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The Summoner

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A husband and Wife create a 'stimulating' construct.
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The 'answer' to our marital problems came almost as an accident. I actually came up with the idea, which was probably appropriate because it was my apparent 'deficiencies' that were usually the root cause of our conflicts. But my Wife was initially quite reluctant, thinking it all somewhat barbaric. After much cajoling on my part though, and ongoing tinkering on the concept and design to overcome Her many questions and concerns about how it could all work, which I will describe in a bit, She finally, with much hesitance, agreed to give it a go. It took some time but She eventually did come to see, appreciate, and even embrace its usefulness, practicality and many benefits. And after all these years there really is no turning back.

My Wife has always tended towards a dominant, though never domineering nature, while I have more submissive inclinations. This had usually only manifested itself in our sexual activities, where we both always loved that She take charge and always be in control. We each would be exhilarated as She would relentlessly use my lips, my tongue, my fingers, to bring Her to multiple exquisite climaxes, before I was finally allowed my sole own in a shared, usually soul shattering cataclysm within Her.

Outside the bedroom though we lived more traditional vanilla lives, and to this day still do so with family, our many friends and business associates, with all of whom we frequently enjoy many wonderful times as such. It was at home however, alone together in non-conjugal activities, where we had our issues. I have never been one to shirk my part of the domestic responsibilities, but I do admit to a history of a fair amount of procrastination, and even a degree of laziness, that my Wife would call sloth. I was also too often preoccupied with my own thoughts and activities so as not to give Her the attention, even in simple conversation, that She deserved. She, not infrequently, would get annoyed, and sometimes even infuriated with all of this, and would at times even rage with me about it, which would only cause me to pull back further into a shell. To be fair, She never liked this aspect of Herself, and that She felt that She was being reduced to it, and we both could sense that, despite our unquestioned love for each other, a chasm was developing between us that was becoming increasingly more difficult to bridge.

I had come to recognize that it was primarily my actions, or lack thereof, that were the major cause of our worsening marital strife, and I made several attempts to do, and be, better, usually occurring after one of our more heated interactions. These would be somewhat successful for a time, but before long I would fall back into my life long bad habits, and the situation would become even more dismal. We tried counselling together, but this didn't prove to be particularly fruitful either. Given our respective natures, I had even at one point half-playfully suggested that she might want to employ some corporeal discipline or punishment to correct my 'deficiencies'.

She was horrified at the idea. She was not into pain, especially physical, in any way, and the thought of purposefully inflicting it in any sustained way, particularly upon someone She loved so dearly, was abhorrent to Her. And She also saw the work and effort it would require of Her as unpalatable. It wasn't that She was against punishment per se, when it was warranted. But She just didn't feel it should also place an unpleasant burden and affect on Her as well.

In a lighter moment, when we were surfing the net together, searching for some new sex toys we both might enjoy, we come upon the male chastity page.

"That might be an answer for us." I ventured somewhat timidly. "I've read that, when encased, a male's libido goes way up and he becomes much more eager to please. And," I added with a bit of a crooked grin, "You wouldn't ever have to worry about me straying."

"If I ever worried about you straying, "She snorted, "you wouldn't be around very long.' More than likely true. "And given how often we have relations," about four to five times a week, "I don't think your libido needs much more stoking." She continued. "In any event, I rather enjoy getting you hot and bothered whenever I want, on my whim," which was often, "and seeing and being able to fondle your physical reaction to that." She enthused, before concluding, "Having you squashed up in some kind of cage would deny me that pleasure. So, these are out."

And that was that.

But our problem still persisted, and was even growing worse, and I felt that it was up to me to find a solution. Sure, I could make a greater effort to just change my behavior, but I had tried that any number of times, sometimes successfully for short periods, but always eventually reverting to old failed ways. I ... we ... needed to come up with something, anything, that we both could accept and embrace, that would prevent me from backsliding.

