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The Tourist


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She bit her lip. No, she told herself desperately, even as her self-control oozed from her emptying mind like honey from a shattered hive. She needed to focus. Needed to... to keep the glamour intact...

"Good girl," he breathed, and she could barely contain her excitement as he started to slide his hand up her billowing white dress, up her thigh, and she felt his fingers touching her bare skin, and she whimpered with excitement. She felt her cheeks burning, and oh, goodness, she was getting... so... turned on...

No, she tried to insist, as she felt her inhibitions failing her, because it felt so good, so delightful, so easy... No, I mustn't...

"Good girl," he repeated, and her last shards of self-control began to splinter, melt, dissolve... "Gooood girl. Such a pretty thing. You want to help me, don't you?"

His voice was like silk. Like syrup. Sticky, gooey syrup. She felt her mind slowly dissolving into dreamy static as his hand left the loupe and went to her chin, gently guiding her to look up. She realized her lips were half-parted as he stroked them gently.

She stared into his beautiful turquoise eyes, her own eyes wide and filled with stars.

"H-Help you," she breathed.

"Yes," he purred, smirking. His fingers began to stroke along the edge of her lingerie, and she gasped at the touch. "I could use some company on the road, you see. And the fey are off-limits, it seems, so..."

He leaned in close. He smelled... nice. Like cinnamon. "You want to help me," he purred, "don't you, sweet thing?"

She stared at him, wide-eyed.

Slowly, she began to smile.

"Yes," she said, her own voice turning silky. "Yes, I think I will, Garend."

~ ~ ~ ~

Garend licked his lips, smiling in triumph. Goodness, how easily this pretty thing had fallen. He couldn't help but take a moment to admire her, because she was gorgeous. The second he'd seen her, he'd initially wondered if she was another fey looking for payback. She was breathtaking, and in a way that only fey and demons could usually be. But she wasn't. She was clearly quite human—all too tragically so.

He caressed her hip with his free hand, loving the adorable way she jumped at that slight contact, as if she wasn't accustomed to being touched like an object. He smirked. She would get used to it soon enough. After all, an officer of the law was entitled to some company on the road, and she was clearly so wonderfully eager to help him...

"You're going to be good?" he cooed, teasing her, as his eyes drank in that needy, desperate look in her eyes, that bright sunset-pink flush to her cheeks. From his fingertips gliding over her panties, he could tell that she was frantically trying to hide how badly she wanted him.

Wanted his touch.

Unfortunately for her, he thought, suppressing a laugh, Garend of the Jeweled Flicker was known for being more than a little bit of a tease. His hand traced down over the swell of her perfect breasts, and he could barely contain the thrill of excitement.

"Yes," he heard her whisper, and he could tell she was craving the kiss he was promising, but he was lost in the way she squirmed right into the touch. His fingers grazed her pert nipple through the fabric of her dress. She thrust her chest out. "Oh, yes, yes, boy!"

"So easy," he teased, watching her lower lip quiver as he leaned a little closer. He wasn't going to kiss her yet, of course. He watched her pupils dilate as he kept stroking delicately through her panties, and he wondered just how long he could—

And then he felt something long, soft and sinuous slither right around his neck.

He blinked.

And Arlie giggled. "It is!" she bubbled, and leaned in to kiss him.

Garend was taken aback by the hunger and passion in the kiss. He was overwhelmed by a dozen sensations at once, in fact—the feeling of her soft, plump, luscious lips, her gaze filling his mind, her tongue thrusting into his mouth. Her moans and whimpers and the sound of her lips greedily smacking against his own filled his ears as her hands, formerly limp at her sides, now wrapped around him.

He moaned, trying to get himself to pull away. But for some reason, he couldn't quite connect the thought to the deed.

Her embrace just felt so good. So wonderful. So easy to sink into the kiss, into the touch. Maybe it just felt too wonderful to break away. Maybe the kiss was simply too intoxicating, too wonderful. He trembled, suddenly unsure.

Maybe it was the strange tentacle that had just wrapped around his neck and the back of his head to hold him captive in her arms.

