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The Sereotech Affair Pt. 01

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Adrianna goes uncover, but something goes wrong.
2.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/26/2017
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Adrianna Ryston's heels clicked on the tiles of Federation headquarters. Being summoned to HQ could only been one thing? a crisis. When there was an android uprising, they got the Vanguard. When the deutronium reactors went critical, they called for scientists. But they only called for Omega Class Agents when the shit had seriously hit the fan.

The plasteel doors of the briefing room slid open as she walked through them. Brannigan Volk, Federation Commander in Chief, gazed up from his desk with his remaining eye and gave her a cool nod. Adrianna returned it. They had been together through many missions together, and neither of them had any need for useless pleasantries. Time was of the essence, and both of them knew it.

"What happened, Bran?" Adrianna cut to the chase.

"Trouble." The older man replied.

"Of course, if not I wouldn't be standing in front of you. What kind of trouble?"

"There's been a...situation at Sereotech Labs. Something that we can't go through the normal channels to resolve."

"Sereotech?" interrupted Adrianna. "The biosuit people?"

"Yes." replied Brannigan. "One and the same. Turns they have been experimenting with black tech, real top secret stuff. The creation of sexaroids? we both know they are illegal, and so does most of the populace? but where there is demand there will be supply, and Sereotech is trying to fill a hole in the marketplace."

"I can see that. But what's the problem here? They are in flagrant violation of Act 4, Charter 13. Just get the law enforcement people on them and shut them down."

"If only it were so simple." Brannigan lay back in his plush chair, massaging his tired brows. Adrianna had the distinct impression he did this pretty often. "Sereotech is in cahoots with several bigwigs...probably the same ones who ordered the sex droids from them. Their cover is perfect. We've sent in several agents before you with no results? they returned safely, which is a blessing, but they were unable to get anything concrete on them. Whoever is masterminding their operations is doing a real good job. We know they are doing it, but we can't prove anything."

Adrianna pondered the situation for a bit, and then asked the question she knew was on both of their minds. "What's a biosuit company doing creating sexaroids? Android manufacture doesn't have a whole lot in common with biosuit implanation."

"I know. The whole thing smells fishy. That's why I sent for you. You have a knack for these things, you know? get in there, get the scoop, then blow it all sky-high."

Adrianna smiled. That she did. The Styrian Incursion, in which she infiltrated the enemy base and after downloading the head computer's contents into a mini-disc, detonated impulse mines that she had carefully planted around the compound ahead of time. Then there was the Beta Quadrant Affair, in which she did much the same thing with the rogue mothership? except she used photon bombs that time. Get in, get the data, blow it up. That was how she worked.

"So something doesn't look good in Sereotech, and you send for me, because I'm good with sticky situations."

"That's about the size of it. Are you in?"

"Do you even have to ask?" replied Adrianna with a wolfish grin. "When do I start?"


Getting in didn't prove a problem. The Federation always provided good cover, and they didn't disappoint this time either. Instead of Adrianna Ryston, Omega-Class Agent, this time she was mild-mannered and meek-willed Sarah Venholm, a glasses-wearing medical student fresh out of college, looking to make her way in the world and SO GLAD of getting a job at the PRESTIGIOUS Sereotech Labs! Adrianna couldn't think of someone who was more dissimilar to whom she really was? which was good. That was good cover.

She spent the first week or so scoping out the place. Take it slow, case the joint down good? that was how she always worked. She got used to the terminals, where the supplies were loaded, who were the VIPs and most importantly? the schedule for the guards. It was all in the computers but she knew the importance of getting it all in your head. Computers could be hacked, and passwords could be changed. Best to keep it old-school if at all possible.

Two weeks in and she was ready to make her move. Saran Venholm was a good little lab rat who put in a hard day's work and then went home...but it was Adrianna Ryston that was going to sneak into the laboratory on a Friday went half the staff were away. She had timed it such that a delivery was going to be made on that day (which meant that half the guards would be there) and there would be a Super Rockets game as well, which meant that the other half would probably be glued to the vidscreens and not her. She couldn't have asked for a better time.

Suiting up in her agent gear, Adrianna used her laboratory keycard to get into the complex and made her way to her destination? the central terminal. Lab techs didn't have access to the data she wanted, so she would have to get as deep as possible. All she had found out from her two weeks here was that the Feds were right? there was some illegal research being done, but exactly what it was and how it was carried out...she would have to get the more sensitive data from the computers deeper in the building.

Everything went according to plan. Security was light, which allowed Adrianna to slip undetected past the laser arrays (which her stealth suit reflected) and locked doors (which her lab tech's keycard helped with) No guards, no security drones...easy.

She was only two doors away from the central terminal when the alarms went off.

