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Three Score Years and Ten Ch. 02

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Learning to enjoy sex again!
8.8k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 07/14/2014
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This isn't a straight-up gay fuck story - it's a continuation of a gay pairing between two elderly gentlemen which runs to three pages.

So don't expect wild excitement and rampant action so much as excited anticipation and newly discovered pleasures.

But...this being part two, the action is going to pick up a bit faster this time!

Of course, you could always read Chapter One first, if you haven't already done so.

So please read and vote on this story with those considerations in mind...


Bill and I had just enjoyed a wonderfully reviving session on my bed. He'd massaged me until I'd erupted wildly, my first sexual act in my bed with another man!

"My door will always be open for you now!" I said cheerfully and Bill laughed.

"And your mouth!" he said, "You're going to be busy sucking me off!"

My eyes opened wider at that moment but then I realised that I'd enjoyed even that act. What's more, if he could get me some more of his potion then I might be able to rival his generous cumshots and that would be worth the somewhat unexpected gay aspect of this affair.

But as I'd been musing, Bill's eyes had strayed to my bedside cabinet and I followed his gaze.

And there, in full view were both my vibrator and my anal stimulator...not to mention the tube of lube!

I know I turned red - probably all over, as I looked back at Bill's face. But instead of him being disturbed, he was smiling broadly.

"Oh ho, what have we here?" he said, "Hmmmm - so you like to play around down there do you?"

I nodded minutely, my lips tight and my face hot with embarrassment.

"Good man!" Bill said, shaking me out of my state of mind, "We ARE going to be having some fun, aren't we?!"


After our episode that evening there was no way that either of us could top it; at 70 there are distinct limits as to one's performance, so we dressed and settled down to a peaceful few hours of companionable chatting and drinking - not heavily - Bill still had to walk home eventually.

But before he left Bill also got the Chinese infusion out and put it ready for me and then we arranged another get-together for the following weekend. Neither of us was out to prove anything, so we didn't want to rush into a relationship but neither were we planning to miss out now despite my misgivings.

Some while later I was still feeling decidedly reticent about our sexual activity; it was so far from my 'normal' sex life of the past fifty-odd years that I kept having second thoughts, despite the massive amount of pleasure we'd enjoyed.

'Do I really want to be even seen in the close company of another man?' I wondered.

I mean; to stand and watch some tennis with another man was one thing but I could foresee the time when we might start 'going out' together - and what would nosy old Mrs Jones think then? Not to mention what she'd say! I began to panic and to feel that what I'd been doing just wasn't right at all.

I dithered all week and then at the last minute I phoned Bill and turned him down - citing a bit of a chill that was making me feel under the weather. It was nothing serious, I told him - truthfully it was just a psychological chill, although I didn't mention that bit.

"What have you taken for it," asked Bill, showing his concern.

"Just a couple of Paracetamol," I lied to him and I heard Bill tutting under his breath.

"Have you taken that infusion I put out you?" he asked, but I had to admit that I hadn't.

"Well damn well do so then; I didn't give it to you for nothing," he insisted, "Get it down you! That'll put a bit of colour back in your cheeks!"

I promised him that would and rang off, feeling relieved and yet saddened that I hadn't had the guts to go ahead and make another date. Somewhat dispirited, I ignored the little bag of whatever it was, made a cup of tea instead and sat quietly watching some rubbish on TV for some hours.

I was lost in my old world be woken from my slumber, which I hadn't realised I'd fallen into, by some heavy moans from the TV. I shook my head to wake up and focussed on the screen - to see a naked couple writhing erotically on a bed.

"Oh what?" I exclaimed before I looked at the clock.

It was well gone midnight now and, having dozed through whatever I'd been watching, the late-night sexy film was now showing - hardly even soft porn, but still rather licentious to me.

Immediately however, I felt my old cock jerk up into stiffness.

'Cut it out! You must have bloody eyes in your bollocks!' I thought nastily as I rearranged him into a comfy position to allow him to stretch out if necessary; and stretch out he did; the somewhat undesired hard flesh of my erection now feeling hot against my thigh.

Immediately, thrilling memories of last weekend's activities with Bill began to scroll through my mind, making my cock jerk with excitement and making me blush as I considered the gayness of our fun.

'So if it's nasty and it's gay, why is it so exciting?' I found myself thinking as I smoothed my hand down over my erection, 'Why did you enjoy it so much?'

