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Generations Pt. 01

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A woman submits to her daughter's best friend.
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"Oh, hi Monica! Come in. You just missed Amy. She left for school a few minutes ago."

"I know Mrs. Reynolds I saw her drive away. Actually, I'm here to see you."

"Well come in. I'm just finishing up some dishes."

"The blue duck wore old purple snow shoes."

"Excuse me, Monica? What did you just say?" I asked as I spun to face the girl.

Monica is my daughters' best friend. Her and Amy have known each other forever. She is the star tennis player at the local college her and Amy attend. Head cheerleader and straight A student. At 19 she is an ambitious go getter who will go far in the world. I have known Monica since the day she was born. Her mother and I have been friends since our days at college over 22 years ago. Monica has a body that the boys drool over. Tall, slender, long blonde hair, long toned legs that go on for miles and end in a tight little butt. Her boobs are on the smallish side but are perfectly shaped and sit like two lemons on her chest. Perky. Perfectly Perky. And to complete the package Monica is drop dead gorgeous.

"What I said Mrs. Reynolds was 'The blue duck wore purple snow shoes'". Monica said with a slight touch of attitude.

"Monica? Where did you pick that particular phrase up?" I asked. Stunned. Fear began to build inside me. My stomach was instantly in knots. My heart was racing and I was short of breath. The kitchen floor has lost its levelness and I grabbed the counter for support.

"Oh, I have my sources." She said with a smile.

I stood there in disbelief.

"I also know what the proper response is. Now do I need to repeat it a third time Mrs. Reynolds?"

I was close to blacking out. This could not be happening. There are only two people who know the proper response to that statement - myself and Elizabeth Foley, my college Woman's Studies professor. I had had no contact with Dr. Foley since the night before my wedding.

"Now you do realize Alyson, your impending marriage brings our relationship to a close."

"Yes Dr. Foley, I am aware of that. I truly hate to see it end."

Even though she had been invited to the wedding and I begged her to attend Dr. Foley adamantly refused. My repeated attempts to contact her over the years were unsuccessful. She disappeared from my life.

"Mrs. Reynolds? I'm waiting." Monica said in a cutesy little girly voice. I had heard her use this voice many times over the years when she was frustrated and not getting her way immediately. But Monica usually found a way to get her way.

"Please Monica! I have a family. You and Amy have been best friends all your lives. Your mother and I are best friends. Please Monica. Please reconsider this." I begged.

"The blue duck wore old purple snow shoes."

I quickly glanced at the clock. 9:47am. No one would be home for hours. Amy was at school until after 3 and my husband wouldn't be home until after 5. That was something to be thankful for. I realized I had no choice. Monica was not going to take no for an answer.

"Right here Monica?" I asked in a voice that to my ears sounded robotic and on auto-pilot.

"Yes, Mrs. Reynolds. Right here will be fine." Monica said in a voice that signaled completed victory.

With eyes downcast I stepped to within 3 feet of Monica and began to undress. I was a bit out of practice of the routine but I was naked quickly. I dropped to my knees and sat back on my heels. I spread my knees as far as they would go. Not nearly as far as I used to be able to spread them but they were far apart. I placed the back of each hand on the top of my thighs and pulled my shoulders back to push my breasts out. I focused my eyes on the floor at a spot 6 inches in front of Monica's Nike clad feet. And waited.

"There's more I believe." She said. With a sigh I continued the proper response.

"Your slave presents her naked body for inspection and your pleasure Mistress." I responded in the tone and cadence I had been trained to say these words in my younger days.

"Oh!! This is going to be so much fun. We are going to be spending sooo much quality time together Mrs. Reynolds. It will be wonderful." Monica said triumphantly.

"For your pleasure..." I responded.

"Finish the complete sentence Mrs. Reynolds!"

"For your pleasure, Mistress Monica." I responded correctly although changing "Mistress Elizabeth" to "Mistress Monica".

"See?! That wasn't so hard was it?"

My mind was reeling. This couldn't be happening! Here I was kneeling naked before a 19-year-old girl who I have known all of those 19 years. I have baby sat her. I have cooked meals for her and driven her back and forth to school. I have sat with her while she cried over a boy. My body had been trained to hold this position for up to 3 hours but I was 20 at that time. My 42-year-old body was complaining already. I felt tears welling up in my ears. I had thought my days of submission were over I was not prepared for the situation I now found myself in. Her use of "Mrs. Reynolds" made the situation even more surreal. Alyson was the submissive. Mrs. Reynolds was a grown woman with a family.

