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The System


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The man looked over them and scanned the trees as he responded.

"Don't go thinkin' there weren't somethin' in it for me," he said before returning his gaze to the young couple.

"Whatever you were given was well deserved. You've helped us so much. We could not have made it this far out here without you," Donna said happily.

The man smiled widely, "Yep. I don't mind much, though. I went `head and took down them posters in town and made y'all up a room in the house there. There's hot water, clean sheets, and food. I `spect my old lady would be proud of me if she were still here," he said as he chuckled.

Donna walked up and hugged him tightly as emotion overtook her.

"Ma'am, there ain't no need for all that. I'm just helpin'."

"You didn't have to though and we are greatly appreciative of it," she said as she released him.

"No offense, Miss but I'd appreciate if you two got some water on ya," he said without thinking twice.

Mark snickered loudly and quickly stifled himself. Donna glared at his response to the man's brazen approach to her needing a shower.

"Sorry," Mark said quietly.

Donna rolled her eyes and looked back at their benefactor. "I think we know where the bathroom is," she said with a wink.

"I'm thinkin' y'all should shower separately, if ya don't mind too much," he said.

"Of course," Donna said, realizing she suggested they would be doing it together. "We wouldn't disrespect your home."

"I appreciate it, miss. I'll show ya where I keep them towels."

Donna was first to shower. She dropped her clothes on the floor and stepped into the steamy shower. As the water hit her hair and flowed down her body, she watched the color of the water that pooled near the drain turn a murky color.

"Gross," she said to herself.

When she was done, she changed into clothes they had previously cleaned with rainwater. They weren't the cleanest but certainly better than what they arrived in. She made her way to the bedroom they would be sharing. She tossed her clothes at her brother and looked him over.

"I'd appreciate it if you could get some water on ya!" she said with a giggle as she mocked the old man's request.

Mark tossed her soiled shirt back at her as he laughed. He gathered a set of similarly cleaned clothes and made his way to the bathroom for the same shower experience.

As he was showering, she found the old man sitting on the porch, staring off into the trees.

"Sir?" she said quietly, trying not to startle the man.

"Yes, ma'am," he responded without looking at her.

She thought twice about asking but decided there would be no harm.

"Would I be able to use your washer and dryer?"

"Oh, yeah. I can show that to ya. Don't have a dryer, though. You'll have to hang `em out back on the line," he told her pointing his thumb behind him.

He showed her the machine, the soap, and the line along with the clips she would need. He went on to say there wasn't any rain in the forecast that would inhibit the laundry from drying properly.

She thanked him again. As she headed to get the laundry, he stopped her.

"Miss," he said, pausing as he looked her over, "I wasn't suggestin' you would be disrespectin' my home. I know y'all had it a bit rough out there. Y'all was dirty and I just figured it would be better if you waited."

Donna was confused at his meaning.

"Waited for what?" she asked.

He grinned slightly, shrugged his shoulders, and headed back to his chair on the front porch.

She went on about her task thinking about the intention behind his words. When it finally dawned on her, her face turned red from embarrassment. She hadn't decided she would indulge her brother's request. With the man's implied consent, she lost any apprehension she had about it.

Donna made her way to the kitchen and sorted through the fridge, cupboards and pantry looking for a hearty meal to make. The entire time she prepared the meal, her thoughts went back to her brother. She hadn't been able to be intimate with him in a private environment in weeks. When they had been intimate in recent times, she they were dirty for the most part. She didn't feel connected with him like she did before. She longed for the depths of that connection again.

Her mind went wild with the potential events of the later evening. Her panties were wet by the time she was ready to serve dinner. She brought the platter to the table and served everyone before sitting. She could think of nothing besides being with her brother. While the thoughts raced in her head, her feet got frisky. She rubbed her foot against his leg and playfully teased him.

At first, he simply enjoyed the attention. When she got more daring, he stared at her, eyes wide with disbelief at her actions he believed were against the man's request. Donna occasionally winked at him and carried on with the teasing until it was time to clear the table.

Donna was in the kitchen when Mark approached her.

"What are you doing teasing me like that? You heard what he said," Mark reminded her.

"I know what he said," she told him. She skipped the opportunity to inform him of her conversation with the old man while he was in the shower.

Mark accepted her stance on the matter with suspicion. He helped her finish washing the dishes. When they went to finish clearing the table, the man stood up and adjusted his loose pants.

"Well," he said as he looked around the room, avoiding eye contact with the couple, "guess I'll head on outside and read the paper. I `spect your laundry will be done soon. I'm guessin' you're ready to hit the hay after the time y'all had."

Mark vaguely caught a double intent behind the man's words. When he was out of sight, Donna jumped into her brother's arms.

"If you would be so kind to hang the laundry out back, I'll be ready when you come back," she whispered into his ear.

She sucked his earlobe into her mouth, intentionally amplifying the sensual noise that accompanied it. He quickly turned to get moving on his chore.

She felt like she was floating on air as she made her way their room. She removed her clothes and placed them on the chair next to the bed. She looked around the room deciding how she wanted him to find her.