Paradoxically, it was while pondering some of her reasons for her rejection of a chastity device that I began to get my germ of a new idea. On the same web pages, there were a number of 'enhancement' items that could be separately added on. One of these suddenly piqued my interest. It could certainly be used by itself, and would thus address some of Her objections, while likely providing many added benefits of its own. The more I thought of it, the more I believed it could fit the bill, or the crotch as it were, ... a remotely controlled genital shock collar.

Knowing my Wife's aversion to being the cause of even the mildest types of discomfort, I worked to marshal all of my best arguments and persuasions to offer, before presenting the idea to Her. As I envisioned, while it could and would be worn all of the time, except for periodic, supervised removal for cleaning and maintenance, it would be activated only when necessary, and hopefully as time went on this would prove to be needed less frequently. Most often, it would only require a first level, low, non painful gentle jolt to bring my attention immediately back to Her, or to indicate her need for me to come to Her right away, wherever She was. If this in any instance proved ineffective, a somewhat higher and more 'insistent' level could be utilized to signal non verbal impatience, and an added 'spark and spur' to hop to, pronto. The highest level, which I was sure we would both hope would never be needed, would be reserved to 'express' sincere disapproval, or even used as a punishment for the grossest malfeasance of inaction or duty. At all other times, as so designed, I would be open and available to Her, and free to act and react in every normal way.

I went over and over it all in my mind. Finally convinced that I had well prepared my pitch, one evening after dinner I asked Her to sit down and I brought up several pages on the web that demonstrated multiple models, as I outlined my proposal. Her face remained impassive as She listened and looked, but I could sense in Her eyes that She was intrigued. After I had finished my impassioned spiel, She sat in complete silence for several minutes before responding.

"They all look too big and cumbersome for long term, or even extended use, which is what we would want it for, isn't it?" She was referring to the bulky box of electronics which they all had. "And if it becomes too burdensome for the wearer, for whatever reason, it would seem to be far too easy to cut through and remove, which would also defeat the its purpose." She added, indicating the leather straps used to hold them all in place. "No, I just don't see how any of them could work." She concluded as She exited the page and screen.

Actually encouraged by Her lack of an outright rejection, and what I felt was Her possible interest, at least early on, I took Her questions and concerns to heart. By profession and trade, I am a mechanical and electrical engineer, and I work in the research and development department of a large electronics company, so this was all right up my alley. I set about immediately to come up with solutions to all of Her issues.

The first order of business was to come up with a workable and working design. I thought it best to have it be one simple interconnected unit that once locked into place could only be removed with a key. It would start with a carefully measured stainless steel ring that would fit securely around the penis and balls. The composition and materials for the cock ring and connecting straps were then of the utmost importance, and would have to be precisely measured for each recipient. I chose to use a very thin and flexible, finely meshed stainless steel, similar to what could be found in certain wristwatch bands. The encircling cock band would be about 2 cm. wide and 2 mm. thick, and would go around the phallus at its base and closed by a clasp on its topside, fitting snugly when flaccid, but tighten some with tumescence, not enough to prevent ejaculation, but could prolong the erection for an extended time after, for any further potential use. A smaller half centimeter wide connecting strap of the same material would be permanently connected on both ends, from the bottom end of the cock band to the bottom of the genital ring, the strap running lightly between the testicles along the bottom of the scrotum. A small lock would connect the topside clasp to the top of the genital ring. Once locked in place, the entire apparatus could only be removed with the key, or with heavy metal bolt cutters, which given the sensitive area it encased, would likely be very difficult and painful, and may even still be impossible.