"Shall we play a little, Mrs. Reynolds?" Monica's words snapped me back to the situation.

"For your pleasure, Mistress Monica."

"OH WAIT!! I almost forgot! I have a little present for you, Mrs. Reynolds! You may stand up now. I know you can't hold that position like you used to" Monica said with delight.

As she went to get her purse my brain started up again. How did Monica discover any of this? I never told ANYONE about my past relationship with Dr. Foley as her submissive slave. My husband didn't even know I was submissive. I was the backbone of this family!

"Look what I have for you, Mrs. Reynolds! It's only partly the original. I had to have it repaired a little but all of the hardware is original. Only the leather is new."

I raised my eyes to she what Monica was so happy about. I stared at what she held in her hand for a few seconds before my brain fully comprehended what it was.

"No! Is that...?" My voice trailed off in utter shock and disbelief. My brain refused to accept what my eyes saw.

"Yes Mrs. Reynolds! This is the very same collar you wore back in college when you were Dr. Foley's slave. But like I said I had to replace the leather since it was all dried out. But I polished up the metal buckle and ring and it looks good as new! Isn't that exciting?!" Monica said happily.

"Alyson, the first thing I am going to do is have you place this collar around your neck. When you are in my presence, alone of course, you will be naked and wear this collar as a symbol of your submission to me. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Dr. Foley."

"Now the second this you will do is refer to me as Mistress Elizabeth when this collar is around your neck. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Mistress Elizabeth."

"Are you prepared to wear this collar as my slave, Mrs. Reynolds?" Monica asked in a tone indicating the decision was not mine.

"For your pleasure, Mistress Monica. Yes, I am".

Monica extended the collar toward me. I could smell the new leather. The old buckle and ring were as shiny as the day Dr. Foley had me put it around my neck. Dr. Foley never placed the collar on me. I always put it on myself to signify my willing submission to her. Hesitantly I reached for the collar. It felt familiar in my hands as I ran my fingers over it again. The leather was smooth and supple. The metal ring was hard and cold. Suddenly I longed for the familiarity and security of the collar around my neck. Know once I put it on I was the property of another and had no cares or concerns other than pleasing my mistress. But I also shied away from the role of a slave at this stage of my life. What if my family or friends discovered my well-kept secret?

"But, How...?" I asked as I stared at my collar.

"As I told you before Mrs. Reynolds, I have my sources." Monica said proudly.

With trembling hands and fingers that seemed to be made of stone suddenly I raised the collar to my neck. Many times, over the years I had thought about the times I had placed this collar around my neck. Even when I put on a necklace my husband has given me I always returned to this act. Monica watched with a smile on her face as I secured the buckle at the back of my neck and centered the steel ring at the center of my throat. I dropped my hands from my neck and placed them behind my back, wristed crossed. I raised my head so Monica could inspect the collar and placement. The behaviors and rituals Mistress Elizabeth taught me were coming back to me.

"Very nice, Mrs. Reynolds. Very nice. You look like you were born to be naked and wear a collar."

"For your pleasure, Mistress Monica."

"Say it." Monica suddenly said in a harsh demanding tone.

"YES! I know about this little ritual as well." Monica said.

How does she know all this?

"Now Alyson, once you have placed my collar on your body you will repeat the following: 'Mistress Elizabeth, I have placed your collar upon my naked body to signify your ownership of me' Is this clear?"

"Yes, Mistress Elizabeth."

"Excellent Alyson, proceed."

"Mistress Monica, I have placed your collar upon my naked body to signify your ownership of me." The words came so easily it was as if I had last spoken them yesterday.

"Lovely! Now Mrs. Reynolds shall we go into your bedroom and play? I shall allow you the pleasure of bringing me to orgasm."

I burst into tears. I had been sure this moment was coming but to have it confirmed in such a blunt manner was a shock to me and I reacted emotionally.

"Now, now, Mrs. Reynolds. No need for tears. We are embarking on a beautiful new relationship. This is a happy time not a time for tears. Now come along to your bedroom." With that Monica wrapped a delicate finger into the ring of my collar and led me down the hall toward the bedrooms.

