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All Comments on 'The Sleepover Ch. 02'

by samslam

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Father daughter aspect started to ruin this for me. Adding mom alone is fine but ive never found dads or uncles etc very appealing to these types of stories.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

The first twist with the parentage of Kristina threw me for a second but I accepted it. But please don't turn this great story into a everybody fucks everybody. Please find a way to keep the parents out of this. Thanks for your time.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Good so far

Good so far but don't ruin it with dad having to get involved at this point.. The 2 or 3 kids need to get together with mom first and mom has to be forced to make an exception to the rule for starters. Then maybe kristina's mom needs be be pulled into it before the dads get involved and screw everything up...

rhimshot415rhimshot415almost 9 years ago
Too bad I can only give this five stars

It is really too bad that I can only give this story five stars: 10 would be more appropriate! I've never been that aroused by someone else's story.

As for the person who doesn't like father-daughter stories, that is fine. Just don't read Ch. 03 when it appears.

I like it all: stepfather-stepdaughter, uncle-niece, grandfather-granddaughter. I really like brother-sister and stepbrother-stepsister stories, but in the context that you have created, I wouldn't even mind mother-son, stepmother-stepson, aunt-nephew or grandmother-grandson. What makes the latter group acceptable for me is total family incest.

If your Ch. 03 is as hot as Ch. 02 was, you may just destroy me, but what a way to go!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

First chapter is soo good and it's too but if you involve dad than its not going to be interesting

lalachick159lalachick159almost 9 years ago

I love the beginning chapter and I really think it should end with just Lauren and Brandon like they go to be with their parents and just can't and Kristen should be kicked out of the picture like her parents move and force her to go with them. But the mom and dad incest needs to go

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Interesting turn

Interesting turn with the half-sister angle, but really could have done without the parental involvement.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
My opinion?

Leave the father out, and get rid of the mother. Way I see it, youthful people rarely if ever really see people their parents' ages as sexual options, nevermind their ACTUAL parents.

In the interests of full disclosure, I'm not fan of the daisy chain of multiple partners, nor am I a fan of the 'take a number' types.

This is a good story. I'd feel less interested if it changes tracks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Pls no dad!

I really liked the first chapter and how in the end it became a threesome. I really love stories with brother, sister and a girlfriend. But please dont involve the parents! This will really destroy the story for me...

Maybe you could make a chapter 2.5 with the parents as a sidestory and with chapter 3 you resume the original story without the involvement of the parents.

AnnaLinguistAnnaLinguistalmost 9 years ago
So far we're all in agreement...

I loved the first part. I read it today and was so pleased to see part two hot off the presses! I really enjoyed the addition of the mom to the mix, but was similarly dismayed to see the dad on his way in. I don't know if your intent in letting things lie was to open it for a public vote (it kind of seems that way), but I vote no anyway. Get the mom in there - maybe both moms - but no dads!

Thanks for a typically awesome submission!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Bring the dds in and give each of the women the experience of being made airtight, where they have a cock in their throat, pussy and ass at the same time fucking them through multiple orgasms.

Also bring back Alex and Kylie for more sexual fun as well.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
No Dad Please

I liked the first half and the introduction of mom. But Dad... a big NO.

GrantLeeStoneGrantLeeStonealmost 9 years ago
Yes to Dad!

The Reciprocal Arangement between Mom and Dad makes perfect sense. But how will Brandon feel about his father, when he finds out Dad has also sucked Mr. Andrews' cock? Will Brandon be able to play with his Dad as freely as Lauren has played with their Mom? Maybe that's a question for Chapter 4.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
No to Dad

Really enjoying the story. But I can definitely say I'm not interested in seeing the dad join.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
How hypocritical...

How hypocritical of those who don't want the dads involved, especially since 'older man/younger woman' relationships are so readily accepted. I think the more the merrier. I personally don't see myself (a man) with another man, but in a fictional group context, why not -- good for the gander, good for the goose??

