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The Unrequited Ch. 04

Story Info
Move in Day, Gus & Jasmine break the house in by having sex.
4.6k words

Part 5 of the 28 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/22/2016
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"So, are you excited?" Jasmine asked as she had to shout over the wind rushing into the car. Gus turned and smiled, still unbelieving that now, just four days after humoring his sister he was the owner of one of the largest and oldest plantation manor houses in the country. He had originally had no intention of buying anything that day, just going along to placate Margaret, but it was such a deal and the house was so beautiful he had to act. It all has happened so fast it still seemed like a dream and looking over at Jasmine he could not wait to see her reaction to his new home. He hoped it would be positive since she said she thought he had lost his mind to buy a house for cash and told him so quite strongly.

Standing on Jasmine's lap was Angeline, tail wagging furiously, tongue dangling out of her mouth as the wind whipped her long red fur. She loved taking long rides in Gus's old 1972 red MG convertible, and today being a special day, he thought it best to drive her to her new home in style. Following the moving van, Gus felt butterflies growing in his stomach as he drove into the Garden District as he could see Jasmine's face grow perplexed.

"This is very mysterious Gus" she shouted as the homes grew larger and more grand and the streets grew wider and greener. "Unless you have a shitload more money than I think you do, there is no WAY you bought one of these homes!"

Laughing, he said "Well Babe, I am comfortable but certainly not this kind of rich. I told you it was the deal of a lifetime and I can't wait until you see it." As the van in front flashed on its turn signal and drove onto Chestnut Street Angeline grew more excited. The fresh air and green lawns seemed to excite her more and more and she vigorously sniffed the air for the flood of smells bombarding her senses. Reaching down and petting his dog he added "I know Angeline here is going to love the yard. So much more room to run around outside than down in the quarter."

Seeing the van stop, Gus slowed the car and parked on the street. Jasmine looked around in astonishment as this was the pinnacle of the high rent district, each home on this street worth millions. Most impressive of all was the large White House at the end of the street and as she saw the movers begin to take furniture through the iron gate she gasped.

"HOLY FUCK!" she yelled as she slapped Gus's arm. "How much did you pay for this place? This is amazing!!!"

"Not as much as you would think."

As they got out of the car Jasmine put Angeline on the ground and they began to walk up the sidewalk to the gate. Barking wildly, the small dog sniffed the air desperately and strained at the end of her leash as she pulled in every direction. "I think your dog is going to be a problem in this neighborhood" Jasmine said as the high pitched yelps grew more desperate and shattered the relative silence of the street. Reaching the front gate, Angeline immediately squatted down on a patch of green grass and peed.

"Well, I think she just gave her seal of approval!" Gus said with a snicker as he saw her mark her territory. Reaching out for the gate, both he and Jasmine turned towards a voice coming from the house next door.

"Hello! HELLO!!!"

Turning towards the voice Gus saw an elegant older woman standing on her porch watching the activity. Dripping in pearls, she was the quintessential grand Dame of old New Orleans; hair teased up high and slightly bluish in color, a perfectly tailored teal dress, her appearance and demeanor screaming old money. "Hello there! Pardon me for interrupting, but do you know when Mr. Laveau is coming?" The voice belonged to Maxine Clark whose almost equally enormous house was right next door. Nosey and inquisitive, she had watched the activity next door all week, her curiosity growing exponentially each day. Eighty-five years old, she had lived on Chestnut street for nearly fifty years and had not had a single new neighbor in all that time, homes in the garden district tending to be held in the same family for generations. Mrs. Laveau, having just died at one hundred had been the only person who had lived in that house since she bought the adjacent one and she was very curious about her new neighbor.

"Mr. Laveau?" Jasmine whispered.

"She must think that the old ladies' nephew is moving in." Gus whispered back.

Passing the dog leash back to Jasmine, Gus stepped into her yard and held out his hand. "Sorry, no Mr. Laveau here. My name is Gus Le Blanc and I just bought this house. Pleasure to meet you neighbor."

Peering him up and down Maxine could barely conceal the disappointed look on her face. Gus, dressed down as usual, looked more like a maintenance man than the owner of Magnolia Grove and as she looked down at his flip flops, ratty looking board shorts and open Hawaiian shirt she internally shuddered. "Well, there goes the neighborhood" she thought to herself as she timidly held out her hand to shake his. Forcing a smile on her face she said "Glad to meet you Gus, welcome to Chestnut Street. I am Maxine Clark."