"Oh wait! I have an even more delicious idea, Mrs. Reynolds! Let's use Amy's bed! Yes! Lets! That will be sooo totally decadent. Don't you agree?" Monica said in that same cutesy little girl voice.

"Please no, Mistress Monica! Not Amy's bed! Please!" I begged.

"Oh Pish Posh, Mrs. Reynolds. Amy's room will be much more thrilling! Besides you would be shocked to know some of the things that have happened in this room!" Monica said matter of factly. Monica tugged on the collar pulling me into my daughters' room. A moment later I stood naked in Amy's room. I felt embarrassed and vulnerable in the room.

"You really have a very nice body for a mom, Mrs. Reynolds. Even though your boobs aren't real big they still have a nice shape." As she was saying this Monica began to fondle my breasts. My husband had never handled my breasts in this way. Monica was slowly, sensually massaging them. Her hands felt good. Suddenly she pinched by nipples! A pain I had forgotten about. A pain I had grown accustomed to years ago. A pain that took me bar away from where I was standing in my daughter's room.

"Pain let you know you are alive, Alyson. Without pain we would never be able to feel pleasure as intensely. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Mistress Elizabeth"

Just as suddenly as she had pinched me Monica released my nipples. She moved closer to me and placed her hands on my hips. Slowly her hands slid around my body and down to my ass cheeks. Her hands, strong from playing tennis, gripped my ass firmly. Her grip tightened until I winced from the pain. And just as quickly she released her grip.

"Mrs. Reynolds, you really need to get rid of all that pubic hair! Either a full Brazilian or a Brazilian strip but not this old school jungle you have going on down there. Take care of this before our next session." Monica said disapprovingly as she shook her head no.

"Yes, Mistress Monica. For your pleasures." I replied.

"I'll take you to where Amy and I go They do a great job."

"Amy...?" I started to say.

"Hush now, Mrs. Reynolds. Time to put that mouth of yours to better use than prattling on about Amy. Now get down on your knees while I get undressed."

I dropped obediently to my knees and looked down at the floor. I looked at the pattern in the rug on Amy's floor. I could hear Monica taking off her clothes. Regardless of what had transpired over the last 45 minutes I could still not believe this was truly happening. When I had worn a collar in the past I was a different person. I was a young, shy, small town girl with over protective parents who had never spent a night away from home prior to going away to college. Then while at college I was seduced by a beautiful woman 20 plus years my senior who was a professor / author I admired. I chose the school because she taught there and I would be able to attend her classes. Now I was back in the same situation with a girl twenty plus my junior. I haven't been with another woman since the night before my wedding. Is what I am about to do considered cheating on my husband? If any one finds out my life will be ruined. I will be humiliated in the community. My husband and daughter will disown me. This could not be happening to me. I suddenly burst into tears. I was nearly hysterical I needed to stop this.

"Please Mistress Monica. Please don't make me do this. Please don't continue with this situation. If my husband or Amy find out about this my life will be ruined! Please I beg you! As my daughter's best friend. As your mother's best friend please let me out of this collar." With that I broke down in tears once again.

"Mrs. Reynolds. Assume position 3." I heard Monica say through my tears. I slowly raised my head to look at her.

"Stop babbling Mrs. Reynolds. Position 3. Now." Monica said in a calm but authoritative voice.

It took me a few seconds to get my body to respond to what my brain was thinking. Position 3. Move.

"Yes, Mistress Monica. Position 3. For your pleasures." I responded with a sobbing voice.

Position 3. I immediately straightened my body and got into a kneeling position. Knees exactly 12 inches apart. Arms reaching back to grab my ankles forcing my upper body to bend backwards. This position was designed by Dr. Foley as on of the positions to calm my mind and emotions by forcing me to concentrate on holding the position in proper form.

Slowly I calmed down as the ache in my shoulders claimed my focus. My breathing returned to normal as I redirected my thinking from the possible horrors of the future to the position I needed to maintain in the present.

"Have you calmed yourself, Mrs. Reynolds?"

"Yes, Mistress Monica. I have. Thank you."

