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The Twelve Zenati Pt. 23


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"Do you?" Marcella clipped out, surprised by the intensity in her voice. She struggled to move in the small space he had left her between his arms, which anchored to the wall on either side of her closing her in. Finally, she managed to turn herself around to face him and stared into his unwavering eyes for long moments, neither saying a thing. Much to her chagrin, she was the first to look away lowering her head to take a deep breath in the confined space without breathing in his masculine scent, not that it was possible, but she had tried. "Fine," she mumbled. She had agreed to this, but she wasn't about to make it easy for him.

"Say that again," Noah said in a low, slow voice, he lifted one hand from the wall to her face and tipped her chin up to look into her eyes again. It was a dare, a challenge, even a temptation for the fiery woman before him he knew but if they were going to have a battle of wills here and now he planned to win. "Say. That. Again." He punctuated every word as he watched her lick her lips in indecision.

"Fine," she hissed out feeling backed into a corner and her control of the situation and him rapidly diminishing. The hand on her chin caressed over her cheek and around to tangle in her hair as his eyes scanned every minute particle of her face as he raised an eyebrow at her. She was losing all control now, and she knew if she opened her mouth again, she would start a shouting match neither of them would recover from. Pressing her lips together in a firm line, she held his gaze.

"Again," Noah growled and gave her hair a sharp yank to spur her to talk. If she needed to fight verbally or physically to give in to him then so be it, but he would not kowtow to her as he had been and she needed to know that. He tightened the fingers in her hair and saw her temper flare in her eyes.

"I. said. Fine! So, either fuck me or fuck off!" she spat at him, her eyes blazing as she lost all control of her temper and the situation. Before she knew what was happening, he had pulled her to his chest as he stepped back, making her stumble forward, and his free hand slapped her ass. His grip on her hair tugged and he bent his head to crush his lips to her in a bruising kiss that, in her stunned state, she couldn't fight at first. He'd fucking spanked her!

Noah counted on her momentary shock to deepen the kiss, but it was only a moment before she fought back trying to wrest control of the kiss from him, their tongues wildly wrestling as he invaded, tasted and explored her like never before. She squirmed and fought his hold until he allowed her to break the kiss and step back against the wall again. A hand lashed out to hit him, but he grabbed her wrist before it connected with his cheek.

"What's the matter? Scared of a girl taking control?" Marcella taunted and was rewarded with him crowded her space again briefly before he grabbed her by her waist, and bodily picked her up, carrying her into the bedroom.

"Reneging on my home run?" he questioned, dumping her on the bed. "Doesn't seem your style to renege on a deal. I thought you had more honour than that," he taunted.

"Hardly. Like you said I want it but more than that I want to know if you're as good as you think you are when you don't have a submissive woman catering to your every need and giving false reviews," she taunted back pushing him as hard as he pushed her. He was tall and strong, and she was greatly outmatched physically, but she wasn't scared of him. She didn't have that sickening fear in her gut that seemed to paralyse her when aggressive men tried to force her to submit them. It took her a moment to isolate the feeling that sat deep in her gut now, and it surprised her to find it was the same adrenaline and excitement that had filled her all day. This was yet another of his challenges, and as she had all day, she would rise to meet his challenge.

"Strip," Noah said, looking at her as he unbuttoned his shirt. "This has been coming since that night you invited me to your room, and I turned you down, let's not waste any more time," he growled the heat of his need for her evident in his voice and expression.

Marcella decided to take her time and make it worth the wait. She stripped as slowly and provocatively as she dared, but it wasn't fast enough for Noah who grabbed the dress as it was halfway over her head and ripped it the rest of the way. Then he spanked her hard again.

"If I wanted a striptease I would have put on music," he growled.

Her hand lashed out as if to slap him again in response to the slap on her ass, but he only grabbed it and held her at bay as his eyes roamed over her figure.

She was left standing before him in her underwear. She'd changed it on the boat, and it was nothing special but the lace panties, and matching bra had been his choice when he packed her bag she realised. She reached up to undo the bra clasp at the front, but his hands were there first, and he spun her using the bra to lock her hands behind her back.

"Try hitting me now, kitten," he hissed back at her hissing spitting reaction to the loss of her hands. He liked the pet name it suited her well, particularly at this moment and he considered his search for the perfect pet name for her might be over.

"Fuck you," she spat. "Is the big man feeling all-powerful now that he has the little woman at his mercy?" she ground out in another long hiss of words.

