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The Sinner's Canon Ch. 01-06


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"Honey, I know what you are ... I've always known, okay? You're a lothario, a horndog, a lecher, and that's perfectly fine with me ... other than occasional moments of ... jealous insanity, okay? Deep down, I've always known what I'm getting with you ... and I have to confess that I adore that about you ... you're not a poser, not a pretender ... you're a skirt-chaser, sure, but not a player, okay? You don't string a girl along, alright, with false promises of monogamy or other such crap. It's all baked in, okay?

"I'm not the faithful sort, either, in case it escaped your notice. We both cheated, we had a lovers' spat, we damn near broke up, though I don't count it as a real breakup, and now we have an ... open relationship. Deal? Completely open ... and honest, right?" my sweet Jessica told me with more kisses to my lips, my face, my neck, and my chest.

"Works for me ... baby ... in that case ... I should disclose that I've been ... fucking ... the Devil," I let it slip, making Jessica snort her beer now.

"THE DEVIL? You're ... having sex ... with ... Satan? Lucifer, the Prince of Darkness ... the Devil Himself?" Jessica reacted with real surprise.

"Herself, sure, but you get the basic idea. The Devil's ... female. I'm also ... screwing ... Lilith," I gave Jessica the next shocker.

"The Devil is a WOMAN? Wow! Just ... wow! Sweet! I'd love to lez Satan out if she was game for it! I'd want to suck on that pointed tail of hers! And Lilith, too ... they're ... lesbian lovers? Wow ... Dios mio! Tabernac!" Jessica responded before she began sucking me in earnest.

"Damn, Jess ... wow ... oh, God ... your mouth ... your tongue!" I reacted as Jessica alternated between eating the rest of her baguette, drinking her beer, and sucking my cock.

"I worship you ... always have ... so it's fitting that you're basically a god-king, papi ... it's what you've always been to me! Tyler ... he's just a man-child of sorts. He's ... got nothing on you! Say the word and I'll dump him ... and still not ask you to be faithful to me. I like ... love ... and enjoy him, but he pales next to you ... Master!" Jessica really got busy sucking me now.

"Baby ... do you want to dump him ... in your heart of hearts?" I asked Jessica, who shook her head, making it clear that it would be a sacrifice that she would make for me.

"Then don't dump him, okay? I won't ask you to do something that you really don't want to do, unless it's something that I need you to do, okay, babe?" I told Jessica, pulling her up to kiss her hard on the lips and make out with her.

"Thank you ... Jack ... Master ... Lord!" Jessica exclaimed as I planted her on her back and entered her missionary-style.

"Oh ... GOD! OH ... MY FUCKING GOD!" Jessica screamed as I plowed her good and hard now.

Jessica's legs were now on my shoulders and I really thrust into her with gusto. I leaned over to kiss her ardently on the lips ... with tongue and she wrapped her legs around me in obvious lust. She was mine. Completely mine. That was clear. I owned her sweet ass now. She belonged to me and I was stuck with her lovely self.

While I would always cherish each of my nine human girlfriends, there was no longer any question which one I could trust with my heart, soul, and everything else. Jessica Luz Marie Jacquette Beltran was MINE. She was utterly loyal and enthralled to me, body and soul.

"Marry me, Jess! Just know what kind of husband I'll be. Not faithful at all, but loving, protective, and eager to spoil you rotten! I don't care if I have thirty girlfriends and you have thirty Tylers. You're MY bride, honey! The mother of my first child. The woman who cared enough to come back after the rough and tumble dispute. The woman who was willing to burn in everlasting torment just to be at my side.

"You can't put a price on that kind of devotion, that kind of loyalty and love. I'll never forget what you've shown me ... a love that puts me first, without conditions. I will never discard you. I'm stuck with you, yes, but you're also stuck with me," I announced while kissing Jessica very hard on the mouth and fucking her harder than ever.

I saw tears trickling down Jessica's face and heard her sobs as she kissed me again and clenched my cock hard enough to force me to expel my load while she came.

"That's ... all I ever wanted from any man ... to know that he would never dump me ... never drop me. Never let me go. Know this, my love ... I am one hundred percent yours. Forever. You've just made me the happiest woman alive. I never asked for fidelity ... only for eternity. You've given me what no other man could ... and I'll never forget that fact. I'm yours ... and I'll never let you go," Jessica declared while I carried her to the shower.

We had just made a little pact now and we both knew it. I would never give her up or kick her out of my bed ... or my life.

And she would always be my enthusiastic slave.