I couldn't give myself a decent answer and before long I felt my penis began to wilt, as if he'd given up hoping for something positive.

Unable to stir myself I turned the TV off and started to prepare myself for bed, noticing the small bag of infusion Bill had put ready as I did so.

"Better take that bloomin' stuff," I said to myself, "Bill won't be happy til I do."

I mixed it up as instructed and let it infuse while I used the bathroom and by the time I'd finished my night-time ablutions it had cooled to about the right temperature.

It didn't smell or look nasty, in fact it had a pleasant herbal scent so in one swift gulp I swallowed the brew, feeling its gentle warmth as it settled in my tummy.

"Done," I said, "Let's see if I feel any different in the morning."

I headed to my bedroom, immediately seeing beside the bed my lately-unused sex toys - my prostate stimulator and my vibrating penis - just lying there. I remembered too my Fleshlight in the bedside cupboard, also unused recently.

"Waste of damn time they are!" I mumbled.

They'd had their days I guessed; they'd been fun while they lasted but I was past all that now...

Yawning prodigiously I turned off the light and I made myself comfy and I must have fallen asleep within minutes of hitting the pillow. I didn't even wake during the night for a pee as I often did; instead I awoke when my alarm pestered me to do so at seven, feeling totally refreshed - and with a bloody great hard-on - my first real morning erection for many a long year!

I headed to the bathroom, wondering as I did how I intended to pee with my cock pointing towards the ceiling but somehow I managed to do so, despite almost fracturing my erection.

"Go down, you bloody thing; go down!" I told it, but he was in a stubborn mood and refused to weaken.

Instead, those images that had plagued me last night returned and I was almost surprised to soon find myself reclining in my armchair holding and rubbing my penis vigorously.

I didn't need a DVD to watch; all I had to do was to close my eyes and there in my mind was Bill, his head bobbing up and down on my cock.

There too in my mind's eye were those guys on screen, sucking and fucking each other.

I was there too, allowing Bill's penis to slide into my mouth; filling my mouth with his cum!

And there was I again, thrusting my hips up as Bill brought me to a screaming orgasm.

"Oh God," I groaned as I felt my cock suddenly spasm and jerk hard, "I'm cumming!"

Three, four, five jets of cum sprayed quickly, one after the other up my chest, soaking my pyjamas and making me gasp with the shock of such a precipitous orgasm.

"Jesus!" I exclaimed as things calmed down, "What a bloody mess!"

Realising that my pyjamas now needed washing; well, particularly the top, I stripped my jacket off and cleaned my cock with it, noting the considerable quantity of cum that I'd produced.

I held up my limp penis and looked at it, a final little bubble of cum now oozing from the pee hole, which I mopped up with my pyjamas.

"What the hell do you think you're up to?" I asked my penis; it's only reply being to stiffen slightly again.

I put him down again in my lap, where he continued to twitch occasionally as if somewhat unsatisfied.

Eventually I got myself back to my morning routine and before long I'd had my breakfast and was ready to face the world, now feeling quite perky about the day. My gloomy mood from last night seemed to have evaporated and things felt positively cheerful; even the sun came out to join me as I pottered in the garden.

'Monday - suppose I'd better do some shopping,' I thought, 'Let's get a list...'

Soon I'd written down a small list of bits I could do with and I headed out to the shops, smiling happily to the postman - who for once passed my house by without leaving any junk mail - and to Mrs Jones, who actually waved back.

Buying my wares took only a few minutes and soon I was trotting back home feeling remarkably chirpy - until, as I rounded a corner I saw Bill seated on one of the benches just ahead of me.

I'd walked through the park as ever, mindless of Bill and of having turned him down and there was no way I could avoid him now.

My heart at once sank and rose - I was scared but elated to see him.

"Hello Chris, you feeling better?" said Bill cheerfully as I approached and he slapped the bench beside him.

"Come and join me, tell me your woes," he said and rather against my better judgement I sat down to await his telling off!

"So what ailed you?" he said, concern in his voice, "Having an off day, were you?"

I nodded and hummed a reply hoping that he'd let it go at that but he didn't.

"Should have taken my stuff then," he said, but he cheered up when I told him that I had now taken it.

"Oh that's good Chris," he said brightly, "You'll soon feel like a new man!"

My eyes opened wide at that and I looked hard at him but there was no oblique inference in his words, so I forgave him and instead I muttered something to say that it hadn't tasted bad and that I'd slept well and Bill's hand patted my thigh.

