creature should be treated as badly as this ruffian treated these women. But I wasn't about to trade him a healthy male. So I made him a counter offer.

"Septius, subject to a successful inspection I will trade you my large white plow horse for these wretches. I'm in a good mood so I'm willing to give you far more than they are worth.

"Sir, with the greatest of respect, your old plow horse, if I know the one you are referring to, is ancient and hardly has any furrows left in him. Surely you jest?"

"Septius, don't mock my generosity. That horse will plow many fields which is more than I can say for these women. I have no idea what to do with them. I am merely being generous to you as my neighbour."

"But sir, three slaves for ..."

"Enough, let Phillipus inspect your slaves and then he will get the horse if we are satisfied they wont die tomorrow.

"And Phillipus, send for Maya to come and inspect these women," I instructed, not wanting any more talk from the scoundrel. If at all possible I would save these women and possibly turn them into useful field workers.


Maya arrived shortly and completed the assessment and recommendations. She had their rags cut off by Phillipus and then had them washed by sloshing buckets of water over their emaciated bodies and scrubbed with a horse brush. The women tried to hide their breasts and the juncture of their thighs out of modesty but Maya would have none of it. Phillipus, with the help of other stable hands, tied each of the women's hands to a bar used for the purpose of inspecting and disciplining slaves. When tied, their hands were held securely over their heads. With a crack of a crop on their naked rears each was made to spread their legs. The washing complete, or at least enough to see their flesh unadorned with mud and grime, Maya then did a careful check for broken bones as well as diseases. Maya spent careful minutes poking and prodding their sexual organs for disease and deformities.

"Well, what say you Maya. Are they worth saving?" I asked becoming impatient with the whole exercise and wanting to get back to my work in the Villa.

"Yes master. They are mostly starving but I believe whole and mostly disease free. For the right price they could be made useful for your fields.

"And master, this one here," Maya continued quietly to myself so that Septius could not discern our conversation and after lifting the woman's head by her wild hair, "is quite young - barely twenty I would guess - and if treated well could provide pleasure to yourself. Her body if treated carefully could be very appealing to a man. She might also birth strong offspring and toil in the fields for years." With this Maya walked behind the younger slave and pointed out her musculature, or what was left of it due to starvation, of her back and rear end.

I picked up her head by the hair and looked carefully at her features. Yes, Maya was right. While faded by adversity her eyes were a pleasing blue colour. Her cheekbones underneath some light scarring were high on her face and set off her straight and rather small nose. Her cheeks were sallow and bruised but I could tell that if filled out and unblemished by bruises would complement her lips, which while cracked and bruised as well were prominent and womanly. Carefully healed they could undoubtedly provide a man great pleasure. I decided that I wanted this one even if she never left the fields.

To complete the inspection of this slave I had Maya hold her lower lips apart which led to much squirming and frightened noises from the young slave. Maya pointed out the intact and unblemished labia and vaginal entrance. She rubbed her finger up and down the woman's sex and showed me the small nub that peeked out from its hood. I was assured by Maya that this female had no diseases and was in the prime of her reproductive years.

Although I had decided to complete the transaction I made a show of inspecting the other two women. Maya confirmed that they were certainly old by slave standards. Most slaves only survived into their mid twenties and Maya guessed they were already late twenties and possibly in their 4th decade of life. After being washed and somewhat cleaned up Maya's inspection indicated they would provide several years of service in the field.

At that I had her open their legs to confirm their genitals were disease free and we ended the inspection. I thought to myself at this point that these two older women might be used to provide a reward for deserving male slaves.

Enough of this. I had already spent too much of my day with Septius and his bedraggled slaves. I turned to Phillipus and said, "Phillipus, fetch the horse and send Septius on his way."

The scoundrel begged, "But your Honour, surely you could add even an older male to the deal." He grovelled in front of me. "Your horse will not last much longer," he whined.

"Begone or I will run you out of my property without the horse or these women," I barked and the scoundrel finally accepted the deal and left with my old horse. I was sorry to see it go in a way but a quick glance at my new property allayed my concern about who got the better of this transaction. I was sure I could heal them up enough to get some work from the emaciated three women.