If we're voting, go for the whole extended family! I wouldn't include the other girlfriends. That's just too risky, but a 'family' trip to the cabin would be great!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Keep Brandon the alpha male

Simply put. Keep the dad out if it. They have this little exclusive club right now. If you demote Brandon, it will just be a weird two family orgy. I will not read that. This story is great because it is a secret. Mom needs to keep the secret too. No dad. No neighbors. It's the secret that makes it sexy. If there are no secrets, there really is not any point to the story.

NudieNomadsNudieNomadsalmost 9 years ago
Looking forward to dad joining

Very long story but OHH so hot ,cant wait for the next one and i think dad should be joining in the fun with both sisters

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Super hot. Perhaps mom gets Lauren to tease dad (scanty clothes around the house etc) to see how he reacts. Don't fill dad in on the action, wait until he makes the first move. I agree with the secrets thing. Its no fun if everyone knows, maybe Kristen and her 'daddy' have there own thing going. Anyways, however it plays out, I can't wait for the next installment!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Im thinking

Dad is going to be screwing Lauren at the same time Brandon is dicking mom.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
I too vote No Parents

It's your story. Plain and simple. Write what you want and we'll read it. But if you're interested in other's thoughts then I too vote to remove the parents. Maybe just because I've never been a fan of parent and kid pairings. Or maybe because most of the time you seem to be leading to a Lauren/Brandon true love type thing and yet you had him really pushing for the dad sex too. Almost like he didn't really feel jealous or weird about his Love being with another man, even still it being the dad. More like he and Lauren are just having fun and haven't looked too in depthly at what their relationship is. And WOW Kristina has turned into quite the little nympho by the end of this chapter with her drooling over the thought of dad sex. Surprising character development.

All that aside, great writing and I look forward to seeing where you take the story from here.

goldponygoldponyalmost 9 years ago

I am enjoying the continuing story of three siblings. Not sure about adding the parents(either ones) but do have a curious thought. Is Kristina suddenly pregnant free? They started out using condems, now he just dumps his loads. Re-read thinking I missed something, but see no reference to birth control for her.Lauren has been on the pill for a while, so what are they doing? Get her pregnant, and move both sisters in with him and have more?????GP

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Random thoughts...

This has been a great story so far. As has been said already, it's your story take it where you will. In my humble opinion too many of these story's devolve into the "everybody fucks everybody" scenario, so I'm with the crowd voting "NO", please.

I agree with the previous commentator that Brandon needs to be the alpha-male. Let the kids think it over and tell mom no. Since she has already become part of the story let her stew a bit then beg the kids to let her play, perhaps leave them in a position to make demands of her. If you need to add to the mix jump ahead a couple years and bring in Kristina's younger sister. Whatever you decide to do, thanks for a good read and I hope you continue it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

More please !

billywooldridgebillywooldridgealmost 9 years ago
more please more

Yes my friend and I loved this more please she wants more of sis and bro kinda forceful I just want more

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
My vote -- change the tense used in the narrative parts.

This story would work even better if you used past tense verbs in the narrative parts rather than present tense verbs. The present tense come off as an attempt to write a script.

LaGazzaLadraLaGazzaLadraalmost 9 years ago
Direction is downwards

The first story was pretty good but not great, because it's not so much a story as it is a non-stop sex scene. It's is more porn than erotica. We'll written porn, but still porn.

Adding mom was a mistake, and I skipped half half of this story because of it. Adding dad would ruin it entirely and gross me out completely. A mother/son story can work for me if it's well done (check Northern Light as a good example), but the (grand)dad/uncle character that you seem to relish I find disgusting, perhaps because it's almost always sexual abuse in real life.

That's OK: every person likes different things, and you write these stories mostly for your own satisfaction. But do keep your audience in mind: not everybody is keen on the 'everybody fucks everybody' type of stories, and it seems more like you're running out of original ideas and keep rehashing the same scene but with different names. A joke is never as funny the second time around, and it's better to stop at the top, instead of dragging on into insignificance.

Finally, two minor remarks:

1: There's a bit of over-abundance of the word 'fuck'.

