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The Thin End of the Wedge Pt. 09

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Sally thoroughly enjoys her first day at The Splendor.
8.4k words

Part 9 of the 12 part series

Updated 05/26/2024
Created 03/03/2024
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Previously in The Thin End of the Wedge: Sally, a mature housewife, has gone professional as a whore in a brothel, hoping to combine her new found lust for sex with the opportunity to make enough money to visit a sex resort in the Caribbean. She is about to start her first day at The Splendor massage parlour. Now read on ...

Sally returned to the lounge and gave a twirl for Kate and Scarlet, seeking their approval.

"Will this do?" she asked.

"No knickers? Are you sure?" replied Kate. "We girls usually like to have something to take off in the room."

"Oh sorry, I hadn't thought of that. I thought it was best to have the goods on display, so to speak," said Sally. "I'll just go and get some."

"Give 'em some mystery to uncover, dear," said Scarlet, as Sally turned back towards the staff room. Sally ran down the corridor as quickly as she could manage in her high heels, rummaged in the boxes, found some black lace knickers and slipped them on over the suspenders. They hid her cunt, not entirely, there were a little see-through, but they did the job of providing the 'mystery' that Scarlet had mentioned. She ran back to the lounge, her high heels clicking on the floor. The Splendor was about to open, and she didn't want to be late.

Kate was coming up the steps from the front door when Sally got back. There was a man just behind her, he must have been standing by the door waiting for the establishment to open. Sally stood, then lounged on a chair arm, then thought about sitting like Scarlet but guessed all the moving about would make her look nervous and uncertain.

Kate waved around the room, taking in both Scarlet and Sally,

"You are lucky today. We have Scarlet and Jezebel to look after you. Would you like a tea or coffee?"

So that was her professional name, Jezebel, very biblical. Sally liked it. It had the right tones of mature slut, and, if she remembered correctly from her Sunday School lessons, the original Jezebel was a promiscuous queen, and a powerful woman at court. All good things that Sally could get behind and she was happy to carry the name. It had probably been a well used name with many whores before her using it.

The customer was an overweight man, rather pasty looking, with big horn-rimmed glasses. They made his eyes look large and owl-like. He glanced between Scarlet and Sally several times, licking his lips. Sally, perching on the chair arm, curved her spine and pushed her breasts forward hoping against hope that he would pick her.

"Uh. I'll have Jezebel please," spluttered the man after looking at both women with a lustful expression on his face. "And it's coffee, milk, no sugar."

Kate sent Sally to make the drink while the financial issues were dealt with and when she returned with his cup of coffee she found him sitting near to Scarlet, staring down her cleavage. She wondered if he'd changed his mind but he quickly turned back to look at her breasts. After years of slightly resenting men staring at her cleavage, instead of her face, Sally was happy her breasts attracted him now. Even if, once they were out of the platform bra, they were going to sag quite a lot.

"Alan would like twenty minutes. You can use the Blue room," said Kate. The Blue room was one of the small rooms. Kate then whispered to Sally the instructions for settling a punter in the room. Luckily Alan wasn't paying attention because Scarlet had distracted him by shifting her position so that her breasts swayed dramatically inside her nightdress.

Sally took Alan by the hand and led him through the bead curtain to the Blue room, which was the second room on the corridor, just past the Green room. She put his coffee on the bedside table, noting the dish of condoms that sat there. Good, she thought, I'm going to get plenty of sex here. She collected a towel from the pile in the corner of the room and laid it on the bed as Kate had instructed.

Then she used the form of words suggested by Scarlet, "You get ready Alan and I'll be back in a moment."

She returned to the lounge, as Kate had instructed her. A second punter, a tall rather academic looking man, was paying for Scarlet. She was standing next to him with her hand round his waist.

Kate finished the deal, quickly moving the money into a small drawer in the reception desk, and said to Sally, "Okay. That's long enough. He should be ready for you."

Scarlet led the man towards the curtain and he glanced back to look at Sally, then with a swish and rattle of the beaded curtain they were gone. Sally returned to the Blue room, noticing on the way that Scarlet was taking her client into the Green room next door. Alan was lying on the bed, on the towel, face up, dressed only in his underpants. He watched Sally as she moved to the bedside table.

"You can take your pants off", she smiled at him, and he wriggled out of them and tossed them onto his neatly piled clothes. She continued, "Scent-free oil, or talcum powder?"

