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There Could Be More...


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"Good. I didn't want it to be a problem between you."

"Will your wife be happy about the Mercedes?"

"Yes, I'm sure she will. The Corvette was Ok when it was just two of us but we are now four so the extra doors and seats will suit us better now."

"You now have kids?"

"No, Sara has three sisters and two of them have come to live with us."

"That's Ok with you?"

"Sure. It's like we all share in the work and the play. Sara always has someone to talk to, I never come home to an empty house."

"Does Sara work?"

"Yes. She's a sculptress. Damn good one, if you ask me."

"Oh. Where can I see some of her work?"

"The internet. Her site also lists some of the galleries that have her work." I gave her the address and we walked to her computer. She brought up the site and saw five of Sara's sculptures.

"Are they all nudes?"

"Yes. Years ago she did some other things but nudes are what she does exclusively now."

"How does she get models?"

"We meet people and she asks them. Some say yes and some run away screaming."

"I think I might run away screaming."

"Why? You're a very good looking woman."

"I've had four children. I have stretch marks, a c-section scar and I'm sagging more than I like."

"Sara's not a photographer. She uses the model to get to the essence of the woman." I pointed to a sculpture on the screen. "The woman who modeled for this has a large scar on her chest from open heart surgery. Can you see it?"

"No. She left it out!"

"The woman's husband bought that from the gallery. It sits in his office across from his desk, behind whoever he's in meeting with."

I gave her Sara's card. "When you decide you want to see Sara and what she's doing we'd be happy to have you come and visit. Maybe you'll pose."

"Can she fix the effects of gravity?"

"Yes. The wood never sags."

Melanie rolled the tube top down and uncovered her chest. Her breasts were large and obviously heavy. Dark, large areola and equally proportional nipples graced the ends, facing forward. She had been blessed that gravity had not aimed her nipples at the floor, but had allowed them to still point ahead of her. Stretch marks leading away from the areola towards her underarms would be considered by some to be flaws but I saw them as signs that she had lived and was no longer fifteen. She was lightly tanned with no tan lines from a bikini top or any other covering to her mounds.

"Do you have any pictures of when you were in college?"


"Melanie, you haven't been topless since puberty arrived!"

We both laughed and she said, "Wait right there." She came back with a picture from long ago that showed all of her standing on a beach. "Can I take this and show Sara?"

"We can scan it and send it by email." We did, she stayed uncovered and to avoid any misunderstanding I told her about our rules. Her uncovering and rubbing them on my arm was an invitation and we both knew it. She asked if Sara had permission, under our rules, to play with women. When I left she knew the same rule applied to Sara as applied to me. She covered, walked me to my new car, I kissed her and headed north.

At a quarter after one I pulled into our driveway and honked. Esta looked out a window and waved. In less than a minute Sara, Esta and Selina were out admiring our new car. When I offered them a ride they jumped inside and we drove for a while. All three loved the car. As I drove I realized that the odds were good that Esta did not drive, yet.

"Selina, I haven't looked at your car. What do you have?"

"I had a three year old Honda minivan. When Webster died I sold it and kept his car. It's a Buick. 2008 something."

"Where is it?"

"Sara had me park it in the other garage."

"Do you like it?"

"I did. When it was Webster's I loved it. Now, I don't feel comfortable driving it."

"Were you more comfortable in the minivan?"

"Yes. When I drove it I felt like it said I was part of a family. The Buick says I'm a ball busting business woman, I think."

"Maybe the thing to do is trade the Buick for a minivan?"

"I hope that is something you will decide, Honey."

"I'm leaning." She smiled and sat back a little.

Sara said, "I'm leaning too."

Selina looked at Esta who said nothing. She kept looking and finally Esta said, "I don't know how to lean. I don't know what that means!"

"It means we are leaning towards opening the family up and letting Selina in."

"What happens if you lean all the way over?"

"Selina will be in the family forever."

"I don't know if I get to lean, but if I do, I lean all the way over." Selina hugged her. I headed home.

"Nick, dinner will be whatever time you say. Lunch is waiting inside for you."

"Good. I'm hungry."

Sara left Selina and Esta in the kitchen to set out lunch while she unpacked my suitcase. She must have stopped in the studio because when she came to lunch she asked, "Why did I get an email from ?

