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The Witcher's Legacy: Pt. 04


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Alghouls had attacked her carriage and the guards who escorted her. They were slaughtered.

The deaths of the guards and her companion were quick and absolutely savage, claws and teeth rending flesh.

Sarah was dragged from the scene by a figure in a long, flowing robe, hooded and dark.

To anyone with more experience of the world, monsters and humans in league like this would be something of note. Sarah turned 18 today and had been sheltered and protected since birth. Still, she realised at least, that the hooded figure was in charge and held her fate in their hands.

The sack was deposited unceremoniously on a cold stone floor and Sarah was dragged out. There were heavy shackles attached to the stone wall. Torches lit the chamber and, at least, the inundation outside was not reaching her, even if the cold was.

She had faith in Charlotte and in her champion, that she would be rescued, but she was still terrified.

The robed figure stood over her, clearly looking admiring their prize.

"Oh, she is clever. This one was a perfect choice."

When Sarah recognised the voice, one she had been hearing her entire life, she began to panic.

When the figure removed the robe, she began to scream.


Talus had the stableboys chase down the fleeing horse as his guards saddled some mounts. He pulled on a hooded cloak and took a crossbow to supplement the broadsword he now wore at his belt.

"I will be leaving most of the men here with you, Charlotte. I promise you, I will find Sarah."

This was the Baron in his element.

Charlotte was a mess. She was terrified, almost frantic. About her sister. About her fiancé going out into the stormy night to find her. About being left behind and having her safety entrusted to the guards. About the night and it's terrors.

Penni was enjoying everything. The fear. The worry. The uncertainty. She could manipulate all of it at her leisure and exploit it however she wished.

Not for sex. Penni was confident she had that covered. But desperate people bargained. They wished. They took shitty advice, and let people feed their fears and anxieties.

The knife could be twisted back and forth in the wounds of their souls.

Chaos and hatred. Division and strife. But more.

Penni was finally getting to see Talus wielding some of his natural gifts other than his raging cock. She watched the Baron; determined, strong, and taking charge of the situation. She wanted to see him in action. She wanted to join him in a hunt.

She was in her element and he was in his. Polar opposites in a situation like this.

Penni wanted so much to make a bad situation worse. As a Crone, she had spent her time making every situation worse for eons. In her former life, she would have had them eating each other before morning.

The only reason she wasn't, was that the nature and inevitable trajectory of her former life led to the death of her sisters. Penni had learned from it and found other ways feed. Some subtle and some more socially acceptable forms of corruption and perversion.

Talus was a wellspring of potential. To keep corrupting him and to keep feeding on his lusts, she had to maintain her access to him and she had to honour her bargain until he was ready to cast aside his true love to take his place by her side.

"I will stay with Charlotte. She needs a friend at a time like this." Penni smiled at him and gave him a half-wink.

Talus fought down the threatening scowl since it just seemed to make the witch-slut smile wider.

Charlotte threw herself against him and hugged him tightly, looking up at him, vulnerable, frightened, and ready to fall apart at any moment. None of that weakness mattered though. His mind, his heart and soul quietened and everything else ceased to matter.

He loved her. Charlotte had owned his heart from the moment they had met. Despite everything else, she still did.

"I will be back with Sarah as soon as I can. Stay here and Penni WILL keep you safe, as will the guards. If anything befalls you..." His eyes locked with Penni's to finish the threat he had left hanging in the air.

She had to cover her mouth to stifle her giggle.

He kissed Charlotte adoringly and headed for the door.

Talus almost made it out before Penni pulled him to her and pressed her face to his.

"I get a kiss too" She asserted, as if it was the most obvious thing imaginable. Penni pressed her mouth onto his and, even as Charlotte stood there watching, she slipped her tongue into his mouth and in a few seconds, she reclaimed almost all of the ground she had lost to the pathetic, entitled girl in the corner. When she pulled away, she bit his bottom lip and whispered.

"Kill someone for me and I'll suck your cock." She purred so only he could hear. She got no response from him before he stepped out into the storm.

Both women watched him ride out into the storm.


Talus was out in the storm for two hours, patiently tracking the horse's path back before locating the overturned carriage. Drag marks suggested that the alghouls had claimed the corpses.

There was one set of tracks leading away from the wreckage, and those tracks were human. Not a big human, possibly a teen or even a woman. Either way, they had carried off something heavy.


This trail was easier to follow, letting Talus make up a lot of ground. He found a ruined temple with a stone deity squatting amongst the ruins. Light was emanating from the open mouth of the idol. Torchlight.

Sarah and whoever had taken her must be in the crypt.

Talus was careful to check the area for sentries, but there were none.

He crept down the wide stone steps, crossbow at the ready. The room was wide and had clearly been used to store a lot of food and supplies. At first, Talus thought it might be a smugglers den, but then he spotted the bones of what must have been an absolutely elephantine satyr. Something had clearly happened here, but it was irrelevant at this point.

Because Sarah was shackled close by, practically naked, covered in blood and gore. She was shaking violently, barely conscious.

