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The West Texas Ladies Chess Club Ch. 01

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Lesbian chess club gets more than they ever imagined.
11.9k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 11/18/2023
Created 10/30/2023
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Chapter I

How It All Got Started

My girlfriends and I aren't really gay. We're not actually lesbians. We have nothing against lesbians whatsoever, we all know some and are friends with them. We've even slept with some of them. More than once. Well, many times, ok. And yes, one of our members is a lesbian. And the Special Guest Committee, they're lesbians, but ... not all of us are lesbians! Even if we do engage in a lot of what might be called, objectively, "lesbian activities." Like making love with other girls. Quite a lot, ok, yes.

I can see how that'd be confusing for a lot of people. But really, no, we're all hot for guys. We've all had sexual experiences with various men throughout our time in college, and we're all in our third year. However, having said that, the fact is that these days things are pretty bleak for straight girls. Guys you actually like and respect enough to have sex with are few and far between. And hardly any of them are what you would call "good lovers," apart from the indefatigability of the young male body. Like a Top-Fuel drag racer, they go all out the instant the light turns green. Yes, it can be deafeningly noisy and exhilarating! It's a lot of fun, a very wild, white-knuckle, hang-on-as-well-as-you-can sort of ride. But it only goes in one direction. And if you blink, you can miss it. And in a quarter mile, when the chute gets popped? It's over. They're done. Sure, give them an hour's nap and they're ready to go again. And there's certainly something to be said for that. "Quantity being a quality all of its own," and all that, sure. But when they're ready to go again? It's the same straight-ahead, no surprises, quarter-mile, pop-the-chute again.

After a while? A gal starts to wonder what else is out there.

The sad truth is most straight girls spend much more time horny and wishing for a guy than we spend meeting the right one and taking him home. It's great when you do meet Mr. Right, even if he's only Mr. Temporarily Right. But it gets lonely a lot, in between. And a lady does get horny. You have no idea! Our bodies were made for physical lovemaking, for holding another body close to ours, giving them pleasure even as we receive it from them. Both of these desires are so deeply rooted in a woman's psyche and soul that our bodies, hearts, and minds ache with longing for it.

Add in the whole "relationship-thing" women have on top of that. Men have friends. Women have relationships. We define ourselves and our lives by our relationships with those around us. Men can have zero relationships, even destructive ones. But if he's good at his job? Or at sports, or any other outside interest? He can be happy.

A woman can be the highest-flying success in business. But if she has no network of relationships? She's miserable. Guys? If you know a woman like this? And you care for her? Better let her know. Today, not tomorrow. Because tomorrow? She might not be here. No fooling, guys. It probably won't get you sex, so don't get your hopes up on that front. But even if she doesn't want to have a friendship with you, just saying "Hi!" to her as you pass in the hallway? She may still be here tomorrow, just because you let her know someone out there cares about her.

So, I imagine you're wondering, "How horny does a healthy, fit, otherwise nominally straight young lady in her early twenties get?" When her hormones rampage through her body, just like any guy's? Add that our bodies were made to be held, stroked, loved, petted, played with, and eagerly pressed against other bodies? Oh my, how horny does a young lady get? And on top of that, add in the monthly hormone cycle a woman's body endures, don't forget that! Why, I imagine a lot of you guys would be thinking, "I bet they get horny enough to have sex with each other!"

Well, ... you'd be right.

Especially when you add in this little bit: there is no downside for a girl being found out to have had sex with other girls. In the current society of Western Culture of the 21st Century. In general.

On the contrary, to many guys, knowing a girl has played around with other girls makes a girl even more desirable. Please don't ask me why. No, it isn't fair. And yes, there's a subset of women who find a guy who has played for both teams desirable. But it's nothing like the way it is for girls. Most guys, no matter what his sexual orientation, be it gay, straight, or bi, will stop and watch two girls having sex. And most girls, on seeing two guys going after each other, will usually watch for a bit.

Like many straight girls, having sex with another girl started gradually for me. I noticed my one friend, Lisa, from our Volleyball Team, always stood beside me in the showers. She was always in the shower if I was, and as long as I was. She'd offer to wash my back, and I returned the favor. Afterwards, getting dressed, she'd fix my bra and straps, and I'd do the same for her. She'd comment on how much she liked my underwear, the combination of bra and panties, we'd brush each other's hair, all that stuff all girls do, gay or straight.

