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The Supplement Pt. 01


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Josh smiled back, his hands raised to steady her. His gaze flickered down and back up, taking in her situation, and wordlessly stepped aside for her. She hurried past, to her room.

It was only once she closed the door behind her did she remember her towel wasn't very long. Josh might have gotten a look at her cheeks peeking out from the bottom of her towel as she rushed by! Her entire body flushed - in shame? - knowing she might have exposed herself to her son. The other reactions - warmth in her puss, tingling nipples - she attributed to her recent orgasm in the shower. She needed to be more careful. Sexual frustration was no excuse for letting her guard down around her son.

Dressing quickly in comfy but presentable clothes, Jean made sure to wear a bra, despite how it pinched, as her friends would expect it. She greeted them when they showed up, right on time, bottles of wine in hand. Mary was a willowy woman, tall, but far too thin in Jean's opinion. Linda was a heavy-set woman who made up for a plain face by wearing low-cut shirts to show off her impressive cleavage. The three of them had been friends for decades.

The night progressed well, the usual topic being the local gossip. When they'd gotten a few glasses in, Mary casually hinted she had info on an affair one of the local wives was having.

"Who?" Jean asked, her face lit up with curiosity.

"Mrs. Johnson," asserted Mary, smugly taking a sip of her drink.

"What? How do you know?" Linda asked. "She never leaves the house without her husband."

"True..." said Mary, hinting they were on the right track.

Linda looked at Jean. Jean looked back, and together they made the connection.

"She's having an affair in her house??" Jean exclaimed.

"Who is it?" Linda begged.

"How often would you say their lawn needs tending?" Mary prompted. "However much it is, their landscaper is there at least twice as much."

Jean leaned back against the couch back, trying to remember who Mrs. Johnson had for a landscaper. "You mean the tall guy? With the nice butt?"

Linda said, "No, can't be him, he's sleeping with Mrs. Garrett the next road over."

"Actually it is him, and yes he is sleeping with Mrs. Garrett. In fact, he's sleeping with several ladies in the area."

"Get out!" cried Linda.

Jean felt a flash of envy rip through her at the thought of all of those women getting railed by the hunky gardener. She wasn't getting any. While she contemplated the injustice, Mary and Linda compared notes of who else was taking advantage of the extra services.

It wasn't fair, she decided. Not only did she not have a regular lover, but she also didn't need the services of a gardener, as Josh took care of it all. She guffawed, and her friends stopped their chatter to look at her.

"Remind me to never let Josh become a landscaper," she said with a cheeky smile. All three ladies roared their laughter.

The evening ended around 11 pm, and as Jean was saying goodnight to her guests, she noted she'd been able to ignore the temptation of her body and the lingering effects of the shower wash. The gathering had been good for more than just socializing.

Josh had stayed in his room. As she passed by his door, she stopped and knocked.

"Are you awake?" she said to the door. If he was, he'd hear her.

"Yeah, Mom," came his answer.

She opened the door and peeked her head in. He was in bed, reading by the light of his lamp. "I just wanted to say goodnight," she said.

"Night, Mom. Did you have fun?"

"I did." Jean was a little tipsy, and so the next words just tumbled from her mouth. "Don't become a landscaper, okay?" She giggled at her joke, while Josh just stared at her.

"Okay," he said. "Why?"

"Oh, nothing, it was just a silly joke from earlier. You had to be there." Despite feeling silly, there was no way Jean was going to explain it. "Sorry for running into you earlier in a state of undress."

Why was she bringing it up?

Josh shrugged, and said, "Don't worry about it, I'd forgotten it happened."

"That's good. I didn't think you were home, or I'd have put more clothes on."

"It's fine, Mom."

"Okay, have a good sleep."

Jean left her son in his room and went to bed suffused with a glow of contented happiness. The night with her friends had been just what she needed, and she didn't even miss her husband.

The relief she felt when she took off her bra made her gasp out loud. She'd been wearing bras which constricted and hid her form for years, but this was entirely too uncomfortable. She had to face the fact her breasts had grown, and look at buying some bigger clothes to accommodate.

Deciding to think about it tomorrow, Jean got into bed and fell asleep almost immediately.


