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This Cock Tastes Like My Wife Ch. 02

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Online game with Lit writer sets the wheels in motion.
2.2k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/12/2022
Created 03/23/2010
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Because the following story is so long, it will be submitted in multiple chapters. This story is a cuckold story. If you do not like those stories or all of the "faggy" things they entail, do yourself the favor and stop reading now. You have a fair warning.

Any negative comments about the subject matter will be ignored and deleted. You were already told what the story is. I don't care if you like cuckold stories or not. I just want to know if the people who DO like them, like this one. Any other comments / feedback are welcome and appreciated.

The following in the second submission in the series. Part's 1-3 were contained in the first submission.

Part 4 -- The moth driven to the flame.

My hard dick was already in hand when my instant messenger beeped. I clicked on it. The message was from RagingBull68 -- Ron's screen name.

RagingBull68: Thinking dirty thoughts?

Me: Well I'm online aren't I? LOL Reading one of yours.

RagingBull68: Good choice. Cock in hand?

Me: You know it.

RagingBull68: Shall I let you get back to it?

Me: No. I got all night. In the dog house.

RagingBull68: What now?

Me: Slip of the tongue during sex.

RagingBull68: ....Did you tell her?

Me: No. But accidentally said something along the lines.

RagingBull68: She drunk again?

Me: No. Unfortunately. But she suggested the dirty talk again.

RagingBull68: Suggested it sober? She's coming around. Now is the time.

Me: Time for...?

RagingBull68: Stop torturing yourself. Tell her. The truth will set you free.

Me: Just a fantasy. Not going to happen. She'd flip.

RagingBull68: Fantasy is only a prelude to reality my friend. You can have it.

Me: Don't want it.

RagingBull68: No? I disagree. I know better.

Me: LOL. Maybe.

RagingBull68: Not maybe. You need it. Your slut wife needs it too. DD wants to be a whore. And you want her pussy used.

My cock jumped as I read his words. I loved it when he talked that way. It was far more erotic to hear someone talking about my wife directly than trying to mentally insert her name into a fictional story, especially someone who knew so much about her and I.

RagingBull68: There?

Me: Yeah, sorry.

RagingBull68: Got excited, didn't you.

Me: What can I say? LOL

RagingBull68: See...told deny deny her.

Me: It's not so simple.

RagingBull68: But it is. Your fear gets in the way. Bliss awaits both of you.

Me: Or divorce.

RagingBull68: That won't happen. Love is love. Sex is sex.

Me: For me. Not for her.

RagingBull68: Not so. You are fooled by her fear...when she's sober. But when she's been to the bar she loves sex, yes? A drunk mouth speaks for a sober heart -- your words.

Me: Seems that way.

RagingBull68: She can't get enough. You told me.

Me: True.

RagingBull68: And you don't give her enough. You can't satisfy her when she's in that state.

Me: She's insatiable.

RagingBull68: Like I said. You don't satisfy her.

I felt a lump in my throat. When he put it like that, I felt my insecurities flaring up.

Me: I probably don't go long enough.

RagingBull68: We've been through this. You don't satisfy her. You told me that. You know it. Don't lie to yourself it's not healthy my friend.

Me: I guess.

RagingBull68: You guess? We're always honest with each other. You're denying your own words now?

Me: No.

RagingBull68: Then just say it. Say what you said before. Sober she lays there like a lump of coal. Intoxicated she gives you more than you can handle. You can't satisfy your wife. Say it.

Me: I can't satisfy my wife.

I got a chill as I typed those words. Ron had a way of forcing reality to slap me in the face.

RagingBull68: But someone else can. You know it. And she knows it too. So what do you think will happen?

Me: I don't know.

RagingBull68: She was a cheating whore when you met her. What will stop her this time?

Me: Love, I hope.

RagingBull68: That's not what you hope. You hope she will offer her whore pussy to another man to get what you can't give her. That's what you hope.

Me: I don't want to lose her.

My heart was beating frantically, and my cock was stiffening.

RagingBull68: Things have been good lately, yes?

