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This Lie of Love We Made Ch. 02

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Karen is retrieved by Sarah to continue their session.
2.5k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 12/24/2017
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Note: All characters are over 18


As I sat, er stood... hung maybe, in Sarah's locker, I realized several things at once. The first of which was that waiting for three and a half hours in an enclosed space without any sort of entertainment (well, entertainment I could move to use I should say) was very, very boring.

The second, which I hadn't realized until now because they'd carried me and I hadn't moved much, was that the dildo inside of me, while not large in and of itself (It was obviously larger than I'd taken before... not that I wouldn't take bigger later, but that's another story), would move inside of me if I moved my legs enough.

Unfortunately, though, I suppose at this point in my life it would be very fortunate to have that knowledge, I could move my legs enough to do so. But, that's unimportant at the moment.

I stood there in silence for about fifteen minutes, wondering if they were joking about leaving me here. I made a couple of words, which came out as "mmmhrmph" or some other combination of those four letters. It was at that point I realized a third thing that I had been led to believe through TV was different: gags don't actually keep someone silent; they just keep them quieter.

The fourth thing I noticed was that my panties tasted awful.

At that point I realized I didn't want to be too loud or who knows who would find me... not that they'd do worse to me than Sarah's group would (or at least that I thought they would do... not that I'd mind it now), but I'd have preferred not to be seen completely naked and tied up in a locker with a dildo inside me. Even today, I'm not gutsy enough to do that unless forced and only in a small group of friends who knows what turns me on.

I used my legs to try to push on the door. Had I been overweight, I wouldn't have been able to handle the strain on my arms (I was a little off the ground due to where the hook holding my armbinder was). I tried it, feeling the dildo move. I let out a little moan into my gag as I blushed, the feeling pleasuring.

The rope which held it in place was beginning to constrict almost, becoming "like a nerd's underwear on the first day of school" as Sarah says when her underwear does similar. It rubbed up against me, adding to the pleasure I felt.

However, I quickly silenced it, feeling some shock and horror as I began to ponder my situation. I was essentially kidnapped by Sarah's group, which, while very kinky and fun later on down the road, wasn't fun at this moment. I began to wonder if they'd bring me back or what they had in store for me. I mean, they had stripped me of all my clothes, taking them and tying me up before violating me in a sense and then locking me in a locker to keep me hidden until later, where they'd do more things to me.

And, yet, despite my fears, I felt another feeling, which was brought about by my movement. I didn't know at the time that this could be such a turn on, but I soon did... not this time, but soon. I moved my waist some and the dildo moved around. I moaned a little more, both aroused further and slightly disgusted by what I was doing to myself. I had never been one for masturbation, but this was what I felt like it was. I prefer someone else to do the stimulation.

Time was at a crawl and I knew it wasn't going any faster as I began to fantasize about what would happen. From the little I knew at the time of BDSM, I formulated that they were going to do some things to me I wouldn't like. As for what, well, I couldn't exactly figure it out. I figured it would be something like earlier, but different somehow. What I didn't know at the time (and was only told this by Sarah later) was that they were planning to take me to a BDSM club they (and later I and Katherine) frequented.

My thoughts then turned to my twin, Katherine after that since I didn't want to get myself too nervous thinking about the things I could only imagine Sarah was going to do to me. I didn't want to find out if I was the type that would urinate themselves from fear and the dildo inside would make me lose a different kind of fluid if I kept moving.

As I thought of Katherine, I kept thinking thoughts I wouldn't normally have thought. One of them was that I wanted to see her like this. I blushed heavily at the thought, trying to push it out of my head, but it kept coming. Next, I actually, to my then shock and horror, imagined her in the same position that I had fantasized myself in, but with me doing them.

See, we were identical twins, but there were a couple of differences that helped tell us apart. For example, my hair I brushed behind me while Katherine loved hers in front of her shoulders.

Speaking of Katherine, for some reason, everyone called her Chelsea. That's odd since her name isn't Chelsea. It's not even her middle name... but, more on that later. I kept fantasizing about her and I felt a strange feeling in my core... well, a little lower. I felt... wetter, for some reason.

As I shuddered slightly at the cold, wet feeling, I felt the dildo move and I felt the arousal spike. I moaned louder, not even caring if heard (at the time) and I continued to move my hips to make it move more.

