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Thin Walls

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Twins, their sex lives, and the thin wall between them.
5.2k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 05/06/2024
Created 10/10/2023
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I dropped the last box off in my room and wiped the sweat off my brow. Moving all of the material possessions I'd need for the next year of college in a single day was hard enough. Doing it on the hottest day in August made it even worse.

Out in the combination living room-kitchen, Emma stood in front of the fridge with the door open as she gulped from a bottle of water, cooling herself from the inside and out. Her brown hair was pulled back, and her sweat-soaked black tank top clung to her torso. I'd rarely seen her like this. She was much more likely to be inside with a book or an essay than outside working up a sweat in sports or exercise. Not that she wasn't in shape, quite the contrary.

She apparently noticed me looking, and she turned to me, lowering the bottle and frowning. "Need something, Ben?" I felt like I'd been caught with my hand in the candy jar. It was odd to stare like this at your twin sister, I supposed.

But I did my best to compose myself. "No, sorry Em. I guess I just zoned out. The heat's messing with my mind."

She walked over to me, and reached up to gently knock her knuckles against my temple. "You're telling me there's a brain in there?" She grinned as I rolled my eyes. Before I could sling an insult back, she handed me the cold water bottle. "This'll help."

I nodded appreciatively before pouring it into my parched mouth. Emma and I weren't attached at the hips. We weren't the kind of twins that did everything together. But we had a friendship. We'd rib each other, but we were always there for each other.

I think that's why Mom and Dad suggested we get ourselves an apartment together just off-campus, rather than getting shacked up in different dorms in the freshman housing the school provided. For the first time in our lives we wouldn't have our parents nearby (or even in the same time zone) to rely on, but we'd be able to rely on each other.

We had no complaints, as almost any off-campus housing would be nicer than the barely-above-prison-quality housing the school provided, with bunk bed and communal bathrooms.

We'd be taking our own routes in classes. I was a psychology major, while she was a biology major. Which wouldn't be a problem. We'd forged pretty different paths in high school. My role as quarterback on the fairly successful football team provided me with a very full social life, and pretty busy dating schedule. I was notorious at school for never sticking with one girl for too long. A few girls even let me date more than one of them at a time. Rumors were rampant at school about my sexual exploits, most exaggerations. But I didn't mind. I was having the time of my life.

Emma on the other hand, was part of the math club and chess club, and was studying literature in her spare time. She'd read a couple of books from the wrong side of the shelf, too, and would get all red when I'd ask her how she liked Fifty Shades of Grey or something.

She was definitely a nerd, but not a loser. She was charismatic and popular at school in her own way. But when it came to a social life, if it didn't involve some kind of study group or academic competition, she wasn't often interested.

In addition to having us take care of each other, I think Mom and Dad were hoping this living arrangement would make us rub off on one another. Me helping bring Emma out of her shell and get the full college experience. And Emma helping me knuckle down and get the most out of a top-shelf (and expensive) education.

That night, our parents took us out to dinner, our last meal together before they'd fly back home.

It was nice. But after an awkward good-bye, where they made us promise to be careful, take care of each other, and not miss them too much, we headed back to the apartment, and started unpacking.

The next day orientation started. Most of our fellow freshman had already started to get to know each other in the dorms, so we had a bit of catching up to do. But everyone seemed friendly and welcoming, so soon we were swallowed up in a group of strangers all introducing themselves. Activities started up, and Emma and I stayed together throughout.

At least until I saw Sydney. We'd all been divided up into groups of about ten to do some kind of craft exercise, just an excuse for people to chat and get to know each other while their hands were busy. Emma and I were in a group together of course. But at one point I looked up and saw this incredibly beautiful girl. Short blonde hair, steely blue eyes, a tiny sloped nose with a dusting of freckles, and adorable pink lips that were currently curled into a captivating smile.

I couldn't take my eyes off her. Without looking at Emma, I muttered, "I'll uh... be right back."

Like a moth to a flame I made a beeline for that girl. I came up to her group and they all turned to me. All of a sudden I realized I had no plan, no approach. I'm sure I looked like a dumb fish for a moment, but then I spoke. "They uh... they told me I should join your group." I gestured vaguely at the RAs who were running orientation.