Josh heard his parent's door close and sighed with relief. He'd been jerking off when his mom knocked and scrambled to quickly hide what he was doing. He'd done his best to seem normal, but her apology about the towel thing earlier had almost broken him. He'd downplayed it, but the incident hadn't left his head since it happened, and in fact, it had inspired the hardon he'd been playing with when she knocked.

Talk about an awful coincidence. He was already feeling guilty about touching himself while thinking of her in just the towel, and then 'knock-knock!'.

Now alone again, his hardon reduced to nothing from the shock of her intrusion, Josh decided to just go to sleep. As he was waiting for sleep to take him, the image of his mom coming out of the bathroom returned. Her long legs led up to a tantalizing shadow hiding just at the junction where they met. The creamy smooth skin of her shoulders and arms. The expanse of her cleavage bulged up from the top of the towel.

She was a vision of loveliness, and any straight guy would have sat up and taken notice if they'd run into her as Josh had. The initial almost-collision had come with a waft of berry-scented air as she emerged from the bathroom, which had hit him like a spike in the brain. He'd been incapable of doing anything but stepping aside and watching her retreat.

As she scampered away to her room, the towel had lifted and he'd seen a flash of her cute butt cheeks.

Since then, Josh had been tortured by alternating arousal and guilt. Arousal won every time, but he hadn't taken the step of actually jerking off to her memory. Yet.

Sunday morning dawned bright, with sun seeping around his curtains. Josh woke up with a raging hardon, not an uncommon occurrence, but one he enjoyed. Yawning and stretching one hand out, his other hand dipped under his covers to wrap around his dick. Velvet granite met his fingers, which he lazily stroked and fondled.

The thought had been circling the outskirts of his brain for a while, and finally, it came to land. It seemed like wishful thinking, but the last couple of days he'd felt like his dick was bigger than usual. He'd never measured himself, but he was quite familiar with his size based on touch, and it felt different.

Laughing at himself for his dreaming, Josh got up and went to the bathroom to pee. He had promised his dad he would mow the lawn today, so he wanted to get it out of the way fast, to have the rest of the day to himself.

He threw on some old jeans and a t-shirt and went to tackle the annoying chore. Their lawn wasn't very big, but it had some interesting features and trees which made mowing the grass an adventure.

An hour later, chore complete, Josh finished putting the mower away and went to shower. He was looking forward to getting clean, but he just wanted to jerk off. The aborted session last night, with the morning wood earlier, had him raring to go.

Anticipation grew as he shucked off his clothes and turned the water on. He couldn't help but examine himself in the mirror as he waited for the water to heat up. He looked the same as he always did, but for one difference: his dick had to be bigger. There was no way it wasn't.

Josh's privacy was shattered when the sound of knocking once again interrupted him.

"Josh! I need to pee! I'm coming in!" came the frantic sound of his mom's voice.

The door opened and his mom came in in a rush, running past him to the toilet. Josh frantically covered his dick with his hands, shouting, "Mom! I'm naked!"

"I'm sorry! I thought you were in the shower!" she exclaimed as she plopped down on the toilet seat. The sound of her peeing soon followed, along with a relieved sigh from his mom.

"I was waiting for the water to warm up," Josh explained, exasperated.

Even the shock of being burst in on wasn't enough to distract him from seeing what his mom was wearing. It was a simple nightie, but it was only mid-thigh in length and did nothing to hide her assets up top, which swayed in the thin covering with each movement. He spotted nubs on the crest of her breasts. She'd had to pull her nightie up around her hips to sit down, and so he could see the entirety of her legs and lap. No panties?

Cheeks burning, Josh's mouth dropped open in horror as he felt himself grow under his hands. Not now! Of all the times for a boner, naked in the bathroom with his mom was the worst. Turning away from her, he tried to conceal his state, as his dick grew and grew. In no time he was fully engorged and feeling ridiculous trying to cover his length with his hands. It was obvious what he was hiding.

His mom finished peeing and wiping with some toilet paper before standing up. Business done, she headed to the door and finally seemed to take notice of the situation she'd barged in on. "Oh! I'm so sorry, Josh. I didn', I didn't mean to intrude but I had to go bad. I was going to be quick..."

She trailed off, as she came around to his front and could see what he was failing to conceal. To his immense surprise, given what he knew about his conservative mom, she raised an eyebrow and quirked a smile at him.