At least, she pulled away, grinning. He stared at her, wide-eyed, suddenly feeling strangely... weak.

And his heart soared into his throat as he realized he was gazing upon an angel.

Her golden hair shown in the dim twilight like it was filled with stars, like someone had stolen a thousand suns and spun their rays into pure gold, like someone had captured the honey from a Thriae Hive and turned it into the sleekest, sweetest candy imaginable and stretched and pulled it into thousands of delicate strands to hang from the head of the most beautiful, breathtaking creature he had ever seen. Her eyes shone a brilliant amber, and her body was as supple and slender and buxom as ever, pressed against him, promisingly, almost needily.

Her dimpled cheeks were a bright scarlet, and he realized she was very, very horny right now. He'd teased her a little too well.

But taken as he was by her hair and eyes, he was very, very distracted by the wings.

Two feathery, faintly translucent wings fluttered behind her back, pulsing with a faint silver glow. He stared at them dumbly, barely comprehending. The feathers looked as soft and silky as if plucked from the down of a swan's chest.

His eyes drifted downwards, still overwhelmed by new sights, and he saw the tentacles. Two pairs of glimmering silver-lavender tentacles, almost ethereal in the light shining from the beautiful being, pulsing with their own dazzling light.

One of those tentacles was currently wrapped around his head and neck and shoulders, holding him quite captive—and, he realized, that tentacle had looped once more around his chest, and was now holding him aloft—hanging helplessly above her.

"Wh-what—" He stared, lost in her. Her light dazzled him, almost blinded him. "What are you—how are you—this—"

"Hoi, Garend." She giggled, fingers daintily over her lips in a gesture of almost courtly coquettishness. "Sorry to startle you like this, but... well, you've gotten me allexcited now."

She started to beat those wings, rising up into the air, lifting him along with her up into the treetops.

"W-Wait!" he cried, still dazed from the kiss, feeling strangely fuzzy, thoughts swirling towards a sweet, seductive calm, "Wait, what are you—"

"How about we," she purred, putting a finger to his lips as they rose up into the canopy, "find someplace a little more... private?"

He stared helplessly, squirming in the tentacles' grasp as he was lifted higher into the air. "How..." Garend blinked rapidly. "H-How are you..."

"Shh." She smirked, leaning in and kissing him. He squirmed in her embrace, but the tentacles held him tightly. The angelic being's shimmering form was positively blinding. She pulled back, fingers stroking down his neck, undoing the buttons of his shirt. "No need for words, sweetie," she cooed. "No need to think."

Garend's vision was blurring. He could feel more tentacles starting to stroke over his body, slipping under his shirt, under his trousers, and every touch sent delightful, mind-numbing tingles through his body. "I..." he slurred. He stared dumbly into her shimmering eyes as the tentacles—which, he realized, seemed to have little mouth-like openings at their ends—planted little 'kisses' along his naked sides.

"I..." He bit his lip. No need for words, echoed her sweet voice. "N-No..."

As they 'kissed' him, his whole world felt like it was melting into pleasure. He trembled, watching as the effervescent being leaned in close again, wrapping her legs around his thighs, straddling him in midair. "Be a good boy," she purred, and his eyes widened as he realized her clothes seemed to have melted away.

As had his.

"I..." He tried to shake his head. No. This couldn't be happening. Couldn't be real. Couldn't... couldn't...

She shimmered. She was so soft, he thought, quivering as he felt soft, fluffy wings slowly wrapping around them both. So... bright...

"You'll be good?" she whispered, pouting seductively.

He tried to manage words. More little 'kisses' tingled his thoughts away. His thoughts grew fuzzier and fuzzier.

So soft. Pressed against him, held within the pulsing feathery cocoon. So soft. So beautiful. Such beautiful eyes. Her legs wrapped around him, his cock so sensitive, longing for her touch...

He was drowning. Drowning in lights. Drowning in softness, in fluffy feathers and in stroking and in her tender, loving embrace. He whimpered.

And judging by her sly smile, she could tell."You'll be good?" the angel asked for the last time, stroking his cheek, voice and touch alike as delicate as a butterfly's wingbeats.