The next part of the process was incorporating the necessary electronics into the device, which would be more tricky and intricate, especially the issue of size. As it happened, my particular area of engineering expertise is in micro circuitry, so with a little thought and ingenuity I came up with a satisfactory design. I placed two small contact electrodes inside the bottom part of the penis ring, so that they would rest against the base of the cock at its root from the sack. The controlling electrical circuits were embedded on the outside of the band directly below, and were covered with another thin strip of the same metal so that the overall thickness of the band there was only minimally increased. The entire unit was powered by a wafer thin and tiny lithium battery, much like those in wrist watches, and placed in a separate compartment on the side of the strap. It would likely last for several years before it would need to be removed and replaced.

The separate remote controller would have three voltage settings and buttons for each, a first level, mere vibratory buzz to signal that attention is required, a more unpleasant second mid level jolt, and then the highest level that would never be in any way enjoyable. The remote would have a range of about 100 yards in every direction, which would more than encompass our entire house and outside property. It would be palm sized and small enough to easily carry in a purse or handbag if there was ever any need or desire for its use outside the home.

Once these preliminary schematics were done, I set about to actually construct a prototype. Given the nature of my job, I knew where I could easily obtain all the materials that I needed. For the next two weeks I worked on it for several hours each night in my basement workshop, taking precise and meticulous measurements of my own anatomy and all the various mechanical components. I tinkered and honed and experimented, and even left some room for future possible modifications. My Wife grew a bit irked over how much of my 'free' time I was spending alone in my basement shop, but I told Her that it was for a special project, which She assumed was for my job, something with which She never interfered. I didn't want to mention yet that it was for a special 'gift' for Her.

After many adjustments and fine tuning, I felt that the device was finally ready for its 'unveiling'. So, on the next Friday evening after dinner I announced to my Wife that I had a surprise for her in the living room. I had placed a cloth over it on the coffee table between our couch and easy chair. When I removed the covering, laying there by itself, it didn't quite register with Her what it was. So, I explained. Then understanding, She still looked at me with bewilderment.

"My God, you really were serious about this."

"I am." I responded. "I just know that we have to do something about our problem, my problem, that's threatening to tear us apart."

She looked at me with concern.

"Oh darling, I know that I often, maybe too often, get irritated, frustrated, and even angry with you, and I don't like what that does to either of us. But it doesn't mean that I love you any less."

"But I want you to love me even more." I exclaimed. "And I'm scared, terrified, that if I can't change my ways that I'm going to lose you. And I've tried, really tried, but I've never been able to successfully continue it for very long, and that has only made matters worse. We have to come up with something."

"But I don't think that this," She indicated the device, "is something that I need for that."

"But I do. I need it. I've thought and worked very hard to come up with an idea that I think can work for both of us. You'll only have to use it when you feel that you need to, before you get annoyed or angry. And hopefully over time that will be necessary less and less often, and maybe eventually my new behavior will be so ingrained that we won't have to use it at all any more, and we can be done with it. And it requires little time or effort on Your part, just the occasional push of a button, and if my response is appropriate, little or no discomfort for me. For all the rest of the time we will hardly even know that it's there, out of sight, out of mind, except for the impact we hope that it will have in our relationship. I think it's critical. Please Hon, can't you give it a chance. For me. For us. Please."

She looked at me, then down at the device, then back up to me, long and hard. Finally, after what seemed like an eon, her face softened, and I could see love in her eyes, and even a glimmer, I thought, of the interest I had sensed before.

"Okay." She exhaled. "We'll give it a try." She paused. "But I'm making no promises about how long it will continue."

"Great." I let out my own breath of relief. I then again offered a crooked grin. "Would you like to take it out for a test run?"

She offered back Her own small smile.

"Why not. I guess this is as good a time as any."

I picked up the apparatus and explained to Her all of the various parts and their functions. I then slipped off my pants and boxers, and demonstrated how to put it on securely. When it was finally all locked in place, I handed her the two small keys, one to keep with her, and the other to be put in a secure place of her choosing for any emergencies. I then showed her how to use the hand held remote.

"The top button gives a low level buzz that is not uncomfortable, but signals and directs attention where it is wanted and desired." I explained. "Give it a try."