Chapter 4

I awoke to a phone call and it was my boss, Jerry, the editor-in-chief of the Daily Observer.

"Jack, where's that scoop you've promised me? You're running behind and don't tell me that it's one of your stupid errands for your damn sister-in-law and her old man, your brother! I swear, as much as you do for that bitch, she ought to divorce your brother and marry you! You're more of a stand-up guy for her these days than for me. It's not my fault, or yours, that your brother got his sorry ass locked up in jail! Indicted on mail fraud charges, no less!" Jerry snapped at me.

"Yes, yes, I know. My brother's a con man. He's always been a con man. Hence how he got someone as sweet as Carly to marry him. In a week or two, it won't matter. Boss, get ready for the most explosive scoop of all. The Rapture, it's gonna happen on March 14. I got it marked, confirmed, if you will. Yes, I've found Jesus, and he wears a baseball cap!" I chuckled, hearing Jessica laugh in the background.

"Is that supposed to be funny? Or have you actually gotten religion, you, the one man I thought too smart for that bullshit? Or what?" I know that's Sunday morning, but damn! Listen, you get here with that scoop or your ass is fired, do you hear me?" Jerry tossed back some coffee when the Devil literally appeared at the foot of my bed, with Lilith standing behind her.

"Is your boss harassing you? Should I go kick his ass?" Nicki inquired now, a very annoyed look on her face.

"Do it," I was done with Jerry's bullshit ... he had gone too far now ... waking me up on Sunday mornings to bug the hell out of me.

Nicki vanished along with Lilith and not two seconds later, I heard a scream over the phone.

"Okay, okay, I get it! Jack, please, get those crazy bitches to leave me alone! They've got me pinned to my desk with their pointed tails up my ass! They're demons, aren't they? You're consorting with demons! They're scratching and biting me ... please, no ... what are they doing to me ... what's that ... no, please, don't drag me down there ... not down there! Jack, please, get them to stop ... they said that they'd stop if you told them to ... please, I can feel claws and teeth on my skin. God, no! Please, don't let them drag me down to Hell!" Jerry pleaded desperately.

"Well, honey, your call. He was going down there in about six months, anyway, after about his third or fourth Vicodin mixed with vodka," Nicki told me on Jerry's phone as she held it in her hands, "tends to happen when you've cheated your workers and skimmed off the top with your company, wouldn't you agree, Jerry? It's all up to Jack as I said. Say the word, Jack, and we'll take him downstairs to circumcise him repeatedly forever. Get it? Skim a little off the top?"

"Please, God ... no! Who are you, Jack? Are you Satan or the ... Antichrist?" Jerry begged and groveled now, his tone far changed.

"Jerry, do me a favor. GO TO HELL!" I lost my patience with the prick after he called me the Antichrist over the phone.

That was kinda too close to home, you know. Reminded me of how Jehovah until very recently wanted to cook me alive forever. No thanks.

"Alright, buddy, looks like your time's up a little early. Lilith, tell Azazel to sharpen his knives. We have a fresh soul to torment. One of those who have earned it," Nicki laughed as I heard Jerry scream in agony and terror, kicking and screaming as he tried not to be dragged down to the Pit.

"Wow ... you just sent your boss to Hell! Literally! I'm guessing that he'll wish that he had treated you better!" Jessica snickered as she began sucking my cock in earnest.

"It's just a wild guess, but I'm not fired anymore. I think that's Jerry now," I chuckled while Jessica slurped away greedily on my dick.

"Oh, God ... is it just me, or has your prick gotten ... bigger? A LOT bigger! And you weren't exactly lacking in that department as it was! A fucking size queen would be happy with you now! You're lucky that I don't mind the pain, though I'm no size queen!" Jessica asked me, causing me to look down at my dick.

Sure enough, my respectable six inches with significant girth had now become ... mysteriously, a healthy beer can of a cock. OH MY GOD, I thought! How the hell am I gonna get that inside a woman without halfway killing her? My dick looked very dangerous to all womankind right then, a real anaconda, and again, as Jessica noted, I wasn't precisely short-changed beforehand.

I heard loud Satanic laughter right then and knew that this was the Devil's doing. I then felt Jessica climb on top of my cock. I heard a groan and wince at first, but then she moaned like it was the best thing since sliced fucking bread. Her eyes appeared to bug out of her head, too. After that, she became a fucking animal, riding me as if her life depended on it or something. She was out of control, creaming herself every minute or so on my dick, even as I could tell that she was in a lot of pain and very sore from my sheer size.

