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The Side Job

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It changed our lifestyle.
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It was the early eighties, I was an ambitious carpenter who although had steady employment as a supervisor for a large construction firm. I did jobs on the weekends to supplement our income, as we decided that when we had kids my wife stayed home with them until they were older. At the time, they were six and eight years old. She just started work as a teachers aid, so she could be home when the kids were out of school. She made enough money to feel she contributed to our household and she didn't feel guilty if she bought something she wanted.

I received a call from someone in Hancock who wanted a large sauna built on his property. I called a friend of mine who I helped build his unit and asked if he was interested in another sauna build. He said yes and I went to see the client with my wife Becky. It was at the end of March the weather had warmed some.

We drove down Kittle road to the end and a gate which was open. We continued up to the red house, parked, and knocked on the door with my wife by my side. We were greeted by a naked man a few years older than us. Maybe in his late thirties or early forties.

He had a big smile on his face. "I guess you didn't realize this was a nudist camp. I can tell be the look of shock on your faces when I opened the door." He stated.

"We are here about the construction of a sauna, you called me about." I stated when I found my voice and handed him my business card.

"Oh, yes come on in." He stated as he stepped aside to let us in.

I glanced at my wife as we entered the front room. Her eyes never left the guy's pecker. Soft it went almost to his knee.

"Come in have a seat we can talk." He said and continued. "By the way my name is Dick."

"Of course it is! And you're probably the best man at any wedding at the nudist camp." I thought as I said "Nice to meet you. I'm Tom and this is my wife Becky."

"My wife Julie is on the couch." Dick said.

We turned to see a pretty, naked woman on the couch with a book in her hand. She was my age.

It was my turn! I devoured the naked female with my eyes. "Hi Julie, nice to see you.. I mean meet you." I stuttered.

Dick and Julie laughed. "You have never been to a nudist camp before have you." They asked.

"Is it that obvious we have led a sheltered life." I laughed.

My wife and I sat, it took a few minutes of chit chat and we overcame our surprise. The couple was very cordial and asked us if we wanted them to dress.

"I'm good the scenery is great here with the field and mountain." I stated, with a double meaning as I looked past the naked woman out the picture window above the couch.

"I'm good also." My wife said as she glanced at Dick's appendage from time to time.

I went over what the owner wanted, made a few sketches, and my wife moved to sit closer to Julie. The two women got along famously.

On the way home. "That was different, but nice. I have never seen an organ as big as Dick's soft." My wife said to my surprise I thought she would bite my head off because a naked woman was there,but that's all she could think about was Dick's member. "She invited me to come with you when you build the sauna." My wife Continued.

"We don't have the job yet Becky." I stated.

"I think you have the job already and you just don't know it." My wife said, she used her feminine intuition to form her opinion.

"If you're right will you come with me to the camp when we do the job?"

"What are we going to do with the kids for the weekend. I don't want to bring them there and I won't get naked either, if that is what your dirty mind is thinking. You want to show me off. Just because I was nude for the massage' classes for six weeks you think I will go nude at the camp." She stated as a challenge.

"Suit yourself, if you want to come with me you can, you don't have to get naked." I stated and the subject was dropped.

I priced up the work. He wanted it done in June. That is when the sauna equipment would be on site and he didn't want to build the structure without the equipment on site. I got the job.

"Tom, can you do drywall and taping?" Dick asked when I called to give him the price.

"Yes, anything to do with building construction I can do." I told him.

"I have a couple of rental cabins I want repaired, I will pay you to do them just give me some kind of budget for the work and it is yours." Dick said.

I gave the owner a budget, my wife who can tape and wanted to make some money came with me. The project was started the middle of April. We hung the drywall and we started to tape. You have to give the tape time to dry one to two days. It depends on the interior, climate conditions and heat. It took a few days to dry.

There were a few people at the camp all nude as we worked on the rental units. This gave my wife encouragement to strip nude I surmised when she asked. "Did you see the nude men and women who laid out on the lawns?"