It says you asked her to send it. It's a picture of a nude woman on the beach."

I explained. She agreed to write her, inviting her to come and visit the studio. We talked it over and decided the story was that they were sisters from a common father and different mothers. At least until we got to know Melanie and her husband better. I decided that was our story for everyone. Since none of them had living parents or much of a relationship with siblings, the story would work well for us.

In that conversation I discovered that Selina did have both a brother and a sister but when she graduated college they both decided she did it to say she was better than them and they began withdrawing. Her brother owned and ran a tire business in Wyoming. Her sister was a housewife in Orum Utah, married to a man who hadn't gone to college, but had inherited his Dad's John Deere dealership. Over the next few years after Selina graduated all contact between Selina and her siblings had stopped.

"Sara, please call Alana and confirm the appointment for tomorrow. Remind her she was to have contacted her lawyer about selling the house, to have stepped back into her business, stop all the volunteering and stop wearing panties."

"She's also to be smooth when she gets here." Sara said.

"Selina, when you came down here did you bring your real estate license?"

"No, Honey. At some point, if I can stay, I need to go home, to my old home, and close it, moving the things I get to keep here."

"Where is the home?"

"Homestead Valley, near Sausalito, Honey."

"Then I think we should think about a road trip. We could leave Sunday morning and spend Monday and Tuesday in Homestead Valley, then head home. A nice road trip in our new car might be fun."

"Honey, does that mean you leaned all the way over?" Esta asked. I smiled and said, "Not quite, but I am leaning that direction."

"Is the home yours?"

"Yes. Webster transferred title to me before he had the heart attack. He knew he was having heart problems and he did what he could to make it easier on me. All his stocks, bonds and bank accounts were set up so I owned them, even before he died."

"Have you thought about what you want to do with all that?"

"Yes. Before I met you and Sara I did lots of research. Everything I found told me you were both wonderful, ethical people. Now that I've lived with you, loved you and been loved by you I know what I want to do. I want to sell the house and the Buick. I want you to manage all of it, for us. I want to be Sara's sister, your wife, your sub, Esta's sister and lover to all three of you, if that is Ok."

"It's only Tuesday afternoon. I said seven days. That would be Friday."

All three sat quietly. They would not argue with me if I made it the following Friday. I thought about it and realized that a couple more days were not going to change my mind. I leaned completely out of my chair and fell onto the floor, in Selina's direction.

"He leaned all the way over!" Esta screamed. Selina fell to the floor beside me and kissed me. "Thank you, Honey! Thank you!" Sara and Esta joined us on the floor.

We did get up and made plans for the road trip. I went to the garage and looked at the Buick. It was new. It even smelled new. I called Selina out to the car and said, "Let's sell it. Do you have a bikini with you?"


"Borrow one from Sara and wear high heel sandals with it. I'll get the camera and we'll put the ad on the internet."

We met back at the car. Sara had given her a bright yellow micro bikini. Her tanned skin contrasted nicely with the yellow and she looked fantastic. I posed her leaning against the hood of the car, standing beside the driver's door with the door open, sitting in the driver's seat with the door open showing off her long legs, lying across the back seat and a final pose with her inside the trunk. In that pose you couldn't see her hips or legs and she was holding the tiny yellow triangle of the bikini bottoms. We went inside and I loaded the pictures into the computer and then to a car sales site. I looked at the clock. It was a little after four.

We continued planning for the road trip. We didn't need maps, the Mercedes had GPS. Sara made a list of things we needed from the grocery store. Selina called her co-worker up north and had her list the house for sale. Selina told her when we would give her the keys.

At six I said, "Let's get dressed and go out for dinner. I would like to have bar-b-que."

"Louise's?" Sara asked.

"Good idea. Dress comfortably and not something that needs dry cleaning. BBQ is often messy."

As we headed for our closets Esta asked, "Pants?"

Sara answered, "Unless Nick asks for pants assume he wants you in a skirt or dress. It's all about access and ventilation."

"Huh?" Esta had a look on her face that showed she was totally on a new planet.

"If Nick wants to touch your pussy and you have pants on, you just said "No" to him. If you have pants on you have trapped all your natural moisture inside, making you a breeding ground for infections and germs. Those two things make him want us to wear skirts, dresses and wide leg shorts."