At first, Marcella tried wriggling her hands-free but realised that Noah knew what he was doing with restraints, not that she should be surprised. She honestly hadn't expected him to be this forceful. He had always held back even when he had found her in Star City after her escape. He had backed off when she pushed him away at that time. This time he wasn't taking any of her shit and she both loved and hated this scene playing out between them. Still, she wasn't an easy conquest, and the man had his work cut out for him if he thought the use of restraints would soften her will.

"Such a feisty little kitten, with all that hissing and spitting. I think I quite like this feral side of you and I know I am going to enjoy taming it," he murmured low and deep but not in a threatening way.

At no point had she felt unsafe with him, and if she asked him to stop and truly meant it, she believed he would. This was still their game, the game they had been playing ever since he rejected her just as he said. This fight for control had been coming for a long time now.

Ignoring her hissing squeals, Noah bodily picked her up and threw her back onto the bed. He reached for her underwear as she flailed about and he ripped them off her body, stepping back to survey her nakedness properly for the first time. An intense urge to claim that stunning body as his own came over him and he grasped her ankles as she kicked out at him inspecting the red fuck-me heels she still wore and contemplating how dangerous it would be for him to let her keep them on. There was something about a woman dressed only in heels that excited him even more.

"Got a shoe fetish of your own?" Marcella snapped, struggling to free her legs and wishing she had use of her arms.

"Maybe," he shrugged, "But it might be safer to get these weapons out of the way this first time." He slowly pulled her shoes off and put them out of sight. "You can have them back if you're a good kitten," he taunted and then began a slow nibbling and kissing trail first up one leg and then the other careful to avoid the wet juncture of her thighs. He smiled as she let a sigh of frustration slip, but she had stopped fighting him for now, so he moved over her hovering to watch her face as she gazed up at him. Changing the pace, he lowered his head to kiss her in a deep but sensual kiss. He felt her tongue wrestle with his in a battle for power again, and he pulled back slightly, not letting the battle for control of that kiss escalate. He kissed her nose and then slid from the bed to stand and gaze down at her again.

"What?" she asked, turning toward him not really sure why he had left her on the bed alone again. From this vantage point, his body looked chiselled and clearly defined if not overly muscular. He was perfection, and she could never deny her attraction to him seeing him like this. She squirmed at the heat and need he had built in her with his manhandling of her, but she managed to restrain from making any sound that might show him how much he affected her.

"Keep looking at me like that and see what happens," he chastised her suddenly and stalked to the end of the bed. He knew he couldn't be the Master with this woman, at least not yet anyway. He had to gain her trust, and while she watched him with uncertainty now, the warning he had given her was as much for himself and the need to rein in his baser urges even though she couldn't understand that yet. She was right when she said he had submissives to give him what he wanted, including five-star reviews, but none of them mattered, and they all paled in comparison to her and her fiery nature.

"Like what?" Marcella purred innocently. She knew exactly what she was doing and how hard it must be for him not to slip into a full dominant mode and force her submission through his superior size and skill. He surprised her then by grabbing her hips and flipping her onto her belly, making her squeal again. He moved up quickly, forcing her legs wider to accommodate his own as he kissed over her back to her neck, brushing her unruly curls aside as he nuzzled her neck.

"Fuck! The things I want to do to you..." he groaned as if holding himself back.

Marcella shivered at his words and felt the hard length of him press into her thigh as he covered her with his body. He tangled a hand into her hair again and pulled her as he sat back on his heels so that she straddled his legs and her back rested against his chest. His cock now lay between her thighs, hit and hard against her wet pussy. He reached around her stroking his hands down her body one coming to rest over her pussy his long fingers delving between her fold seeking out her clit as the other stroked back up cupping her breast and massaging the soft flesh occasional pinching at her nipples gently to gauge her response.

"Oh, fuck me," she said in a purring sigh. "I won't beg if that is what you are waiting for," she told him with a breathless purr as her body heated and her breathing sped up at his teasing hands and fingers. It was a weak last stand. She was ready to give in now just to ease the need that had been building in her all day despite the two orgasms she had which had given her little relief but instead fuelled her need for the fucking she knew he would give her if she let him rather than staying in control and taking it for herself.

"You don't have to beg, Kitten, just tell me what you want," Noah murmured in a voice husky with his own need. "We have had a whole day of foreplay, tell me what you need right now," he ground out, and he knew that even if she did beg she was still winning in this battle. He cursed inwardly that he would give even this much control to a lover, but it didn't feel wrong either.

