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The Supplement Pt. 01


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Jean lifted her head and looked down her body to her son's cock pressed against her, fluid leaking from the slit. The smell of berries wafted to her, and she remembered the taste of him. The feel of his stuff on her body and in her mouth. What would it feel like in her vagina? In her womb?

With a mental flick of the switch, Jean accepted she was going to fuck her son, and she was going to let him come in her, and she might get pregnant. It was going to happen, and she wanted nothing more.

She spread her legs, feeling her labia open. She was ready.


Josh felt his mom lift her head, and then her legs stirred, moving. The one he was pressed against pushed into him, forcing him to move. He looked at her, a question in his eyes, and she nodded, tugging at him. Heart pounding, he moved between her legs, laying directly on top of her. She smiled at him and lifted her head for a kiss. He wanted more, but she pushed him up.

Josh was now hovering over her, propped up on his arms. He felt her touch and looked down to where she held him.

"Are you sure?" he asked quietly.

His mom nodded, pulling him closer. He clumsily tried to help, pushing his hips before she was ready. She smiled and pushed him back again. Josh could feel the blood rushing to his cheeks with embarrassment.

"It's okay. Shhh. I'll tell you when. Go slow, okay?"

Josh nodded, and felt her pull his dick lower, until he felt his head encounter a warm nest. He looked down at where they were joined, and back up to her face, eyebrows raised.

She nodded with a smile, and he pushed gently. It took very little pressure before his dick was gliding into her warm, slick tunnel. Josh looked down, watching as his cock slid into his mom, and missed seeing the expression on her face.


Jean felt tears prick in the corner of her eyes with joy as Josh pushed, his glans spreading her open. It had been so long since she'd had a cock inside of her. As her son's penis stretched her, her mouth opened wide with pleasure and shock. Was he really so big? She was forced to spread her legs open wider, to make herself fully accessible to him, and he took it. Took her.

Going slowly, as instructed, it took a few seconds before he was fully in her. Jean groaned loudly, no longer caring who heard, as she felt her son's cock seat itself in the entrance to her womb. She could feel the entire length of him in her, her inner sensitivity enhanced by the trail of precum he'd left as he inserted himself.

"Fuck me," she husked, her throat closing with arousal.


Josh didn't want to move. He was going to come if he moved, he knew it. "I can't," he responded to his mom's directive.

Understanding seemed to form on her face, and she smiled, pulling him forward, onto her chest. "Then fill me up," she said, wrapping her legs around his waist.

Josh didn't move, but his mom did, flexing her hips. The feel of her clutching sheath stroking him took him over the edge. He grunted in surprise as he came. His youthful reproductive system gathered a gobbet of his semen and fired it up his prick, delivering it to his mother's cervix. Another followed, and another, each one feeling like a gallon.

"That's it," she whispered, watching his face with delight.


Jean had never experienced taking someone's virginity but was not surprised or displeased Josh had come quickly. Feeling his weight between her legs, his dick planted inside of her as he convulsed was a pleasure in itself. On top of that, his special semen was pooling in her like warm lava. She could feel it, unlike with Chuck, as it spread throughout her insides, past her cervix, and up into her baby-making factory.

For the first time, she did the math on her cycle and found it might not be an ovulation window. Her fetish didn't care, it only cared about having the man she was with fire his load into her. On that point, she had succeeded wonderfully.

Josh relaxed on her, putting his head on her chest. She let her legs relax, falling to either side of her son. Knowing he might be feeling overwhelmed by the situation, she just ran her hands down his back to soothe him.

From her chest, his breath warming a nipple, he said, "Sorry."

"Shhh, it's okay," she cooed. "That's entirely expected, and I loved it. It is a compliment I turn you on. Plus, we can always try again."

He growled deep in his chest, the reverberations echoing in her own. She giggled.

Josh's penis was softening in her until he shifted and it fell out of her. Jean could feel a pool of their combined juices running out of her and down her ass crack. There was going to be a mess to clean up.

"Do you want to wait a bit and go again? Or do you want to sleep? I'm good with either, but I need to head back to my bed soon."

She watched the conflicted emotions run across his face as he tried to decide.

"Actually, that took way more out of me than I thought it would. Can we do it again tomorrow?"

