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The Trojan Lasagna


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"I know what you're thinking, but I have to do what's best for the kids. They miss their father, and want him home."

Finally, I was able to recover from my shock long enough to ask, "Rosalie, what about us? You were my first real girlfriend, my first love, my first time. I..." My throat choked up, I couldn't say anything else.

"Josh, you've been so wonderful to me and the kids. I wouldn't change anything about the time we spent together. I was in pieces from Robert leaving me, and rebuilt my self-esteem and put my pieces back together. I will always love you for that, but I can't love you the way you love me. I'm sorry. You deserve someone better than me."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I felt dizzy. "But Rosalie, you don't understand, my future plans all included you and the kids!"

"I'm so sorry, Josh, but I am still married. I have Etta and Jayden to think about. Robert and I have a lot of work to do to fix our marriage, but he's promised he'll do whatever therapy it takes to earn my forgiveness and staying married to me. I have to give him a chance."

I wanted to lash out and say 'Oh, yeah, just like he promised to forsake all others in your wedding vows?', but I couldn't. Broken up or not, this was Rosalie. I couldn't be cruel to her.

As I stood there on the brink of tears, she took me in her arms and gave me a soft kiss on the cheek. "I'm sorry, Josh. I'll never forget you." Before I could even react, she let go of me and was gone.

Zombie-like, I turned and walked back into my parent's house. I was in such a state of shock that just putting one foot in front of the other took as much effort as I could muster. My Mom saw me as I came in, and I must have looked like hell because her eyes went wide. She immediately asked, "Josh, what's wrong?"

Bitterness now began to flood my feelings. I snapped, "Congratulations, you and Dad got your wish. Rosalie just told me her husband wants to reconcile, so she's decided to get back together with him. Things are over between us, just like you wanted. I hope you're happy."

"Oh, honey, I'm so sorry." I was pretty sure Mom said that only because she thought it was the right thing to say, not because she meant it.

I was having none of that. "Yeah, right, now you both get to say you told me so. You guys said you were supportive, but it was all bullshit, wasn't it? Well go ahead and laugh. Once I move out, I'm never coming back. I don't need your money. I have my scholarships and my savings." I was hurt and angry, so was not really thinking through the words coming out of my mouth.

Mom was crushed by my words, I could tell. She tried to argue, "Josh, no, Dad and I won't laugh at you. We weren't keen on your relationship, but didn't think it could work out is all. We didn't want to see you hurt."

Somehow it made sense to blame them for being a part of it, as if their lukewarm endorsement of Rosalie had caused things to fail. I lashed out at her, "You could have been more supportive! You and the old man acted like Rosalie was some crack-addicted prostitute!"

My mother protested, "Oh, no, honey, it wasn't like that at all..."

"You don't need me, you already have my perfect brother who's marrying the perfect fiancée that you approve of. The minute the door slams behind me, you'll forget I was even born." I knew this wasn't exactly true, but I was hurting. I left Mom standing in the hallway, on the verge of tears looking crushed. Thinking a hot shower might somehow clear my head, I walked into the bathroom, locked the door, and turned on the water.

Standing in the shower, the depth of my heartbreak finally sunk in. I began crying, and kept on until I'd used up all the hot water. Now emotionally drained, I dried off and went to bed.

As I laid there, I turned on my AM band clock radio and tuned in station WLS, thinking that maybe some music might calm me down. Alas, this was not to be. The station was playing a new song from Skid Row, I Remember You:

"Woke up to the sound of pouring rain, washed away a dream of you

But nothing else could ever take you away, 'cause you'll always be my dream come true

Remember yesterday, walking hand in hand...I remember you..."

The next song they played, an oldie from Dobie Gray called Loving Arms, was no improvement. Instead, it felt more like a knife in the heart:

"If you could hear me now, singing somewhere through the lonely night.

Dreaming of the arms that held me tight. If you could only hear me now..."

I was hoping the next song would be better, but no such luck. A song by the J. Geils band, it was appropriately titled Love Stinks:

"And so it goes, 'til the day you die, this thing they call love's gonna make you cry

I've had the blues, the reds and the pinks, one thing for sure, love stinks..."

Groaning, I gave up and turned the radio off. I pulled the pillow over my head, hoping to smother myself to death. Needless to say, I was disappointed to find myself still alive when I woke up the next day. Damn it, I just couldn't catch a break.