I felt a sort of innate pleasure from this, which at the time I didn't understand. But, I kept moving my hips and moaning, my breath hitching as I felt a surge of movement as I lost temporary control of my muscles in what was the first, but certainly not last, orgasm I'd ever have. My juices (never did learn what those were called) flowed from me, getting on the locker floor, the rope, and my legs as they squirted out of me, hindered only slightly by the dildo inside of me.

As I finished, I felt relief, but I then felt horror and disgust at it because I then realized that I'd done something that felt that good while thinking of my sister. While it felt good, I then felt sad and began to cry, thinking I'd become a depraved monster that only felt pleasure from her sister's image. If only I could see me now... oh, what I'd tell my past self...

Fortunately for me, the gag kept me quiet enough that I wouldn't be heard much since it was only quiet sobs. However, I still let them fall. What I didn't know was that almost two hours had passed and the classes had changed already. I had been far too distracted by my orgasming to notice.

The locker then opened after I heard the sound of a lock being fiddled with. Sarah and her group opened the locker, seeing me in my sorry state.

"Crap!" I heard Sarah say in a slight panic, the group making sure no one was around as she pulled me out of the locker. "Karen, you okay?"

I looked up at her, realizing who it was and began to thrash a little.

"Hey, hey, calm down," She then said, her voice showing concern. "You'll be alright. It's okay."

"Think we went too far?" Lenora asked, continuing to look down the halls.

"Maybe," Sarah said. "But, I figured she could handle it a little better. Let's get her to my place and we'll see."

"Right," the other four all said, carrying my sobbing, weakly struggling form to Sarah's car, which was a minivan. It wasn't her normal car, but she'd planned this, so she used her mom's.

"Hey, Karen," Sarah said, lightly smacking my cheek when they'd loaded me into the back, Lenora (who had gotten a ride from Marigold) driving as Sarah sat with me in the back. "You okay?"

I continued to sob as she took off the harness ball gag and pulled my panties from my mouth. She shook me gently, causing me to look at her.

"Why *sob* why do I think *sob* of my sister like that?" I asked through the tears.

"What?" Sarah asked. I spilled the whole story, my reasoning from that point unknown since I really hadn't had the best experience from Sarah from then, but she seemed like she wouldn't tell anyone.

"Well, maybe you like your sister like that," Sarah shrugged, shifting her tone to seductive as she grabbed my breasts. "But, maybe I can take your mind off of her."

"R-Really?" I asked, looking at her.

"Yeah," Sarah smirked sexily. "And, I know just how."

"H-How?" I asked, my nervousness returning at that smirk. "A-And, why am I all wet?"

"That, my dear pet," Sarah whispered seductively in my ear, which caused my arousal to begin again as well as send a shiver down my spine. "Is an orgasm. Surely you've learned about that, right? I mean, you took Anatomy in High School, correct?"

"Th-that was an orgasm?" I asked, looking down at my vagina.

"Yes," Sarah continued whispering. "That means the dildo worked its magic. How was it?"

"I... I didn't like that I was thinking of my sister while it was happening," I said, blushing with embarrassment and shame.

"Well, like I said, I'll fix that." Sarah whispered once more. "Do you trust your mistress?"

"I... I don't think I want to do this anymore," I said, shaking my head, but not to her question. "I-I want to go back to my dorm and read."

"Well, you don't have much choice." Sarah smirked. "But, if it makes you feel less uncomfortable, just think of it as a sort of game. I mean, all of BDSM is a game, isn't it?"

"I-I don't know," I said.

"Too bad," Sarah whispered. "I've made the decision for you.'

With that, she shoved my panties back into my mouth (but, not before wiping my juices onto them) and replaced the harness ball gag.

"There," Sarah said. "Now, you can taste the sweet taste of your juices. When we get to my place, I'll show you to some of your new kinky activities."

From tasting my juices, I became nervous as to what she would do to me. But, at the same time, I felt a sort of innate arousal and desire to delve further into this sort of lifestyle.

With a muffled "yes mistress", I nodded, curiosity overtaking fear.

"Good girl." Sarah pet me, which made me feel good inside. "Now, if you cooperate, you won't be hurt... er, that doesn't mean I'll hurt you if you don't, but you've never done this, so if you don't do as I say, you could be hurt."