"She's hooked now, you know. Poor girl was already madly in love with you and now she's so fucking addicted to your cock that she'd rather slit her wrists than lose you. Better get used to it. This is how it feels for the incubi, constantly in fact. Poor girl never stood a chance. She's gonna crave your dick so much it will almost become a pain in the ass.

"You could stab her to death forty times and as long as you kept fucking her during the murder, she wouldn't care until she collapsed from being fucked into the grave. You already owned that girl, but she now she's putty in your hands for the rest of your life ... and hers. She'll limp for the rest of her days, too, but she won't care. It will be worth it for her, just to have that monster inside her body again ... and again ... and again.

"Poor Tyler's gonna have to either dump her or face a very cucky future, methinks. That girl's gonna feel like a truck hit her half the time after you've fucked her, but she'll keep coming back for more ... and more ... and more. It's like a drug to women ... demon dick, and that's what you have now. The rest of you is still very human ... well, superhuman, as you're now basically the new God, but still ... that cock of yours ... that ain't a human cock at all, trust me.

"If I were you, I'd be hitting up all of my exes and sticking that cock to them in a hurry. Otherwise, poor Jessica won't survive the amount of sex that you'll need now. Oh, part of her will be thrilled to get fucked that much, but if you fuck her as much as she'll crave, you'll find her body at the morgue, sooner or later. That demon dick of yours has needs, you know. The need to hump everyone who looks good in a skirt.

"Your relationship? Honey, it's never gonna be the same again. Any upper hand, any leverage that she might have still held, it's gone in a whiff of smoke. You have all of the power now, so you might as well use it. If you don't now, she'll pick a bad moment to test you and then you'll grudge-fuck her into the ground. Trust me, I've seen it happen with my incubi now and then," Lilith abruptly told me while Jessica rode me, as if she wasn't even in earshot.

"I know ... I know ... I know all of what you're telling me ... he's gonna throw me around like a rag doll, sooner or later, and just take whatever he wants. Well, good for him! That's what I want ... no, I NEED from him! I want to be his puta ... his slut, his whore, his cunt ... his fuckmeat! I need it so badly I can taste it, and so this just makes things so much better, you know!" Jessica screamed very loudly indeed as she came all over me and I spurted a massive load inside her puffy, sore, dark pink gash.

"Honey, are you okay? Excuse us for a moment, Lilith ... baby, are you gonna live?" I asked Jessica, worried as I was about her.

"God ... yes ... but about those exes of hers ... which of them should we call first?" Jessica asked me with a seductively strained voice now.

"What? I'm really gonna need the help satisfying THAT giant snake of yours!" my girlfriend added as she kissed ardently on the lips, "God help me, I love this cock, but it's gonna kill me someday!"

"True, but is there any better way to go?" I teased Jessica, getting a hearty laugh from her in spite of the hoarseness.

"Nope ... but you better take over the world soon, so I can really add to your harem. Aside from your demon lovers, that is," Jessica winked at me now.

"Sassy bitch ... you're gonna make one hell of a queen for me once I'm king of the world, you know," I told Jessica, who damn near moaned as she heard that and read my black book again.

"Just for that ... come here, you!" Jessica didn't wait for my answer to kiss me very hard on the mouth.

"I would tell you to get a room, but to be honest, I really just wanna join you in bed," Lilith warned me.

"So ... what are you waiting for, babe?" I pulled the demoness into bed with us.

"Yeah, I really want to suck that pointed tail of yours, you know," Jessica got the last word before doing just that for the moment and making Lilith scream sheer bloody murder like a fucking banshee.

Chapter 5

"Fuck yeah ... fuck me ... fuck me!" Lilith screamed as I drove my massive demon cock inside her luscious demonic body and she munched on Jessica's sore, drenched pussy.

"Wow ... and you're a succubus ... you must be used to this by now," I grinned as I rammed Lilith's tight demonic ass, grateful that I would never be able to split a demoness.

'Yes, but to have such a wonderful monster cock attached to a flesh and blood human ... oh, fuck, fuck, fuck!" Lilith tightened up even more with her hot and slippery asshole, squeezing my dick very hard indeed, "please do it ... please cum inside me ... please give me your load!"

I erupted inside Lilith's stretched cornhole and pulled out, leaving a gape that looked like a fucking crater. She laughed and tightened her pucker back to normal just like that, though a ton of my spunk oozed its way down her crimson legs. She went back to work on eating Jessica out, now focusing on my fiancee's sweet ass, making her moan and scream the name of a succubus now. I went behind Lilith and started lapping up my own jizz from her fine, scarlet bottom. Lilith moaned in a guttural tongue and cried out for more.