That seemed to satisfy the group, and I made sure to sit down next to the blonde who quickly introduced herself as Sydney. I couldn't tell you the rest of their names, because I wasn't listening. I laid down all my charm, and I think it worked. Sydney and I chatted as we idly contributed to the group project. She told me about growing up in the big city. I talked about having a twin. I noticed something I hadn't seen from across the quad: she had a cute little nose piercing, with a silver stud. A little twist on her girl-next-door look. Eventually she told me she'd heard about a party an upperclassman was throwing off-campus later that night and told me I should come and bring my sister. I got her number so we could meet there, and triumphantly returned to Emma and the rest of my original group.

Emma raised her eyebrow and smirked at me. "Met your flavor of the week?" she asked, referencing my reputation to love 'em and leave 'em.

I shrugged. "Maybe. Maybe not." She rolled her eyes. I told her about the party, and she seemed reasonably interested.

That night, we went to the party. It was crowded and loud, and Emma immediately looked like she regretted coming. But I'd promised her it wouldn't be a big deal, and she'd be able to go home if she didn't enjoy herself.

But I was having a great time. Sydney was there, and the alcohol was flowing. I tried to keep Emma by my side, but eventually Sydney and I ended up in a corner, talking at first, and then kissing. She tasted better than she looked. I lost track of time, and then realized I hadn't seen Emma in a while. I figured she'd bailed on the party, but I sent her a text to make sure.

"Everything ok?" I sent.

She just reacted with a thumbs up.

That was good enough for me, and Sydney and I were back to tonsil hockey. She was tender but surprisingly aggressive. I was used to girls in high school that wanted me to take the lead, but Sydney was no wilting lily.

Eventually I asked her if she'd want to come back to mine. She smirked.

"Nice try hotshot. But I think you've gotten everything out of me that I'm willing to give on a first date."

I raised my eyebrow. "So this has been a date, huh?"

She chuckled and waved the red solo cup full of cheap beer. "Damn straight it was. And the next one's gonna have better drinks, and you're paying."

"Deal." I walked Sydney back to the entrance of her dorm. She gave me one last kiss, a deep, penetrating one for me to remember her by. I was grinning like an idiot for the rest of my walk home.

That grin was wiped from my face as soon as I opened the door to our apartment and heard a female voice cry out. My blood went cold, and I ran in. I moved towards the noise, and another cry made it clear it was Emma. But it sounded vaguely sexual. Still, I wondered if she was ok. Maybe it was the lecture on consent that ended today's orientation activities, but I couldn't help but wonder if some slimeball from the party was taking advantage of my sister.

I was about to reach for the door handle when that notion was put to bed with one more yell from inside her room, this one verbal. "Oh, FUCK! Do that again." I'd never heard her talk like that, but that was Emma's voice. And if that wasn't enthusiastic consent, I couldn't imagine what was.

So with a breath to settle my nerves, I silently stepped back away and retreated to my own bedroom. Through the apparently thin wall that separated our two rooms I could hear pretty much everything. The smacking of lips, moans, grunts, the clapping of skin against skin. I put on headphones and cranked up some music and even that couldn't completely drown it out. I made a mental note to ask for noise-cancelling headphones for Christmas.

Eventually I fell asleep. The next morning I woke up and Emma was already in the kitchen. Her new friend had apparently already left. We ate breakfast. At first neither of us acknowledged anything. Only a thick silence, briefly interrupted by the chewing of cereal. But as I was heading out the door to go to class, she stopped me. "Hey, uh, Ben. About last night. Um. I..."

I smiled and winked at her. "It's ok Em. Just... you know, maybe give me some warning? You had me worried there for a second. And uh... if you could, next time... keep it down."

Her eyes widened and her cheeks reddened. "You-you heard?"

"Well, yeah. These walls are paper thin. It's ok, though. I don't mean to make it weird. It's college, you should have fun. I'm uh... proud of you." I gave a thumbs up, which immediately felt incredibly weird. Proud of her? What am I? Her sex coach? Emma looked bemused, but rather than continue to sit in that awkwardness, I left for class.

Despite the slightly strange start to our new life together, Emma and I settled into a comfortable routine. We'd go to classes, sometimes on our own, sometimes together. At night we'd put something innocuous on the TV as we did homework or cooked meals. It was really nice.

After the first week of classes, I took Sydney out on our second date. I found a nice bistro in town where I could fulfill her request for an evening with better drinks where I'd pay. She wore this beautiful white blouse, unbuttoned just enough to have me imagining what was underneath, and painted on jeans. Conversation flowed easily, especially after we finished a bottle of wine together.