Looking over at Jasmine, dressed in very short shorts and an overly tight "Zekes" t-shirt which clearly showed her nipples, and clearly black, a slight sneer came across her face. Burnout hipsters were one issue, but having coloreds living next door was quite another thing entirely. Growing alarmed and irritated she stopped fretting as a smile flashed on her face. The situation was obvious as she reflected and realizing her error she became relieved.

"I see you brought your maid with you. That is very good Mr. Le Blanc since a fine old house like Magnolia Grove will require quite a bit of service. I was good friends with Mrs. Laveau, the last owner, and she had several people on staff to help her manage. I am more than willing to contact them for..."

"Oh, I am so sorry Mrs. Clark." Gus interrupted, a sneer now fully formed on his face. "This is not my maid, but my wife. Yeah, the little missus and I just fell in love with this place the second we saw it. We can't wait to fill up all eleven of those bedrooms with youngins you know!" he added with a wink. Gripping Jasmine's waist, he pulled her tight to his chest and planted a long lingering kiss on her lips. "It certainly will be fun trying to at least!"

"Oh, uh, well" Maxine stuttered. "I see. Well, if there is anything I can do, please let me know." She abruptly said as she hastily retreated back into her house.

Barely suppressing a laugh, Jasmine whispered into Gus's ear. "You are a bad bad man! Somehow I don't think you are going to be invited over for tea at the Clark's anytime soon."

"You know, it is 2014 now, not 1953! That shit just burns me up!" he snapped as she stroked his neck.

"It's 2014 down in the quarter, I think it is different up here in the district. But anyway, what is all this bullshit about me being your wife! Hell, I am not even your girlfriend!!!" Turning away from him she wiggled her glorious ass in the air. "You got to earn that honor boy!"

"Well Babe, I look forward to trying." He answered as he licked his lips.

Looking down at Angeline, who was squatting and depositing a large smelly editorial comment on Mrs. Clark's lawn they both laughed as they walked back to Magnolia Grove. Angeline, barking excitedly pawed at the gate and burst into the yard as the door swung open.

"Good God Gus!" Jasmine exclaimed as she took in the enormity of the garden. Seeing the overgrown flowering bushes, the circular driveway and the tarnished bronze statue in the fountain she was amazed. "This is not just a house, but an estate." Glancing back at Gus she added "Again, I have to ask, just how rich are you?"

"Not THAT rich I can assure you." Gus answered.

Beaming in pride at her words the two stepped up onto the porch. Now at the front door, Angeline suddenly fell silent and lay down flat, her legs spread out behind her.

"Not ready to go inside yet?" Gus said as he bent down and petted her. Surprisingly, her whole demeanor had changed. Just seconds earlier she had been a bundle of boundless energy, barking and leaping in the garden, and now she was rooted down hard on the porch, not wanting to move an inch. The only other time he saw her like this was at the approach of a thunderstorm, or when he needed to take her to the vet, and looking up into the sky he noticed that not a cloud could be seen for miles. "You feel a storm coming girl?"

Whimpering slightly, she slightly shook as Jasmine reached down and pulled her up into her arms. "You know how we girls are?" she said. Handing the dog to Gus she joked "Since I know that it is really SHE who is the true woman in your life, she wants to be carried over the threshold of her new home."

Opening the door, Angeline seemed to calm in his arms, still panting quite heavily but no longer shivering. Watching Jasmine's face as they entered the hallway Gus could not help but be giddy as he observed her growing astonishment as they strode into the main entrance hall.

"WOW!" she exclaimed as her eyes slowly scanned the hallway. "Spying the Magnolia stained glass window at the top of the stairs she sighed. "Beautiful, simply beautiful!" Putting Angeline down, Gus began to tour Jasmine around the house. Each room they entered seeming to elicit more exclamations of approval. "Jesus Gus, you got a tremendous deal here. I simply can't believe it." Putting her head down, she sheepishly admitted. "You know, when you first texted me that you bought this house, and for cash no less, I thought for sure you had lost your mind. Now seeing it, I totally understand." As they strode into the kitchen, the dog right on their heels, not wanting to get too far away from her master, Jasmine pinched Gus's ass. "So... I think you still owe me a breakfast, since the last one was so rudely interrupted by your sister."

Winking at her he replied "And I think you owe me something too!"

Hearing this, Jasmine licked her lips and whispered into his ear. "Oh, I always pay of my debts. Maybe later you can add more credits to your account."

