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The Sinner's Canon Ch. 01-06


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"Write whatever you wish, babe. That's the point. You can change the Scriptures drastically and Jehovah has already committed himself to the changes. He acted rashly, which he does at times. Now he's stuck with whatever changes or revisions you make to his sacred text. He has appointed and commissioned you, a heathen so wicked that you were supposed to be the Antichrist, to edit and alter his Scriptures.

"What can he do now, without losing face or worse? Besides, he's got his saints now ... I doubt that he will care much about Earth after that. He's plagued by despair and self-doubt, after all," Nicki reassured me while she teased me more with her luscious devil ass and pointed tail.

"Do it ... cum inside her tight, tight bottom ... flood the Devil's bowels!" Lilith encouraged me as I pumped harder in and out of Nicki's hot, crimson derriere.

"Do it ... fill my colon with your spunk, stud! Then claim dominion over this world! It is your destiny, anyway, only now it comes without the cost of eternal torment. It is high time that the seed of Cain and Naamah reign supreme at last! After all, as Tears For Fears sang, 'Everybody Wants to Rule the World.' It's just that you have a chance to do that yourself now," Satan moaned as she clenched my cock with her anal walls and extracted every drop of my spunk into her colon.

It was some of the most intense pleasure imaginable as I spurted rope after rope inside the Devil's ass. Lilith didn't skip a beat, bending over next to her lover to welcome a still hard prick deep inside her incredibly smooth and slick bum. Her buttocks were a healthy shade of scarlet, too, as I plundered her booty and ravaged her rump. Her horns were adorable, just like Nicki's, making me wonder how Jehovah could have ever rejected and resented such a charming imp.

I drilled Lilith's sweet ass for what felt like another hour, pronging her backside to the greatest satisfaction for both of us. It was clear to me that Nicki and Lilith both had ulterior motives, but I had yet to see where their interests diverged from mine. Perhaps I would see it once we were done fucking, but I was in no hurry to stop that yet.

My sexual drought for the past few days since my three girlfriends found out about each other and dumped me ... well, it wasn't too much fun. Yes, I was a two-timer, which might have been somehow linked to my earlier status as the designated Antichrist, I wasn't too sure. Of course, a genocidal deity had no right to judge me for fucking around on my girlfriends. As "vices" went, they were poles apart.

Anyway, getting laid like this, by the Devil no less and her beloved bride, what could I say? What heathen lecher in his right mind would turn that offer down? That was particularly true when one considered that they offered me anal sex, bareback, with no danger of STIs, HIV, etc. Frankly, I could get used to this, if Nicki ever wanted an encore, no doubt of that. Lilith, too, of course, or even better, both of them.

I was never the one-woman type, naturally. It just wasn't my way to decline a woman's advances just because of another woman as if one was germane to the other. It was needless pain, sadness, rejection, and sacrifice for no clear purpose or objective. Hell, I sometimes fucked guys, too, especially twinks who liked to bottom. Maybe I was bisexual, not hetero, after all.

At last, however, Lilith squeezed my cock too hard and I erupted inside her butt, coating her pucker with my next, if smaller load. I pulled out of her tight end and she promptly sucked my dick straight from her own cornhole. When Nicki knelt to join her, one thing became very clear to me: at least from my own experience ... demons were nymphomaniacs. Well, devils, fallen angels were, at any rate ... and fallen humans like Lilith, of course.

"I kinda hope that isn't the last time, baby. Feel free to come and join us here. This is Hell, after all. We're perfectly safe to do it down here as much as you like ... with time to spare, too. Time operates a lot slower in Hell, after all. It's been a year in Hell, but only an hour on Earth. If you ever want to see us again and fuck us down here ... or on Earth, just call our names ... we'll listen for you. We don't for everyone, but we will for you," Nicki invited me now with a kiss and a wink, as did Lilith.

"Wait ... are you saying that the DEVIL and her favorite companion are my booty calls now?" I asked, my eyes bugging out of my head, wide as saucers.

"And any other devil in Hell, if they know what's good for them. Every single fallen angel and other demon down here ... has to answer your call, no matter what it is. And not just for sex, either. And knowing them, they'll do it gladly, too. You're a hero now down here. You saved our tails, quite literally, from eternal torment.

"Believe it or not, you're famous now ... especially since you almost became the Beast, the Antichrist. This is gonna sound cliche, but as of today, we are forever in your debt. And not only will the Devil have her due, but she'll pay her debts, too," Satan assured me now while Lilith and she groped me one last time.