Her captor was nowhere to be seen, which concerned him, but Sarah's safety concerned him more.

She sobbed as he freed her and she clung to him desperately as he carried her out, wrapped in his cloak to protect her from the elements and to cover her nakedness. Sarah was petite so he had little trouble mounting his horse and holding the terrified young woman against his chest during the ride back to Claywich.

"It's okay, Sarah. It's Talus, I have you, you are safe and I am taking you to your sister."

It took some time to get to a useable road, but he moved the horse to a canter as soon as he could. He had to hold her at the small of her back as she hugged herself to his chest, whimpering, pleading and crying.

When they reached the inn, he carried her inside. Charlotte rushed towards her, but Sarah just clung to Talus, her saviour.

"She's in shock. Sarah has seen some terrible things this day. I will take her upstairs and she can bathe and dress in my room. I will stay at her door tonight and we will take her back to the Perch in the morning. Whoever did this was gone by the time I found her." He did not need to add that they may be back.

It was only an hour or so later that a couple of things occurred to him.

Firstly, it was too easy. All the effort of an ambush, with Alghouls, and then the curl was just abandoned? Time would tell if this was truly over.

Secondly, he hadn't killed anyone tonight.

It left part of him wondering if Penni was still going to suck his cock.


Charlotte sat up in her room, across the hall from her younger sister. She felt like there was no way she could sleep. Not while her Sarah was suffering, traumatised, just a few feet away. Only two things brought her any solace.

Talus was sat right outside her door and would alert and ready all night, as would his loyal guards, who patrolled the exterior of the building.

The other thing was a bottle of Skelligan Whiskey that Penni had slipped into her hand as she took herself off to bed. It was so strong, burning her throat on the way down, but it kept her warm and she was determined to build up a tolerance like Penni, who had a bottle of her own and took long draughts of the stuff as if it were watered-down ale.

The time she had spent with this adopted sister of Talus were wonderful and positive. The two of them were bonding, quickly and easily becoming friends, which Charlotte was extremely glad about. Lysanna had picked the worst time to disappear, and Penni had proven helpful there, telling her that she recalled Lysanna saying something about uncovering infidelity and betrayal. Charlotte deduced that her lady-in-waiting must have received word from her island home and had been forced to return.

Charlotte could understand all of this and at, first felt that she understood it, but when Penni pointed out that Lysanna must have known about it all day and had ample opportunity to bring it up during their shopping trip while she was getting reacquainted with Talus. Penni had a look on her face that Charlotte couldn't quite identify, but it caused the young lady to blush, much to Penni's amusement.


When she was alone, she couldn't, for the life of her, recall what it was that was bonding them so closely. They had no shared interests and she couldn't recall anything specific that Penni had told her.

Sure, there were stories. Tall tales about adventures with Talus and how inseparable they were. Those seemed to check out, since as far as she could tell, Penni felt free to touch and kiss the Baron however she wished, which always seemed to be deeply intimate and licentious. Charlotte was not a fan of that, but the girl openly invited Talus to handle her body just as lewdly and he seemed to be increasingly accepting of it.

At times, since Penni arrived, Charlotte felt like the world was muted and things were happening that should drive her into an absolute rage. But try as she might, she could not focus on those events. She looked to Talus for reassurance, but he offered none.

Charlotte felt guilty but she envied, even resented the way they looked at each other. And Talus' eyes seemed to be on Penni a lot more than her.

She took another swig of the whiskey and stifled her coughing. It was getting easier to stomach, and it seemed to make other things easier to stomach too... whatever they were.

Perhaps she was being overly possessive? Charlotte had been the only woman in his life for a long time and now another woman, a voluptuous, fun and strong woman was sharing his attention.

Charlotte realised it was unworthy of her to be thinking of Talus and Penni this way. As if they were doing something wrong simply because the bond between them was close. She should be praying for her sister's safety and her recovery from all this awfulness.


Talus was on his feet as soon as a footfall on the stairs made the boards groan softly.

Penni rounded the corner on the stairs and was centred in the iron sights of the crossbow Talus held.

For just a moment, the two of them realised that Talus could fire. He could risk it all and send the crossbow bolt hurtling straight into Penni.

It was just a moment, but several thoughts rushed through his mind. What if it didn't kill her? What would she do to Charlotte if she survived? Could he actually shoot someone he spent so much time having sex with?

Penni smiled at him, ignoring the weapon and the hesitation. When he lowered it, she strutted towards him and leaned in close.

"Good boys get rewards, and you are a very good boy, Talus. Even though you didn't get the chance to spill blood for me, I'll suck your cock any time you want, and you can always kill for me later." Penni stepped in closed and rubbed her hand against the bulge of his cock, already turning to steel for her.

"Alas, tonight you have to protect the girl. For your love. I look forward to having a new sister." She kissed him and gave his prick a squeeze before strutting on down the hall and closing the door without locking it.


When the sun rose, Talus, to his credit was still at his post, having accepted no relief, even when his guards had swapped shifts to stay sharp.