Adrianna reflexively turned on all her suit's protocols at once. Infra-red, gamma, could this be? She hadn't triggered any alarms. She had made sure that she had only swiped the keycard once; been careful not to enter any off-limit areas...but when the guards started streaming out the doors she knew the game was up. She lifted her arms in the universal gesture of surrender and let herself be led away.

She was brought to a secluded room and placed in a chair. Several hooded figures stood in front of her. Smart move - even in interrogation, don't show your face. She waited for them to make the first move. After all they held all the cards at this point.

"So, Omega Class Agent Adrianna Ryston. You thought you could get in, get the information, and get out. Am I correct?" said one of them.

She didn't bother answering. He (she?) was right on all counts. Why bother with useless banter? If she waited long enough they might let something slip.

As if reading her mind (did they have thought scanners installed here?) another of the figures spoke. "We are not amateurs, my dear Adrianna. We ask the questions, and we are not going to spill anything. So you can forget about learning some things, making a grand escape and destroying the place as you normally do."

She kept silent. They certainly knew a lot about her. Which begged the question - how could this be? Her cover was perfect, flawless! Unless...

"You've been sold out."said another of the figures.

That was the only logical conclusion. But who would sell her out? Not Brannigan...not only did she and him go way back, there was nothing he could gain from it. Another agent? Someone lower down the chain of command? There was no way to tell right now. Another thing to find out if she got out of this...

When, she corrected herself. She'd been in worse scrapes. Beaten, cuffed, left to die, but she always got back up. This would be just another one in a long string of incredible escapes.

But she had to admit, things didn't look good. She was deep in enemy territory with no way to contact HQ. Her cover was blown. She had no weapons and no means to secure any. Furthermore...

Any more strategizing on her part was abruptly stopped by the appearance of a needle in her arm. She started out of her chair but in seconds, blackness claimed her.


Adrianna woke up in a holding cell. Her head was pounding and her body was numb? no doubt the side effects of the sedative they had used on her. She tried to get her bearings, but she was just too out of it to do so, and so she simply lay silent for a while. Give me a minute, she told herself. I'll be up and at'em in no time, and then they'll rue the day they...

"Good morning, Omega Class Agent Adrianna Ryston." Boomed a voice. She mentally rolled her eyes. If they were going to experiment on her, why not just do it? No need to use her full-name and title all the time.

"I trust the new accommodations are to your liking?" Great, just what she needed, sarcasm. She didn't bother replying. These evil mastermind types just wanted you to banter with them, and she wouldn't give them the pleasure.

"Thank you for agreeing to participate in our on-going experiments. Of course, you had no say in the matter, but you deserve our thanks all the same." Experiments? Adrianna didn't like the sound of that. She groggily opened her eyes to see exactly what was going on.

The first thing she saw were the mirrored walls of the holding cell she found herself in. The second thing she saw was herself...but she was blue. Blue from head to toe.

Her entire body was covered in a shiny blue sheen. It glistened like water, reflecting light from every source. A biosuit...but like none she had ever seen before.

She looked different. She felt different. Adrianna went closer to the walls of the cell to observe the changes that had occurred in her body. Her breasts had grown at least one cup size, becoming unnatural perky and firm. Curious despite herself, she bounced on the balls of her feet experimentally, seeing the plump mounds jiggle slightly.

Blue skin and bigger breasts weren't the only changes. She'd seen biosuits like this before. Hell, she'd even worn them. But none of the ones she wore before covered her so tightly. It gripped her like a second skin, covering each inch of her body tightly. She was aware of each sensation, even the air passing over her skin. Taking a step sent tingles of sensation through her body.

She was! It was all she could do to maintain her posture and stand erect? she wanted to just curl up into a ball to process everything that she was experiencing.

But looking at her reflection in the mirror, Adrianna did come to a conclusion. What did a biosuit manufacturer and sexaroids have in common? She guessed she had just found her answer.

She didn't need to be a biotech scientist to understand what they were going for her. The creation of a high-quality sexaroid was an expensive pursuit, involving rare materials, top-notch AI and lots of quality testing. It was one thing to design a droid that would fire a gun or make tea? that was easy. But to create a facsimile of a living, breathing, human being, that would fulfill a rich man's sex fantasies? that was something else altogether.

So why not short-cut the process? Place a biosuit on a living, breathing human being (no facsimile needed!) and make one yourself! Just that like with most experimental technologies, there was no guarantee of success. Which is why they were testing it on her.

If it succeeded, new bioslut for manufacture. If it failed, they'd just dispose of her. A perfect solution for Sereotech Labs...but not great for Adrianna Ryston.

She had to get out of here. But how? She was naked and unarmed, plus, she had a highly experimental biosuit molded to her body, which she was sure was transforming her into a genetically modified sex slave even as she thought. Her only trump card was the transceiver hidden in her body cavity? something that no scan, no matter how thorough, would pick up. But how to activate it? She could...