2: Not all orgasms have to be simultaneous.

Kitist02Kitist02over 8 years ago
Got me again!

O.K., there is some validity to the complaint about excessive use of the word fuck". And simultaneous orgasms, while not rare, don't happen with every fuck as seems to happen here. (I'm jealous, I'll admit, 'cause I've only had a few S.O.s. I discovered early on that If my partner comes first, things work out better all around.)

Now, since this is fiction and a fantasy, people, just go with the flow of it. If it offends you, then quit reading it. But you'll always wonder what happened.

Samslam, I do hope you have chapter 3 in the pipeline. I don't care what direction the plot takes, it's just an absolute treat to read a well written work. Again, Thank You!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago


HemityteHemityteover 8 years ago
... and humor too?

You sir, have outdone yourself. I wasn't sure at the beginning what I thought of the direction you where taking this story. However, I quickly got caught up due partly to your increasing ability to describe the scene and make it so vivid in our minds eye. I'm uncertain if it is simply the fact that I have grown to love the characters as you have described them or just that I feel I can relate to many of them; but I found myself relishing in the humor that you brought to this story. It has been my observation that stories on this site lack humor and focus solely on the passion of the situation. You have done a fantastic job of blending this story to encompass a whole range of emotions, not just lust and primal urges.

I wholeheartedly disagree with one commenter in particular and simply submit that you should continue to write as you have been. I for one love this story, love how you have written it and can't wait to see how you will have the rest of it unfold.

I feel I must comment on a hidden talent. I find it very impressive that you were able to continue this story with a 4 month break between the first installment and this one and have me totally believe that it was written in one sit down. I distinctly got the impression that you had this part of the story in mind the whole time you wrote the first installment. I can only hope that you do as well in the third (possibly 4th) installment.

Again, my hats off to you good sir, I applaud you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

i didnt like kristina. one of the other girls wouldve been fine (especially alex) but i didnt like her character and how he always had to make her feel better about herself. the way that lauren basically forces him to go out with her was a turn off. the first chapter was great though! just couldnt finish this one...

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

You did a good job on part two. Can't wait to read the next installment... Keep up the good work....

ladyroxanne21ladyroxanne21over 8 years ago
I like it, but...

I like this story a lot. It has a ton going for it, and you write well :-)

That said, there are a few things that bug me. I'm not suggesting that you change any part of your story to please anyone - even me - I just want to leave a comment because the story is pretty good so far and I am curious about chapter 3.

So, the things that bug me are:

A - The fact that you equate swinging/wife swapping with incest as if they are equally bad. I personally think that swinging (and I say this as a swinger) is not morally wrong in any way because it's all about consenting adults having fun. As you wrote, it adds spice to a marriage. Incest is morally wrong on a whole other and bigger level.

B - That said, I am not opposed to reading stories about incest because something that is taboo is strangely hotter. I do believe that if two people fell in love and then found out that they were related (such as siblings separated due to adoption or something) then they should be allowed to be together. For me, love is key. Thus, having the brother and his sister(s) get together does not bug me, BUT I'm also a mom, and any sort of parent child incest creeps me out. I had to skip over that part of this story. That said, I also believe in equality, so if you are going to have the mom get with the son, it's only fair that the dad should get with the daughter too.

C - The final thing that bugs me is that the mom got over the incest thing way too easily. She must have been already thinking about her daughter in that sort of way for her to go: "This is wrong but what the hell, why not?" That just doesn't happen unless she already really wanted it. The only real problem I have with the dad just agreeing is that it's not realistic for every person in one family to just suddenly want to have sex with no real thought. It would be far more believable to me if the parents had a long standing joke that their kids were both so hot that they just couldn't help but want them a little. That would explain why everyone agrees to try it so easily. It would also explain the kids doing it first, because subconsciously, they'd have picked up on that vibe.

If I had my way, you'd add the friends back in, lol! I get that Lauren is jealous of them and never truly wanted him to have sex with them in the first place, but that was part of what made it so much hotter (the first part) than this second part. He basically had a little harem going, lol!