She said, "Sorry to interrupt your private time." Despite her demeanour, her cheeks coloured.

"I was just taking a shower," Josh said defensively.

"Mmhmm. I'm familiar with those kinds of showers. Make sure you clean up after yourself."

Josh suddenly flashed back to the instances over the last several days where he'd jerked off in the shower...and forgotten to clean up. He felt his cheeks burn even more.

His mom noticed, her eyes narrowing. "You do clean up...after...right?"

"I, um, don't do it often. I'll make sure to clean up," he said, not believing he was having this conversation.

His mom was still in the bathroom with him, the proximity of her wearing only the thin cloth over her naked body causing his dick to grow harder than ever. His hands still covered it, and even his touch was sending pleasurable warmth up and down his length. To his horror, precum started to leak from his slit, and the smell of berries filled the air.

"Mom -" he started, wanting to get her to leave, but stopped when he saw her breath in deeply, her chest expanding delightfully.

"That smell," she said. She stepped to one side of him and looked in the shower. "You didn't have time to use the wash. Where is it coming from?"

The wash? Oh, the bottle he'd gotten with the pills. She was using it? As this train of thought was churning through Josh's head, his mom was sniffing around the room, hunting for the source of the scent. She was smelling his arousal. Josh backed away from her, only stopping when he ran into the clothes hamper, but she pursued, still sniffing the air.

"Is that you?" she asked, putting her head close to his and taking a large breath in.

His mom was so close Josh could feel the warmth of her body radiating on his neck. Her scent filled his nostrils and he groaned. Trying to get away, he made to step around the hamper but clipped the leg and lost his balance. Instinct kicked in, and Josh splayed his hands out to catch himself on the hamper behind him.

Despite it not being a secret, the removal of his hands also removed any doubt he was hard. The berry scent got stronger as his precum was exposed to the open air, and Josh froze in horror as he waited for his mom to freak out.

She didn't. She looked down at the rigid tool straining between their bodies, a bubble of pre-cum oozing from the slit. Josh's pose was ridiculous. Body bent back, hands behind him, cock lewdly pointing at the ceiling. She inhaled again while staring at him, then bent over, putting her head near his dick, and took a small sniff before standing back up. Josh watched in amazement as his mom transformed.

Her eyes seemed to glaze over as she stared at his dick, and her mouth worked as if dealing with an excess of saliva. Her nipples hardened in her nightie, forming tents. She clenched her legs together, feet thumping together. He could see her fists clenched at her sides like she was fighting to keep them still.

"Mom? Are you okay?"

His mom's eyes cleared and she looked at his face quickly before returning to his leaking cock. She nodded.

"Have you been jerking off in the shower the last several days?" she asked.

Hesitantly, feeling a mix of shame and curiosity, Josh nodded.

"On the wall?"

Another nod.

"Oh," she said.

Amazed, Josh watched as she lifted one hand and dipped her finger lightly in his stream of precum. Even the small touch was enough to cause him to clench in response, his cock bobbing. She put the now wet finger inside the neck of her nightie, grabbing one of her breasts. Upon contact, his mom shuddered and moaned, eyes clenched shut.

"Yep, that's the stuff," she said.

"Mom, this is..." Josh started.

"Weird?" she finished. "Yeah, well have some sympathy, I just found out I've been massaging my son's semen onto my body.


Jean watched as her son tried to stand up, his face slack with shock, but she put her hand on his chest to keep him where he was. Her mind raced, still struggling with the situation. Somehow her son's stuff sent her to heaven. Her body was tingling, just from the brief application of his precum, but she needed more.

Different scenarios flashed through her head, but the fact was, he was there, ready, rampant. She felt desirable in a way she hadn't in a long time. Seeing this young man react to her, even if it was her son, had torn away the years of conservatism, exposing the passionate woman she'd always been.

"Shhhhh," she said. "Just stay there."

Mother and son watched as she slowly gripped his head in her fingers, gathering precum on them.

Josh groaned at her touch.

It seemed important, despite his reaction, she got permission.

"Is this okay?" she asked, her slick fingers encircling his glans.

Josh just jerked a nod once, his eyes on where her hand was on his penis.

It happened fast. As Jean rolled her now sticky fingers around his head, he came. Ream after ream of potent man sauce spurted from his slit. Each pulse ejected into her palm, deflecting onto her nightie.