Marcella knew that Noah was barely hanging onto to his infamous control, and if she chose to push him, she could still come out on top. It occurred to her then that she weirdly was on top already. He had positioned them so that they could share the dominant position. Had he done that on purpose, for her, would he have even realised?

"Tell me, Kitten," Noah urged in a deep growl.

"Fuck me, Noah, please," she finally relented in a demanding voice. If he could find a way to meet her halfway, surely, she could reciprocate at least partially.

Noah could hear the demand in her words rather than the needful plea he had been hoping for, but he couldn't hold back his own need much longer. One last try to get her to admit he was her equal or better in this realm and then he would do as she demanded. He rolled her clit under his fingers faster, drawing his hand from her breast to wrap lightly around her throat. He pulled her head up and back against his shoulder as he growled in her ear.

"Are you sure you want to make demands of me right now?" he asked. "I want you, even need you but I will have no problems leaving you here while I take a cold shower if you cannot even give me even a sliver of what I need." He flicked her clit sharply, and she quivered in his hold. He could feel how desperate she was becoming and backed off a little not letting her get close enough to push herself over into the climax she wanted so badly.

"What is it you need?" Marcella practically whined, her hips churning trying to gain more contact with both his cock and his fingers.

"You, to stop fighting me at every turn," he growled loudly losing his control entirely. He leaned forward pushing her shoulders back to the mattress while keeping her hips high. Without any warning, he slammed into her feeling her tight walls give to make room for him as she cried out in both pain and pleasure. "Fuck, yes!" he groaned and began to fuck her hard and deep trying to measure his strokes, so he didn't come as fast as his body threatened to do.

Marcella's mind went blank, and the fight left her as she found herself bent forward, and Noah's impressive cocked buried itself in her in one thrust. She squealed and lost her breath as it took a moment for her to catch up with the sudden shift. Then she began moving with him. She didn't care right then about anything except the looming orgasm as every stroke he made into her surged against her G spot and pushed her closer to the edge. Her body started shaking as she lost control of everything but the delicious feeling of being fucked by someone who was without a doubt claiming her as his. She spread her thighs wider and bit into the mattress as she cried out again and again and slowly lost her grip on reality.

Feeling her thighs widen further for him Noah gave in to his own need and dug his fingers into her hips drawing her back into his thrusts the slap of skin on skin showing the brutal force he was using. He felt her body begin to shake and jerk in warning of her approaching climax. He fully sheathed himself within her and stopped. Lifting one hand, he slapped her ass just to see her marked, and the red imprint of his hand didn't disappoint him. She was his, and after today he would make sure she knew it.

"Not yet," he growled his voice sounding as breathless and desperate as he knew she was.

"Why can't you just fuck me!" she panted the frustration and heat evident in her shrill voice. "Even this has to be a game?" she asked with a whine. Immediately the head, she had rested on the mattress was pulled up, and her back rose to his chest again.

"I am fucking you, and while you have gotten off twice today I haven't, and this climax belongs to me," he growled into her ear. "It's mine, just as you were always meant to be mine," he added wondering how she would take that as his hand lowered to her clit again as she rotated her hips grinding onto the cock left buried inside her. This is not a fight you're going to win, kitten," he warned as she tried to manoeuvre out of his hold again by throwing herself forward.

"Relax, Kitten. Relax and let go of all that control. You know I would never hurt you. You are safe here with me," he prodded, breathing deeply to offset the delicious feeling of her pussy squeezing around his cock as she practically danced on his lap. Placing a hand on her hip, he encouraged her to move up and down his cock before begin to meet her halfway.

"Please, fuck me," Marcella hated that she had been reduced to begging but she was beside herself with the need for the orgasm that was just out of reach.

"Your mine," Noah said. "Mine now and in the morning you will still be mine," he growled. "Tell me you know that we belong together and whatever you want and need is yours," he growled, letting her lean partially forward like a taunt of what she wanted and needed.

"Yes! I understand!" she cried out and he relaxed his arm letting her fall forward and reared up behind her again fucking her brutally his hand landing on her ass occasionally as he pushed her beyond the edge he had kept her on. He watched as her body shook and jerked in spasm as a tidal wave hit her and her amazing pussy clenched and milked at his cock while squeals lanced through the air with every deep pounding of his cock while she floated on a sea of endorphins.

It had been a long time since Marcella had experienced an orgasm that sent her into the stratosphere like this one. Her whole body twitched and jerked as electrical currents ran through every network at lightning speed. Noah continued his assault on her clit and pussy as she barely had the strength to remain the position, he held her in.

