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This Lie of Love We Made Ch. 01

Story Info
Karen is introduced BDSM in an unexpected way.
2.6k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 12/24/2017
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Chapter One

Note: all characters are over 18

My name is Karen, and this is my story of how I discovered my true personality and that of my sister's:

I walked to my locker on a Friday afternoon after my final class. I had two study halls, but otherwise, I was done for the day. If I'd wanted to, I could skip them. Even in college, they let us that.

I was, as usual, nervous as I walked to my locker. College was still a new experience for me. My identical twin sister, Katherine, had been in college since twelfth grade, taking early classes, but I hadn't been able to do that. She was always so much more outgoing than me. I'm just the shy one... well, I was. It's different now, but that's not where the story starts.

Anyway, I was twirling a small part of my pink hair (my sister and I had both completely dyed our hair pink in honor of breast cancer awareness, something that had taken our grandmother), when I noticed some people near my locker, all dressed in casual clothing instead of the skirts this all-girls college wanted us to wear. They were girls I'd seen around the school, hanging out together. Since they gave me permission to give their names, I'll use them.

Sarah, the leader of the group, was standing at my locker with the other four standing around her. They were Jennifer, Kaitlyn, Lenora, and Marigold. Jennifer had a small duffel bag with her that didn't seem like it had books inside. I tried to carefully get past them to get to my locker.

"Now, hold on there, Karen." Sarah said to me, putting her hands on my shoulders. They knew my name because I had told them earlier in the year. "How about we have some fun?"

"I-I don't know," I said, knowing from rumors in the school these five got rough when having their fun. What it was, I didn't know at the time, but I felt then that I didn't want part in it... oh, how I've changed.

"See, I don't think you understand." She leaned close to me, running her fingers through my hair.

Instinctively, I flinched a little. This was all a little forward. I mean, I never said I didn't like girls. It's just that I hadn't quite figured out what girls I was into... sorry, getting ahead of myself.

"U-Understand what?" I asked, gulping a little. I knew these girls may be bad news, but I didn't think they'd resort to anything harmful.

"That we're not taking no for an answer." Sarah smirked. She and the other four moved me half-forcibly; half-guiding to the girls' bathroom, where Marigold locked the door behind us with a key she'd gotten from the janitor of this floor, who was a friend of hers. No one would have seen us since once classes start, there's no one in the halls and the window blinds are drawn, but it didn't matter to them.

"Wh-What do you want?" I asked, nervous about what these five... troublemakers didn't seem right since they weren't really active much in the school, but I suppose it could fit with their activities outside if looked at from a certain perspective."

"You, girly," Sarah said, cupping my face with her hand, which felt a little cold. "We've decided to take you into our little group of 'friends'. We'll tell you after classes are over."

"N-No thanks," I replied, preferring my own company and that of my sister's to anyone else's. It made me nervous just talking to these five and they hadn't even been aggressive. "I-I don't want to."

"Well" Sarah leaned up to my ear, whispering in a tone that made shivers run up and down my spine; they were the kind I kind of liked. "I never said we'd take no for an answer. We're just gonna have to make sure you don't run."

With a nod from Sarah, both Marigold and Lenora grabbed my arms, keeping me from running.

"Let's just see what color you're wearing." Sarah smirked, Jennifer and Kaitlyn holding my legs as she pulled my skirt down to reveal my red and white panties. "Ooh, candy cane. How cute. Let's just take these, shall we?"

I was too nervous to even say anything, blushing blood red as she pulled my panties off, holding them. I felt the draft from the chilly air in the bathroom.

"Now, we're gonna have to keep you somewhere for a bit and it ain't gonna be here." Sarah smirked, beginning to unbutton my blouse. "But, we'll need to get rid of these nice clothes so they don't get dirty. Don't worry; we'll give 'em back when we're done with you."

I paled a little as she said those words, not understanding what she was going to do with me and what else was going to happen with me.

"P-Please—" I begged a little.

"Don't beg." Sarah put a finger to my lips, that sensual, sexy smirk still on her face. "Beggars get silenced."

Even though I knew it probably wasn't as dark as it could be, I quickly stopped talking so she could do what she wanted without doing anything to me.

Once she finished with my blouse, Jennifer and Kaitlyn removed my shoes and socks, moving them to the side while still holding me still. Sarah looked me over, my body turning red as a result.

The draft was also felt on my bare nipples and breasts since I'd chosen not to wear a bra that day.

"No bra today." Sarah said, the other four smirking. "You're a naughty girl, aren't you? Well, we're gonna do some pretty naughty things with you."