"Knew you'd feel better," he said, his hand still on my thigh, "Wonderful stuff, I'll have to see if I can get you some more."

"That would be great," I said, a bit more brightly now, "Can't do any harm can it?"

"Harm - that stuff?" chortled Bill, "The only harm it'll do is to your hand!"

"What'd you mean?" I asked as Bill continued laughing.

"It'll wear your hand out with all your wanking!" he said, "Did you feel horny this morning, by any chance?"

"Ummm well yes I did actually," I admitted, now feeling Bill sliding his hand up and down my thigh, "And stop doing that too!"

"Why - giving you another hard-on, is it?" he asked, still rubbing me and now looking down at my lap, "You're still feeling horny even now, aren't you?"

And although I shook my head, my cock was betraying me once again by standing stiffly to attention.

Bill chuckled as he saw my little tent and with a quick look up to see if we were alone, he moved his hand until it covered the mound, now pressing down on my cock.

"Ooooooo!" I moaned, "No! Don't - no, not out here!"

"Don't you fancy a bit of fun then?" he asked as his hand now gripped my cock through my trousers, "Reckon you need some relief."

"It's not that, it's people!" I said, stumbling for words and looking around frantically, "Mustn't...!"

"Ok," said Bill, his hand sliding gently over my shaft, "So what then? You going home with it like that? Thought not - come on, let me help you."

"No - no - what, how?" I stuttered but Bill had the answer.

"Toilets," he said, hooking his head in their direction, "They'll be empty at this time of day."

So saying he stood up and pulled me upright beside him. I stumbled against him as I stood, immediately feeling his penis press against my hip as I did.

"Yeah, I'm horny too," said Bill, "Mind you, I always am! Come on!"

And with that he practically dragged me down the path to the gents' toilet, at the entrance to which he paused.

"We'll use a cubicle," he said, "Don't think you'll fancy doing it at the urinals!"

He pulled me inside and I followed him, my feet providing no resistance to his guidance.

The urinals and all the cubicles were empty anyway but Bill led me to the far end cubicle and moments later he was bolting the door and taking off his jacket.

We stood there face to face before Bill smiled and I felt his hand return to my cock.

"Let's get him out, shall we," he said as he pulled down my zip and in moments his hand was inside and had grasped my penis in the raw.

"Ah, good man, no underwear!" he said quietly, "Makes things a lot easier, doesn't it!"

He pulled my cock out through my fly and rubbed his hand up and down my shaft, making me suck my breath in with excited anticipation.

'This was what I was scared of last night and just look at me now' I thought to myself, 'Two-faced sod!'

"Hang on," said Bill, "Let me get mine out too - don't want to mess my trousers!"

Shortly thereafter Bill's erection joined mine, our two cocks both rigidly erect and eager for some action. For a few moments we rubbed our cocks together, sending wonderful thrills through me.

"What do you fancy?" asked Bill then probably realising that I'd dither over the options, he carried on, "Actually, I'll tell you what, I'll give you a suck then you can suck me, ok?"

He sank to his knees in front of me, his hands moving so that he held out my cock with one hand while the other now cupped my balls.

"Just let it go," said Bill, "When you want to cum, just cum right in my mouth."

My cock jerked as he spoke and a few seconds later Bill was letting my knob slide between his lips; lips that seemed to be smooth and supple while firmly grasping my penis at the same time.

I sucked in a breath as my cock slid further into his mouth, enjoying the wonderful feelings of his mouth, lips and tongue stimulating my senses.

Bill pulled my cock from his mouth and spoke.

"You cum already today?" he asked and I nodded.

"Thought so," he said, "Can taste it...its nice!"

He plunged my cock back into his mouth as a thought rose in my mind.

'Yes, you did cum this how come you're getting ready to cum again so soon?' I thought, 'Twice in one morning - what's up with you?'

The thoughts were washed from my mind as Bill applied some extra suction to my knob, his hand now working on my shaft and suddenly I was positively glowing with excitement; with the thought of firing my cum into his mouth!

I shook my head, wondering how it was that I'd suddenly become so horny and so willing to let Bill have his way, but my feelings overcame all my worries. It wasn't going to be all that long before I erupted; Bill was an expert and his mouth was causing havoc down there!

I sucked in a quick breath as Bill teased some part of me that made everything jerk wildly; he was good and he'd soon get his reward!