That was when the phone rang, and it was Tyler. Lilith giggled as she guided me inside Jessica's butt, something that I feared more than a little to do as I might wreck her booty. Sure, Jessica's eyes widened like saucers and she bit her lower lip in obvious pain, but she also pushed back eagerly at me while I sodomized her and she talked to her other man.

"What am I doing, honey? I think that you can guess! I'm taking Jack's cock up my ass where it belongs ... oh, fuck, it's so big, baby! You'd never believe how huge my other boyfriend's dick is. I mean, do you want me to spare your feelings or be honest with you, dear? Don't be a cry baby, okay? You know that I love to push you onto your back and ride the holy fuck out of you, right?

"It would be even hotter if it were a threesome, with you underneath me, your prick inside my wet and sloppy cunt, while Jack buggers me so hard that I limp for weeks," Jessica wiggled her booty as she talked to Tyler and I really slammed in and out of her tush.

That was when Lilith hit the speaker on Jessica's phone and I could hear Tyler say, "But, Jess, I thought that you two were over. Now ... you won't even kick him out of bed long enough to talk to me on the phone and focus on me ... wait, am I on speaker now?"

"That you are, honey, and no, I'm not going to kick Jack out of his own damn bed, just because you can't share an intimate moment like this with him. How am I to get the two of you into a devil's threesome with me if you won't even share a phone call, silly boy?

"OH, FUCK ... HE'S SO FAR UP MY ASS! I think that I might be too sore to walk for days, but it's SO WORTH IT!" Jessica giggled as she felt me driving even deeper inside her body.

"But ... Jessica ... what about me? How am I to get you to marry me and have you all to myself if you won't even drop him for a phone call? I proved to you what a cheater he is, you know. And now you're cheating on me with him while talking to me! Why, Jessica, why?" Tyler whined, just as Jessica moaned loudly from my demon cock stretching her culo more.

"Look, honey ... I love you, baby, but you need to face facts. I've all but screamed that I'll never dump either of you and I mean it. I'm not a one-man woman, period. Just deal with the fact that your girlfriend has another boyfriend or get fed up enough to dump me yourself! I have two boyfriends and that's just how it's gonna be.

"That's not cheating, because I don't lie about it. Jack's not a cheater, either. Despite a brief flash of jealousy, the fact is that he never lied to me about his intentions. In fact, he all but screamed them at me. I just missed the forest for the trees.

"Jack's the sort of guy who likes to collect women, not discard them, and if you ask me, I think that's pretty sweet of him. He's had nine serious girlfriends now and if it were up to him, he'd keep all nine of us! It's a lot better than dumping girls or guys in my book. It's a lot more loving, for sure.

"Excuse me, Tyler, but ... Jack, harder, please! Even harder! Yes, that hurts ... and I love you for it! Hurt me some more ... I love it ... I'm such a pain slut for you! Yes, right up my butthole! Ram me!" Jessica pleaded with me to sodomize her even harder and I was happy to oblige, even if I worried about the risk to her anal health.

"Don't worry, dear ... even if you destroy her ass, I can repair it magically in seconds, as many times as needed. Just make her howl, honey!" Lilith encouraged me while sucking my balls.

I really pounded Jessica now, making her scream out several orgasms while she was on the phone with Tyler.

"See, honey ... I love you, but I NEED him! I need that hot demon cock of his! Trust me! Hell, maybe you should try it yourself ... then you'd understand where I'm CUMMING from here! Oh, fuck it ... deeper ... deeper ... rougher! More, more ... goes places that no one has ever imagined going inside me! Flood my fucking bowels, Jack, you sexy beast!

"See, Tyler ... I like you a lot, but you need to grow up and deal with the fact that I'm a horny little slut with needs, those needs include Jack and his devil cock, and if you can't take knowing that about your girlfriend, then maybe we shouldn't be together after all ... but I really don't want to give up either of you!

"Your girlfriend, namely me, has two boyfriends, so instead of whining about that, maybe you should get yourself a second girlfriend ... or come here and let Jack rock your world, too, with that mammoth motherfucking anaconda of his! It's HUGE, baby ... just a fucking beer can of a dick!

"You'd limp for months, possibly, but it would be one helluva way to lose your anal cherry, you know. Yeah, more ... fucking more ... yes, yes, this is the biggest, best cock ever! Sorry, Tyler, but you can enjoy this dick, too. Trust me ... your prostate will thank you ... and me, later," Jessica teased her other beau as I continued to bugger her with a vengeance.

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