She nodded and pressed the button, producing a small but noticeable inward twitch of my hips. She offered a slight smile at the effect.

"The middle button is for when the response to the initial summons is inadequate. While not exactly painful, it is distinctly unpleasant and should clearly spur a more satisfactory response." I paused briefly, before ... "Why don't you also give it a whirl."

She was more hesitant this time, but when I gave her an encouraging look, She shrugged and pressed the button, and my whole body jerked. Her eyes widened. After a few moments of silence ...

"What is the bottom button for?" She asked.

"That is for if the first two levels are unsuccessful." I explained in a much smaller voice.

"What does it do?"

"I'm not sure" I admitted. And I really wasn't. While I had experimented with the first two levels on myself while I was constructing the device, to better calibrate the amount of juice for the appropriate response for each, I had only guessed at the amount for the last level, as I never had the nerve to try it on my own. I told her this.

"Then we should never use it." She said.

"No," I gritted my teeth in response. "I think that it's important to try it this once, so we both know what we're dealing with, and hopefully it will never have to be used again."

"I don't know." She continued.

"That's the point. I really think that we both need to know for it all to work. Please."

She took a deep breath in and out, as did I, as her thumb approached the bottom button. She stopped for a second, and then nodded again and pressed.

I let put a yowl as my knees buckled and I fell to the floor, doubled over. She rushed to me, anxiously asking if I was okay. After taking a few moments to collect my breath, I panted hoarsely that I was. She helped me up to sit in the easy chair, and She Herself sat on the couch caddy corner to me. We both remained still and silent with our thoughts.

Though it had lasted probably less than a second, the pain had been excruciating, electrifying if you will, and I knew that I never wanted to experience it again. I truly didn't think it would cause any permanent damage, but I shuddered internally at what uses it might be put. For really the first time, I came to face the difference between the reality and the concept. I'd be lying if I didn't admit that while I was building it, I had enjoyed any number of submissive fantasies about it. But now that it was on and locked in place, and in the complete control of the key and remote holder, I realized how I needed to have total trust in that person. And with my Wife, I did. But I also now understood that there was another element in the equation that I had never fully contemplated. Fear. As control had now been taken entirely out of my hands, there would always be that fear that my trust would not be enough. Still, I finally came to see that for it all to be effective as envisioned, there had to be at least a modicum of fear or it wouldn't work at all.

I felt a tingling vibration in my groin, and looked up sharply at my Wife.

"Well, I'm glad to see that it does work." She said as I focused on Her. "I don't think you heard a word I was saying until I buzzed you."

"I'm sorry Hon ... What were You saying?"

"If you're done with your wool gathering now, I was saying that showtime is over, and as informative as it was, it's your turn to empty the dishwasher and put away the clean dishes before filling it with the dirty ones. And then wash the pots and pans while I have other things to attend to."

"I'll get to it right away." I said.

"I hope so" She answered with a small smile as she eyed the remote in her hand before leaving the room, as I pulled up my boxers and pants and made my way into the kitchen for my own tasks at hand.

Just as I was finishing drying the last pot, I once again felt the gentle buzz at the base of my balls. I was wanted. I hurried out of the kitchen into the living room, then the dining room, followed by the media entertainment room, and finally the computer room. She wasn't in any of them. I rushed up the stairs and failed to find Her in any of the three bedrooms either. I timidly knocked on the closed bathroom door but received no response. Where was She? The only place left was the basement. As I turned to go there my body spasmed with a second level jolt. After taking a very brief moment to recover, I sped down both sets of stairs. At the bottom to the right was my workshop, and to the left was the laundry room. I chose the left. There She stood, remote in hand, and an unhappy frown on Her face.

"I don't see how this is going to work." She began. "I thought you said you'd always respond to the first button, and here I've already had to use the second. I don't want to have to keep doing that. It's too frustrating and it'll just make me more angry than before."

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