I shook my head rapidly, wanting to just be in my room, curled up with a book, not being sexually harassed by these girls.

"Jenni, the stuff." Sarah said. Jennifer handed her the duffel bag she was carrying, Sarah opening it and pulling several things out.

Sarah began to feel my nipples with her thumb and forefinger. They hardened slightly from the stimulation as she gave my breasts a squeeze, the look on her face showing she was impressed by them.

"If you're a good girl, we'll give you something to wear while we take you to where we're gonna have our fun." Sarah cupped my chin, stroking it. "Are you going to be a good girl?"

Too scared to say no, I nodded, Sarah smiling a genuine smile. She kissed my lips, the shock sending me backwards a little. The four girls holding me kept me steady and standing, however, which was helpful.

"I want you to call me "Mistress" when we get to our destination." Sarah said, her seductive tone in my ear sending more shivers up my spine. Nervous, I nodded, hoping this would spare me from any sort of pain. I remained silent the whole time because I knew it would go better for me if I did. I felt terrified, but I wasn't as scared as I expected due to them not having been actually rough with me.

"Good girl." Sarah pats me on the head, which surprisingly gave me a good feeling. "Now, I want you to put your arms behind your back."

Reluctantly, I did so, Sarah smirking again. She pulled out several items that I'd either never seen or never seen in person. All of them seemed to have some sort of kinky use, which I could tell despite my lack of knowledge of the world of kinkiness at the time.

"Let's give her a nice snug tie." Sarah said in her seductive tone, the other four girls grinning at me. I began to feel very nervous as Jennifer and Kaitlyn released my legs and grabbed a lot of ropes from the duffel bag. They began weaving them around my ankles, tying them together. After they finished those, they tied my knees together, putting one final rope in the middle of my thighs. Each rope had a knot tied in between my legs to further prevent my movements.

Once they'd finished, they held my hands while Lenora and Marigold grabbed ropes and began tying my arms together behind my back. These ropes were a little thinner than the ones on my legs, but they were still strong. They tied my wrists and elbows, pulling them tight, but it wasn't tight enough to hurt me.

After that, I saw them pull out a leather sleeve, which I shortly learned was an armbinder. They pulled this sleeve up my bound arms, fastening it around my body just above and below my breasts. It was very tight and uncomfortable as I tried to move my arms and legs, but I couldn't.

"So, how many times have you ever done this before?" Sarah asked in a seductive tone, moving closer to me, our bodies touching. My naked body felt the fabric of her clothing, my breath hitching slightly.

"N-never," I replied, blushing.

"Oh?" Sarah asked, leaning closer, which caused my body to lean back further. "Well, I suppose I'll have to make your first time the best time."

I blushed harder, struggling a little.

"Ah ah ah." Sarah nodded to the four others, who held me tighter. "No moving. This'll hurt more if you do. Now, what we're gonna do is lock you up somewhere while we go to class. We know you don't have anything, so you'll be fine. But, after classes are done, we'll take you to a place you'll learn something you're going to enjoy."

"B-But—" I began before Sarah put her fingers over my lips again.

"What did I say?" She demanded in a soft tone.

"B-But, I didn't beg." I stammered.

"I don't want any protesting either," Sarah smirked, the smirk being a little more sinister this time. "I think you need to learn a little lesson in respect before we come get you. Now, open wide."

I looked at her with confusion and some fear. She got a little impatient, though I couldn't tell if she was being more dramatic.

She pinched my nose shut, which caused me to panic a small bit, opening my mouth. In that moment, she shoved my panties that she was still holding into my mouth. I coughed a little, not expecting it, but to add to that, she picked up a harness ball gag from the bag, shoving the pretty big ball into my mouth and buckling the harness around my head.

Once complete, she had the four girls step back a little to admire their work. I stood perfectly still, trying to keep my balance as I blushed heavily from the exposure.

"That suits you pretty well." Sarah crossed her arms, looking proud of the work the five of them had done. She then took out her phone, taking several pictures from different angles. "Don't worry, this isn't blackmail. I'm just taking pictures to remember this. You're going to be the perfect sub. You are just the cutest thing I've ever seen. I definitely think I'll keep you."

I was nervous and confused at the same time. The nervousness came from understanding that the word had some kind of kinky, sexual meaning. The confusion came from not knowing what the word meant. I also blushed at being called cute.

"Now, let's get you to your little temporary storage space." Sarah said. "But, first..."