"Absolutely. I'm going to need your wonderful cock in me again, so rest up."

Josh rolled off of her, and she stood up, looking back at his bed. There was a dark puddle where she lay. "Change those sheets tomorrow. I'll get you a towel for now."


Jean did so, arranging the towel to soak up as much as possible, and then leaned over the bed to kiss him. She kept it chaste, not wanting to wake anything in either of them. She did need to get back to her own bed. Grabbing her robe, she went to the bathroom to pee.

Feeling gobs of her son's jism drip out of her vagina while she sat on the toilet brought home what they'd done. It was real, not a fairy tale thing. Right now there were sperm swimming inside of her. She felt a twinge of lust at the idea, wanting more of him in her.

Not for the first time, Jean wondered where this fascination with getting knocked up had come from. Why was her body filled with desire by the thought of a man putting his seed in her and breeding her? Why did she crave for her body to quicken with life and transform as it nurtured a baby through gestation? Why did she yearn for her belly to swell, her breasts growing and filling with milk?

If her fetish had its way, she'd be barefoot and pregnant every day of her life, and loving it. Cruel fate had prevented that, and now temptation had come knocking, and she'd failed to resist. In fact, she'd caved fairly easily, as Josh hadn't pressured her at all. All he did was be available, sexy, and find her desirable. And have magic cum, the catalyst for all of this, as she'd never have even contemplated fucking her son without it.

The mere thought of fucking Josh sent a thrill through her. Of having him in her, straining as he pumped her full of his semen. Of their child springing forth from her loins, like a fertility goddess of old. Jean knew full well just having sex wasn't a guarantee of pregnancy, but there was a chance, and it was enough. Had Josh realized the implications of their union? She assumed not. It was a conversation to look forward to tomorrow.

Jean finished up in the bathroom and silently went to bed. The brief time it took for her to fall asleep was taken up replaying the events in her son's bed.


Josh was smiling before he was even fully awake the next morning. He remembered the night before immediately, and let the memory of it play out in his head. His cock was rock hard. He wished he could have woken up next to his naked mother and tried for round two.

As it was, it was going to be a normal morning, with normal conversations, and normal interactions. No kissing, no fondling, no naked bodies writhing together.

Josh thought of school next, and it hit him he was no longer a virgin. He'd known it at the time, but now in the context of his friends, it took on a larger meaning. He'd had sex. Even if it was over quickly, he'd put his dick in a vagina and come. The grin came back. His mom had said they could do it again. Hopefully, he'd last longer next time.

Down in the kitchen, eating breakfast, Josh couldn't keep his eyes off his mom. She was wearing a pencil skirt and a blouse which showed off her figure. He imagined her naked body beneath her outfit and wondered if she was reacting to seeing him like he was to her. He had to hide his bulge under the table.

When it came time for his morning kiss, he went to the side opposite his dad and picked a spot close to his mom's mouth. He pressed for a millisecond longer than usual. She gave him a warning glance when he pulled away, but he just smiled and shrugged.

School proved to be a breeze. He didn't think much at all, preferring to send his mind ahead to the coming afternoon, when there was a window where he could be with her. Would she want to have sex with him then, or wait until tonight to come to his room again?

It wasn't until late in the school day that Josh remembered his mom's rule. He'd translated her explanation into a blanket 'no sex' rule, but the actual rule was she wouldn't have intercourse with someone unless she was fine having a baby with them. His heart thumped once, hard. Had she abandoned the rule, or was she still following it? She hadn't talked about protection, and neither had he.

What were the chances of getting pregnant from one time? A google search showed the answer depended on her cycle. How was he supposed to know her cycle?

When his mom picked him up from school, he was bursting with the urge to ask about the pregnancy risk but didn't know how to broach the subject. 'Hey Mom, are you knocked up?'

She must have picked up on his pensive mood pretty quick, because as they were pulling out of the school driveway she said, "What's up? Are you feeling bad about last night?"

"God, no. Well, not really," he blurted out. He was going to botch this up, he knew it.

"Not really?"

"What if you get pregnant?" he asked. Better to just get it out, right?

They drove in silence for a time, but it was a comfortable silence. He could see she was turning the question over in her head and didn't want to push.