He was lost in touch. Lost in promised pleasure. He could barely keep the words in.

And she leaned in close. "You'll be good," she cooed.

It was no longer a question.

Vaguely, helplessly, he felt himself nodding.

And she beamed, adjusted herself, and plunged herself onto his cock.

Garend moaned and cried out in unexpected ecstasy, thrashing wildly. She rose and fell, bouncing in his lap, her own thick eyelashes fluttering with pleasure. But it was nothing compared to what Garend was feeling. His mind felt like molten honey as the wings pulsed around him, keeping him trapped in a cocoon of pure soft bliss.

As the pleasure climbed, he could feel the tingles suffusing his whole mind, his whole world. Vaguely, it felt like... like spiderwebs settling around his thoughts. But he couldn't think about that.

Couldn't think about anything.

Anything but the soft wings, the touches, the pleasure, and Arlie's beautiful, shining eyes.

And as he came, she seized him in a passionate kiss, and the would-be hypnotist melted completely into her power.

~ ~ ~ ~

Arlie gave a slight smile as she pulled back, fluttering in midair, watching as Garend trembled in the grasp of the lingering visions the tentacles were putting into his head.

She hated to admit it, she thought, biting her lip with excitement, but that had been satisfying.

Slowly, she fluttered to the ground, gently setting Garend back in his cart. She sat next to him and stroked his hair, unable to resist a little fondness as the poor boy squirmed and came again from her tentacles' ministrations.

Poor boy. Maybe this little embarrassment would teach him a lesson.

If not... well, she gave a tiny nod of her head as she mentally completed the little lock in his mind. Being sealed off from using hypnosis for a while would hopefully teach some conscience.

"You won't be able to make people do what you want to anymore," she said sweetly. "You'll have to actually be nice to people if you want to get by. Doesn't that sound better, anyways?"

He moaned faintly and shifted, eyelids fluttering.

She sighed. "Well, you will have plenty of time to come around."

The child of Ilyrias concentrated and forced her image back to her human form. She almost thought about erasing his memory of her form entirely—the last thing she wanted was a host of rumors about her kind causing trouble in the area—but she decided against it. A little too invasive, a little too risky, messing with memories. Hopefully he'd just assume she was a fey or demon or witch whose powers went well beyond him.

As she was getting up, Arlie noticed something in his back pocket. Her eyes lit up.

"Ooh!" She bent over and extracted a crinkled parchment scroll. "Please be a map, please be a map, please be—" She unrolled it and grinned.

For all his talk, Garend's map honestly didn't seem that fancy to her. But it was a map. Arlie found herself positively skipping away as she read it eagerly. Finally, a stroke of luck!

The blonde stopped short a few meters off, pouting down at the map. Okay, so she had absolutely zero idea where she was on this thing.

~ ~ ~ ~

Resin blinked down from her hidden tree hollow as she watched the... curious creature depart the scene. She brushed her long, wiry green hair from her heavy-lidded emerald eyes.

She'd thought about getting involved when she'd seen that ass up to his tricks on this newcomer, but that curious glow had given her pause. Now she knew where it was from, and she had more questions than answers.

The pine dryad pouted a moment, then shrugged. Meh. Who cares?

She grinned evilly down at the incapacitated hypnotist as she sent the message through the rustling leaves and pine needles around her. And she swept down to the ground.

That angel-thing had no idea the kind of delicious satisfaction the fey were going to extract from their newly de-fanged foe.


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hellenberghellenbergover 4 years ago
Already rated but had to drop a comment too

When I first read this I was struck by your take on "angels" (and the scenario was all the better for Garend getting his comeuppance) but the second time running through I find I am also enthused about the pine dryads at the very end. "Rustling leaves and pine needles" sound like fun -- and it raises more interesting possibilities about the setting. (Don't think I've not noticed the reappearance of the cambion South, either!)

warelliswarellisover 4 years ago

Very nice~. I imagine you borrowed from Monster Girl Quest for this angel? :D

What goddess is Illyrias?

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