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Three Square Meals Ch. 128

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Rising to the occasion.
30.6k words

Part 128 of the 145 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 12/20/2015
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Three Square Meals Ch. 128

Sakura watched the long lines of infested Trankarans, the stoic republic citizens waiting patiently in the docking collar that connected the Kirrix dreadnought to the Invictus. There were so many freed prisoners in need of treatment that the queue seemed to stretch for miles, snaking through the innards of the alien ship until they reached the point where she now stood.

"Are any of you wounded?" she called out as she crossed into the dreadnought, looking for anyone in need of emergency care.

One of the huge eight-foot males turned to look at her, his slab-like features twisted into concern. "My bond-mate, Bakhastra. She was shot when we were captured."

Hurrying over to him, Sakura glanced around his bulky frame, noticing he bore the unmistakeable signs of egg infestation.

The shorter female Trankaran was still over six-feet-tall, standing straight-backed and resilient despite everything she'd endured. "I do not wish to receive special treatment, Galdrumlin," she said, shaking her head. "I will wait my turn with my rock-brethren."

Her mate put brawny his arm around Bakhastra to give her a reassuring hug, but she winced at his touch and looked unsteady on her feet.

Sakura gently took her hand. "Bakhastra... when the Maliri and Trankaran fleets arrive, we'll be handing over the rescue operation to them. We're able to quickly heal people who've been wounded, but anyone we don't have time to see will have to be tended by conventional medics, who could be treating egg infestations instead. The best thing you could do for your people is to let us heal you now."

The Trankaran woman looked alarmed. "Please forgive me, I did not know."

"That's okay. Let's get those wounds healed," Sakura said with an encouraging smile.

She helped Bakhastra step out of the queue and shook her head in disbelief when she saw the ugly pair of neutron blaster wounds on the woman's back. A Terran would never have survived injuries that severe and she was amazed the Trankaran was still standing, let alone able to walk unaided.

Galdrumlin watched her leave with obvious relief. "I shall join you as soon as I am able, jewel of my heart." He relaxed, shifting his weight to his right leg.

Sakura noticed his discomfort and raised an eyebrow. "You're hurt too, aren't you?"

"It's nothing, just a minor flesh wound," he replied, waving his huge paw dismissively.

She rolled her eyes and beckoned him to join her. "Come on. You need healing and Bakhastra needs your support."

The two Trankarans limped after her as she led them along the corridor to the Invictus. Irillith and Tashana were standing guard at the broad hangar doors and they nodded to Sakura as she guided the wounded through to the treatment centre. Rachel was there, overseeing the maintenance bots, who were using Sonic Cannons to liquefy the nearly-hatched eggs inside their hosts. Although each of those Trankarans was only carrying a single egg, they were the grubs for higher-tier creatures, like hive lords and juggernauts, and therefore substantially larger.

Sakura handed over Bakhastra and Galdrumlin to Rachel, who immediately began healing their wounds, the Trankarans unable to stop themselves from gasping as their bodies regenerated. After waving them goodbye, Sakura returned to the docking collar to look for more stubborn Trankarans in need of aid.

Stopping beside the twins, she said quietly, "It looks like the sensor scans were right. I've done a bit of scouting and everywhere I've looked, the Kirrix on board the dreadnought are dead. I know Alyssa didn't want to take any chances, but I don't think we need you two on guard duty anymore."

The Maliri had turned their Paragon helmets opaque to protect their identity, so Sakura wasn't able to see their expressions.

"I've contacted the hive ships," Irillith informed her fellow Lioness. "They confirmed that all the Kirrix crews are dead there too."

"Did they all die at the exact same time?" Sakura asked, already suspecting the answer. "I've spoke to a lot of Trankarans and they said their eggs stopped moving an hour ago... right when all the guards keeled over."

The Maliri hacker nodded. "Ample proof that John wiped them all out."

There was no mistaking the wonder in Tashana's voice as she murmured, "I knew Baen'thelas was powerful, but I never dreamed he was capable of doing anything like that."

Sakura had a look of awestruck admiration in her eyes. "He saved thousands of Trankarans. Those eggs were already starting to hatch and we never would have been able to treat them all in time."