I noticed the strange tone from Sarah. It was different than the one from earlier. It was seductive, yes, but also... concerned. I didn't get it at the time, but I was pondering it. She was trying to be seductive, but also show she was keeping my safety and wellbeing in mind. I find that rather hot.

As I was trying to understand her tone, I noticed that the driving made the dildo vibrate a little from the way the car moved; not enough to throw me into orgasmic shudders, but it did get me to moan into my panties and gag.

"I think you'll enjoy what I have planned for you, pet," Sarah pet me again.

I gave a muffled "why am I the pet?", seeing as how I'd never even really been explained the concept of domming and subbing before now.

"That's how this session will work," Sarah ran her fingers through my hair, muttering a small quip about how soft it was, which caused me to blush. "I'll be the mistress and you'll be the pet. It's kinky fun for the both of us. Now, if you wanna keep going and get good, maybe we'll switch it up."

"Y-you'll teach me more of this?" I asked in my muffled reply through the objects gagging me.

"I plan to," Came that sexy smirk that still turns me on even to this day. "And, hey, if you get good enough, maybe you can use it on your sister. I mean, if she's into it and all."

I shook my head, not wanting to consider it at the time (look at me now, huh?). Sarah just kept that smirk on her face and kissed my cheek. It was a gentle kiss, almost like an angel's... well, now I think it was an angel's. It still felt soft and gentle.

"I like you." She said in her seductive tone. "You're pretty cute. We're gonna have so much fun together."

I blushed as I wondered just what we were going to do. She smirked as the van pulled up to her house. She carried me out, Lenora assisting her in her endeavor.

Present time

"Oh, how cute." Katherine snickered, reading the chapter over my shoulder. "Young love beginning."

"Oh, hush, Chelsea," Sarah wrapped her arms around Katherine, squeezing her breasts. "You know you got hooked the same way."

"I did not," Katherine said, her breath hitching as she moaned a bit. "I was seduced by her attempts at romance later on."

"When she did almost the same to you as I did to her," Sarah let her fingers move lower. "The difference is that she was good at it."

"Well, I think you both are crazy," I said with a giggle, standing up and kissing both on the lips. "Where did I ever get off loving you two?"

"Cuz I managed to unlock a new world for you," Sarah smirked, grabbing my ass. "One you're in right now, in fact."

"H-how'd you know?" I blushed.

"I feel the harness." Sarah said, French kissing me.

"S-so?" I asked, a slight blush appearing as I felt her cold hands and the colder metal of her wedding ring on my ass still.

"So I think you've been a bad girl for not telling us," Katherine said, wrapping her arms around me.

"Chelsea's got the right idea," Sarah said, biting my neck. "I think we should teach her why it's not good to hide stuff from us."

"B-But," I stammered as I tried not to let my lust overpower me. "Wh-What about the chapter?"

"We're gonna try to help jog your memory a little more," Katherine said. I immediately melted like putty in the hands of my wife and my sister, the two women I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, as they dragged me out of the room into our bedroom.

I'll be back later with more... I'll be a little tied up for a bit... and gagged... and some other things... but, I'll be back.

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zwyrblzwyrblover 6 years ago

Though I like the story itself, I got seriously annoyed in every second paragraph by the hints on what would be different in the future. They just break the flow and don't help at all. Reduce this to 10% and it would probably still be too much.

JessicaSJessicaSover 6 years ago

Style wise, I think it would help to write tighter, which is admittedly easier said than done. Without direct editing I can only sum it up in generalities. For one, unless you're writing dialogue, don't write as you would speak (i.e. don't write "er stood"). Write the sentence, then read it afterwards and try to remove unnecessary filler. Also, you can almost certainly remove all the text in the parentheses. Seriously, try to read the chapter without those tangents - nothing would be lost. If it's an important point, work it directly into the narration, otherwise remove it.

Maybe also cool it with the references to present events/knowledge. It's distracting when you skip around constantly throughout the text and that part at the end of the chapter does enough to frame the story. I know you feel the need to contrast the past with the present, but if you're writing about the past, write about that. Later, when further events happen, you can do the comparison. That's story development.

Content wise, I enjoyed it. There isn't much story progress, mostly because the chapter is short. I think you strike a good balance of detail and moving the story forward.

I liked Karen's orgasm inside the locker, as well as her thoughts about Katherine and the effect it had on her, and on Sarah. It still feels a bit more non-consentual than I'd expect, but that doesn't detract from the story.

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