When her brother arrived, he found her lying in bed. The bedspread covered her up to her waist. Her breasts were exposed, and her nipples were hard with excitement. She smiled widely and summoned him to bed with single motion of her finger.

He dropped his pants and flung his shirt from his body. He leapt onto the bed and approached his sister.

"Slow down, turbo," she said with a tender smile. "We haven't had privacy in a long time. Remember what that was like? It's our private time again."

Her words hit home with him. He slowed his movements and reached his hand out to caress her cheek.

"That's the lover I remember," she whispered.

He leaned in and pressed his lips against hers. Their hands began roaming each other's bodies. His took hold of the blanket, pulling it back, exposing her nude body for his eyes to feast on.

"Why does this feel like the first time," he grunted as she was kissing his neck.

"I wondered the same thing," she moaned.

Her hand wandered down his body until her fingers wrapped around him. She slowly stroked his already hard rod. Her lips left a trail of moisture from his neck to his chest as she stroked him.

"I want you inside me, baby," she cooed.

Mark rolled her onto her back and opened her legs. While she stroked him, his fingers found her hidden charm. He used the pads of his fingers to manipulate her hole and spread the leaking moisture around. When his fingers were sufficiently covered, he offered them to his sister. She hummed as she accepted them into her mouth.

"Like I needed proof I was ready for you to fuck me," she said.

Mark positioned himself between his sister's legs and placed his hardness between her intimate lips. He pushed his hips back and forth, ensuring he instilled pressure again her clit, teasing her with what was to come.

"What are you going to do, Mark?" she asked in a breathy tone.

His eyes met hers. The stare in his eyes softened. He took a deep breath in as his hips positioned him at her entrance. As he pushed into her, they both exhaled deeply.

"I'm going to give you our baby," he whispered when he was fully inside her.

She wrapped her legs around him, pulling him as deep as he could go.

"When you release your seed, be as deep inside me as you are now. You could never give me a better gift," she said.

He rested his upper body on his forearms. His hips began to move back and forth in a slow and rhythmic pace.

"There's no one else I want to ever be with. There's no one else I ever wanted to be with. I'm yours forever," he told her softly.

Donna was struck by his words. He'd never opened himself so much to her in a single moment. Her eyes filled with tears as she heard him speak the words she had felt all along. She put her hands on his face and pulled him to her.

"Keep going slow. I want this to last forever," he pleaded before mashing her lips against his.

His hips kept pumping back and forth slowly. The only sounds in the air was their heavy breathing and the squishing sounds of their joining sex. It didn't take long, even at a slow pace before Mark was ready to shoot his load into her. He broke their lengthy kiss and whispered into her ear.

"I'm cumming, Donna. I'm going to give you our child," he said.

He pushed in deeply and held himself deep inside his sister as the first wave splashed inside her.

"I can feel it!" she cried.

He pulled out slightly and pushed back in, releasing the second rope of cum. She pulled him tightly against her skin as he repeated the motion a couple more times until he simply rested inside her. She kept grasping at him, trying to pull him closer to her. She eventually cried as she used her entire cache of strength to keep him close to her.

"You're my choice!" she said between sniffles, "I never want anyone but you! Why do we have to go through all this?" she cried loudly.

Mark made attempts to calm his sister, but it was not working. He rolled onto his back, pulling her with him while remaining inside her. He pulled the covers over them and held her tightly. In a rare outburst of emotional thought, he offered soothing advice to help comfort her.

"Throughout history, the best people with the purest intentions went through hell in their lives. We're in a better time, Donna. We've made it this far. We made it together. The world isn't perfect, and a lot of people will never approve of us. What they don't know, though, won't hurt them."

Donna's emotional state subsided. She planted kisses all over his face and sat upright slightly.

"How many people do you think there are like us?" she asked. She gently moved her hips back and forth, revitalizing her brother's slowly softening manhood.

"I don't know. I have to believe that there's a lot," he responded.

She read the sincerity in his eyes. A smile grew slowly on her face.

"You really think we'll make it together?"

He reached up and held her breasts in his hands and gently squeezed. He felt himself come back to life and grow hard again inside her.

"If we can make it through this, we can make it through anything," he replied with a wink.

Donna rocked slowly back and forth as she felt her brother begin to harden inside her. Moments later, she rose until he nearly popped out and sat back down. She repeated that motion again and again as they talked about their future. They discussed the things normal couples tackle when discussing their future; where they would live, what they would do if she became pregnant, and more. They also talk about how they could live in a community without their natural relationship being discovered.

"Donna," Mark suddenly said quietly, "I'm cumming again!"

Donna hastened the motion of her hips. Moments passed until she felt his hands grip her ass tightly. He held her in place as he took over. He pounded her quickly, dumping his second load inside her quickly.

She rested against him, listening to him catch his breath. He could feel his sperm dribbling out of her. The rhythmic sound of his breath and the motion of his chest rising and falling under her put her into a sound sleep. Mark stroked her long hair, drifting into a deep sleep himself.