"Yes I did it looked like fun and you would look great out there on the lawn in all your naked glory also." I stated with affirmation

The weekend my wife and I went to the camp to put another coat of tape on the joints. It was very warm in the cabin, so I stripped nude. That way I didn't get my clothes full of compound and we could go to the shower room to shower, as I had the forethought to bring some towels with us. That was the reason I gave my wife. Our kids were at our relatives house their kids are only a little older than ours by less than a year.

"Oh Hell!" I heard my wife state from the room she worked on the wall finish in, after about a half hour. She came out with her clothes in hand, nude but for shoes. "It is too hot to work with clothes on." She smiled at me, as she stowed her clothes in the truck. From, then on we worked nude until we finished the cabins over the next two weeks. We made a good payday when we were done. The client was very happy with our work ethic and the finished product. This also started a new chapter in our life and marriage.

In the eighties it was tough to get the specs for equipment, saunas were relatively new to our area, so we had to wait for the equipment to show up. We received preliminary specs from the supplier with a note across the front "Not for Construction." That's Italian for wait for the unit to show up before you start your build, in case anyone who reads this isn't Italian.

I designed a building of sixteen feet by twelve feet on an insulated concrete slab. The owner submitted drawings to the building inspector and received the permit.

My wife and I went to see our friends Jane and Dave one night to discuss the project. "The ladies have been invited to the camp when we work on the structure." I told the couple.

"I am not going to get naked if I go with you guys." Jane said, she was a pretty blonde woman, but she was insecure about her small breasts, which I didn't see for myself up until then, but she told us about them. Jane was my wife's age and Dave was four years older than me.

They had a small sauna in their basement the one I helped build and he just finished the installation. It was a six-person unit.

"Would you want to try out our sauna?" Dave asked.

"I'm game." I said

After a little while my wife and Jane consented also, after their kids went to bed. We stripped down all in the same room, to my surprise and I finally got to see Jane nude. Her small breasts did not distract from her beauty, although I didn't really get a good look at them, because she liked to show off her beaver. They were a contrast thought, my wife's breasts were thirty-six c to d's.

The light in the sauna had a dimmer switch on them so the unit had subdued light, but it was very hot and we only stayed in it about fifteen minutes, but the ice was broken. The nude barrier penetrated, from then on, our wives were no longer resistant to nude get togethers as it pertained to the four of us.

Anyway, time passed, and it was the middle of May. I received a call from Dick, the sauna unit was on site. I called Dave, we set up to go to the camp on the weekend to start. I ordered materials needed to be delivered on Friday.

Dave and I arrived on site at seven AM on Saturday. I used the Mini excavator to level the area for the six-inch slab, set on two foot of stone, two inches of Styrofoam insulation, and formed the slab. It was a hot day we had two laborers who worked for the camp, they were nude. Dave and I decided 'when in Rome do as the Romans do,' so we stripped nude, it was odd to have a carpenter's apron on and nude your pecker between the pouches that swayed in the breeze.

By the time our two ladies showed up we were almost done with the form. There was a group of people all nude that watched us work. It was a smorgasbord of pussy and cock more than I have ever seen in person in my life to date. I loved it.

Our wives who had on shorts and tops, also sat in the crowd. Our kids were with sitters. The ladies were in the crowd for about an hour, we noticed where they were because they were the only one's clothed. Within an hour we couldn't find them anymore. We thought they left, but then I saw my wife's sun hat. She and Jane were nude. Now I saw what Jane talked about, her breasts were just nipples that were inverted, but she was still a pretty woman. I couldn't see her upper body very well in the sauna as she covered her breasts with a towel, but like today she was not concerned about her modesty as it pertained to her flower of life, she had her manhole on full display for all to see. I needed to have my wife become more cognizant to expose womanhood when she sits.

When we finished, we put our equipment away and found our ladies. "What happened with we aren't going to get nude?" I asked.

"Everyone came up to us and asked what the matter was, why didn't we enjoy the day. It was like we were nude, and they were clothed. Everyone paid too much attention to us, but when we stripped no one bothered us." My wife explained.