Good job! 4* :-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
No dads please

This story is perfect so far up until the dad got involved when I read these I like to put myself in the guys shoes and pretend he is me like I'm reading an old journal entry and it makes it that much better but when you broght in the dad's it threw me off and I just could not enjoy the rest of the story and I just found myself wishing it was over. though I wish and hope you don't add dads too later story entry's I know you are the author and you will do what ever you plese. but if you do not mind the next time you add other story's that involve family specify who would be involved so readers who don't like fathers in the mix like me could avoid it. I would also like to say you are a great story teller I read one of your other stories and I just loved it I just love stories that involve bro, sis, and moms in it thank you for the stories ;)

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
No Dad's

I agree with Anonymous about keeping Brandon as the Alpha male. As soon as Dad is introduced, Brandon is demoted and that changes the whole line of the story for me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Future plans

You should keep Kristina Lauren and Brandon, but take away the parents.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
to ladyroxanne

How do you get that incest is morally wrong, but swinging isn't ? Based on what standard? If we go based on your reasoning for swinging, then as long as they are two legal and consenting adults, it isn't morally wrong. Otherwise, you're being a hypocrite and holding double standards. If you want to try and use the bible, God said you shall not lie with your children. Doesn't mention siblings. Thus, by that logic, sister/brother sex is okay. Also, before God said that, he made the ten commandments, one of which is thou shalt not commit adultery. Thus, it was viewed as more of a problem then incest. Thus, also making swinging morally wrong. The bible also says that a man shall not lie with a man and a woman shall not lie with a woman. Thus condemning lesbianism, which was in the storyline for the swingers. Yet, you say that incest is morally wrong and swinging is morally right? That is being a filthy hypocrite. You can't condemn one without the other. No matter what standard you hold it to.

WORDSMITH2015WORDSMITH2015over 8 years ago
OUTSTANDING ! ! ! ! ! !

So where's chapter 3?

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Great story

This is a great story I like the line that is it going in. I hope there is more where this came from. How about a chapter 3?

KSandalwoodKSandalwoodover 8 years ago
Continue Please

I truly hope your are going to continue this story .... excellent writing

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

This story was totally awesome! Coupled to "The Sleepover Ch. 01. Once I started I couldn't put it down. I wanted more and more!!

Now I'm sad that it is over. My sister and I didn't have much of a relationship growing up. I regret that now that I'm older.

Thank you for stirring up the passion again in my heart!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
nice not as good as it's prequel.

First I'm not going to complain about the addition of the parents as I think enough people have so instead I'll give you a couple suggestions.

1) You need to show more and not tell so much you're lacking description on most of your principle characters. I barely know what anybody looks like I think you gave a small blurb at the beginning of the last chapter but that wasn't very descriptive, and you haven't as far as I recall described the mom or dad. And seeing as your main descriptor for them is mom and dad which you over use horribly, sorry but if you have to use the same word twice, thrice, or even quadruple in the same paragraph you my friend are over using that poor word and need to find another.

2) Speaking about mom and dad you need to remember when mom and dad is Mom and Dad aka when to use the verb form or when to use the noun form. As in descriptions of relationships or if they are being used as a name. If you're using Mom as an place holder for her name it Mom not mom, and the same is true for dad.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Pretty Good Overall

This and the first chapter were written very well and lots of fun to... Ahem, read. Having Kristina turn out to be a half-sister was a nice twist and your writing is very descriptive.

I do have one comment/complaint, however: the parents. I don't think that Brandon and Lauren should get involved with their parents because it doesn't feel quite right based off of how you've written them so far. Admittedly I'm not very into parent/child incest (especially daddy/daughter) but Brandon and Lauren seem to be more of a couple with Kristina their happy third, a couple basically, which is why I feel them swapping with their parents would counter to who you've built them to be.

Write whatever you want, obviously, and I'll probably read some of it, but I just don't think their parents would fit with the story you've already developed.