"You got yourself a deal babe." He replied. As he leaned into kiss her one of the movers walked into the kitchen.

"Mr. Le Blanc, we got everything put away like you asked. Is there anything else you need?"

"Wi-Fi working?" Gus asked.

"Finally!" the workman replied. "That was a bitch to install let me tell you. I had to put up a few boosters throughout, but I hid them well. Obviously they did not foresee wi-fi back in the 1800s when they constructed a house out of marble. Not easy to work around at all."

Reaching into his wallet Gus took out three fifty dollar bills and handed it to the workman. "Be sure to give the other guys their tip too."

"Thank you Mr. Le Blanc, thank you!!!" he exclaimed as he went to go get the other guys and get ready to leave. Exiting the kitchen, Gus and Jasmine were alone again.

"Well Well, MR. LE BLANC!" Jasmine teased. "It seems that now that you own a big house you are Mr. Le Blanc now, and not old Gus from the quarter."

Smiling Gus shook his head and cupped her waist as they walked back into the entry hall. Ignoring her comment, he said " I haven't even shown you the upstairs yet." As they walked, the dog never left their side. Panting nervously, she was right on Gus's heels and several times almost tripped them both. Now standing back at the foot of the stairs Jasmine paused.

"I think we need to memorialize this moment." Taking out her cellphone, she directed Gus to hold Angeline and stand at the bottom of the stairs. "There, let me get a good picture." As she held up the phone she exhaled. "DAMN IT! I am out of juice. My phone is totally dead."

"Here, come over and stand with us and I will take a selfie. I wanted you in the picture anyway." Joined by Jasmine, Gus took his phone out of one of his multiple pockets in his shorts and groaned. "FUCK! Isn't that just the luck. I am out of juice too! I could have sworn I charged this up this morning before we drove over here."

"Maybe you surfed too much porn on that thing." She joked as she poked his arms.

Laughing back, he winked and said "Well, as compelling as "Amazing Anal Asians" is, I usually surf my porn on my HD monitor. Tits just look too small on the phone."

"You didn't say that when I sent you that dirty pic a few weeks ago."

"Tits you know are always better than tits you don't."

"Speaking of tits" Jasmine cooed as she reached out for Gus's crotch. "What say you and me go finish that business we started a few days ago. Zeke, for once, gave me the whole night off and I can think of no better way to give you a proper house warming than a nice long blowjob."

"I love you babe!" Gus gushed as he kissed her deeply.

"No you don't" she winked. "But as a fake boyfriend, you are perfect. If you were my real boyfriend I would have to put you on a short leash and you would not like that one bit."

Now turning to the stairs, Gus and Jasmine started to climb towards the stained glass at the summit. Gus was anxious to show off the rest of his house and even more enthused about breaking in the bedroom properly. For the first time since they entered the house however, Angeline did not follow. Reaching the top landing, Gus looked back down the stairs and called out.

"Come on girl, come on. Don't you want to see your new bed?"

The dog was uncharacteristically silent and very still. Crouched on all fours, her muscles as tight as an overly wound clock, she just growled slightly as she stared up at the landing.

"I don't think she wants to follow." Jasmine said as she pulled Gus forward. "Don't worry, you know how Poms are. She just needs to get used to the place."

"Yeah, I guess you are right. Her reaction is not at all what I was expecting. She might be overwhelmed by all the new sights and smells."

Leaving the dog on the first floor they finished walking upstairs. Showing her each room Jasmine maintained her glee at the sheer enormity of the place and the amazing furnishings and décor that came with it. Reaching the wall of rosaries however Jasmine jumped back.

"What the hell is this?"

"Yeah, crazy isn't it? I think the old lady was obviously losing it."

"Very creepy Gus!" she added as she walked closer to inspect. Hundreds of rosaries of all sizes and colors were hanging on the wall, covering every square inch of the surface. Looking carefully, she could see that some of the objects were very old while others looked brand new, the price tag from the online religious store still hanging off one of the crucifixes. The beads were thick against the wall and lifting up one of the rosaries deep in the pile Jasmine could see that the nail was old and rusted obviously having been placed there decades ago.

"This was not a recent development Gus. See, you can tell that some of these rosaries have been here quite some time. Look, the paint on the wall is a completely different color than the rest of the hall."

"Interesting...Kind of weird eh?" Gus smiled. "Honestly, I kind of like it. It has a kind of kitschy avant guard feel to it, and it is so out of character with the rest of the house. I think I am going to keep it. Plus, it reminds me of my days as an altar boy with Father Vic."