Sunlight had not yet crept into the hall and he could hear the gentle rhythms of sleep throughout the house.

Talus heard it when Sarah awoke and moved to the bedroom door. She opened it a crack.

"Talus? Is that really you? Are you really here?"

"It's me. Why are you out of bed?" Gentle concern filled his voice.

"I don't want to be alone. Can I sleep out there with you? Or can you come in here?" Sarah's voice was nervous.

Talus considered and knew that it wouldn't be safe for the girl to be sleeping out in the hall.

"Alright, I will come in. But I expect you to rest, alright? Promise me?"

Sarah opened the door, wrapped in a heavy blanket from the bed. She reached out and slipped her delicate hand into his, drawing him behind her, into the room. He closed and locked the door, his eyes running over the heavily shuttered windows and scanned the furniture in the room. Her bed was easily the most secure spot and it was big enough for two. The chair in the second-safest corner was missing a leg.

"So where am I supposed to sit, Sarah?"

Sarah's heart-shaped face peered out of the blanket.

"Hmm. You can sit up on the bed with me and rest your sword on the sidetable, your crossbow too. But no boots and no armour. It will make me think about... I mean, it will give me bad dreams. Is that alright?"

Talus was loathe to let go of his weapons, but they would be close and his men were well-trained. Sarah stood on one side of the double bed and he, on the other. He unclasped the fittings of his armour and shucked it off, piling it on the floor, his boots following suit.

She looked him over and her brow furrowed above a pouty frown. His shirt was stained with mud and a little blood.

"You are gross and you smell like a horse. You can keep your underwear, but the rest is just... E Don't worry, no one will see. The door is bolted, remember?" She gave him the tiniest ghost of a smile and he relented, stripping down to his breeches and sitting up with his back against the bedhead.

"Thank you." Sarah slipped the blanket from around her shoulders and flung it to him. Talus caught it and spread it out over his legs, leaving most of it for the poor girl.

When his eyes returned to her, he saw that she was not a poor girl.

Sarah was an inch or two over five feet and the gangly teenager he remembered had been replaced with a flawless, petite figure. Her lips with full and formed an exquisite cupid's bow. Big bright eyes and a tiny button nose. Her long hair was free, a dark brown cascade of loosely-bouncing curls. Sarah's body was all soft, smooth curves and her breasts were the kind of unbelievably perky, slightly overfilled teardrops that lived somewhere on the borderline of C and D cups. Her legs were long for a girl so short and the curves she had were the perfect dimensions of 18-year-old perfection carved by the hands of the gods themselves. On a day when they wanted to create something sublime to enjoy looking at. Staring at.

Her nightdress was a pale sky-blue made from expensive silk and it had clearly been made recently to give her a sheer fit. From mid-thigh, her legs were expose and, when she wrapped her around herself, her jiggling tits squeezed together.

Before he could find a word to excuse himself, Sarah crawled into the bed and curled up in his lap, letting him wrap her up in the blanket.

The two of them cuddled like this as the girl got comfortable and began to let go of the events of the last few hours. Talus did his best to ignore the sensations his cock felt as she snuggled against him but Sarah made no mention and no overt attempts to do anything.

He held her and she was felt safe.

She was safe.


The inn slowly woke up and people began to move around, food was prepared, people ate, they washed and dressed. It took hours before Sarah finally let him go for lone enough to prepare for the trip home.

He had barely gotten everything ready for day when Penni made good on her promised blowjob, pulling him into the downstairs storeroom and suckling hungrily at the head of his dick as she drooled down the shaft and jerked him into her mouth.

It was hot and fast and seductive. Penni smothered his long cockshaft between her incredible tits and let him fuck them while she lovingly sucked and licked at the big head.

When he finally started to cum, she swallowed seven heavy shots and took the entire length into her throat so he could watch her choke as she just swallowed around him while he spurted his spunk into her stomach. When the cum backed up and escaped, it gushed back past the broken seal of her mouth, coating her chin, her neck and her bouncing cockslut tits. Penni slurped up every drop and Talus watched her beaming up at him while his cum was absorbed directly into her body. Once he was licked clean, she just kept kissing and nuzzling his pulsing pole.

"Mmmm, not only does your cum feed and strengthen me... I love the fucking taste. The power of this big prick as you feed it to me. As you fuck me so hard I feel your heartbeat and mine synchronising through the walls of my tight little cunt."

She kept looking into his eyes as she spoke around a mouthful of his big dick, her smile probably the dirtiest turn-on he had ever seen.

"When we get you back to the Perch, you will need to slip away and meet me in my room. I need to feel you fucking my ass tonight."

By the time she finished, the cum he had painted her in was completely absorbed, her complexion totally unmarred.

"You had better escort your wife-to-be and her sister to the carriage. I will let you reconnect with them on the way home. We will play more soon."

The carriage left Claywich under heavy guard within the hour.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Keep up the great writing. I could see this plot also working as a Warhammer Fantasy story with a hero being corrupted by a Slaanesh demon

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