I wondered if tonight she'd let me take her home, but I knew better than to press the issue. If she was ready, she'd let it be known.

So when I paid the check and escorted her back to my car, there was a distinct tension in the air. We got in the car, and I started the engine. But I didn't know where to go. She knew what I was thinking.

"Take me back to mine." I tried not to look deflated, just smiling and nodding.

As I pulled in front of the dorm, she pointed a few car lengths ahead to a spot a little further up, underneath a tree and away from the street lights. "Pull up there." A little confused, I did as she asked.

She turned to me. "I had such a nice time. I really like you Ben." I opened my mouth to respond but she kept talking. "I don't want to move too, too fast. But... well I really want to do this."

She leaned in to kiss me, which didn't feel like it needed that big speech, but she was a great kisser so I wasn't complaining. But then I felt her small hands unbuckling my belt. She made quick work of my button and zipper, then reached into my jeans and wrapped her fingers around my shaft.

I pulled back from our kiss. "Oh... wow..." She paused, and looked at me questioningly.

"Sydney, I, uh... I didn't expect this."

"Is this ok? I don't want you to feel pressured."

I couldn't help but laugh a little. "Sydney, believe me. I'm not feeling pressured. I just hope you don't feel like you... have to."

"Don't worry, hotshot. I said I wanted to. And I do."

With a little urging, she got my pants down to my thighs, my cock exposed to the cool air and her hungry eyes. She kissed me again then leaned down.

"So this is moving slow? Can't imagine what it's like when you rush things."

She looked up at me with a playful glare. "Watch yourself, slick. I'll leave these big beautiful balls of your blue if you're not careful."

"Beautiful, huh?"

Rather than continue to banter with me, she decided to respond by swallowing the head of my cock in her warm mouth. That shut me up.

Sydney had a masterful technique. She worked the entire length of my dick, up and down, licking, sucking, swirling. Every couple strokes, she'd pull her lips off and focus on the head, her tongue playing with the tip, flicking the frenulum. After a minute or two, her hand slid between my legs, and she gently massaged my sack.

She clearly knew what she was doing, and soon I was warning her if she didn't slow down that I was about to cum. She didn't slow down. My body tensed. She hummed in proud pleasure as I flooded her mouth.

I heard her swallow before she sat up, her eyes a bit watery, but a smile on her cute face. She leaned in for a quick peck, a slight taste of salt on her lips.

Feeling a bit spoiled, I asked if there was anything I could do for her.

"What a gentleman. Maybe next time." She winked at me. "Thanks for the date, hotshot. Call me."

Before my dick had gone fully limp, she was gone.

I sat in the car, recovering, and after a while I drove home. When I opened the door, I heard Emma's voice. At least this time I knew not to panic. It was the same sounds as that night after orientation. I knew what to do, heading straight for my room, finding my headphones, and cueing up the loudest music I could find.

The next morning, I came out of my bedroom just as Emma was seeing her man out the door. He was tall and broad, like some of the linemen I'd played football with back in high school.

Once he was gone, I waggled my eyebrows at Emma. "So... did you get a second date, like I did?"

Emma looked confused. "Oh... him? No. Different guy."

My eyebrows shot up. I was pretty sure in all of high school Emma had only ever gone out with one guy, and even he was never really her boyfriend. She certainly didn't have a reputation for sleeping around, not like her man-whore twin brother.

"Really? Already?"

"Yeah, well, you know... it's college. Might as well enjoy myself."

I nodded. "Well, good for you. But uh... just remember, you gotta be safe, Em. You don't want to catch something. Or get knocked up."

She rolled her eyes. "Yes, Mom. Don't worry. I'll use protection. And what about you? How was your second date? Did you score? Ready to move onto the next one?"

I blushed. "It was good. Great. And no... I don't think I'm ready to move onto the next." Emma had clearly been trying to tease me, but my response was entirely serious, and I think it caught her off guard.

"Oh...! Wait so you think she's..."

I laughed. "Look it's a second date a week into our freshman year. I'm not buying a ring. But... she's special."

Emma grinned and then punched me in the shoulder. "Look at you, you ol' romantic!"

That weekend, Sydney and I were finally able to get together for a third date, a proper dinner and a movie.