Me: Yes. For the most part.

RagingBull68: Then now is the time. Go with her on the journey before she goes it alone. You'll both be happier.

I couldn't respond. It sounded crazy and it made sense at the same time. My conflicted emotions kept me frozen.

RagingBull68: You're hard right now thinking about that little Asian slut of yours getting it good from a strange cock.

Reflexively, I answered: Yes.

RagingBull68: Care to play a little?

Me: Ok.

RagingBull68: What did she wear today?

Me: Red pant suit, white blouse underneath. Nothing special. Work clothes.

RagingBull68: And her underwear?

Me: Black bra, and boy shorts, I think. It was dark in the room as usual.

RagingBull68: They were purple. I know because I saw them today when I fucked her.

Me: oh

It was all I could think to say. When Ron and I played this game he did most of the typing. I'd be busy jerking off.

RagingBull68: The bitch was walking through the mall blabbing on her cell phone. She was talking to someone about how pathetic you were in bed. She was talking very loud and everyone could hear her. I wonder if it was anyone you know?

RagingBull68: I followed her into a store, Bebe I think. Wait, let me look at the receipt...yep Bebe. She was searching for a new outfit. She told the person on the phone she needed to buy something sexy to attract someone who could fuck her better.

RagingBull68: I knew that slut was ripe for a good fuck so I made sure I brushed up against her tight little ass with my big hard dick in my jeans as I passed her in the store. It wasn't quick either. She got a good feel for what I had to offer.

RagingBull68: She couldn't stop smiling at me. A hot little piece of ass, that wife of yours. I knew she'd make a good pin cushion for my cock. So while she was picking through things on the rack, I pressed up behind her again.

RagingBull68: Only this time I didn't move. I put my hands on her hips, pressed my bulge against her ass, and rubbed against her for quite a while. She didn't stop me. She started breathing harder. I told her to hang up the phone. She did.

RagingBull68: I told her that if she wanted to be sexy she should wear something that showed her body off more. I grabbed the skimpiest little red dress on the rack. I think she got excited just looking at it. But she frowned at the $200 price tag.

RagingBull68: I told her I'd buy it for her if she put it on for me. She got excited about that. Money has been a little tight lately, yes?

Me: It has.

RagingBull68: I know. She bitched as much about your inability to provide a better lifestyle for her as she did about your sorry excuse for a sex life. But more so than that, your wife really just wanted the chance to get naked for me.

RagingBull68: She wasn't as shy with me as she is with you. Maybe because she knew I saw her as nothing more than place to dump my sperm. She didn't have to pretend otherwise, or worry about what I'd think of her. She already knew what I thought of her.

RagingBull68: I took her into a dressing room and told her to strip. The fucking whore couldn't even hide her excitement. She peeled off that pantsuit in no time while I sat there and watched. I even made her dance for me a little in her underwear.

RagingBull68: Then I told her to take that off too. She needed it explained to her that a slut like her has no reason to be wearing underwear. The bitch hesitated a little too long to do it so I gave her ass a good hard spanking. That got her pussy wetter than before.

RagingBull68: She was dripping, my friend. Juice was running down her thigh. The whole dressing room smelled like her hairy cunt when she took her panties off. It was fun watching her trying to squeeze into that dress, too.

RagingBull68: Your wife wears a size 7, or a medium at Bebe. The dress I picked for her was an extra small. She started to get whiny about how it was too small, but I told her to shut the fuck up and put it on or I'd drag her out of the fitting room naked.

RagingBull68: I think she liked that idea because she just stood there staring at the dress like she couldn't figure out how to put it on. So I opened the door to the fitting room and pushed her out. There were two guys sitting out there waiting for their wives.

RagingBull68: She got a little antsy then when they started staring at her naked body. But I told to her stay put so she didn't try to run back into the dressing room. Your wife's a good little submissive slut, she does what she's told.

RagingBull68: I made her apologize and promise to put the dress on before I let her back in. Took her a while to get it on. She had a little too much ass and hip to pull it all the way down so it left the bottom half of her ass sticking out.