The following morning, Donna woke first. She recalled the events of the prior evening. She laid on her back and played it again in her mind, minute for minute. When she remembered the first time he came inside her, she placed her hand on her stomach in hopes it was the moment she had been wishing for. She turned on her side and rubbed her hand over her brother's nude body gently until he woke.

"Hey," he said in a rough, groggy tone.

"Wake up, sleepy," she whispered.

He turned his head and smiled warmly at her.

"It's a shame we had to have the best night of our lives in a strange place," he said out of the blue.

She leaned in and pecked him on the cheek.

"I don't care where we are if it's going to keep being that amazing," she retorted.

He nodded in agreement. They spent a while in bed talking about getting back to normal and the monumental task of rebuilding the life they had to give up when they went on the run. Time had slipped away from them when Donna suddenly realized their father would be arriving shortly.

"We need to get up and get ready to go home!" she said, "Dad's going to be here shortly!"

They gathered their things and straightened the room up. As they cleaned up, Donna stripped the bed and threw the sheets at her brother.

"Take these to the wash since we made a mess of them last night," she said.

Her face was flushed red and her mind went back to the moment she felt him cum inside her for the first time. She put her hands on her stomach again and thought about the future while she straightened up. She folded the blanket and set it on the end of the bed. When she was finished with the room, she met her brother and they walked to the front porch where their new friend was already in his favorite chair.

"Mornin'," he said without looking at them.

"Good morning!" they replied together.

"I trust you're well rested?" he asked.

"We cannot tell you how much we appreciate your hospitality. We slept very well!" Donna happily replied.

Just as the man was about to reply, a car pulled into the driveway. Donna dropped what was in her hands and ran toward her father's car. George braked hard, threw the transmission into park, and ran to his daughter.

Mark was about to walk out to greet his father, but he was stopped short of walking off the porch.

"Not so fast, boy," the man in his scruffy voice.

Mark grew nervous about what could be happening. The man rose from his chair and walked over to Mark and stood next to him. They both watched Donna hug their father tightly.

"I was walkin' to my room last night and I couldn't help but hear what y'all were talkin' `bout."

Mark began to apologize for disrespecting the man's home. Their new friend held up a hand to stall his apology.

"I don't think too much `bout what y'all are doin' with each other. I kinda knew what y'all were up to when ya strolled by that first day. I heard what y'all said to each other and y'all reminded me of when my missus and I got together."

He paused for moment, remembering the words he heard the young couple tell each other.

"Like I said, I don't much care `bout what y'all do, but I know when I see purity. It's why I live out here."

"What do you mean?" Mark asked in confusion.

"Well, I ain't much for dealin' with other folks. They're set in their ways and don't give much room for other folks' differences."

Mark sighed and nodded as he thought about the moment their implants alerted their Mother, "I know what you mean."

"`Cause of that, I choose to be out here and away from folk. Ain't nothin' but me and nature out in these woods. You take that girl and you treat her the way you did last night..."

He turned and faced Mark.

"You take them words you said, and you follow through. You follow through and you'll find yourself with a woman who'll go through the fire with you. Understand me, boy?"

"Mark," he replied.

"What?" the man asked.

"My name is Mark."

"I know what your name is, boy. Do what I told ya and go on!" the man said, motioning toward the car.

"Can I ask you a question first?"

The man sighed, "Get on with it."

"Why did you ask Donna to do what you asked her to do that first day?"

The old man sat in his chair. He looked around the tree line and turned his attention back to Mark.

"Boy, I hope one day you'll never have to understand why I asked that. You do what I told ya and you'll never have to worry `bout such things. Now, go on."

Mark acknowledged the man and walked off the porch toward the car. Halfway there, he turned and watch the man get back into his chair.

"You know my name, sir, but we don't know yours," Mark said loudly.

"Murphy," the man responded, staring off into the distance.

"Thanks, Murphy," Mark said.

Mark turned and walked away. He wrapped his arms around Donna and his father before they packed into the car and headed home.

Murphy watched the car disappear down the road. He thought about the words he heard the young couple said to each other. He recalled the image of his late wife and only sibling. The corner of his lips turned up in smile for the first time in his recent memory.

"You're welcome, kid," he said quietly. "Thanks for stoppin' by."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

That was a truly engaging story. I'm very sorry for your loss, I hope you're doing okay. I look forward to reading more of his work. Thank you for sharing it with the world.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Was a good read,not just the usual suck & tug story but had a decent storyline as well.ennioyed it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Sorry to hear about your loss. Thank you for taking the time and putting in the effort to restore / continue what your husband started.

iWriter4UiWriter4Uover 1 year agoAuthor

is said they sent me a message. I attempted to reply to that message, but the e-mail address provided did not work. Send me another feedback with a usable e-mail address and I will reply that way.

iWriter4UiWriter4Uover 1 year agoAuthor

For those curious about reading this before, you're not crazy. Read my bio. My late husband wrote this and this is mostly a memorial account for his works. I am also finishing some of his unfinished stories and posting them as I go. This was one of his favorites. I edited it as he wasn't too good at editing his own works, but that's okay. At the end of the day, the story is what's important and he enjoyed the story as he wrote it. Thank you for reading it. :-)

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