Jasmine suddenly shuddered as a cold chill ran up her spine. Her stomach churned slightly as the uncanny display set her on edge, but she quickly shook it off. "So, did old Father Vic give you a working over as an altar boy?" Jasmine joked. Gus frowned as he did not appreciate that joke and pulled her away from the wall as he proceeded to show her the other rooms.

As they walked down the hall they both heard the click click click of tiny dog nails on the hard wood behind them. Looking back, Gus smiled as she saw Angeline timidly turn onto the upper hall. "There we go!" he called. "Come on girl, come on."

Angeline ran quickly by the rosary wall, her tail firmly between her legs as she rushed to Gus's leg and shook wildly. Picking her up in her arms Jasmine looked into Gus's eyes. "See, she doesn't like that wall either."

Opening the door to his bedroom, he heard Jasmine sigh as she looked inside. "Beautiful, simply beautiful!" she exclaimed as she peered into the large room. Large floor to ceiling windows banked one side of the room while an enormous king sized bed anchored a left wall. To the left a door led into an equally large bathroom with a clawfooted tub standing on the black and white tiles. Putting Angeline down on the floor Jasmine spun around and grabbed Gus by the neck of his shirt.

"I think we need to break this puppy in right now!"

Grinning wildly, Gus nodded as he walked over to the windows and prepared to open them. Outside a large fully leafed magnolia tree gently swayed in the breeze as the room overlooked a side garden as well as Maxine Clark's house. "I say we give old Mrs. Clark something to gossip about when she hears how vocal you can get."

"Babe, don't open the window. It is so hot outside, I don't want to let out the air conditioning."

"You know, that is funny, but I don't think I turned it on yet but it is downright chilly in here."

Smoothing her forearms which were quite chilled, she purred. "Well, I say we heat this fucker up!" Now sitting on the bed she reached slipped off her flip flops and reached out to Gus flexing her toes. Reaching his shorts, she gripped the top clasp and expertly unbuttoned it as she pulled his pants down with her feet. Seeing his boxers already tenting from his erection she smiled. "Well, it seems like someone is raring to go." Lifting her foot up to his shirt, she pulled it away from his chest as she ran her left foot up his bare stomach. "Shouldn't you be on your knees now boy? I think you need to show your new "wife" some proper respect."

Quickly stripping off the rest of his clothes, Gus stood completely naked (and ridiculously hard) before her. Kneeling down beside the bed he grabbed her left ankle and pulled it to his lips, kissing it lightly as he slowly started moving down to her foot. Hearing her appreciative moans, he smiled as he saw her pull off her t-shirt and her gorgeous full breasts plopped into view. Laying back on the bed she sighed as Gus began kissing his way up her calves to her thigh. Reaching her shorts, he gripped the zipper with his teeth and pulled it down. "These have got to go!" he snickered as he pulled them off and tossed them onto the floor. As he gripped her panties with his teeth, the cold wet nose of Angeline suddenly brushed up against his cheek.

"Hey Girl!" he smiled as he looked into the soft brown eyes of his dog. "I am afraid Daddy is a bit busy right now. Go on, get under the bed." Seeing her not move he continued to goad her. "Go on Angeline, get under the bed. Be a good girl and get under the bed." Still quiet, she reached out and licked his face while Jasmine laughed.

"You know Gus, I always knew you wanted a threesome, but somehow I don't think this was what you had in mind."

Irritated, Gus stood up and scooped Angeline up and took her to the bedroom door. "Sorry girl, Daddy needs some private time" he said as he gently lowered her to the floor and closed the door. Turning back to the bed, his cock grew harder as he saw Jasmine now writhing her hips as she teased her own inner thigh with her right hand.

"Yeah baby!!!" he cried as he dove onto the bed and quickly scooped his hands under her ass. Instantly he stripped her sopping wet panties off and tossed them into the pile of other clothing on the floor revealing her glorious pussy to his hungry eyes. Kneeling on the bed he throbbed as Jasmine lay spread and naked before him, lifting her hips up off the bed as she began to writhe. She was so beautiful and without a doubt the sexiest woman he had ever been with. He wanted her so bad, his cock aching for her touch since being interrupted a few days earlier. Grabbing her left ankle again he traced his tongue down the inside of her leg on the way to her mound as she teased his arm with her toes. Reaching his Scooby Doo tattoo she smiled as he kissed further and further up her inner thigh.


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