"Oh. I like that."

"I like knowing he might want to touch me. I like knowing I'm open for him all the time." Selina said.

We were out of the house and in the car very quickly. Esta was given the front seat next to me. Nothing was said, but Sara arranged it. When Sara arrived at the car she gave Esta and Selina small white towels. Selina folded the towel in half and put it on the seat of the car. She flipped up her skirt and sat on the towel.

Esta smiled and did the same thing. I started the car and off we went. Esta had on a green skirt and a light sweater with short sleeves. As I drove I looked over at her a couple of times and then I said, "Esta, what size is the bra you have on?"

"A 34B, Honey."

"I like your breasts. I don't think there will be any lasting damage if you take off the bra while we go to dinner. You won't have that constricting band around your chest and I can more easily play with you."

"You want me to take off my bra?"

"Yes. I'd like that."

Somewhere in a girl's education some other woman must teach a class in how to take a bra off while staying dressed. She pulled the lacy green bra out the bottom of the sweater and held it up. She was blushing.

"Put it in the glove box, unless you want to carry it in your hand." She quickly put it in the glove box. I reached over and gently pinched her nipple. "Oh, Esta that's so much nicer. Thank you."

"I feel so sexy."

"If you ladies would like to follow her example and be braless I would approve." In seconds two bras were handed forward to Esta and she put them in the glove box. "Good! Now none of us has on any underwear."

I parked at Louise's and we went inside. It was crowded but not full. We got a seat and began looking at the menu. Esta looked and then looked at each of us.

"Esta, what's wrong?"

"I know it's English but I don't know what it means."

We went through the menu and explained the terms. The waitress came and we ordered. Esta looked at me and her eyes pleaded. "Esta will have the bar-b-qued chicken salad, and a side of cole slaw and corn, please." I said.

"Loose or cob?" The waitress asked.

"Cob, thank you."

She was gone and in a minute returned with our drinks.

As we waited for the food Esta asked, "Do you often go out in public without a bra?"

Sara smiled and said, "Before I met Nick, I never did. I wanted to, but it was too scary. At the hospital they took my bra so they could bandage my chest. They gave it to Nick. On the way home from the hospital he told me he liked me without a bra. I liked it too."

"I never went without a bra either. I thought men thought you were easy if you let your nipples show. Webster taught me that I have no control over what people think. I need to do what works for me and for my man. I love how it feels when my nipples rub inside my shirt or sweater."

"I hate them so much I've never worn one. Ever!" I said. We all laughed.

Our dinners came and we enjoyed them. Esta liked the sauce on the chicken and Sara told her that one day I would grill chicken at home and she would love that sauce. After dinner we drove to the beach and sat out near the end of a jetty, watching the boats coming back into the marina and listening to the sounds. As we walked I held hands with two of them and they switched often. Back in the car Esta said, "One of the men fishing from the rocks was staring at my chest as we walked by."

"Take it as a compliment. If he thought you were ugly he would have looked for less than two seconds and never looked again. He liked watching the gentle bounce of your breasts inside your sweater. In his imagination he pictured how you would look walking without the sweater. I pictured the same thing."

"Oh. America is such a sexy country."

"It could be much worse. Imagine a place where looking was against the law, not only for him but for you. If he looked you could be beaten, arrested or killed for shaming your family."

"I don't need to imagine. I lived there."

We drove home. At home I asked them to all be naked. They smiled and stripped. Sara took all our clothes to our bedrooms.

"You know Alana comes tomorrow." Selina said.

"Are you ready for her?" I asked, looking at Sara. She nodded.

"I've had Selina pose for me so her part is farther along than Alana's. Tomorrow I will focus more on Alana."

"Will you still want me?" Selina asked.

"Yes. Especially at first. I need you together so you're both in the poses you were in last time."

"Can I play with her pussy while we pose?"

"Only when Sara says it's Ok. Otherwise it's probably too distracting."

"I'll be dripping all day any way, please don't make it impossible for me to focus."

"Are you dripping now?" I asked.

"Yes. I would like you inside me, Honey, if that would please you." Selina nodded. Seems both women wanted some play.

"Do we have any dice in the house?"