I got dressed and shuffled to the kitchen, automatically poured myself a cup of coffee and made some oatmeal. Sitting at the table I realized I had no appetite, so I got into a staring contest with my breakfast. It won. I tossed it into the garbage as revenge, then went outside and got into the Galaxie. There wasn't much happening this time of year, so I figured I'd do what most other kids in little Fairburn did: get in the car and drive around mindlessly.

My dad's truck was gone, so I assumed he'd headed for work. This was fine, as I'd said everything I needed to say and had no desire to rehash it with him. I noticed my car's gas tank was low, so I headed for the service station. There was only one station in town, a Sunoco station, and it was located deep on the West side, since heaven forbid any West-siders should be inconvenienced by having to drive their fancy cars to get gas on the 'poor side of town'. As I stood there holding the nozzle and trying not to think about Rosalie, my mind was wandering. Then, I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey there, handsome. What's a good-looking man like you doing over here?" I looked up, and saw Donna Landecker at the pump across from mine. Then I looked around, thinking she may have been speaking to someone else. "I'm talking to YOU, Josh Lujack! Are you deliberately ignoring me now?"

Shit! I might have just insulted Donna, which I would never ever do! As she walked up to me I explained, "Donna, no, I'm glad to see you, really! When you said 'handsome', I thought you were talking to somebody else." She was standing right in from of me now, and took my chin in her hand.

"I meant what I said, Mr. Lujack, and hell yes I was talking to you." She was wearing a blue denim skirt, with a yellow silk blouse and matching blue denim jacket, carrying a clutch purse. My nose caught a light whiff of her perfume. She looked -- and smelled -- amazing. "So what are you doing with yourself these days?" She let go of my chin.

"Oh, you know, working part-time at Goldman's Florists, and packing up to go to Chicago University in the fall."

"So you decided to go away for college and not attend one nearby?" Ouch, she'd just touched a fresh wound.

I tried to answer completely, but "No, I was only going to do that if Rosalie and I..." was about as far as I got before being overcome by sadness, and lowered my gaze to the concrete at my feet.

Donna's voice was nothing but sympathetic. "Ah! Yes, Rosalie called this morning and told me Shithead came back to beg her forgiveness and work things out. I figured she'd given you the heave-ho. That's a damned shame. She made a terrible choice if you ask me. I'm honestly disappointed; I thought she had way more sense than that. You'd have been twice the husband that Shithead is, and smarter than him on top of it."

Suddenly, the rational part of my brain slapped the emotional part upside the head; it needed to stop being sad and pay attention. Something was happening, something important! Rosalie may have given me the bum's rush out of her life, but Donna -- tall, elegant, and wonderful-smelling -- Donna the amazing woman who'd always treated me like a real man -- was standing right in front of me, telling me in no uncertain terms I was handsome, smart, and good husband material. Helloooooo? Anybody home in Josh Lujack's head?

I realized I couldn't let this moment slip away, so I raised my head, took her hand in mine and blurted out, "Donna-can-I-please-take-you-out-to dinner-sometime?" Since I'd been on a losing streak over the last few days, I held my breath and braced myself for a refusal. Like the rest of my life lately, though, the results were unexpected.

Donna gave me a smile about as bright as a nighttime spotlight on a police helicopter and replied, "Why Josh, I'd love to have dinner with you. In fact, I'd be hard-pressed to think of anyone else I'd rather go have dinner with."

Taking a pen out of her clutch purse, she wrote her cell number on the back of my hand. Good thing, because if she'd written on my palm, it would have washed away from the sudden palm sweat I was experiencing. "Call me when you decide on the date, and I'll let you pick the place. It doesn't have to be fancy, just whatever you'd enjoy. I'm not as interested in the food as I am in your companionship." Then she kissed my cheek, and added, "Don't wait too long to call. You're a real gentleman, and a gentleman never keeps a girl waiting."

As I drove home, I felt like a huge weight had been lifted form my shoulders. I realized by not letting go, I'd been prolonging my own misery. The conversation with Donna had opened my eyes and made me accept the fact Rosalie was now forever in my past. I turned on my car radio, and WLS started playing Vixen's Edge of A Broken Heart. As I sang along with it, I felt closure:

"I've been doing things your way too long, but baby that's over;

It won't be easy but I gotta be strong, and if I wanna cry I don't need your shoulder..."

I recalled the time my brother Terry went through a bad breakup. I overheard one of his friends consoling him, saying "The best way to get over somebody is to be under somebody else." He took the advice and started dating again, which is when he met Janine.