Kate had explained, during the tour, that she should offer a choice. Some men preferred to leave the parlour with the minimum of boudoir smells on them. Particularly if they were picking up their wives quite soon, or about to attend an important work meeting that was going to be held in a small room. Other men liked the smell which, Kate said, they came to associate with sex.

"Talc please," answered Alan, and Sally wondered if that was his real name or one he used for his visits. Sally took off her knickers, got on the bed, got him to roll over onto his front, and straddled him. She took a little talc and started to massage him, first on the shoulders, then his back, and then - after shuffling down the bed - his bottom and thighs. She kept a firm touch, but the man didn't seem to care how effective the massage was for his aches, pains and stresses of the day. He groaned with pleasure from the touch of her fingers and, several times, told Sally how nice it was. She made sure her fingers probed a little between his thighs, and he tried to lift his bottom to give her better access.

"Turn over Alan, please," she said.

She lifted herself off him and he obediently rolled over. Then she sat back on his thighs and applied talc to his chest. As her hands ran up his torso she made sure he got a good look at her tits. Then she paused, reached for the fastening of her bra, conveniently placed at the front of the garment, and released her breasts. They fell forwards onto his chest and he grabbed at them. She pushed forwards and down, squashing them onto him, then slowly slithered back down the bed until they lay either side of his rapidly engorging cock. She glanced at the inconspicuous timepiece on the bedside table. Ten minutes gone. Good, time to get down to some sex.

"What would you like, Alan?" She smiled her best lusty smile, "You can have either a blow job, or sex."

"Oh Jezebel, I would love a blow job."

"With or without a condom?" Sally remembered to ask. "Without would be an extra ten."

He thought for a moment. Sally could see the wheels turning in his head as he measured the cost against the increased pleasure.

"Without please," her client made his decision. He pointed at the pocket of his discarded jacket. Sally swung herself off the bed, took his wallet, extracted the right sized note, and then smiled at him as she demonstrated she'd just taken a single note. She didn't want him to accuse her of stealing. She quickly put her first money for 'extras' under her knickers on the bedside table, got back on the bed, took his cock in hand, and started to lick and suck it.

As Alan groaned with delight she attempted every oral trick on him she knew. She worked carefully, she didn't want to make him cum too early. He'd paid for his time and deserved every minute to be full of fun, if she could manage it. The Red in her was making her own body purr in pleasure as she pleasured him. She licked the length, sucked and kissed the tip, then took him deeper and deeper until her lips were pressed hard against his curly hairs and she could feel his pubic bone. Through the thin walls she could hear the sounds next door of a man grunting and Scarlet making low moans.

Alan let Sally work and didn't interfere, there was no grabbing her head or trying to direct her, he was content to lie back and let her use her skills. Then there was a sudden knock on the door. The time was up. Sally felt a little disappointed, so soon. Kate had said it was fine to do another couple of minutes after the knock, it was mainly a system to let the punter know that the management had noted that his time was up. Very like the 'come in number nine your time is up!' call on a boating lake that allowed for the last few moments of rowing pleasure as the trippers pulled back to the pier, but made it clear to everyone, customer and staff, that time had run out, and there was to be no arguing about it.

Sally speeded up, her head plunging up and down, and reached under Alan to cup his balls. Then, with lips, tongue and delicate finger touches she brought him off, swallowing every drop. He arched his back and gasped, then dropped back and reached out to gently stroke Sally's back and shoulders.

"Thank you Jezebel," he grinned. "That was great!"

Punters were permitted to use the showers before or after their session and he stepped in. Sally helped him with the temperature controls, it seemed rather cranky, then she put her bra and knickers back on, collected her 'extras' money, and left him to it.

As she passed the Green room she could hear Scarlet changing from low growls to shouting out her happiness. It didn't sound simulated, but Sally couldn't tell, it might have been pure fakery. "Ah! Yes! Yes!" Scarlet screamed. "Give me your cock! Come on big boy! Harder! Faster! Oh yes!"

Sally thought back to the times when she'd faked her orgasm for Tom, before this new phase of her life had started. Did the punter know Scarlet might be pretending? Or did the pleasure of the sex mean he couldn't tell, or more likely, wasn't bothered. Red had eliminated that problem now for Sally. As long as she was in contact with a cock then very satisfying orgasms came thick and fast.