She reached into the duffel, pulling out a phallic looking object. I looked at it strangely; never having seen what I didn't know at the time was a dildo.

"This is a dildo." Sarah said with her seductive tone, which had me blushing. "This goes inside of you. Some vibrate, but since you've been a good girl, I'm not gonna torture you with one of those. Instead, you just get this one."

She slipped the dildo inside of my slit, which caused me to struggle a bit and moan loudly into my gag and panties. Sarah grabbed the armbinder straps to both hold me in place and to keep me from falling.

"There we go," She grinned. "Now, a little rope to keep it in place."

She took two more pieces of rope from the bag, tying the shorter one around my waist like a belt. The other she tied to the front of the belt, threading it through my slit and ass, looping it back to double it. Since my legs were tied together, she had to push the rope through and nearly touch my slit, which she made extra effort to do.

"Perfect." She said, patting my head once again. "Now, let's go. How well can you walk?"

I shook my head, blushing heavily.

"Let's carry our new pet then," Sarah said, Lenora and Marigold picking me up. Marigold took my upper body and Lenora took my lower, the two carrying me to the door. Out of my own fear of what they'd do if I fought, I stayed as still as I could.

Sarah unlocked the door, looking outside to see if anyone was looking. Once she confirmed there wasn't anyone, Marigold and Lenora carried me out of the bathroom, Jennifer, Kaitlyn, and Sarah moving close as if to hide me.

I watched as they made their way down the hall, stopping in front of Sarah's locker. Sarah opened it, revealing that it was empty, nothing in it. It looked just like mine, even with the hook that was near the top. Unlike a high school locker, these were wider, even wide enough for an average or below average sized person to stand in them and not have to be squished.

In my confusion, it took me a second to register that they'd forced me into the locker, the armbinder hanging on the hook and supporting me with my feet a few inches off the ground.

"Have fun, pet." Sarah kissed my cheek. "We'll be back after classes are over."

With that, they shut the door, leaving me naked, bound and gagged, a dildo inside of me, feeling a slight feeling I would later come to know as arousal, and to top it off I was still nervous and afraid. I was also kind of cold because the locker was cold, but I was more nervous than cold. I wondered what they would do to me when they came back. My shy nature wanted me to be back in bed reading, but a tiny, tiny part of me wanted to know more about this world that had been forced upon me.

I couldn't understand my feelings, but I would come to know them better as I experienced them further.


"It's coming along great." Sarah kissed my cheek, eliciting a giggle from me as I put down the journal slash novel I was writing about my experiences.

"I told you she had it in her." Katherine kissed my cheek as well.

"No, you told me, and I quote, "she spends way too much time reading books when she's not with us that she'd be a natural at writing one"." Sarah rolled her eyes.

I pouted, pulling the two most important women in my life closer to me, hugging both.

"Mean," I said, adding some drama. "You guys didn't think I could write a novel at all."

"Pretty much." Both smirked at me, watching me pout further.

"You guys are mean." I said. "For that, I'm going to punish both of you by not giving you ice cream and cookies."

I left, leaving the two to their own devices. As much as I tried to have a firm expression, I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face at the thought of them. I guess I'd just have to work harder on the next chapter of my novel.

Don't worry, my story's not done yet!

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

There’s something missing from this so called “BDSM” story, here’s a hint Safe, Sane and CONSENSUAL.

FYI This …

“I remained silent the whole time because I knew it would go better for me if I did. I felt terrified”

…… NOT consent. I had a bad feeling about this story right from the start when I read this……..

“ my story of how I discovered my true personality and that of my sister's”

Given the other stories you have listed the comment implies that incest in future chapters, that’s a hard no for me. If reading/ writing about incest is what you enjoy that’s on you but don’t try and disguise it as BDSM because it isn’t.

Tess (uk)

(fed up of trying to find a genuine BDSM story and not kidnapping, rape, abuse or blackmail)

JessicaSJessicaSover 6 years ago

Good start, with a sexual undertone, and an almost non-consent event.

Karen's willingness was a bit less than I expected when you told me about this, but still OK I guess. It's borderline sexual assault, but acceptable in fiction and it gave the whole thing a nice edge.

The sexual undertone worked well - you kept it subdued but it was definitely there, with forced exposure, panties in mouth and the dildo, along with the arousal. I liked all of those. A small thing about the dildo - her legs were already bound together when Sarah inserted it, so that would probably be difficult to do at that point. Not impossible, certainly in fiction, it just made me pause.

The book-writing frame I'm still undecided about. It kind of works, but maybe I could also do without. I'm not sure for now.

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