- Best of luck to you

RavedThradRavedThradover 8 years ago
A fun and erotic romp

This is my new favorite Literotica story.

Reb1861Reb1861over 8 years ago

please continue this

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Nice story :-)

I have really loved this series so far, I am in awe of your character building, although as mentioned in a previous post personal descriptions are lacking. I had to refer back to chapter 1 just to remember what Kristina looked like, and had to assume that the mother was just an older and possibly curvier version of Lauren. New chapter after a long length of time deserves renewed descriptions.

I am a tad concerned about the dynamics when and if Dad gets involved. As things stand, Mum and Lauren are bi-curious and using each other as new toys, but the primary couple are Brandon and Lauren with Kristina as the side kick. In your description of Kristina's thoughts on Dad and Lauren getting together, I can only see Brandon being left out as Lauren, Mom and Dad live under the same roof and are so immediately accessible to each other. The living arrangements would need to change some how because with Lauren living at home and both being accessible to and accessible by both parents in a sexual role, Brandon will eventually feel left out or unintentionally by the effect of time or distance, be left out. Either way, the dynamics would leave him as the side kick.

Just my thoughts.

Since this is my first post to an author in over a year of reading this site, I hope you get an idea of just how much I love your writing. I do not in any way mean to denigrate your skill or work.


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
No Dads Bring back the Friends

This is a great story and I will continue to read it no matter what you do but I think that adding the dads would degrade the story and make it less interesting. I am personally a fan of brother/sister sex so adding the girlfriend and the mom wasn't a huge leap. However, if the dads get brought into the mix than Brandon's role as the alpha male would get put into question and he would eventually get left out of all the fun since Lauren would then be accessible to both parents. Also, how has Kristina not gotten pregnant yet? At the beginning they were fucking with condoms but now it seems like they don't care anymore. That could be an interesting plot twist if either Lauren or Kristina got pregnant. What happened to the other two friends from chapter one? It seems like they have just disappeared into thin air. Maybe you could bring them back into the mix and some of the original excitement back into the story. Regardless of how you write chapter three, I will wait anxiously with high expectation and will probably enjoy it no matter which direction you go in. Keep writing my friend!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
A good story ruined

I'm sorry, but while I really enjoyed "chapter" 1 and the beginning of chapter 2, I am really turned off by the involvement of the rents in this. Sibling incest is one thing, but intergenerational incest is revolting. I've never understood how any guy in his 20s can get turned on by a woman in her 40s or 50s, but especially his mother. Younger women may possibly get turned on by their daddies, l suppose, although that's a psychological aberration too. But think of the whole package: people are more than their sex organs, however attractive those may be. They're also more than their bank accounts, as attractive as _those_ might be. Wrinkles are not sexy in either gender. (As an older man, I know better than to put a move on a 20-y/o, b/c I hate being laughed at. That's even if I wanted to stray from my marriage, which I don't.) Soooooo . . . I'm outa here.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
GOOD annolny is "out of here" OG GOD if only that were true

this site would be sooooooooooooo much better off w/o the asshole of LIT!!!! Gave you a 5 for a great read!!

Ravus_SapiensRavus_Sapiensover 8 years ago
Μεη.. I liked chapter 1 better

Sorry to say, but I liked the first story better.

I didn't mind the threesome between the siblings (AT ALL), but then you began to introduce the parents into the mix.. That was a turn off for me. I'll probably read chapter three when we get it, if only to see if you can save the story at the end. But judging from where it is now, I fear I might not be able to give it any rating...