Back in the lounge she looked around for somewhere to put the money, and was thinking of running back to where she'd left her belongings, until Kate pulled a glass jar from one of the drawers in the reception desk. The lid had a piece of tape on it with Jezebel written in felt-tip pen, she must have organised it for Sally while she was servicing Alan. The note went in. She'd also earned a proportion of the room price but would presumably get that as her wages at some point. Sally found herself looking down at Kate's ledger. Under today's date there was an entry that read 'Alan - 20 minutes - Jezebel'. Then 'Dave - 40 minutes - Scarlet'. There was a gentle bing-bong of a doorbell.

"Customer," said Kate. "Pop down and let him in will you, Jez."

Sally quickly went down the stairs to the front door, she was already just 'Jez' and hoped the familiarity implied that Kate was happy with her. She opened the door carefully and discovered there was a sort of porch at the bottom of the stairs so that men could come in the outer door and get off the street. The porch also meant that whoever opened the inner door to the customer was not visible to people passing by.

The man standing in the porch reminded her of Tom, he looked like a builder or similar tradesman. She let him in and waggled her hips - she hoped enticingly - as she preceeded him up the stairs. In the lounge Alan was thanking Kate. The two men nodded at each other, and grinned. A sort of 'I know what you've done' and an 'I know what you're going to do'.

Sally was sent back down the stairs again to let Alan out. "Come back soon Alan," she said. This is going to keep me fit, she thought, as back up the stairs she went to greet the new man. He was talking to Kate.

"Daniel is a regular, and would like a cup of tea, milk, one sugar," said Kate. Daniel looked as if he was about to fall into Kate's magnificent cleavage. His fingers twitched and Kate responded by getting closer and pushing up her bosom. She reached out and took his hips in her hands, pulling him until his face was inches away from her breasts.

"Do you like them? Do you want to touch m'dear?" she teased. He nodded, grinning. She took the front of her leather corset and unfastened it, releasing her giant spheres into Daniel's hands.

"Cup of tea please Jezebel," said Daniel, managing to give his order despite being utterly fascinated by Kate's breasts.

Sally wanted to watch what happened next but Kate was the boss here, and Sally desperately wanted to make a success of this wonderful job that promised to give her lots of sex. When she got back the corset was back in place and Daniel was sat in one of the armchairs. Sally delivered the cup of tea, leaning over him so he got a good view of her own assets.

Kate was back to business. "We have Jezebel," she gestured at Sally. "And Scarlet. But she's busy at the moment. You know Scarlet, I believe, but Jezebel here is new."

"I'm happy to wait and decide," said Daniel. "If that's okay."

"Fine m'dear," said Kate. "Knock on Green for me please Jezebel."

Sally went to the Green room door and delivered the firm rap she'd heard when she was with Alan. The gasps and moans on the other side of the door speeded up in response.

Sally sat and chatted to Daniel as if it was perfectly normal to sit, three quarters naked, talking to a complete stranger. And a few minutes later Scarlet was back in the lounge and delivering her client to the door. Then she sat down and grinned at Daniel. Daniel made no signs of deciding which girl he wanted, he seemed happy to drink his tea and take in the view, which Sally found a bit frustrating. Then the doorbell went and another punter joined them in the lounge. This man, Michael, declined a drink and sat very close to Sally, staring at her nipples.

Daniel finally chose Scarlet and went with her to the Jacuzzi room for an hour. Michael looked a little disappointed but he'd missed his opportunity. He decided to have Jezebel, but for the minimum time. Kate instructed Sally to collect fresh towels and use Green. Sally settled him in the room and returned to the lounge to let him get ready.

"I'm only getting short sessions," she said to Kate. "Is there a reason? Am I doing something wrong?"

Kate smiled, "No luv, nothing wrong, in fact Alan said you'd given him a great service."

"Am I worrying too much?"

"You're new," explained Kate. "The punters are trying you out with a short session. That way, if you're hopeless, they've not wasted too much money. Now get back in there with Michael and blow his mind!"

Michael was sitting on the edge of the bed when Sally entered. He was completely naked and his demeanour was much more confident than Alan.

"Scent-free oil, or talcum powder?" she asked.

"I don't fancy a massage today, Jezebel," he smiled. "Can we have a cuddle instead?"