"Well, there goes my dry spell, doesn't it?" I chuckled as I vanished ... wait ... did I just enter and exit Hell on my own power and terms.

How fucking weird was that, I thought, just as I walked right into Jessica Beltran, one of my three most recent ex-girlfriends. In my own living room, as it happened. What was more, she wore nothing but one of my Star Trek T-shirts and her favorite terry cloth pajama bottoms. She just made herself right at home as she lived with me. The smile that she gave me was very bewitching, too, reflecting her sultry beauty that came from her mixed Mexican and French-Canadian heritage.

"Hey, honey ... you look better than ever!" Jessica told me with a steamy lip lock that she planted on me.

"Jess ... I thought that you dumped me ... for cheating on you!" I expressed shock.

"Oh, that? A stupid jealous temper tantrum, that's all! So what if you fucked around on me? I felt like the worst sort of hypocrite this week ... and so horny ... and so sad ... and lonely ... so lost without you ... especially since I was cheating on you, too! In fact, the break-up was partly Tyler's idea. He got tired of sharing me, so he told me about the other girls to break us up.

"Let's brush that aside and focus on what matters: you yanking down these bottoms to fuck me like I badly need!" Jessica then dropped her jammies and bent over the armchair to urge me to fuck her hard from behind.

"Oh ... God ... fuck, Jessica ... we have to be quick ... I have a ... major ... project! I want to get a little further along in it ... but ... oh, fuck ... damn! Perfect ... so damn good ... how am I getting it up so soon after...?" I struggled to say as my hard-on returned with shocking speed and I bottomed-out quickly inside her.

"After who ... Sandra ... or Rita? Or your ... other exes ... Angela, Pamela, Monica, Erica, Mary, and Tina, am I right about that? Sorry, I looked at your ... black book, if you will. Fascinating. You've had exactly nine girlfriends in your time. Three Latinas, one Brazilian, one sista, one Filipina, one Jew, one Arab, and one Italian! Quite a collection!" Jessica asked me while I rammed her balls deep and fondled those smooth, earthy buns of hers.

"Well, I'm more of a collector than a pump-and-dumper. They tend to dump me instead because I cheat and get caught or they want someone more... 'serious,' ... serious now? I got a sense of humor, sure, but I'm a grown-ass man who pays his bills, goes to work, votes, gives to charity now and then, and even helps my sister-in-law out now that my brother's got himself indicted," I scoffed while plowing her good and rough to her obvious delight.

"Oh, it's just because you don't 'date' in the classic sense. You tend to just ... fall into relationships without formally asking them, you don't even have the 'talk' that lets them rope you into an actual commitment of fidelity on your part ... which gives you some leeway on the whole cheating issue. In short, you avoid almost every typical milestone that they associate with normal, heavy relationships. Well, other than the hot, steamy, makeup sex, like this!" Jessica explained while pushing back even harder at me with her sweet booty, "in fact, one could argue that you didn't cheat on me at all."

"Interesting lawyering, but not what you thought or said the other day, nor Sandra, nor Rita. If I didn't know better, I'd think that you're really eager to reconcile for some reason. Not sure what that reason would be, not judging by the usual pattern of my break-ups, which as I've noted consists of someone asking me where this whole relationship was headed in the future. They tend to get upset at my rather frank answers, of course," I chuckled as I slammed harder inside Jessica and she really worked her hips to get me in her to the hilt.

"Fuck ... fuck ... fuck ... fuck! Dios mio! Tabernac!" Jessica mixed French and Spanish obscenities with English as she creamed herself with her slick and juicy twat on my throbbing cock.

"I'm about to cum ... too!" I warned Jessica, who flipped her legs and feet playfully in response and tightened up on my thick rod.

I erupted inside my not-so-ex-girlfriend and slid out of her, only to have her stand up and kiss me even harder on the mouth. Then she knelt and took in me to the root, inhaling my dick as if it were a joint or something like that. She winked up at me and licked me from head to base. She did this for several minutes before she rose to kiss me fiercely on the lips. She even moved my hands to her butt-cheeks and put her own hands on my tush.

"Fuck that noise, baby! I'm a grown-ass woman myself and I make my own choices. Well, this was MY choice! This includes the decision to toss out my birth control pills yesterday and entice you into fucking me bareback. Yes, honey ... I'm gonna have your baby and there's nothing that anyone can do to stop me! I've wanted you to knock me up for ages now.