At the end, before we went off to our next class, we'd share one last hug and kiss for the day. Nothing overtly sexual at all. It was nice. Stuff like that is why it's great being a woman. Hugs are lovely to share, and you can pretty much get all of them you want from your girlfriends.

But one day, when we hugged to say goodbye, Lisa hugged me more tightly than usual, and held the embrace notably longer than was our norm. I didn't mind, she was a wonderful arm-full to hug, tight and firm, warm and soft, and I was enjoying it. We started to rock gently, back and forth. She sighed, and I felt her hot breath on my neck, and my body shivered in response. That made Lisa tighten her hug even more, and I quickly became excited!

The other girls all noticed it, too, and one of them, Cassandra, a tall South Korean exchange student, called out, "Get a room, you guys!"

Lisa broke the embrace, blushing furiously. "Sorry, Tish! I'm just getting over my period, and it's been a while since I had a guy, so I'm horny as fuck with no dick in sight that doesn't require batteries. Or brains."

"You can always get more batteries," I said.

"Much easier than finding a guy with a brain. And a heart!" We both laughed at that.

I knew she was finishing her period because, yes, girls really do know everything about each other's cycles. She knew my own would be hitting in a couple of weeks, and already I'd get these flashes of nipple sensitivity that would nearly make me go cross-eyed if I didn't just go back to bed and masturbate right then! And it had been a while since I had enjoyed the company of a man's body next to mine in my bed. Currently, there was no Temporary Mr. Right on my horizon. So, yes, I was feeling horny, too. I realized I had genuinely enjoyed our long, tight hug, before the catcalling started.

I put my hands on Lisa's shoulders and said, "You know what? Fuck those bitches if they don't like it! C'mere, gorgeous!" I pulled her into another tight, long embrace, which she immediately returned. I'm five-seven, a bit tall for a girl, and Lisa's five-five. The way we were situated, her mouth and nose ended up right next to the hollow at the base of my neck, and I again felt her hot breath washing over my neck and shoulder.

"Oh, God, Lisa," I said, whispering in her ear, "Your breath on my neck feels so nice!"

That resulted in her snuggling in even more closely, and I felt her tenderly, lightly rub her nose against my neck. Well, that did it. Tingles shot all through my body from that point of contact on my neck, all the way down to my toes, pausing on the way down to dance around my vagina before shooting sparks out of my toes. My nipples instantly erected themselves so quickly it hurt. But it was such wonderful hurting, pressed as they were to Lisa's chest. I became acutely aware of how wonderful her body felt in my arms, pulled tightly against mine. The scent of her perfume, her shampoo, her soap, her sweat, her skin, all her lovely fragrances flooding my senses, giving me a euphoric high! Filling me with wonder at what a beautiful, perfect woman I was holding in my arms! I desperately wished we were still in the shower, the hot water washing over us as we hugged each other.

I don't know where we would have gone from there, but one of the coaches, Mrs. Peterson, came along and said, "Ladies, you're going to be late for your next class. Get going, then call each other later." She said it while smiling. Coach Peterson was a tough coach, demanding you to be your best, never accepting excuses for lack of trying. Off the court, she was a wonderful, warm human being, in her early fifties. Gorgeous and fit, with a wiry, athletic body.

"Yes, Coach," we both said.

"Oh, God, you ladies are so adorable when you blush!" she said, reaching out and lightly touching me under my chin. That one little touch, at once so innocent, and yet at the same time, considering the state of my body's arousal, was also so breathtakingly intimate. Even more thrills shot through my body like an explosion in a fireworks factory!

I was not prepared for all of this! I hardly knew how to react. Even as I luxuriated in the rampant hurricane blast of it all through my body, heart, and soul! I must have sighed or moaned out loud because they were both looking at me with an expression of surprise.