Now that that is done, I just wanna say that I really like your writing style, and you seem to have a fairly good understanding of people, which makes the character's responses seem so natural (albeit a little too willing at times). ;-)

Keep up the good work

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

...well I guess everyone else has pretty much said what I was thinking, so no real need to go off on the parents being thrown in. The whole dad and son in the daughter is a huge turnoff for me. To me it's Brandon's girls and he's their man, anything else detracts from it. So I suppose its just as well that another chapter hasn't been written yet, I won't be forced to decide wether I want to read it to have my hopes dashed or expect redemption ;)

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Please don't include the father

I agree with everyone that this doesn't need to happen. I was happy for Brandon and Kristina becoming a thing and Lauren just sweetens it up, especially if both got pregnant one day, but they are BRANDON'S GIRLS!! Glad you made her reluctant about it and not really wanting to which could eventually lead to feelings deepening between the three. Legally Kristina isn't related to them so Brandon and her marrying and having kids won't be crazy to everyone else. Just please, if you continue this, don't add the fathers. Maybe have the mom become overcome with lust for Brandon, with her not telling the father, and they sleep together. Overall I like the story but please once again the father isn't a good idea. Listen to your fans and people who simply like the story and don't do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
agreed with everyone else.

As soon as the mom became involved my reaction was "oh..."

And then dad wants to Fuck me too

Really ruins the feel and flow.

So the parents have their thing, the kids have their thing. Keep it separate. Maybe they can all have a laugh and have their own separate weekends at the cabin...

Chapter two took a turn half way through and I finished the story hoping we would pull up from the tail spin...

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

The first chapter was amazing. This however feels like no real plot was put in the process like the previous one. Just delete chapter 2.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I completely disagree with everyone else. The more the merrier. I am all for a full on orgy with all characters named so far (minus the bitchy contortionist exgirlfriend)

ChiDocChiDocabout 8 years ago
Keep Going

Forget the naysayers. This is one of my most favorite stories on this site, and I would love to see the logical next step, getting BOTH Mom and Dad involved. Perhaps eventually all of the Andrews as well. Excellent plot so far, you have kept me guessing. Now bring it home!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Where is ch.03 ?

Starting to be quite good actually... Keep it up, waiting for next chapter...

Reminds me of stories from nikki_2021, which I consider the best, this is coming a close second.

OpthimusOpthimusabout 8 years ago
I need more!

Please sir/madame hit me again. 😉

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Condom for Kristina

So... I guess Kristina magically went on the Pill without telling anyone? Condoms became a thing of the past in this chapter. Didn't she JUST lose her virginity in the last chapter?

Maybe a retroactive edit might be a good idea... :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
I can see where this is going

Ch 3 - Mom & Dad joins. Kristina suggests her parents to join too.

Ch 4 - The Andrews watch. Kristina joins her half-family.

Ch 5 - All in orgy.

Extra chapter - All in orgy plus Alex and Kylie.

I really don't understand Brandon, he was quite hesitant to include Mom into his harem but suddenly insistent to add Dad. Does he secretly has a crush on him? I first thought that the series would end up with just Brandon and Lauren since it was established that he loves her over the other girls but now I don't know anymore.

Sorry to say but I'm a "one penis per fantasy" kind of guy, so adding another cock into the story really turns me off. This is my stop for the series but it was great while it lasted.

DelicoseDelicoseabout 8 years ago

I hope you haven't quit on us. Please continue.

FreakonaLeash73FreakonaLeash73almost 8 years ago

I only read brother/sister incest stories. I thought a love story would build between either Lauren/Brandon or Christina/Brandon once the story was completed. Bringing Dad in to fuck Lauren doesn't appeal to me at all. Keep it between the siblings!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Loving it

Great continuation of an already Hot story . Got me off more than once.

Looking forward to the next chapters... no matter where they go. Sure it'll be Hot.

Don't stop now!!

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsalmost 8 years ago
but who is...

Who is Karen?

Brandon had a girlfriend in Ch. 01

Her name was Kelly.

Great story thank you

Can't wait 4 more keep up the good work. I'm guessing this will all lead to the cabin 2 sets of parents in a pile there kids in another.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Hope it turns out to be a Harem

What really appealed to me was the almost harem like nature of this story. I feel like introducing another male would detract from the established tone. It'd be interesting if Brandon was able to "steal" him mom away from his dad.

weddressweddressalmost 8 years ago
Awesome; will there be more?

Love the intensity of the sex and the suspenseful exposition of desire and secrets.