The three women stood quietly together for a moment, all sharing that same sense of amazement. Those feelings were also accompanied by concern for the man they loved, who hadn't stirred since they had brought him back to the Invictus.

*He'll be okay, girls,* Alyssa said, her voice calm and reassuring. *Rachel checked him over, remember? John's just exhausted after channelling that much psychic energy in one go.*

*Will you tell me when he wakes up?* Sakura asked anxiously.

*Of course. I'll let all of you know the moment anything changes,* their matriarch replied. *Now, Jade and Dana are about to dock with the first batches of injured from the hive ships. Tashana, Irillith, I'd like you to head to the forward airlocks and help unload the Trankarans from the Raptor and the Progenitor shuttle.*

*On our way,* the twins said simultaneously.

"I'll see you two later," Sakura said, smiling at the Maliri.

They both reached out to touch her arms in a simple gesture of affection, then left to meet the docking spacecraft at the front of the Invictus. She watched them depart, before turning and heading back into the dreadnought to search for more injured prisoners.


Fleet Commander Lilyana paced nervously on the Bridge of the Galaena Serine, darting occasional glances at the holographic starmap. The Maliri war fleet was racing across the sector, with Warden Brokurlun's Trankaran forces trailing along in their wake. She could see the glowing yellow lines that marked the outer edge of her battleship's sensor range, the arcs stretching out into space and pushing back the darkness... but so far, they had detected nothing.

"Are we definitely travelling at top speed?" she asked her Chief Engineer impatiently.

The Maliri officer nodded. "Affirmative, Fleet Commander. This is our maximum hyper-warp velocity."

Lilyana grimaced, then turned to her Senior Navigator. "Check our course heading... I'm sure we should have seen them by now."

"I verified it two minutes ago..." the crewwoman protested with a frown.

"Check it again!" Lilyana said indignantly.

The navigator ducked her head down and went to work. "Yes, Fleet Commander..."

Lilyana heard a peal of laughter echoing from the corridor approaching the Bridge and she bristled, whirling around and getting ready to chastise the jovial crewwomen. Her sharp retort died on her lips when she saw who it was, Almari and Ilyana flouncing onto the Command Deck with dazzling smiles on the two assassins' faces.

"Hey!" Almari greeted her cheerfully, cobalt-blue eyes sparkling with excitement.

Ilyana skipped along at her side, her normally reserved composure nowhere to be seen. "Any sign of the Invictus yet?!"

The Fleet Commander sagged against her command chair. "No."

Almari put her arm around the older woman and gave her a comforting hug. "It won't be long now... don't worry!"

*There's no need to fret, my dear,* Edraele said softly. *I'm very proud of the way you've served the Protectorate... and soon you'll receive the reward you so richly deserve.*

Biting her lower lip in anticipation, Lilyana let out a wistful sigh.

"Fleet Commander!" the Chief Engineer blurted out excitedly. "Look, sensor contacts!"

Lilyana's head snapped around and she pushed herself off the Command Chair. "Enhance the view! I want to see more detail!"

The holographic projection shifted focus, centring on the sensor contacts and zooming in closer. The dozen red glyphs were soon joined by scores more, the number of contacts increasing until there were thousands sprawled across a vast area of space. As they drew closer, the glowing icons shifted into three-dimensional depictions of the shattered debris and forlorn wrecks that formed the immense starship graveyard.

"The Invictus did all that?" she breathed, gaping incredulously at the scale of the destruction.

Sure enough, a green glyph was replaced by the white battlecruiser, appearing in the middle of all the destruction. It was quite apparent that the Invictus hadn't sustained so much as a dent in the ferocious combat, and the flawless hull sparkled brightly as it reflected the starlight.

"They've had some upgrades since the Battle of Terra," Almari murmured, just as astounded by the carnage.

There was a chime from the Comms Station, which sounded deafeningly loud as it shattered the stunned silence on the Bridge, making every single crewwoman jump.

"We're being hailed by the Invictus!" the comms officer called out, turning to look wide-eyed at her Fleet Commander.

"Put them through!" Lilyana said with a gleeful grin.