Now here I was, about to have dinner with Donna. She was probably my mother's age, but so what? This woman was kind, funny, drop-dead gorgeous and sexy as hell. Plus, there was no avoiding how she made me feel like a real man. For the first time in weeks, I was feeling optimistic. This just might be fun.

~To Be Continued in The Trojan Lasagna: Second Helping~

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Bench Seats ! And the damn steering wheel ! Thanks for the wonderful story ! It was very moving !

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Some great turns of phrase: "twitchy as a lon haired cat in a room full of rocking chairs " and hands trembling so bad he could have been a player in a maracana band. Not to mention the title, which is highly amusing and appropriate.

BunnymasterBunnymaster11 months ago

Really great writing . . . Josh Lujak, SUPER JOCK!

People who grew up n the WLS listening area will get the reference.

I must say it one more time that is really good writing!!!

Five stars!

hotrod6hotrod6over 1 year ago

Outstanding, great writing, I was enthralled, I read every word never got bored, it took me back to better times that were followed by incredible heart break by an older woman, everybody should have a Maggie May in their life.

oldtwitoldtwitabout 2 years ago

Mmmmmmmm nice plot line, like the way it is written.

roveroneroveroneabout 2 years ago

liked the characters Rosalie AND Donna, and his parents... also thought he's a self-righteous punk rushing to be like his parents, and insulting his mother about her getting pregnant a REAL low blow-his dad a lot more self-control than I'd have had ...can't see why Donna interested in going to dinner...and good luck getting a hummer from her Mister...! also thought Rosalie incredibly careless letting him bareback her...this must have been written before Plan B came prevalent...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Previous comment were excellent. No need to repeat!

The author has an uncanny understanding of people. We could talk about the 3 women, but I would like to look at the man-child. His immaturity is perfectly portrayed including the hot blood, and in anger not showing respect. People often don't understand how a genius (over 1400 is genius) is still maturity wise his real age. His thought can me mature, his understanding can be amazing, but it is not just brain power but experience that makes us mature.

It is this type of writing that makes it believable and real.

Keep writing good stuff like this.

The Hoary Cleric

sf1134sf1134over 2 years ago

Surely you remember Franklin McCormick and the All-Night Meisterbrau Showcase? Music and poetry after driving home from a date.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

"Dad stood up and shook his finger. "Don't you dare be disrespectful to your mother!"

I shut him down immediately. "Disrespectful? I'm being exactly the opposite!" -- No you little self-righteous imbecile. If you think you are being the opposite of disrespectful to your parents, then you're not as smart as you think you are. 'I shut him down immediately.' IS a line and style of thought that shows inherent disrespect towards another. It shows his hubris, his arrogance towards his parents. This kid may do well on a book test but he will fail the life test.

ArcDemonDemiurgeArcDemonDemiurgeover 2 years ago

This is a great story, and I love it, but there slight detractors that prevent me from giving a 5 star review. I think some scenes seemed rushed, and some of the reactions seemed either over the top or other small issues.

wildhunterwildhunterover 2 years ago

Your writing ability is nothing short of AMAZING

You should be writing volumes not short stories

Keep up this SUPER-EXCELLENT work, I"m waiting to read more


IEnjoyEroticaIEnjoyEroticaover 2 years ago

Great story! I also remember listening to Larry Lujack. My other favorite was Bob Barry, WOKY 920 from Milwaukee. My Galaxie was a '66. Thanks for bringing back the memories. You are a great author and I am glad I found your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Great story with a good pace, 'voice' and tastefully fun. Surprisingly heartwarming and Looking forward to the next installment!

roveroneroveronealmost 3 years ago

GREAT one...and great prom night for him, and her too-yeah, can remember when I was 18...tho even then never came close to his night

and also the divorcee I hooked up with in college, and her ex- was never seen, mentioned...

easy five, and fave, and real curious about the cougar...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Very well written said it all

32aa32aaabout 3 years ago

I love the story. I grew up near Chicago in the sixties. WLS was the 'go-to' radio station along with WCFL the only other teen rock station. In the sixties it was Ron Riley and his fake friend 'Bruce Lovely' hiding on the outside window sill. The beginning of the story brought back all of those memories. Thanks.

wish_thinkerwish_thinkerabout 3 years ago

I loved it! I want to see this guy be successful in life, business, love, and sex! Also, Rosalie is nuts. Married, has wild sex with him, her husband loses his new girlfriend (why, how would he lose his gold digger") and comes crawling back. He will cheat again, will she want Josh back. I sincerely hope he does not go back.