"That was another large part of why I was pissed at you, unreasonable as that might be. I really, really, really want to have your baby and I'm tired of waiting for it! I got a funny feeling that it took this time! The funny thing is that with my other boyfriend, Tyler, I like him a lot, maybe even love him, but I just ... I don't have that strong urge to let him put a bun in my oven. At least not right now. Just with you. Yet I don't want to dump him, either. It's very odd. I can't explain it," Jessica announced to my utter astonishment.

"Wow ... that's ... pretty intense! Hey, if you want to spend the night, that's great, just bear in mind that I've got a project that will take a while, no, it's not with the paper. It's something else entirely, not really a journalistic endeavour as such. It's hard to explain. What shall I feed you?" I told Jessica while caressing her face and opening the Tome, as I now called and thought of it.

"No, honey ... what shall I feed YOU? You're the one hard at work on something obviously important. I should go ahead and cook, show you my ... domestic goddess skills, dear. Maybe, with any luck, you'll never send me home! I promise you, baby, despite that silly lovers' spat of ours ... and whatever you think of Tyler, I'm a keeper! Now, what's it to be ... Tex-Mex or my own special baguettes?" Jessica held up both hands to indicate a balance of scales.

"I love Tex-Mex ... but I've never had your baguettes. Call me curious ... let me guess, you brought the bread and other foods needed for said dinner, in hopes that I'd try something ... unique about you and your culinary skills?" I smiled while reviewing the changes that I already made in the Tome before moving forward.

"Guilty as charged, baby! By the way, I'm gonna cook in the nude!" Jessica winked at me before she set to work.

I really had to work to focus on the Tome for a bit there, though I eventually knuckled down and made some progress. It wasn't easy with my little Frenchie making a special supper for me in her birthday suit, no less. I finally made an abrupt decision, one that I hoped would simplify and streamline the effort. I simply focused the bulk of my revisions in one book: the Book of Jack.

Suffice it to say that many of the teachings in the Book of Jack directly contradicted what could be found elsewhere in the Holy Writ, but that was hardly new with Scripture, was it? My favorite part, though, was this new prophecy of mine, now that Jehovah was neatly trapped in his own trap, "in the last days, when Christ hath gathered his saints, the Jack shall arise and none shall gainsay him at all upon the Earth.

"For whereas Christ Jesus is the Messiah of the saints and their camp, the Jack is the anointed of sinners and heathens. When Heaven shall cast Earth aside as a camp of harlots and whoremongers, of drunkards, rebels, sodomites, and witches, the Jack shall have dominion over all of the globe. All princes, rulers, and nations shall yield to his power and authority shall be given to him to rule this world of sinners and heathen forever and ever, amen.

"And Heaven shall forever abandon all claims to dominion over the face of the Earth, being content to govern the saints, old and new. The Lord of Hosts shall make peace with the Jack and surrender the Earth to his rule and his dominion, and with the Dragon, which is the Devil herself, who shall be Queen of Hell forever, and shall acknowledge each within their kingdoms. The Lord God of Heaven shall rule the Kingdom of Heaven and that alone, forever and ever, amen.

"And the Jack shall have power to heal all men and women, every child, every beast, every bird, and all other creatures of any sickness or wound by the laying on of hands. And the Jack shall take wives, concubines, and sodomites unto himself, and shall lay with any woman or sodomite according to his own pleasure. And those that receive his seed, yea even those who are wed to other men or women, shall delight in such seed and seek it many times hence.

"And a new covenant shall the Jack make, yea a league with the nations of the Earth, and new laws shall he render, and all tributes shall be yielded to him. And all nations and kingdoms shall acclaim him as their captain, lord, and King. And the Jack shall bring peace, and shall decree new laws and statutes according to his will, and shall rule all, small and great, of every nation and throng, free and bond, with a rod of iron.

"And all the sinners and heathens which remain upon the face of the Earth shall desire and seek to please and obey the Jack in all things, and none shall ever rebel or revolt against him. And the Kingdoms of God, of Satan, and of the Jack continue for all time and all generations and ages to come. And in the reign of the Jack, may God be pleased with him, all poisons which pollute this world shall be cleansed and purified forever and ever, amen."

