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The Wishing Device

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Michael finds device that fulfills his wishes at new job.
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The elevator dinged and Michael stepped out into the lobby. Fresh out of college, he had been lucky to get his first job opportunity from his mother's friend, Carly. She wasn't quite the boss, but Carly was on the executive team and had gladly pushed his resume through the ranks until he had been contacted. After acing the interview, Michael was offered a junior position and he had happily accepted.

Taking his first steps, it was the start to hopefully a very prosperous career.

"Hello Michael!" The cheery voice came from behind the front desk. "I'm Abbie."

The secretary was extremely attractive and looked to be one or two years out of college. Her long blonde hair was tied in a professional bun and her tight body suggested that she was the type to do yoga or run after work. Although there wasn't much going on for her in the chest, her mesmerizing eyes and cute dimples were more than enough to catch and hold the male gaze. Besides, although he couldn't see her ass, there was a good chance that her lack of tits had driven her to make sure she had a tight behind.

But that was all speculation and Michael didn't want to come off as a creep. So, he kept his eyes on her face as he politely smiled and shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you, Abbie. I was supposed to meet..."

"Hello Michael."

He turned and saw the woman who had been his fantasy since his adolescent years, Carly. The gorgeous woman was in her 40's, with shoulder-length brunette hair, a few laugh lines, and a very lithe body. She was sweet, smart, and the happily married mother of one his ex-girlfriends. Unbeknown to his ex, the song Stacy's Mom perfectly described his feelings and had led to him eventually dumping her. Now thanks to his own mother, he was Carly's coworker and the fantasies he used to have seemed like potential realities.

She greeted him with a handshake.

"Ready for your big day?" Carly asked.

Michael nodded. "I can't wait to start working."

"That's the attitude I like. Let me show you around and then I'll show you to your new desk."

Carly gave Michael the tour of the one floor office and introduced him to everyone but the big bosses. She showed him the supply closet, the technical supply closet, the bathroom, and the kitchen to make sure he had everything he needed to settle in. Finally, she brought him to the cubicle that he was going to share with another coworker. Her name was Molly and right away Michael could sense that she was going to be a problem.

"Michael this is Molly."

The girl looked up, rolled her eyes and then continued texting on her phone.

"Molly can you say hello."

Molly put her hand up in a brief wave and then spun around in her chair to further ignore them.

"It takes her a while to warm up." Carly said. "Anyway, I've got a meeting to prepare for, so I'll let you get settled. If you need anything, just ask Molly, Abbie and lastly myself, if they can't answer your questions."

Carly gently touched his arm and then walked back to her office. Michael didn't even bother trying to communicate with Molly. He knew the type, and the bratty entitlement was evident by her lack of effort in wardrobe and makeup, yet still looking better than most girls who put work into their appearance. But why did the company put up with it? Some girls just knew how to work their magic.

Michael set his bag down and then noticed he had everything at his desk except his keyboard. Reluctantly he turned to Molly.

"Do you know where my keyboard is?" Michael asked.

Molly spun around, her fingers and eyes still glued to her phone.

"Mine broke so I took yours." Molly said. "Sorry, not sorry."

She turned back around.

"Do you know where I can find one?"

There was no response. Once a bitch, always a bitch. Michael didn't want to bug Carly with something so trivial, so he wandered over to Abbie, who was watching YouTube videos on women who had gotten breast implants.

"Not a bad way to pass the time." Michael said.

The secretary embarrassingly closed the window. She turned with a red face.

"Sorry, it was an ad that popped up."

"Hey, no judgment here." Michael said trying to play it cool.

There was an awkward pause.

"I'm seeing someone." Abbie said.

"Oh. Sorry, I'm not here to hit on you. Not that you're not attractive because I think you're very pretty even without the." Michael made a gesture to her chest. "Not that you wouldn't look good with."

The redness faded from Abbie's face and transferred to Michael's as he realized that he was digging himself a bigger hole with each word.

"Let me start over. Where are the spare keyboards?" Michael said.

Abbie laughed. "They're in the technical supply closet."

"Right. That makes sense."

"You know, if I wasn't seeing someone, I wouldn't have minded you hitting on me." Abbie said, swirling her hair.