He moved into the bed and tapped the space next to him. There didn't seem to be any reason to refuse him so Sally jumped onto the bed and lay down. He pulled her into his side and caressed her breasts, occasionally running his thumb over her nipple. They chatted about this and that, how stressful his work was, and the state of the world. Sally felt her vagina becoming nicely lubricated and found herself hoping he'd go for sex rather than a blow job. Then he leant over and kissed her nipples, groping her breasts through the material.

"Do you want to take my bra off?" she asked.

He responded by expertly opening the fastening, catching her breasts as they sagged and putting his face between them with a happy sigh. Sally glanced at the timepiece, about twelve minutes left.

"What would you like, Michael? Blow job or sex?", she whispered in his ear, desperately hoping he'd choose sex. Twelve minutes might bring her off and she'd not had an orgasm yet today.

"I want to fuck you, Jezebel," he replied, emerging from between her breasts and gently placing a hand over her knickers.

She was so delighted she forgot to ask about condoms, luckily Michael was more organised.

"What's the extra for bareback?" he asked. And, upon being told, happily delved in his wallet to pay her. Then he tugged at her knickers, and got back on the bed his cock erect and, to Sally's delight, of a good size.

She pulled her knickers down and was going for removing them completely when Michael stopped her.

"Get on the bed in doggy position," he instructed. "Don't take your knickers off completely. Just pull them down a little. I always think it makes a woman look more of a slut."

Saly was happy with that title and got on the bed and allowed herself to be manoeuvred into the doggy position. Michael adjusted her knickers so they were half way down her thighs. Took up position behind her, fingered her cunt briefly, and pushed his cock in hard. The sensation was wonderful and Sally couldn't restrain herself.

"Oooooh," she groaned in a deep voice. "That's good Michael. You have one hell of a nice cock!"

"And your cunt is so welcoming, Jezebel, so warm and juicy."

It felt good to get praise and Sally pushed back against Michael to take his whole length. Then he was suddenly thrusting at her, hard and fast, and she was glorying in the sensations in her cunt, screaming, "Oh! Fuck me Michael! Give it to me! That's it! Go on! Fuck me hard!"

They copulated for a minute or two. It was so raw, so animal, that it couldn't be called anything else. And then, almost by accident, Sally glanced to the side. The mirrors on the wall reflected the action and, to her delight she could see her lover's cock plunging into her cunt. She discovered that Michael was frequently looking into the mirrors too as he energetically applied himself. Sally realised he could see her breasts swinging under her with every thrust he made. And watch her slightly-saggy mature tummy quivering as he slammed into her cunt. He could witness his cock entering her looking directly at it from above and - in the mirror - from the side. He was both the star and the audience in a stage sex show, and was clearly loving every minute of it!

Sally twisted towards the mirrors slightly so she could turn her head and look over her shoulder at him without disturbing his view, "Yes Michael," she said. "Make me your slut. Fuck me rigid."

She knew there was little chance of him 'fucking her rigid' in the time available, and with the size of his cock, there was no way he could achieve what Delroy and Sven had managed. But there was no harm in encouraging him, was there? In response Michael let go of her hips, grabbed at her hair, and pulled her head back so she was staring up at the ceiling, her neck stretched back and her mouth wide open. He started to pound like a maniac.

The knock on the door came maybe thirty seconds later but he did not falter for a moment and Sally's grunts became joyful cries as she came on his cock. And, as the waves of muscle contractions in her vagina stimulated Michael's cock, he came too, flooding her with cum.

"Ah! Bloody hell Jezebel! You are so good!" he shouted and then, accepting that the session was over, headed into the shower.

"Yeow! Fuck, that's cold.", he cried.

Sally wanted to lie in the bed and luxuriate in the post-orgasmic glow, but her customer was struggling in the shower. Michael was fiddling with the controls whilst desperately trying to keep away from the freezing water. Sally quickly adjusted the controls and soon Michael was soaping himself under warm water. Before she put her bra and knickers back on she reached in and wet her hand, then cleaned her sex. It might be a good idea if I shower with the next client, she thought.

Scarlet was back in her chair when she got back to the lounge, and Sally was anxious to get some tips about working in The Splendor. After Michael had gone, leaving the place devoid of punters, she got herself a cup of tea and quizzed the black woman who was happy to share her secrets. Their discussion was disturbed a quarter of an hour later by the arrival of Sven, along with a skinny girl with an annoyed look on her face.

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