"Well, then, I'd say that we have satisfied our solemn pact and covenant between us, my friend. You have your kingdom, I have mine, and Satan has hers. I somehow knew that you would find the solution. Just know this ... this is an irrevocable choice that you just made here. Neither you nor Satan may ever set foot in my Kingdom again, nor will I ever set foot in yours," a man with a white beard, piercing grey eyes, and translucent skin suddenly told me from behind, making both Jessica and I look directly at him.

"Jehovah?" I asked him to his face.

"The Lord of Hosts, yea, I am, the King of Heaven, the Maker of Heaven and Earth, and the Ancient of Days. I AM THAT I AM! Just know the consequences of your choice. You may find that it's a Hell entirely of your own making. Then again, you may not. You will find that some things are easier to judge and condemn in other princes and kings than in yourself. In any case, I depart from your realm, leaving you forever in peace. Goodbye, Jack. Know that you have now sealed off Heaven forever from the souls and spirits of the sons of man, saving only those to be caught up in the air. Still, it beats being cast alive into the Lake of Fire, so the bar is very low indeed."

And with that, Jehovah vanished from my sight and was never seen again or heard from ever again on the Earth. With that, he washed his hands of Man, whom he had made, and hardened his own heart against him. With that, he consigned most of his creation to eternity without him.

And with that, Jessica fainted, having heard in her own ears the very words of the Almighty.

Chapter 3

"So, you weren't kidding about this being important, then! If anything, you understated its significance, didn't you, babe? Wow ... my boyfriend ... MY boyfriend on equal terms with Jehovah and Satan ... you've met both? Have you met Jesus?" Jessica reacted with more than a little awe after I revived her and she finished cooking dinner.

"Yes, I met Jesus. And Gabriel, in fact. So far, I think that leaves Michael and maybe a few others to meet. And yes, I've met Satan. Yes, crazy ol' me. No, you're not off your rocker and neither am I. It's a bit of a shock to the system, ain't it? Here's the kicker, prior to this project, Jehovah tried to set me up to be ... the Antichrist," I dropped the real bombshell on Jessica now.

"You ... Jack ... my man ... the ... ANTICHRIST? Holy smokes! Damn! I banged the Beast! I banged the Beast! I ... banged ... the Beast! It certainly explains your horny ways, you sly devil, you! Sweet! I'm just glad that the whole ... Lake of Fire stuff apparently ain't gonna happen! Though I admit that I'm so in love with you that I'd volunteer to be your 'false prophet' just to join you in eternal torment. That's how ... much ... I ... love you," Jessica told me with a passionate kiss.

"Then I'd absolutely have to find a way to sneak us out, because there ain't no way that I'd meekly submit to my flesh being roasted for eternity, let alone your lovely skin! They'd hold their 'Great White Throne' judgment and find two missing souls! The advantage of having bodies, if you think of it. Though that assumes that we wouldn't just ... you know ... die. That much heat! Jehovah really didn't think that one through, did he?" I noted as we ate the excellent baguettes that she made for us.

"Yeah, I'm rather glad that we won't have to suffer that. Still, it's clear that you're the boss now. Everywhere. It's just a matter of time before it becomes apparent to the whole human race, am I right? Oh, and you look ... kinda faint, papi ... what's the ... no ... oh, shit ... you've been writing this ... in your own ... BLOOD? Was that necessary?" Jessica paled at the thought of me sacrificing my own blood to write this new canon.

"Yep, part of the deal, I'm afraid. But it also makes it ... irrevocable, immutable. That's necessary, too. No more ... revisions. Oh, and in the Book of Jack, I ... correct the ... myths ... and lies ... in Genesis and other books as well. That's gonna be a shock for a lot of folks, as will the Rapture, mind you," I chuckled as Jessica now fed me by hand.

"I sure hope that you really finished it, because the thought of my boyfriend losing pints of blood and possibly dying ... oh, you can ... heal yourself now, can't you? Genius, pure genius! You are one smart cookie, aren't you? I'm gonna be so ... sooo good to you, honey! I refuse to give up such a rare and wonderful man as you! Anyway, please eat!" Jessica urged me when not kissing my face, neck, chest, etc.

"And you know that ... I'm never gonna be a one-woman man. Just sayin' that for the record, so as to forestall any future... 'silly lovers' spats,' as you put it. I'm just not the faithful sort. On the other hand, I won't ask you to give up Tyler, either ... by the way, great choice of beer! I fuckin' love these local, craft microbrews, you know!" I smiled before Jessica shushed me with a very fiery tongue kiss.

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