Michael usually wasn't bad with women, but one of his weaknesses had always been blubbering on like a moron when they told him they weren't single. He appreciated when girls recognized that trait for nervousness and not the awkward moment that he turned it into.

"Thanks Abbie." Michael turned to walk away and then stopped. "Hey, what's the deal with Molly?"

Abbie rolled her eyes. "Sorry about putting you there. Her mom is the CEO."

"Oh. It doesn't seem like she wants to be here."

"She doesn't. Her mom basically said get a job or she's cut off."

"Seems like a fun family."

Abbie laughed. Michael said goodbye again and headed to the technical supply close.

The minute that he opened the door, he knew that his entire first morning at his first job was going to be spent finding a keyboard. It was a nightmare of tangled wires and old equipment in boxes upon boxes. At first glance, there wasn't a keyboard in sight which meant he had to go digging. And even if he did find a keyboard, the wire was certainly going to be tangled in the mess.

Michael walked in and closed the door behind him. There was no point stalling. The quicker he got the keyboard, the better. The first three boxes took twenty minutes to search with no luck. As he pushed them away from a cabinet against the wall, he saw a strange gold object sticking out from behind the cabinet. He pulled the heavy cabinet forward and grabbed the object. In his hand, he held a small golden genie lamp with the inscription 'Kollar WF'.

It took a few moments to click in his head, but Michael eventually remembered that the building used to be owned by Kollar Tech when it had first started up. Several projects had been top secret and according to some former employees, had never made it to the marketing phase. Was this one of them?

Regardless, an old Kollar prototype was probably worth thousands of dollars. It was something that he could research when he found his keyboard. He pocketed the relic and turned his attention back to the mess, wishing that he could be done searching.

Michael suddenly noticed a white box in the back, hiding in between stacks of brown cardboard boxes filled with wire. He moved the obstacles out of the way and found that the white box was an unopened wireless keyboard. Not only did he find a keyboard, but he also didn't have to untangle it. There were even batteries in the box. It was barely an hour into his first shift, and he had already found two cool items.

Back at his desk, Molly was gone, so Michael set up his keyboard and settled in. The cubicles were high to block seeing anyone else in the office, but there were massive gaps between them. Through the corner gap, Michael had the perfect view of Abbie. It was a great consolation prize for not having a view into Carly's office.

Trying to work, Michael was distracted by the secretary. He watched her casually flirt with people who approached her then returned to her 'research' on breast implants. Being such an attractive girl, Michael wished that she had big tits to make her even hotter. But then something strange happened. Abbie suddenly wasn't researching videos on breast implants; she was researching videos on lip injections. Abbie turned slightly to the right to talk to another passerby and Michael saw her DD tits. Looking away, he could have sworn that she didn't have those before. He wished that he could get a better view to confirm.

Michael looked back through the crack and Abbie was gone. It wasn't a bad thing; he really did need to start doing work. Turning his attention back to his computer, he could see the reflection of a woman on his screen.


The voice was unmistakable Abbie's. Michael turned around and sure enough her larger tits were 100% real.

"I thought you could use a better view of these." Abbie said.

To his shock, the secretary undid her blouse and pulled down her bra to reveal her massive tits. Michael was speechless. He wanted to grab, but he didn't want to get in trouble. Which was ridiculous considering that she was showing him her melons in the middle of the office on a busy Monday morning.


They were so round and supple. If anything, he didn't want to just touch them, he wished he could titty fuck them. To his continued surprise, Abbie knelt on the floor in front of him and unzipped his pants. Michael remained frozen in sheer shock as she fished his cock out and slid it between her breasts.

"Would you mind grabbing some of that lotion and squirting it right here?" Abbie asked.

Michael turned around and saw the hand lotion on his desk, likely left by the desk's previous owner. He grabbed it and squirted it in between the valley of her chest, not because he really wanted a titty fuck but because in his confused state, he was just doing whatever he was told. When a woman had her tits out, he wasn't going to ask questions.

"That's good. Get them really lubed up so I can give you a good titty fuck." Her tone was playful and sexy.