Love to read about group with both parental sets and sisters. Wondering why he didn't ask for anal when sister says "anything you want."

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

I agree with an earlier comment about personally not wishing to include the dad in the story, but that Brandon ultimately gets to sleep with the three girls without anything detracting from that. I would also love to reintroduce the other two girls into the story, even if they sort of barge their way into a little orgy. If there's two things I love in my pornographic fiction, it's incest and harems. A man can dream. :P

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
My favorite incest story

Im not tryin to talk shit or anything, but I think including the dad seems kind of stupid because i feel as though it would ruin what Lauren and Brandon have.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

This story is really hot!

I hope that the author wants to write another chapter more at least!

You make a blue balls!

Good Job!

TheOldRomanticTheOldRomanticalmost 8 years ago
Good story, but be carefully!

Two are a couple, threesome starts to be a multitude (but handled with care, maybe works), foursome or five some is sure disaster, always somebody results wounded and hurt. Lets parents play by one side and the kids by they our side. Give them the chance (with the parents compliance, if you want) to be a threesome independent (it seems to work for them), is my opinion, of course, you are free to write all that's you want, but this is a sexy story driven to be a complicated relationship if the parents are actively involved!

However, I like the story, is hot and interesting!

I apologize for my English, is not my native language.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Adding the dad will ruin what's between Brandon and Lauren. But, the story was incredible

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Don't add the dad..

Your story's stellar so far, please don't add the dad, it'll dilute the whole essence and just turn it into a family orgy.

JessmitJessmitover 7 years ago
I love it

I actually loved this story so much and what Brandon and Lauren got that i actually think about it, it feels strange but i just kinda love what they've got. And i don't know if you should add the dad... be sure to keep what Brandon and Lauren have.

homerjayhomerjayover 7 years ago
chapter 3

any future plans?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Chapter 3

Damn... Amazing story. Like how intricate you made the plot line...

Don't add Dad. That'll just make the whole family weird, and it'll mess up what Brandon, Lauren, and Kristina have. But I do think that you should expound on this Mom thing with Brandon...

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Add the dad

It works for the story you're making. Follow the plot that you made. Don't cater to the whims of others because they want to jack/jill off to your story. Make yourself proud with your well made, engaging and truly entertaining story.

ChalkyCanberra1970ACTChalkyCanberra1970ACTover 7 years ago
Seconded from Australia

Everything that ithadtobeiowa was absolutely spot on. And Sam, unfortunately the appreciation isn't allowed over 5, I definitely would have scored higher! Thankyou, both from an entertaining story to read and the amount of orgasms I had reading your depraved wild imagination and what it can think up lol. 😊

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Don't bring the dad into the sex it will ruin whats going on and is good about the story I know it may sound fucked up but I'm not really a big fan of the dad daughter incest so please leave him out of it if you write another chapter and if that means leaving out the mom then so be it

cibixcibixover 7 years ago
excellent story

great writing style, the parents having an open relationship was a crazy twist! Bravo, bravo. Hope you continue.

HookmeistrHookmeistrover 7 years ago
Great story and characters

As always, your writing skills are amazing. I thoroughly enjoyed these two chapters and really hope you'll continue this to the inevitable conclusion where both families are eventually fully swapping everyone. Don't listen to the naysayers. Let your imagination do what it does best and just run with it. You're amazing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
5 Star Story

I think this may have been the best story I have read on this site. Nice flow to it, great content with very good detail. Loved it ! I think there is a little more to write about without going to far. Great read ..

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Yes, I too think this is great. I like the dynamic of the parents swapping and Katrina becoming a half sister, added to the incest of Lauren and her brother. I think Kylie and Alex being dropped early on is a good idea. Too many characters, when later in the story Mom was going to be included also. However, I don't know that I think this should go further. I too am not a fan of Daddy/Daughter sex and in this case it looks almost coerced. Daddy/Daughter sex can too often seem like rape. The man is older, usually larger, weilds authority over his daughter that usually a son can shake off when contemplating his mother. I'm wondering if this should end right her, though it is kind of an awkward way to wind it up. Just my thoughts. I think Brandon's handling of Katrina's first time was good, though I think it'd have been better if the other three girls had given them the privacy of the room for her first experience instead of it becoming a spectator sport.

blackknight314blackknight314over 7 years ago
Oh no...