"Phillipus, cut these slaves down from the bar."

"Maya," I further instructed, "See that they are fed and any wounds treated. And bring the younger one to the Villa. See what you can do to repair the damage Septius has done to her. Don't beat her any more than required." I said this even though I knew Maya was generally sympathetic to the slave girls and only disciplined them with a belt if they were truly misbehaving.


And so began a very sad and difficult time in my life. I didn't even dream of the role the young slave would play in the heartbreak that was soon to unfold. I mostly forgot about her in the aftermath of my wife's death.

Acceptance of my beloved's fate was slow to come. I couldn't even believe the inevitable until I had seen the destruction the volcano had caused. It was inconceivable to me that the entire city of Pompeii could be lost in such a short time. Marius had been visiting her sister when Vesuvius erupted and the gods had so cruelly destroyed the lives of so many.


Months later I had almost forgotten about my new slaves until one of them brought my morning refreshments. I looked at the woman carrying my drink curiously, not recognizing her at first. Her hair was down partially covering her face and as slaves are trained to do, she wouldn't look directly at me.

"Slave, STOP. Put the drinks and food down, kneel and look at me," I demanded sharply, not knowing if she understood my instructions. She set the food and drink down but stood there confused. I pointed to her knees and the floor and she slowly sunk to her knees, head bowed. I stood and walked over to her, grabbing her hair, pulling her face up and repeated, "Slave, look at me!"

Having forced her head up she wouldn't bring her eyes to meet mine. That was fine. I just wanted to see her features and a fearful slave was a good slave. They earned less stripes when they feared their masters.

'Ah yes,' I thought. This was one of the females I traded the old worn out field horse for. Holding her hair I turned it from side to side and grunted satisfaction that Maya had healed this one's bruises. Her features otherwise were as I remembered, quite delicate and well proportioned with a small nose, feminine cheekbones, bright blue eyes and well formed lips. Her hair was a golden brown and now combed and really quite pretty. Perhaps she would make good breeding stock.

Marcus would perhaps take this one on although his life seemed to be full of women. I was not exactly approving of the lot of females I understood filled his bed, Lucilla, his lovely wife excepted. I don't know how she tolerates the bed slaves but I also hear that her personal slave also lives in their home. I'm curious if Marcus mounts this slave as well or if Lucilla allows him to.

"Slave, stand up and take off your tunic." She hesitated and I impatiently stood her up and grabbed the hem and pulled it up and off. Her arms flew to cover her breasts but I didn't care so much about seeing those. I was interested to see if the muscles in her legs and rear had developed much under Maya's care. In fact her body was now very smooth and well proportioned. Her thighs were smoothly muscled and her ass and back had well toned muscles, a necessity for toiling in the fields although I wasn't sure if she would soon be sent there. Maya was aging and she needed help, particularly now that Alonia had been gifted to Marcus.

Turning her around I pulled her hands away from her breasts. She resisted and I delivered a sharp slap to her rear. Her hands fell to her side and she closed her eyes in embarrassment. I never fully understood why a female slave tries to shield her modesty from me when I own their bodies. Hefting a breast in each hand I appreciated their firm fullness, perfect for wrapping around a man's cock or suckling an offspring, as they were intended to do.

And suddenly, for the first time since my beloved's death, I felt a stirring in my own cock. This was unexpected even though the female in my grasp was clearly in her sexual prime. I found my tastes in women, aside of my beloved, were more to the professionals in the city and not some skittish and scared slave girl. Intrigued by this I compelled her to go down on her knees with her face on the floor thus raising her sex for inspection. She let out a frightened yelp when I held her legs wide and looked closely at her sex. My inspection determined that she was likely healthy. Her labia were a pleasant pink colour and the small entrance to her channel seemed healthy. I pulled her up again, tossed her tunic at her and made a note to discuss with Maya if this female was healthy and safe to mount should I decide to do so. Sending the slave on her way I resumed my work.

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