The ladies followed us to the unisex shower and then we went to the hot tubs and settled in for a nice soak and conversation. Our life changed, in the weeks after we went to see the owner of the camp about the job.

Dave and I talked over the week, the owner said if we had camping equipment, we could set it up in the field next to the construction site and stay the weekend. We had a pop-up trailer and Dave had a big tent.

I talked to my wife. "Becky the owner said we can bring our pop-up and stay the weekend."

"What about Jane will she be able to be there and how about the kids?"

"There are a lot of kids there at the camp the weekend we formed the pad. Call Jane see what she wants to do." I said to my wife.

The owner had the pad poured on Wednesday and I checked to see how it looked. The cement finisher at the camp did a great job it was smooth and straight. The slab will be cured enough to start to frame the structure on the weekend.

It was decided after we talked to our kids. They wanted to go to the camp with us. All enjoyed camping including the ladies. The best part it was free!

We explained that all the kids will have to keep the camp between us. Dave and Jane's kids will also be there. They have three boys. The oldest was three years older than our son, the middle son was our sons age and they youngest was the same age as our daughter.

We arrived at the camp at seven on Saturday and set up for the weekend. Dick came over to see us and told us we can leave our camp set up until we finish to Sauna. That was great we will save time with no setup time and breakdown time each weekend.

We kept our shorts on while we worked, the kids played at the playground all day. Nothing was said to us about the naked people at the camp by any of our the kids. Our children found friends at the camp, there were about ten kids that hung around together all within the same age range. Girls and boys all had their clothes on and played all day at the kids park, with swings, sand box, and monkey bars. An older girl was there as a park supervisor, who played games with the kids. We only saw the kids when they were hungry.

When we had the walls up with T-111 wall finish, all the rafters for the structure cut, and installed we quit for the night. It was four o'clock. Dave and I stowed our gear in the truck, retrieved our towels, walked nude to the showers, after we showered, we walked back to our campsite. The kids asked if they could go swim in the pool.

"We can do that, but no swimsuits are allowed in the pool. Do you still want to go swimming? "I asked them.

Dave's three boys, our son, and daughter, didn't say a word they stripped down, and we went to the pool. Becky and Jane included. They were nude with their towels also and towels for the kids. I was in heaven as I observed all the womanly charms exposed at the pool.

Before anyone blows a gasket let me explain about a nudist camp. It was a place for social nudity, not sexual nudity. It was an area where you camp the only difference was you can go nude if you like. The people at a nudist camp are the nicest people you ever want to meet. They don't put on airs, what you see is what you get, nice down to earth humans. They are of all sizes, shapes, ethnicities, and beautiful people.

The camp had a clubhouse with a restaurant. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner was served there by topless waitresses. The waitresses couldn't go nude because of some health laws. The owner gave both families free meals as long as we worked on the sauna. The guests can be nude while you eat which was great you don't have to worry about any spills. You just go take a shower after you eat.

At seven on Friday and Saturday nights the club had dances with a DJ or band. From seven to nine the kids could come to the dance and it was clothed. The kids had to leave at nine and then the dance became clothing optional. It was fun to dance with your wife while both are nude. It makes for some interesting interactions.

We brought the family to the camp on Friday night and stayed until Sunday night. It took about a month to finish the sauna and Stain it. The client was pleased with the results and asked if we wanted other work to do at the camp. We did, so we made a deal to get two yearly family passes and he paid us the difference for the sauna.

Dick gave me a list of projects he wanted done over the next few years and I priced them for him. The projects consisted of the repair of the chimney at the office. Deck repair of the sun deck off the club house. And construction of a new bathroom, locker room, and restroom. We had season passes at the camp until the owner sold it which amounted to eighteen years and anyone who came with us got in free for a few weeks.

All rights reserved 2021 to 2031

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TonyMA70TonyMA70about 4 years agoAuthor

Thank you for the comment

Crusader235Crusader235about 4 years ago

Where was the Erotica? Seeing a bunch of nudist naked ain't erotic. From the nudist magazines I've seen most of them should be covered in cloths.

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