I just finished page 4, after Lauren and her bro tag team their half sister. Did I miss something or did he shoot a huge wad of cum into Kristina's fertile pussy. No condom. They have been pretty careful about that so far during the whole story. Why haven't they discussed getting Kristina on the pill before now, since they are going to be doing the zuga-zuga on a regular basis now. Just wondering... oh well back to page 5... Great story.

blackknight314blackknight314over 7 years ago
Love this story.

I'm still worried about K getting in the family way.

Maybe Lauren can watch mom & dad get jiggy with it and then decide if she is going to do daddy.

Love the story. And can't wait for Chapter 3.

BelovedDepartedBelovedDepartedover 7 years ago
Great stry

I'm just waiting for Alex, the black girl to come back. I'm not feeling the daughter/daddy issue. Great story overall.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

I wanna see what happens next

wistful_of_ozwistful_of_ozover 7 years ago
Much less comfortable with Pt2

I'm much more comfortable with (half)sibling incest than parental involvement, whether father or mother.

Lost me in the last few pages.

clitlicker4uclitlicker4uover 7 years ago
Didn't see this coming.........

Hope you keep this story going. I was all for Brandon and Kristina getting together, but now I can't wait for the parents to fuck them also.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Same boat as others ...

... here about the parents' involvement. I'm satisfied with the three siblings' participation. Perhaps with the occasional get-together with the other two young ladies.

Ok, maybe more than occasional.

Please keep these coming.

(no pun intended)


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Not ensued

I like a good daddy/daughter incest story but not at all in this story that stands very well by itself. Keep the parents out of any future stories on these young siblings.Just turned me off when you put the mom in, then thinking about adding the dad.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

You lost me when you added the parents into this very good story.

I hope you do another chapter but drop the parent and let Kristina , Brandon and Lauren work it out for them selves.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

I'm a little ashamed to say it but like to keep my incest limited in stories. There is a hypocrisy to it but hey we're already talking about incest, why not be a hypocrite while we're at it. :-P

I've found a jive with sibling incest, I can work with mother son, I'm least comfortable with father daughter but when I'm desperate. However, when you start throwin' them all together in a free for all you've crossed my threshold. The mom threw me off and just as I started to come to terms with it you throw in the dad too... I'm with Lauren on this one. At least leave the daddies out of this.

Very hot except...

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
My next life

Wow!' In my next life I want to be Brandon, or Lauren, or Kistren. Hell I'll even settle for one of the parents. Again WOW!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Fantastic Series

I've highly enjoyed reading both these stories. But wasn't the break up in the first story with a Kelly, and then dad in this story talks about Karen..? Doesn't take away from the story much, but just an admin note..

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
good story

liked this story but... kinda wanted sister to say she only want brandon. for male willing to share brandon with safe females... but she only wants brandon herself.

Ib_SaysIb_Saysabout 7 years ago
Name confusion

Seems like the author forgot a character's name when writing this second chapter:

Her name is Kelly, not Karen

Ib_SaysIb_Saysabout 7 years ago
Please don't add the dads

I liked the story until the talk about having their dad join. That ruined things for me, the story basically went downhill for me after the inclusion of the mother, where I started fearing that the dad would also get involved.

For most guys it's very different to share a woman with another woman, compared to sharing her with another man.

I would expect Brandon to be a bit more possessive of Lauren. I certainly would in his place.

If the author wanted to add more sexual partners, what about having one of the other girls join them again instead?

I vastly preferred the first chapter to this second one.

Ib_SaysIb_Saysabout 7 years ago

As another reviewer mentioned, it's heading towards too much of an incest free for all.

Makes it less special.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Add them in.

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