Michael finally locked eyes with her and didn't know what to do. Abbie had just told him that she was taken and yet here she was gladly getting him off. Molly walked back to her desk and completely ignored the softcore porn scene. She sat on her chair and instead of logging into her computer, she again pulled out her phone.

The pleasure of the tit job and Abbie's silent moans left Michael preoccupied but something wasn't right. Stuff like this didn't just happen at a job, especially on the first day. Despite being distracted by the bombshell getting him off, he retraced what he had done so far. It all started when he found the Kollar item. Or so he thought. But what triggered the changes?

Thinking it through, he realized that it was always something he had wished for. First it was the keyboard then bigger tits on Abbie and finally the tit job. It was a working theory, but there was one way to test it. Staring ahead, he wished for Molly to have a bigger ass. Although he couldn't see through the solid back of the chair, Molly rose up, unphased by the change in height.

Was it really true? Could he really wish anything? He looked down at Abbie. She would be the perfect person to continue testing on, but she didn't deserve to be changed. Besides, she looked sexy the way she was now. The perfect person to test his theory on was sitting right in front of him and had been a rude to him since he had started. His next wish was for Molly to start twerking.

The rude girl stood up from her chair, pushed it away and then bent over the desk to twerk. Her new, improved ass jiggled with each shake. Not that there was any doubt before, but now Michael was a true believer. Somehow, someway, the device in his pocket had the power to fulfill any wish he wanted. But was there a limit?

Molly turned around but continued twerking while her resting bitch face stayed the same. She was the type of girl that had to put little effort into looking attractive, but if she did put effort, there wouldn't be very much competition. Because she didn't care about the job, that carried into the effort that she had put into her wardrobe choices for that day. With minimal makeup, a conservative outfit and barely any jewelry, Michael wished that he could see what she looked like when she was going out for a night on the town.

In the blink of an eye, his relatively bland coworker transformed into a bombshell. She was now wearing a red dress that dipped to show plenty of cleavage and stopped barely below her ass. Accenting her outfit were her red high heels and matching lipstick with her long blond hair curled into perfection. Somehow the rest of her makeup brightened her up, making her seem like an approachable, personable young woman. But Michael had already seen the real Molly. No amount of makeup or smiling was going to change that perception.

Despite the outfit change, the twerking never stopped, giving Michael a great view of the red thong stuck between her pussy lips. It seemed that there was no limit to the wishing. Whatever he wanted, he could do. It was the type of power that could easily get to someone's head. The type of power that Michael would use wisely. But there was also time for some fun, especially at someone like Molly's expense.

Looking down at Abbie titty fucking him, Michael realized how easy it was to lose sight of his morals. Maybe the amount of power would make it too hard to not be corrupted. The fact that the changes were seen as normal to everyone else didn't help. Was there any point in fighting it? Abbie's plump lips wrapped around his cock as he realized that he had just wished she would blow him. Michael had always had an active imagination and now it seemed that he was making subconscious wishes.

While Abbie's head bobbed up and down, Michael turned his attention back to the twerking bitch. He focused on her chest and her tits started growing and growing until they were so big that the dress straps slipped off her shoulders, revealing her new massive melons. It was crazy knowing that he could do whatever he wanted and had Molly not been such a bitch, he probably would have taken it easier on her.

The next change that he made was adjusting her wispy thin lips to bee stung pillows and increasing her sexual appetite. Abbie was a good girl and Michael drew the line at fucking her, but the same couldn't be said for Molly. While staring at his new toy, Michael hadn't noticed that Abbie had done such a good job that he came inside her mouth and down her throat. The sounds of her choking on his cum made him pull out.

Having not wished anything further about her, Abbie, with cum dripping down her chin and onto her blouse, got up and walked back to her desk like she didn't just give him head or notice the topless Molly twerking. Having used her enough, Michael decided to leave Abbie alone and wished that she'd returned to normal except for her lips and tits, which he wished would turn into the way that she had initially wanted. It was the least he could do to save her money from surgery and time from healing.

Michael turned his attention back to his useless, dancing coworker. He had always heard about stories of coworkers that were hard to work with, but he couldn't imagine it would ever be that bad. He wasn't even three hours into his first day and he already couldn't stand her. It was time to really talk to her and figure out if it was an act or if she really was a rotten person.