RagingBull68: From where I was sitting I could see cunt hair underneath the hem. Her tits didn't fit much better. Those are some beauties. The dress didn't cover any more than her little nipples. I made her go out and ask those two guys what they thought of it.

RagingBull68: They couldn't tell her enough how much they enjoyed seeing her in that dress. I told them for $20 I'd let them fuck her. They didn't know exactly what to say. They looked at her like she was going to object, but she didn't.

RagingBull68: I pulled up her dress and smacked her on the ass to show them who was in control. I offered again but they just rambled some crap about their wives being there. Oh well. I took her back in the dressing room, pushed her up against the mirror and...

I was stroking my dick voraciously, hanging on every word when he'd stopped. I waited for him to continue but he didn't.

Me: And? What!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!

RagingBull68: You sure you want to hear the rest of this?

Me: Yes!

RagingBull68: Say please.

Me: Pleeeeeeeease!

RagingBull68: How about I tell you in person?

Me: Are you joking?

RagingBull68: Not at all. We've been chatting now for what, 7 or 8 months? Why not meet? I'm not too far from you. You're in Oak Brook. I'm in Schaumburg.

I paused a moment contemplating his request. It never occurred to me that he might live in the same state as me, let alone a nearby city. I'd never asked. For that reason, the thought of meeting him never seemed like a possibility. I thought it might be nice to have a real life friend with a similar interest. My fantasy world was a lonely one, save for him.

RagingBull68: I haven't got all night.

Me: Where? When?

RagingBull68: Staybridge suites, Schaumburg. Leave now.

Me: Now? It's kinda late. Tomorrow maybe?

RagingBull68: Now or never. Also, bring a pair of your wife's worn panties. Let's have some fun.

"Let me get this straight. I'm supposed to drive to a hotel in Schaumburg to meet a guy I met on an Internet porn site and deliver a pair of my wife's dirty underwear?" I spoke out loud to no one. "And why now or never?"

Me: You gotta admit, this sounds a little weird.

RagingBull68: It's your fantasy. I'm only here to help. It will be like your first time willingly sharing your wife's cunt. Think about it. I also have some things I want to show you. You'll enjoy. TRUST ME.

Me: What is it?

RagingBull68: Only one way to find out. Room 217. Don't keep me waiting.

After that he signed off.

I had a deep curiosity about what it was he had to show me. My cock was still hard. And Ron never failed to deliver with his ideas and stories; his mind was as filthy as mine. Plus, I liked the guy.

And the thing about bringing my wife's used panties also peeked my interest. I guessed he wanted to see what her pussy smelled like. Awfully damn kinky in my book, but the thought excited me. It would be as close as any other man had ever gotten to DD's pussy during our marriage.

But still, it was a weird situation. I was trying to let common sense prevail over my sexually driven euphoria. But that was something that almost never happened.

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26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
Your cock

You.masturbate while you chat with a man? You might be gay. This story turned like milk left.on the counter too long.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Please Continue....

Loving the story, please continue.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
The wimp without a name is Poizon34.5

dats a 69 with yer pillow! He must be drunk spewing hate on Lit all day anonymusly as like we doant know his writeing!! Good idea for a storey.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Wimp cuckold fetish writer.

Unless this somehow turns you on then avoid this writer.

TurnedTurnedover 14 years agoAuthor
Why the script style?

Because it was an instant messenger exchange. I wrote it the way it would show on your computer screen if you were having an IM exchange. Maybe that was a bad idea, but I thought most people would get it. Something to consider....

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Why the script style?

Script is meant for actors to read from because it is easy to pick the parts to read. Script is not meant for stories for general reading. Quotes, etc. read so much smoother and easier.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Oh man...

This is hot...I'm hooked!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Plz disregard these STUPID F^%$ing comments below

If u don't like the idea then don't read it and spare the whole world you insecurities. As for the story, I love it. The only thing I can't stand is that u write in bits and pieces. Finish the whole damn thing already. Damn.

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