Finally, she said, with a smile, "That's a great question. Probably one which should be asked before doing the deed, but you'll learn. It's a lot to take in when it's your first time, I can understand why you were distracted."

Josh nodded his agreement.

His mom continued, "It's an easier thing to manage when you go into each situation with my rule in mind. If you put your dick in a girl, are you okay with her getting pregnant? If the answer is no, just don't do it. There are other things you can do."

She'd answered his question sideways. "So you were still following the rule last night?"

Time seemed to slow, as she said, "Of course I was."

His mom was okay if she got pregnant with his child. The rest of the ride home was quiet.

When they got to their driveway, his mom put the car in park and turned it off, turning to him. "Having second thoughts?" she asked, her concern plain on her face.

He shrugged. "I guess I didn't think it through, in the heat of the moment."

"Which part is more upsetting?"

"All of it? Me being a dad. You having my kid."

"It's just a maybe. I'm not at my fertile time, so chances are low."

"I dunno, I put a you."

She nodded. "You did, and I'd love to feel you do it again, and again, and again."

"Well, what about protection? Birth control?"

"Um, first, your dad would be suspicious of birth control, as I've never taken it. Second, condoms aren't perfect. My friend, the one I told you about, used condoms and they failed. And third..."

Josh waited as his mom tried to get the third part out. Her cheeks were flushed, clearly it was something she wasn't eager to say.

Quietly, she said, "The real reason my rule is in place, is because I don't want to ever have sex with someone and not go the whole way. If a man puts his penis in me, part of the excitement, the allure, is that our union could result in me getting pregnant. The thought makes me so happy, and feel so sexy, I want it to happen. I will actively work to make it happen, even if it's a bad idea. My rule was meant to prevent unwanted pregnancy."

"Then why did you let me? You said because we were mother and son that it was a bad idea."

"I fought against it, but in the end, the idea of you getting me pregnant fills me with so much joy. I want to feel you in me, so much."

"So if you get pregnant..." he asked again.

"I want it," she finished.

Their gazes locked across the short distance between them. Simultaneously, they opened their doors and made their way to the house. Josh followed her up the path, watching her hips sway in her skirt, resisting the urge to grab her ass out where anyone could see. In the house was a different matter - as soon as the door closed, he swooped in and grabbed two handfuls of her ass.

She laughed and swatted at him, trying to take her heels off, but he wouldn't let go of her juicy rear. When she managed to bend over to undo the straps keeping her heels on, he pressed himself into her from behind, holding onto her hips.

"Wait, wait!" she squealed, as she ground into her ass.

When her heels were off, she stood back up, her face red, wisps of hair floating around her head. She put her hand on his chest, and said, "Are you following your rule?"

Translation: was he okay if she got pregnant after he fucked her? The knowledge she was happy with the possibility of pregnancy changed his outlook. He thought of her, pregnant, knowing it was his, and felt his lust surge. He nodded.

She smiled smugly, and leaned forward, putting her mouth by his ear. She whispered, "You better get your cock out. I want it in me, and this time I want to get fucked."

Josh's cock, already firm, grew to full length at her words. She was so close her scent was in his nostrils and her neck was within striking distance. He dove for the easy target, latching on to her skin with his mouth and giving her a sucking kiss.

"OHhh, Josh," she moaned, pulling away. "Not here."

She grabbed his hand and led him to his room. "Your bed is already a mess. Grab a fresh towel and meet me back here. You better be naked when you get here."

"Yes, Ma'am," he said.


Jean stripped quickly. Her skirt first, letting it flow down her legs and pool around her feet. Her panties and socks followed. The buttons on her blouse took the longest, her bra slowly being revealed. The final step was the deft unhooking of her bra, and letting it fall off her arms, her tits swaying and bobbing. She rubbed them, feeling her nipples harden.

She sat down on his bed and smiled to see him join her, towel in hand, cock proudly thrusting to the roof.

"Come here," she beckoned. "I want to taste you, first."

He tossed the towel on the bed next to her, as she reached for his hips, situating him between her legs. The cool air licked her wet labia as they spread open.

"Did you take the pill today?" she asked, as she took him in hand.


"Good," she grinned. "I want as much as you can make. And the flavour...mmm!...and the smell..." Jean inhaled, smelling the berry wafting up from the glimmer of precum perched on his head.