She was still musing over her situation when the doors opened and about twenty men filed in.

Adrianna was under no illusions about what was to happen. Good products needed field testing, and what better way to ensure quality control than to test a freshly minted slut out on some willing participants? Once again, something that made perfect sense, from a quality control manufacturing perspective. She knew what was going to happen to her, but she was powerless to stop it.

Then men grabbed her and wrestled her to the floor...actually they didn't even need to do that, because from the second one even approached her, she grew weak-kneed with desire. Pheromones, her rational mind explained. She was being turned on by the smell of her soon-to-be lovers. Before she knew what she was doing, she had sunk to her knees and opened her mouth. A grinning guard placed his erect cock before her and she went to town on it.

She had sucked dick before. Omega Class Agents were busy, but not so busy she didn't go on dates - but not like this. This was a hunger, a craving more powerful than anything she had ever experienced. She licked and laved the erect organ hungrily, using both tongue and lips to full effect. To her horror she discovered that she was even drooling!

Dimly in the depths of her conscious mind she knew that it was just the biosuit that had caused this effect but she just needed more! More! So she sucked and sucked until her efforts were rewarded with a torrent of jism inside her mouth. She licked her lips, savoring every last drop. It tasted wonderful. More biosuit effects, no doubt.

But she still needed more. She cast about for another cock, her tongue lolling out of her mouth. She would have been ashamed at her behavior had she not been so horny. The men nudged at each other, whispering and jeering at her.

"Look at the slut. One wasn't enough for her. She wants more!"

At any other time she would have been incensed or angry at their words, but right now she just wanted more cum. Crawling on all fours, she found the next cock and slipped it into her mouth. She sucked on it until the man came, and then she found another. And another.

After about four loads, the craving eased. The reality of her situation hit her. Adrianna Ryston, Omega Class Agent, was lying on the floor of a cell having swallowed four loads of semen from men whose name she didn't know know...and loving it!

She knew it was just the neural impulses from the suit, but it just felt, so, so, good!

Semen wasn't supposed to taste like honey, peaches and cream, but the biosuit made it so, and her own taste buds were helpless against its onslaught of neural intervention.

Then came the next part. The men grabbed her roughly and spread her legs wide, and she was only too happy to assist them. She writhed helplessly as each man took her in turn. When the first entered her she came like a rocket, squirming and bucking in helpless need. If she thought swallowing cum was good, it was nothing compared to being filled with it. The moment the first man came in her, her entire nervous system would wild with pleasure. Out of the corner of her mind she admired the artistry that must have gone into the creation of such a finely layered neural network. the...but the others parts of her mind were occupied with cumming her brains out.

The orgy lasted about an hour by her reckoning. She fucked and came so many times she lost count, and at the end of it she was dizzy with pleasure and tiredness. The men left her on the floor of her cell, her stomach full of cum and her self-esteem and dignity in tatters. So much for getting in and out quickly and finishing with a seemed like it was she that they were getting in and out quickly of and banging.

They would pay. Whoever set her up would pay! She'd find them out, and get the Feds on them, and, and...but this could all wait until she had a good, long, rest...


Why do I always finish my chapters with my characters sleeping? It's a good way to end them I suppose. :)

So the start of another series, which has some similarities to the Transformed one but I hope it different enough to be interesting. What happens next? Even I'm not sure. I only have the next few chapters plotted out so far. I'll try to mix things up a bit though!

Once again, all feedback is appreciated!

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
ignore the haters (well, constructive critiscm is in there somewhere)

Basically, a quirk of your writing style appears to have irritated a couple of people.

I'm not one of them, I enjoyed it, an interesting premise for a story.

Keep it going please.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Story sux. See critique regarding ???

I'm stealing OCA, so it's good for one star.

ReiDeBastosReiDeBastosalmost 7 years ago
An Excess of ????????????????

Question marks belong, appropriately enough, at the end of QUESTIONS, not STATEMENTS.

The following quotes from this chapter are NOT QUESTIONS:


Being summoned to HQ could only been one thing?

we both know they are illegal, and so does most of the populace?

We've sent in several agents before you with no results?

Then there was the Beta Quadrant Affair, in which she did much the same thing with the rogue mothership?

Take it slow, case the joint down good?

She got used to the terminals, where the supplies were loaded, who were the VIPs and most importantly?

Suiting up in her agent gear, Adrianna used her laboratory keycard to get into the complex and made her way to her destination?

All she had found out from her two weeks here was that the Feds were right?

Her head was pounding and her body was numb?

It was all she could do to maintain her posture and stand erect?

It was one thing to design a droid that would fire a gun or make tea?

Her only trump card was the transceiver hidden in her body cavity?


I would suggest that you find - and use the services of - a competent editor before submitting the next chapter.


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