Coach Peterson collected herself and walked away, leaving me and Lisa still wrapped in each other's arms. Even so, I couldn't help but watch her ass as Coach Peterson walked off to her office. I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to have my hands on that ass. In my mind's eye, I saw myself doing all sorts of things with that ass. I wondered what I would really do if ever the situation presented itself? And all the while, I was growing wet! With no chance of changing my panties any time before I got home!

I felt another light touch under my chin, and it was Lisa, still in my arms, turning my face back to hers. "Remember me? Let's meet up later, ok? We'll work out the details via text. Please say we'll meet up later?" Her eyes were bright with gathering tears, and her pheromones were making my situation even more unbearable. And yet it was all such delicious, joyous torment!

"Yes!" I said. "I'd like that, too! Come over to my place. Please?" I don't think I'd ever put so much urgent emphasis on a one-word question in my life. But I made that interrogative punctuation mark carry its weight on that simple one-word question. "Please?" I repeated.

We went to kiss each other goodbye on the cheek like usual, but we both misread which way we were turning, and our kiss ended up square on each other's lips! And, oh, my stars and garters! It was wonderful!

Lisa and I made our plans via text during the following two classes. I couldn't even tell you what those two classes were because my mind was consumed with lust. I could only stare at my phone, waiting for her replies. She was coming over to my place, we'd order Chinese takeout, and we would ... play Chess.

Yes, that's how we referred to it. Away from the heady wonder of each other's bodies, neither of us was quite ready to admit that we were meeting up to make love. Though we both knew that was exactly where this was all going! However, even now, in the 21st Century, proper young ladies, of course, don't do that. Ordinarily. And straight young ladies, of course, would never do that.

We needed some sort of plausible cover to explain why we were always at my house, staying to all hours of the following day. And often for the entire weekend. Neither of us even considered claiming we were studying. That wouldn't have been believed, because studying is pretty much the last thing college students ever do. Yes, the need to hide what we wanted to do seems so silly, now. And if we had just been honest and told anyone who asked, "Mind your own business," a lot of what happened probably would not have occurred. Either the bad, or the good that came out of it all.

But at the time, calling ourselves a chess club seemed like a stroke of inspiration in our lust-addled minds. Lots of girls play Chess! Heck, they play Chess all the time. They've got clubs and everything. Why, you can hardly drag women away from the game! So, say hello to Tish and Lisa, the two founding members of ...

"The Egregiously West Texas Chess Club For Ladies!"

Why the "Egregiously West Texas Chess Club For Ladies?" Well, our university was way the Hell out in the endless, trackless, magical lands of West Texas. Even in full daylight, West Texas is magical. It seems to go on forever, without end. And at twilight, or full night? When the moon is new, the sky is so inky black, and the stars, shining from all across the universe, are so bright? If you look up at them, you feel like you might fall up. You can see your shadow cast by the light of the combined glow of the Milky Way and the Zodiacal Light of the solar system, overhead. Experience that, and you'll swear it's West Texas all the way to the end of the world. And you still can experience that, even today, in West Texas. At least for now.

The word "egregious" in modern usage is a bad thing. But there is an archaic definition of the word that means "remarkably good." So, by definition, West Texas is egregiously West! And we just liked the way it sounded.

Where else better could a pair of young, nominally straight but desperately horny young women meet up to safely explore and share the wonders and sensual delights of each other's bodies? And their hearts?

So, it was either that, or the "Temporarily Gay For Ladies Until Mr. Right Comes Along Club."

But for us? At the time, the "Egregiously West Texas Chess Club For Ladies" seemed like the perfect cover name for our little "get-togethers," and the perfect cover under which to organize them. What could possibly go wrong with that? Looking back on it, maybe we should have formed a lady's astronomy club? That would have given us the perfect cover for going way out in the country at night. But at the risk of being surrounded by lots of guys with telescopes. That might have worked, anyway, as most of them are looking at celestial bodies in the sky, not female bodies down here on Earth. Yeah, the guys in astronomy can be like that.

But that was more of a chance than we were willing to take, and too much drive-time getting in the way of the sex. Seriously, in Texas, driving time is a major factor! So, at the time, a Chess club seemed like the perfect idea!