Now his mouth was working harder, as was his hand and I could feel everything tensing up in preparation; I was nearly there already.

I put my hands down onto Bill's head as my orgasm neared, I needed some control over his actions even if my body was now almost out of control. I was shaking now and judders were causing my penis to be driven into Bill's mouth, but he took it all in his stride, actually increasing his actions as he realised that I was close.

His hands went around my buttocks to pull me towards him and I felt a sudden jolt of pleasure as the tip of my cock hit the back of his mouth.

"Aaaaahhhh," I cried, suddenly, but remembering too late to keep my voice down, "Aaaaahhhhh, cumming!"

I saw Bill's hand waving to shut me up as my cock jerked and shot my spunk into his eager mouth.

"Uuuuugh," I whispered, "Oooh fuuuuuck!"

Another salvo fired into his mouth and a couple of lesser broadsides too before I could relax, my hands falling to my sides, before I reached out to the wall behind me for support.

With a last slurp Bill let my cock slide from his mouth, his tongue briefly extending to catch a last little dribble of cum.

He looked up at me with a big smile on his face.

"Nice," he said quietly as he stood up, "Really nice! Enjoyed that; now it's your turn!"

Oh shit - so it was!

But there's that feeling after you've cum, of a general loss of interest in sex for a little while and it had hit me now but fortunately for him, Bill understood.

"Ok - we'll wait for a bit," he said, smiling, "I'll keep him warm for you!"

So saying he began to fondle his cock, which, I might add showed no signs of wilting anyway. He really was a horny old so and so!

"Was that alright?" he asked, his hand reaching out to my penis.

"Yeah - you're good at that," I said, "Oooooh, don't...!"

My cock had reacted to his touch by becoming almost instantly erect again!

'What the fuck's got into you?' I asked myself because especially in recent weeks, a quick wank once a day would have been more than enough for me.

Whatever my thoughts, my penis had other ideas and now Bill moved closer so that he could hold and wank both cocks side by side; in fact moments later I felt his cock pressing against mine, the warmth making me jump with erotic surprise.

Quietly Bill manipulated our two shafts for a while until he moved a bit and slid his knob over mine, slithering our purpled flesh together. My whole body was quivering as he stimulated me when suddenly I felt a difference and I looked down.

Bill's cock had dribbled a stream of precum over my knob and he was now spreading it over both of our knobs, our penises sliding stickily together in his fist; it felt incredible!

"Feels good doesn't it?" Bill breathed in my ear, "Told you I make a lot when I get excited."

"Mmmmmm," I moaned, "Sexy; different..."

And then I felt Bill's hand on my shoulder, pushing me downwards.

""You'd better get down there soon," he said, now breathing faster, "Get your mouth busy!"

The time had come but thanks to Bill's ministrations, that post-cum ennui had passed and I now felt re-sexualised; ready to join in the fun!

I let myself fall to my knees, Bill's cock brushing against my cheek, leaving a quickly cooling smear of precum behind.

I reached up and took hold of his penis which stood proudly erect, its knob all glistening and wet.

I gripped his shaft and slid my hand towards his knob, causing another drool of precum to ooze out - I just had time to stretch forward and catch it on my tongue before it fell.

"Yesssss," hissed Bill as my tongue slid over his flesh, "More, don't stop!"

No way was I going to stop now; my mind had turned to sex and now I needed him as much as Bill needed me.

I leaned forward again and opened my mouth and Bill pushed towards me too and his penis slotted beautifully into place, sliding between my lips on his bed of slippery precum.

"Yessss Chris," Bill sighed, "Suck me, suck me, I won't be long..."

I closed my lips around his cock, letting my tongue investigate all his interesting features; the ridge around his knob, the slickness of his knob itself and the little indentation at the end. It was too small for me to get my tongue into but it felt exciting just to use the tip of my tongue there.

But there was a lot more of his cock to make use of and I returned my tongue to his shaft, making my tongue curl round his penis to feel the veins and roughness there.

Bill was moaning softly now and his hands had come to rest on my head; he was now moving my head back and forward, driving his cock in and out of my mouth - he was in control now and I just let him take over.

I held my mouth tightly around his cock to give him the most stimulation I could and it seemed to be working as Bill moved faster and faster. Then suddenly his hands squeezed my head and held me still; his cock jerked in my mouth and I knew what was coming next.

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