Monica stepped into my line of vision. She had removed her clothes and stood before me naked. I was in awe of her youth and beauty. I was gazing upon the body of a 19-year-old athlete. Her skin was smooth and her muscles toned and taught. My eyes came to rest on her smooth flat stomach. I felt and intense pang of jealousy and sadness for the days when my body was firm and supple.

"Position 1, Mrs. Reynolds."

Finally. Although I had held position 3 for less than 10 minutes my shoulders ached and my back hurt from the angle I had maintained. I now raised myself into position 1 - kneeling straight up, arms at my side and my back straight. Eyes facing forward focused on infinity - far far away. Monica lifted my head by my chin to look at me. As she did I needed to know how she learned about positions 1 and 3. But I figured she had her sources.

"I've been told licking pussy is like riding a bike. Once you master it you never lose the skill. Now from what I have heard Mrs. Reynolds your mouth was quite marvelous at licking pussy back in your college days. Is it true you once orally serviced 9 sorority sisters in one evening?"

I stared at Monica in utter disbelief! She knew things about me that I had never told anyone and I had even forced myself to forget! As far I know only Dr. Foley who put me up to the task was aware of that evening. Other than the 9 sorority sisters involved, of course.

Monica sat down on the end of Amy's bed and spread her legs lewdly to expose her pussy to me.

"Crawl to me, Mrs. Reynolds."

"For your pleasure, Mistress Monica." I dropped to my hands and knees and started to crawl across the floor of my daughter's bedroom until my face was within inches of her.

"You do know what is expected of you know, Mrs. Reynolds, don't you?'

"Yes, Mistress Monica, I do."

"I expect a mind-blowing orgasm, Mrs. Reynolds and from what I have heard that shouldn't be too difficult for such a good little muff diver like yourself."

"For your pleasure, Mistress Monica."

"You may begin."

In college I had prided myself in my ability to orally pleasure Dr. Foley, and any other woman I serviced. I enjoyed hearing that first moan or feeling their hips move for the first time. I would vary both the stiffness and pressure applied with my tongue as well as the direction and surface of my tongue. Sometimes I would use a stiff tongue and just the very tip to trace designs on and around the clitoris and other times I would relax my tongue and run the flat surface up the entire length of the labia. I would lavishly kiss the entire area - from mid-thigh through the pussy lips up to the belly button. I would use my fingers to slid inside of the woman to stroke her G spot. The G spot can be handled a little rougher than the clitoris and can generate a more intense orgasm itself without clitoral stimulation. However, stroking the G spot and licking the clit always sealed the deal. I rarely failed to please the woman I was servicing. I had forgotten how much I really enjoyed licking pussy until just now.

I crawled in a little closer and placed a gentle kiss on Monica's mons area slightly above her clitoris. Monica had nice puffy pussy lips that were soft to kiss. I kissed her thighs and brushed my tongue ever so slightly over her anus to jump start the excitement. My sense of pride began to build when I heard Monica inhale sharply when my tongue brushed her little butt hole. Monica moved closer to the edge of the bed to get closer to my mouth. I was really enjoying serving another woman again. The blow jobs I had given never gave me the same excited response as I get when I lick a pussy. And from Monica's breathing I could tell it was time to get serious with my tongue.

I started with one long slow lick up the entire length of her pussy with the flat of my tongue. Then a few quick licks with just the end of my tongue to get her clit extended a little further out. I could feel it emerge, a tiny pebble nestled in between her puffy lips. I did my best to gently wrap my lips around it but was not aroused enough yet for that. I will save that move for later. I ran my lips ever so lightly up and down her pussy lips until I hear Monica start to breath even harder.

My tongue stiffened and I circled her clit with just the tip. First clockwise then counter clockwise. A few times this way then a few times that way. Never repeating a pattern or the number of circles in order to keep the excitement growing. Now the clit was clearly aroused and extended so I pressed the flat of my tongue against it and pressed firmly. Then I moved my tongue up and down while maintaining pressure. Monica inhaled deeply and let out a long moan. I know I was doing a good job. I knew she was close.

I pulled my tongue back and wrapped my lips around the clit and began to hum. I always thought of this as giving a woman a blow job by sucking her clit into my mouth. The humming created a gentle vibration in my lips and always brought moans of delight from the woman on the other end. Monica's hips began to gentle roll and her moans were growing louder and longer. I was happy with my work so far.


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