His kitten was weakening in his arms, and he drew back quickly, guiding her the mattress and rolling her to her back. He leaned down and kissed her breathless mouth as he once again plunged home into the warm depths of her pussy where he planned to be as often as possible from now on, she mewled softly her body responding still to what seemed to be an on-going orgasm. Her eyes were glazed as she looked up at him and he wondered briefly if subspace was possible in a reasonably vanilla scene like this or if she was just on an endorphin high fuelled by the overload of adrenalin she had today.

"Come back to me, Kitten," Noah cooed his breath harsh as he continued to fuck her. Her eyes remained glazed, and her body shook little beads of sweat forming between her breasts that he leaned forward to lick and continued up to her mouth, kissing her deeply taking all she could give him. "Your mine," he reminded her as his strokes became less measured and his body tensed feeling the ticking in his balls and the rush that accompanied his climax. He roared his release and relief before collapsing on top her, stroking her hair and kissing her lightly along her jaw and neck as he regained control of his body. "Mine" he murmured again needing her to understand that he could never let her go now.

Marcella stayed silent. She wasn't his or any man's possession. She didn't know why he was so determined to claim her when all they did was argue and taunt each other. It didn't make sense. Nothing about this man had ever made sense to her. Especially the attraction that kept her coming back to him time and time again even when they weren't being pushed together.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Please Marcella, run!

Ravey19Ravey19about 3 years ago

A good chapter but unfortunately reading this in isolation (2020 awards) is not the best way to appreciate the story. Nevertheless, there's enough information to piece some things together. I've read another 4 of your stories which are excellent and this is on the list so better go back to the beginning. No doubt I'll be impressed again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

This is an amazing story which i’m reading hard on the heels of Bella. What an author, i love the way you take the stories, the only thing i’d say is that there’s a lot of characters to keep track of and its sometimes difficult to remember who each of them are. I guess that inevitable over such a long series but perhaps write some of them out as you introduce new ones

subnotslavesubnotslavealmost 4 years ago

Congratulations Ellie = what a chapter! No wonder you won (yet) another competition.

It does puzzle me a little however, that even when Marcella's thoughts and changing of mind are clear to all who read this (and other) chapters, that Noah still attracts nothing but criticism - for being a Table man, a Dom or even just a man it seems. The whole concept of Marcella being Noah's "Curse Breaker" - his one and only true love in life - seems to be lost on some...


DaniellaxmjtsDaniellaxmjtsalmost 4 years ago

Congrats on the contest win! Well deserved.

savai2savai2almost 4 years ago

Congratulations on your contest win. You so deserve it along with whatever other accolades they bestow on writers of your caliber. Your stories are amazing!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I agree with many of the anonymous comentators and not only anonymous - Marcella is an amazing character precisely for her independence and having a spine, and Noah would only be worthy of her if he would stop trying to push her around like this. I was so looking forward to them finally consummating their passion, yet it was darkened by his inability to let her have what she wants, he needs to meet her halfway and not to expect her to give in, this constant wish to subdue her is ridiculous, and indeed these tables' culture is deeply misogynistic and troubling, and Marcella seemed like one chance to overcome their evilness, and now it seems like Noah is going to ruin it as well :(

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
I do understand

The storylines are all based around BDSM, it’s exactly what drew me to your writing because that’s what does it for me too. Of course there’s a *but* BDSM isn’t for everyone, this is a deeply misogynistic subculture that has its focus on BDSM even in the *business* side of their lives. At times it’s as that hey are afraid of their women, is the concept of nurturing talent regardless of gender so appalling?

With Noah and Marcella just as it is with their siblings the women are crippled by that misogyny, Olivia has been broken and is now dependent on the kink lifestyle. Marcella is on the verge of being destroyed she has a deep seated fear of the way things work in their world and rightfully so. Would it be so appalling for Noah to back down and approach her from the *vanilla* world, compromise. If she’s interested in being sexually dominated in the future they could explore it together, I don’t think it should be forced on her. BDSM is supposed to be about choice, it’s the one thing that/she’s always been denied. I’m not suggesting that he forget his dominant desires because that would be bad for him in the long run. In my opinion it would make a much more realistic story if they approached the kink in a much slower way.

My comments aren’t intended as a slur, quite the contrary I love many of your stories and just like most of the other readers who enjoy your work I love the topic too!

Thanks for sharing

Tess (UK)

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