Afterwards, we took a walk in the park, and ended up by a pond. She took my hand in hers, and leaned against my shoulder. It was nice. We sat on a bench, watching the ducks paddle around the pond, and then kissing underneath the streetlight.

I walked her home, and this time, when I dropped her off, she told me I should come up. She checked me into her building, and walked me up to her dorm room. Inside her roommates were laying on the couch under blankets and watching something on a laptop. Sydney introduced me to the two girls, and while it was somewhat awkward (they certainly knew what Sydney and I had come back here for), they were kind and gracious.

Soon enough we were in Sydney's room, and immediately she pressed me against the door and put her tongue down my throat. It was hot, and I loved it.

She smiled. "I want you to fuck me."

"I want that, too." She grinned at that. Then took off her shirt. Underneath was a black, lacy bra that had no business being more appealing than the girl who was wearing it. She took a seat on her bed, and beckoned me closer.

"Undress for me, Ben."

I was eager to please. I kicked off my shoes, peeled off my socks, then my shirt. As I moved onto my pants, Sydney licked her lips. "You are a beautiful boy."

I blushed. "Thanks." My jeans and boxers pooled at my feet. She was mostly still dressed, but I was totally nude. I felt exposed, but her hungry gaze gave me confidence. My half hard cock grew to full mast as she stared at it.

"C'mere." I went to her, and she wrapped her fingers around my shaft, stroking it a couple times, then kissed the tip. "Sit down." I sat on her bed, and she stood up, taking a few steps back, and slowly shimmying out of her own pants, giving me a bit of a show. She had no panties, and a cute, cleanly trimmed thatch of hair above her pussy.

I looked at her in awe. Not just at her perfect body, and it was. But also at her poise and confidence. She wasn't cocky, but she knew she was beautiful. She knew her worth. I found it so sexy. And that's what I told her.

"You're gorgeous."

"Oh Ben, you're too sweet."

"I mean it. You're amazing."

She grinned, and then crawled up onto the bed and over top of me, planting a quick kiss on my lips. "You're not so bad yourself, hotshot."

Her bed was narrow, and it didn't leave a lot of room to maneuver. So when Sydney straddled me, her legs were together. I could feel her pussy against my dick, but no real contact.

She kissed me and rubbed her body against mine. I ran my hands from her shoulders, down her back, to her ass, which was surprisingly juicy. I couldn't help but squeeze. She giggled.

"You like my butt, Ben?"


"It's yours for tonight."

She sat up and reached behind her to undo her bra, tossing it aside. Her tits were smaller than some of the girls I'd been with, but they were perfectly shaped. Not to mention her hard, little nipples, like little gum drops begging to be sucked.

I sat up, wrapping my arm around her waist, and putting my face to her breasts, kissing them and nuzzling them, and then finally sucked her right nipple into my mouth. It was like I'd pulled a trigger. Immediately she started moaning, surely loud enough for her roommates to hear.

"Oh you like that?" I pulled away and looked up at her.

"Shut up and suck." She was terse and stern, but she couldn't hide the pleasure and mirth in her eyes. I obeyed.

Sydney's nipples were sensitive. Really sensitive. When I bit them, she cried out, and when I rolled my tongue over them, she'd let out the sweetest moan.

Eventually she couldn't take it anymore, and she pushed me down onto my back, and lifted her hips, reaching between her legs to grasp my cock, and aimed it upwards.

Then she started lowering herself. Inch by inch she sunk down. I was mesmerized.

When our pelvises met, her eyes rolled back in her head and she shuddered. I held her ass once again and began to move my hips, fucking her from below as her body adjusted to my presence.

I wasn't the only one with a reputation for having a revolving door of dates. The stories were exaggerated, but I could tell Sydney had a fair amount of experience. She was confident and knew how to have fun.

After a few minutes of gentle and rhythmic lovemaking, she began to get a little rougher, grinding down onto me and bouncing up and down.

"Oh FUCK! YES!" she cried out. She was a loud lover, and she was so sexy, I couldn't bring myself to care that her roommates could definitely hear us.

She sat up and started gyrating on me as I looked up at her, statuesque and perfect. Her breasts bounced as a few beads of sweat formed on her skin. Our eyes locked, a smirk on her face even as she moaned out my name. I sat up too to capture one of her nipples in my mouth again. Almost immediately I knew I'd hit a button for her. Her moans hit a new octave as she gyrated against me.


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