"Yes, Honey. In the game cupboard."

"Please get three dice." She took off. In a minute she was back with a green die, a blue die and a black die. She handed them to me. I held them out and said, "Pick one." Selina picked black, Sara green and Esta picked up the blue die.

"The first one to roll a six gets to cum first. The second six gets me to cum in their mouth and the last one gets to eat pussy until both of your sisters cum. Then I will eat each of you."

Sara threw her die on the table. Four. Esta threw hers. Two. Selina threw her die and it showed six. Sara and Esta threw many more times until Sara finally got a six.

I turned to Esta and said, "Would you please eat Selina until she is very wet?"

"Yes, Honey." I looked at Selina and said, "Cum if you want to. For our game it counts when I get you to cum."

"Here, Nick?"

"Yes. Get a few towels so we don't make too big a mess. I offered my cock to Sara and she took it in her mouth and we were in the game. The game of pleasure. When I was good and hard I pulled out of Sara's mouth and moved Esta out from between Selina's legs. She was very wet and entering her was so smooth and easy. She was tight but so wet that I moaned as I slid home. Sara asked if she could suck Selina's breasts. I said yes and Esta picked one and Sara the other. I hit Selina's clit at the bottom of each stroke and soon she was cumming. She thrashed and moaned and thanked each of us.

I pulled back. Esta asked if she could lick Selina's juices from me. I nodded and she did a great job. I inserted my cock into Sara and she rolled me onto my back. We stayed connected until she milked all the cum out of me. Selina and Esta sucked her tits as she bounced on me. I reached into both women as we played and Esta came with two of my fingers inside her. I shifted them so they were side by side on the towels and moved from Esta to Selina to Sara, eating each to an orgasm.

After, we stayed on the floor and held, touched and kissed.

Sara slept in Esta's bed that night. Esta and Selina slept with me. It was not crowded in the bed and both women were adapting to our life together. In the morning Selina got up early and made breakfast for us. Sara was already in the studio when I woke up. Esta was beside me in bed. She was awake.

I looked at her and asked, "Both Sara and Selina got up. You're awake. Why are you still in bed?"

"My life is about having your life work for you. I've read that men all love sex in the morning. So, here I am. I offer you my mouth, my pussy and if you want it, my ass. May I bring you pleasure, Honey?"

"Are you wet?"

"Of course, Honey. I've been lying here thinking about you inside me for almost half an hour."

She watched as I uncovered both of us and invited her on top of me. I watched as she lowered her puss onto my morning erection. She bounced up and down for a while and I felt my sack tighten. She rotated her hips in a circle, grinding her pussy against my body. She began to shake after a few minutes and I held her hips and thrust up into her.

"Don't cum yet, Esta. Wait till you feel me fill you with my juices."

Her face tightened. She was holding back and it was an effort. The look on her face and the spasms in her channel did it for me and I bellowed as I shot into her.

She screamed and nearly passed out. I rolled her onto her back and pulled out of her. She reached for some tissues. My hand stopped her. "Go to the kitchen and ask your sister to lick you. Hurry!"

As she got off the bed she asked, "Which sister?"

"Your choice."

She ran into the kitchen and stopped cold. She was holding her hand at her puss so none of our juices would drip. Selina was standing near the stove and Sara had just walked in from the studio. What stopped her was Alana. Then she remembered his words, "Run to the kitchen and get your sister to clean you."

She said, "Nick said I needed to get one of my sisters to clean me. Any takers?"

Alana got off her bar stool and came to Esta and helped her to the floor. She licked Esta's fingers cleans and then dipped her head into Esta's folds. She ate everything she could gather and Esta was treated to another orgasm before breakfast.

Neither woman noticed when I entered the kitchen and stepped over them getting to the table. When they got up they saw me. Esta looked scared.

"It was Ok that Alana ate me?" I nodded. She smiled.

Alana stood still, not quite knowing what to do. I said, "Alana, good morning. I invite you to get naked. When you pose after breakfast you will be nude, may as well get there now."

"Esta will put your clothes in her room and you can dress there before you go home." Sara said.

As Alana undressed Esta collected her clothes. When Esta was back we all sat at the table and had a nice breakfast. I asked Alana about her week.

"Did you contact your lawyer about selling your house?"

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