Jean just stood there as she was covered in his stuff. When he finally stopped coming, they were both a mess as it had dripped down his shaft and legs.

"Sorry," Josh muttered, unable to take his eyes from the glaze caked on his mother's nightie.

"It's okay, I wanted you to," she said. With those words, she ran her hands through his load and repeated the excursion inside her nightie, this time pulling her arm inside her sleeve. She shuddered again when she reached her breast, a stronger reaction than the first time. His actual semen created a fire in her.

"I've grown to like it, you see," she growled, as she massaged her breast.

She felt alive.


Josh looked at her face and saw his mother, but also a woman. Her always cute face was flushed red, enhancing her beauty. Her lips were full and parted, her wet tongue peeking between them. Her eyes opened and she met his gaze intently for a few seconds before looking down at his now drooping dick.

"We need to get cleaned up," she said. "Starting with this, as it is drenched."

It was a quick motion, divesting herself of her nightie, but for Josh, he saw it all in slow motion. She bent over slightly and grabbed the back of the garment behind her neck and pulled it over her head. As the hem rose, he saw his mother revealed section by section.

First, her legs, which he'd seen before, but this time the treasure at their meeting point as well. She was bare there, her nether lips plump and rosy. Next came her waist as it narrowed from her hips and then her belly, delightfully healthy and moist where his semen had seeped through her gown. Then came the part he never thought he'd see but wanted to see most of all: her chest.

Two plump globes of white underboob turned into melon-sized breasts topped with cherry coloured nipples. They were hard and surrounded by two inches of crinkly areola. Josh couldn't take his eyes off of them even after she finished tossing her wet shift into the laundry hamper. The movement of her throw caused them to shift back and forth. Josh felt drool form, wanting to feel those rubbery nubs between his lips.

His cock stirred.

The bathroom was full of steam now, as the shower was still running. Josh's mom stepped in, under the flow, beckoning him to join her. He hesitated, still unsure what was going on.

His mom turned to look at him and ducked her head out of the water. "Come on in. We'll sort this out after, don't worry."

Taking a deep breath, he stepped into the shower with his mom. It was big enough for the two of them without needing to be pressed together, but only one of them got sprayed at a time. For now it was his mother so Josh just watched as she slicked her wet hands up and down her body.

This was surreal.

When she turned away from him, Josh couldn't help himself. He reached out a hand, gliding it over her wet back. She flinched but then relaxed into his touch. Her skin was so soft, so smooth. He ran his hand down to the dip of her waist and the swell of her hip. It was just natural to keep going until he reached her butt, gliding along the swell of her rear until he could cup her cheek.

His mom stopped moving, head down, just letting the water flow over her as he explored. Unable to resist, he stepped forward and reached around her torso. It wasn't unlike any of the hugs he'd given her in his life, except they were naked. He lifted his palms until they contacted her tits and he cupped them, squeezing gently.

"Oh Josh," his mom said, softly, at his touch. She leaned back into his chest, her butt grazing his dick, which was recovering. He tentatively pushed into her and she pushed back. Within moments he was fully hard again.

Hands still full of her tits, Josh kissed her neck as he kneaded and played, thumbs rolling over her nipples.

She sighed, and reached behind her, between them, to take his dick in hand. "You can't fuck me," she blurted out suddenly.

Josh didn't know how to respond. It was such an unlikely thing for her to say, and for him to hear.

"Um, okay," he managed, hard cock throbbing in her hand.

The mom Josh thought he knew was gone. In her place was a sexy goddess, full of curves and tits, in his arms, telling him he couldn't fuck her. He sighed.

"Any other rules?" he asked, needing to say something.

She shook her head. "Just hold me."

He did, taking full advantage of his access to her body, but avoiding her pussy. That felt a step too far, even given the last few minutes. At one point he felt her hand down there, rubbing away, until she gasped and convulsed in his arms, under the spray of the water. She turned around after, and pushed him back, giving her space to grab hold of his dick.

Seeing her like this, wet and sexy, mouth agape, the tip of her tongue poking out as she stroked his cock, Josh's heart thumped in his chest. Mom or not, she was a vision of sex, far more attractive than any of his friends' moms. Too bad he could never tell them.

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