She popped her lips over his glans, lathing her tongue over his slit to get his flavour on her tongue. Sucking hard, she bobbed her head down on him, hearing him moan his appreciation.

"Mom," he warned.

"Already? Okay, let's get going. We're going to have to work on your stamina."

Jean started to lay back but changed her mind. She directed her son to lay down instead. "It's momma's turn to be in control," she said.

Once he was laid out, she lifted her leg over him, straddling his thighs. "Fuck, you're sexy. You know that?" she asked him, as she shuffled up his body.

"Thanks. I'm nothing compared to you."

"Mmhmm," she agreed absently. She was holding him in her hand as she pulled his shaft up into her furrow, pressing him against her clit. She rolled her hips a few times, transferring her lube to him, then leaned forward and removed her hand, grinding on his cock. This gave him the perfect access, and he lifted his head to pull her nipple into his mouth.

"Gah!" she gasped. It would feel even better if she had something to bear down on inside of her.

Unable to hold back, she lifted her hips and reached down to her son's cock, propping him in her entrance. With a groan, she slowly sat back down, feeling him stretch her open, filling her with his meat. When her butt met his hips, he was fully buried, his head kissing her cervix. Jean sat up and rolled her hips, feeling him swirl inside of her vagina.

"You feel good," she moaned. "Are you going to come?"

"I'm close, but not quite yet," he responded.

"Good," she purred. "Try to hold off, but if you can't, let me know. I want to feel it."

Jean commenced rocking her hips, going for maximum pressure on her singing nerves but not giving too much movement for him. She felt her inner pressure cooker build, each swirl of her hips, each poke of his cock on her cervix, producing a burst of lightning. She grabbed her breasts, squeezing them to add to the mix.

"You're going to make me come just watching you," Josh said.

"Does watching momma ride get you excited?" she asked.

He nodded, smiling.

Ready to watch and feel the main event, Jean leaned forward again. She lifted her hips, his cock sliding out until just his head was in her entrance, and then dropped back down. He filled her up, his hard shaft stroking against the sensitive ring of nerves surrounding the entrance to her incubation chamber. She bounced up and down on him, each rise followed by a drop, his cock filling her over and over again, watching his face. She could see the moment it happened, as he tensed up underneath her.

"Yesssss," she hissed, as she felt him expand inside of her. She lay on his chest, falling still, closing her eyes to concentrate on what was happening deep in her vagina. Her son's cock pulsed in her, each expansion delivering his essence, his seed, to her hungry womb. The warmth created by his special semen did its magic, showing her how deep he was reaching with each shot.

This might have been the one to get her pregnant. Or that one. Or this one.

When his jerks and spurts finished, Jean lifted her head for a kiss, which Josh returned eagerly. They stayed joined for a while until she felt him slip from the clutches of her honeypot.

"Thank you, lover," she murmured into his chest.

"My pleasure."

When they had recovered enough to rise from their lover's embrace, mother and son cleaned up the sheets and towels, putting them in the wash. They made the house and themselves presentable for when Chuck got home, though neither were looking forward to it.

The evening was harder for Jean than the previous one. Having consummated her desire with Josh twice, she just wanted to be with him, hold him, touch him, kiss him. From the glances he was sending her way, he felt the same. They made it through, with Chuck following his same routine and retiring to bed early.

Jean invited Josh to watch some TV with her when her husband was in their room. She patted the couch next to her, whispering, "Behave, he's not asleep."

They sat and tried to watch the show she'd put on but Jean didn't take it in. At one point she realized she was holding Josh's hand, playing with his fingers, stroking and fondling them. She didn't stop.

When it was time for bed, they separated to their rooms but Jean was soon in his bed, on her back, pussy full of his cock. He fucked her longer this time before filling her up again. She went to bed smiling and happy, feeling the warmth of his spunk in her womb.

Jean couldn't wait to see what the future held for them.


Josh lay in bed, his dick still wet from his mother's pussy. There had been something different about this latest time in his bed. The actions were the same, but his mental state had altered. Previously he had been focused on being with her, not thinking of other stuff. He'd made peace with the pregnancy factor to an extent, but it still scared him a bit.

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