Crusader235Crusader235about 3 years ago

Excellent fun story. Loved how you mix song lyrics into what's happening in his life, made it even more realistic for me. I don't know about up there in Chicago land, but the rest of the US of A was listening to those songs on the FM dial, And their videos on MTV. Looking forward to "Second Helping", I'm thinking Ms Donna is exactly what he needs before college. Five Stars!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Hopefully Josh will go off to college and find the girl that deserves him whilst Rosalie will stay with her ever cheating husband, having a really shitty life & regretting how she threw away the best guy she could ever have had - unfortunately I doubt part 2 will go down this line, which is a great pity as it will probably get them back together again even though Josh should never trust or go back to somebody who discarded him so easily!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Yeah, you DEFINITELY got me hooked with this one. Great characters, everything’s believable (especially when you don’t nitpick over time details. Lol) and most importantly, it DEVELOPED. Nobody’s the same person they are at the beginning of the story and I’m looking to see where it all goes next.

I’m definitely rooting for the Rosalie relationship to work out but I’m also a hopeless romantic so don’t feel the need to cater to me. Just make the best story you can and I’ll keep on reading.

That being said, I’m dying to know how the last blowup affects his future relationship with his parents because I DEFINITELY relate to feeling like I was never good enough for the people who said they loved me most.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Nice storyline

When will the second part be out?

liquid_yellowliquid_yellowabout 3 years ago

if i remember correctly, my dad’s cell phone in 1986 was built into his car. it certainly didn’t fit into a pocket like modern cell phones.

NewOldGuy77NewOldGuy77about 3 years agoAuthor

Cell phone commenters: In 1982 FCC approved AT&T proposal for AMPS and allocated frequencies in the 824-894 MHz band, and in the early 80s only rich people and companies had them. Donna is a rich West-sider, everybody chill the f**k out!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Cell phone in 1986? maybe a pager. almost no one had a cell phone in '86.

4certain4certainabout 3 years ago

My time listening to WLS was mostly during the 60s and 70s but I can relate to its importance. Clear channel stations were a musical sure thing prior to satellite radio's arrival. In spite of minor inconsistencies, this part of the story was superb (5*). I can see things progressing nicely through at least two more installments, with some plot twists after Donna gives Josh more education in the art of loving.

NewOldGuy77NewOldGuy77about 3 years agoAuthor

The person who said 5'8" 122 is cancer patient/ concentration camp skinny can suck it: THAT WAS LITERALLY ME IN HIGH SCHOOL.

oldsage_1oldsage_1about 3 years ago

Another great series in the making! Enjoyed the introduction and looking forward to the next installment(s).

Enjoy Paradise!



Blueman5410Blueman5410about 3 years ago

I really enjoyed the story. Yes, as a couple of people pointed out, there might have been a few "inaccuracies" but overall, it was a VERY good and entertaining story. You have woven a good plot and developed characters well and I wish I could write as well or formulate a plotline as well as you have. Thanks for a good read--and please keep it coming!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Interesting twist with the mother. Let's ee where that goes. Hopefully it won't be months to get the second chapter. If this were real life chances are Rosalie's husband will cheat on her again soon after they reconcile. It's what cheaters do, they lie to get what they want and the cheat. Most likely the girlfriend dumped him anyway. Good story so far

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Grew up in Chicago in the 60s and 70s. Love the names. Very sweet.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Enjoyed it to the end but the meeting at the end was too much and then to find out there is a part 2? Can we say cougar on the prowl for her daughter’s ex bf? And despite how much he claimed to love Rosalie, can we say Josh thinking with his little head so soon after the breakup (even with his brother’s advice) rather than with his brain? Hoping for Josh to think more clearly in part 2, maybe after some fun, games, and lasagna with Donna.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

This is a winner.

The next part will make up for Rosalie walking away.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Hey, if it's a multi-part story say so in either the title or introduction. I much prefer to read a whole story and would rather wait till it's finished. Not saying this is you but there have been far too many times where installments were months apart necessitating that one go back and reread the previous part anyway, or, worse, the "next" part is never posted.

Case in point I am 20 odd chapters into a very good but unfinished story in Novels that has had one chapter posted in the past year. I am now regretting the hours I invested in it.

This is a nice tale you have going, though you've forgotten that cell phones were uncommon until the late 90's, oh, and 5'8" 122 is cancer patient/ concentration camp skinny. My certainly not large 5'7 sister weighed more than that.

Hope to see the next part soon.

auwingerauwingerabout 3 years ago

Great start to a fascinating story! Anxious to read the next chapter!

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