His next wish had Molly still carrying on with her twerking, but she had to answer any question truthfully. It was a wish he considered keeping permanently.

"Molly, are you a bitch?"

"Yes." Molly said without hesitation.

"Why do you work here if you don't want to?"

"Because my mom will cut my money off."

"So, you don't really want to work here?"

"Fuck no."

"Hmm. Well maybe you just need a new role, something you are better suited for."

Michael's imagination went to work, and Molly's reality changed accordingly. She stood up straight and her clothes disappeared into thin air before being replaced by a tight metal golden bikini and thong with a red drape covering her legs. Her long blond hair was braided into a ponytail using gold metal bindings and her arms and legs were adorned with gold bracelets.

Molly dropped to her knees and crawled over to Michael's desk. A gold collar appeared around her neck and attached to it was a metal chain which was securely fastened to the side of Michael's desk.

"What the hell is going on?" Molly said.

"Well, you hate your old job, so I gave you a new one. A desk slave." Michael said.

"You let me go right now. My mom is going to fire you so fast. I can't believe I'm wearing this outfit. You son of a b..."

Molly went silent. Part of Michael's initial wishes had nothing to do with suppressing Molly's personality or making her accept her new purpose, but that was easily fixed. Now he had a complacent toy to play with whenever he wanted. But that was for later. There was no doubt the device had extraordinary power and Michael needed to continue testing its limits. With another wish, a dildo appeared on the wall in the corner. Michael instructed his new slave to practice deep-throating while he was away from his desk and Molly immediately obliged by lubing up the dildo with spit and bobbing her head up and down in the corner of the office. Finally, she would be able contribute something useful to the company.

With so much power at his fingertips, Michael felt morally obligated to only use it when necessary. However, he had no idea how long it would last and if it ever stopped working, he would always regret not taking full advantage while he had it. Besides, it wasn't against people's will if he was altering reality. They just got a new will.

His next wish was office wide, and he walked around to be sure that it had worked. In the next few cubicles, all the women were working in their lingerie, even the one's who's bodies he had altered to make them look more attractive. If anything, those women would be extremely happy to show off their new sexy bodies. It was a win win.

At the other end of the cubicles, Michael stopped at the sight of a woman he hadn't noticed on his first tour around. Corrina, as noted by the sign on her desk, looked like she was in her early thirties with long brown hair and, judging by her tight ass, she clearly worked out to maintain her body. Examining the family photos and the massive diamond ring on her finger, Michael concluded that she was a very well-off trophy wife, who had chosen to build a career.

Before she could make eye contact, Michael wished that she couldn't see him and that anything that happened to her was completely normal. With his wish in place, Michael walked over to the woman typing away at her computer and started groping her tits. Corrina shifted her body slightly but maintained focus on completing a report. Michael undid her bra strap and the sexy lingerie piece dropped to the floor revealing a set of supple hanging tits. Having the wish fulfillment device could have made anything possible, but it was the natural surprises that made his own reality worth it. He could change Corrina to his ideal woman, but where was the fun in exploring something so predictable? Besides, being a fly on the wall and having the ability to inspect without restraint made the whole scenario feel dangerous, when it was actually risk free.

Succumbing to his natural urge, Michael sucked on her thick nipples like a baby nursing and Corrina paid no attention to him. When he looked up and saw the sheer focus of her gaze, it turned him on even more. He had no idea what she was thinking, but to ignore a man sucking her own tits was some kind of mental gymnastics the device had pulled off. Aside from the obvious physical transformations and clothes manifestations, it was another one of the many wonders of the device.

Once Michael was done slobbering all over her nipples, he pulled her chair out from the desk to give himself enough room to maneuver between her legs. Corrina's body was a wonderland and he planned on exploring it as much as he liked. First, he started with the bottom half, gracefully kissing, and licking the smooth, slender and perfect legs. Even without pantyhose, her tan gave them a shiny, flawless appearance. There was enough leg to spend days worshiping, but after ten minutes of enjoying her second-best feature, Michael moved up to the face.

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