Anyway! That day, I barely got through my remaining classes. I couldn't concentrate. I couldn't sit still. Hell, I could barely keep my hands out of my panties! It kept occurring to me over and over, "You're wearing a skirt today, Tish. You can figure out how to get your hand up your own skirt, can't you? There's tons of perfectly acceptable reasons a girl could be seen having her hand up her own skirt, right?" Yet somehow, I managed not to do anything indecent in public. At least not anything that would get me thrown in jail. Well, not arrested, anyhow. Maybe one guy who I know saw me would have a nice, sweet dream that night. He was quiet and kept it to himself, and I was grateful for his discretion. That kind of courtesy and maturity are rare in the current crop of male college students. He was cute, too. But not what I was looking for at that moment.

It seemed the classes dragged on forever, but then it was over! I ran to my car and drove like a maniac! I'm thankful I didn't hit anyone or get a ticket on the short drive to my off-campus home.

I was soaking wet by the time I made it through the front door of my rented house! My panties were just an awful mess, miserable to endure against the most sensitive area of my body. I had to get them off! My vagina was aching to be satisfied, making my knees so weak I could barely walk straight from my driveway to my front door.

I quickly looked at my skirt and was glad to see that at least there was no tell-tale sign of wetness for the rest of the world to have seen! Which was pure luck, as I certainly had had no control, none whatsoever, at the force of the desire and arousal running rampant through my body!

I didn't know how long Lisa would take to get here, and I just couldn't wait! I threw my clothes off in a trail to the bedroom, threw the covers off the bed, and had just laid down, naked, on my back, one hand on my clit and the other on one of my nipples, pressing hard, not rubbing either one, yet, just feeling the tingles build, taking that first deep breath-


It sounded like someone was pounding on my door with a sledgehammer! I flew off the bed like a stick of dynamite went off under me, ran to the door, looked through the peephole, and saw Lisa! She was pulling her fist back to hammer on the door again, but I opened the door, grabbed her hand, pulled her inside, and slammed it shut behind her. She let out this little scream of surprise, "Ahh!"

She looked at me, naked as the day I was born, and her eyes started to get bright, filling with tears. "Sorry, Tish! It's been Hell for me these last few hours! I could barely keep from jerking myself off in class! I couldn't take it any longer, I had to be with you!"

I pushed her back against the door, wrapped my arms around her, holding her as tightly to me as I could, and in one of those timeless, magical moments, our lips met for the first time in an unreserved French kiss. My first deep kiss with another woman. She pulled me tightly against her, and I think we must have stood there, against the door, kissing like mad for five minutes. Maybe ten minutes. We explored every inch of each other's lips, mouths, and necks. While our hands roamed all over each other's bodies, eliciting cries of surprise, delight, and pleasure. We continued to inflame each other's arousal with our hands and mouths. Neither of us was holding back, anymore. I even found myself gently kissing her eyelids! Oh, God, every moment of our first sexual embrace is forever burned into my memory. I will carry those memories with me until I die, and even after that, if I have the choice to do so.

It was all so wonderful!

I've only ever had one boyfriend who genuinely liked kissing. He'd kiss as long as I wanted to, using the time to build my passion to a fever pitch, and then I'd gladly give him whatever he wanted. And I do mean whatEVER he wanted!

A lot of guys could learn from that. He was in civil engineering and had gone off to a university in Guam to finish his degree. I missed him still because he was a considerate lover who liked to kiss. But halfway around the world is about 3,900 miles too damn many to wait, for a girl in her early twenties!

Well, forget all of that! I can now definitively say: kissing girls is better! WAY better! They're soft, warm, caring, considerate, and girls like to kiss! So, you'll get as much of it as you want! And a woman's lips are SO! SOFT! It'll light your loins on fire even as it melts your heart! And the aromatic sensations. Oh, my, each part of a woman's body has its own taste and scent. Then there's the perfumes and colognes we wear, even the scent in our hair from our shampoo and conditioner. And then there's the smell of a woman's sexual arousal, her musk. And the taste!

Lisa and I were so drunk on the wonder of each other's bodies that we had not yet moved away from where I was holding her pinned to my front door. Judging by the moaning, groaning, and creaking between Lisa, me, and the door, the door was having as good of a time as we were! It was practically a third partner in our lovemaking! Lucky door!

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