"John... are you alright?" a female voice asked, penetrating his subconscious like a jackhammer.

He groaned at the stabbing pain in his eyes and fumbled for the duvet, pulling it over his aching head. "Too bright... too loud!"

A hand tentatively stroked his shoulder. "There... is that better?" the girl murmured.

John tentatively peeled back the covers, blinking slowly in the gloom. He could see a figure staring at him with concern, her jagged features slowly softening into Alyssa's beautiful face.

"Feels like I was hit by a truck..." he mumbled, rubbing at his head. "What the hell happened?"

Alyssa shot a worried glance to her right and another face loomed over him, this time a lovely tawny-haired girl.

He didn't immediately recognise the brunette and he squinted as he tried to place her. "Rachel...?"

"You're obviously suffering from light sensitivity," she whispered, her well-spoken voice soft and comforting. "Aside from a severe headache, are you experiencing any other symptoms?"

"Took a moment to know who you were... it's like the worst hangover ever..." he muttered, rubbing at his temples. "Gimme a sec... I'll fix it."

"Wait!" Rachel called out sharply, making him wince with the loud noise.

"What?" he asked with a groan.

Alyssa leaned closer and pressing her lips up against his ear, she whispered, "You asked for as much power as we could give you. I think we gave you too much... you nearly died."

Rachel lay down beside him opposite Alyssa and murmured, "I want you to rest. Don't use any psychic abilities until we're sure that you're fully recovered."

"Why'd you wake me?" he groaned. "You could've just let me sleep it off..."

"You've been unconscious for five hours already," Alyssa whispered, her breath tickling his ear. "The Trankarans and Maliri fleets arrived an hour ago."

"We can't hang around!" he protested, trying to sit up and clutching at his pounding head. "Fuck!"

Both girls held him down, their beautiful faces darkening to angry scowls.

"Stop!" Alyssa barked, making him wince again. "You'll hurt yourself even more!"

John gave up trying to fight them and sagged back on the bed with a groan. "Okay..."

Rachel cuddled up against him again. "I can try to ease your symptoms, but I want to do it very carefully," she whispered in a hushed voice. "You were incapacitated by excessive psychic power usage and I don't want to risk doing any more damage. Tell me immediately if you experience any discomfort."

He decided against nodding and just stroked her hair instead, enjoying the silky feel of her tawny mane flowing across his fingers. Taking the gesture as acceptance, Rachel reached out with her misty aura, extending it to swathe his body. John had been healed by her before, but this time wasn't like the tickling sensation that made him want to burst into laughter. He wasn't sure anything was happening at first, then there was the slightest shift... like the crushing pressure on his head was been eased away.

"Feels good..." he murmured appreciatively.

Rachel relaxed, the tension in her back and shoulders easing. "There you go," she crooned, brushing her lips against his cheek. "Let me take all the pain away..."

He reached for Alyssa and pulled her closer too. "Love you both... so much."

With his eyes closed, John wasn't aware of the joyful smile the two teenagers darted at each other. He held onto them, taking solace in the embrace as Rachel did her best to soothe his overloaded synapses. The blistering headache bled away, gradually freeing his tortured subconscious from the blanket of pain that had assailed him since he'd awoken.

Sighing with relief, John looked down at Rachel. "That was amazing... I can't tell you how much better I feel. Thank you, honey."

Touched by the sincerity of his gratitude, she gave him a shy smile. "I'm so glad you're alright."

Alyssa watched him with concern, her slender fingers stroking his hair. "John... do you remember exactly what happened when you confronted the Hive Queen?"

He smiled as he looked up at her, then suddenly froze, his pupils going wide in horror. "Oh God, no!"


Dana squeezed past the line of Trankarans that were filing out of the Raptor, then bounded through the airlock into the Invictus.

She spotted Jade leaving the Progenitor shuttle and waved at the Nymph matriarch. "Hey! Alyssa's being all secretive about why we're meeting up; do you know what's happening?"

The normally exuberant shapeshifter looked anxious as she replied, "You know that she woke John?"

Falling into step beside her as they walked into the Primary Hangar, Dana bobbed her head in confirmation. "Yeah, she said Rachel fixed him up and he's fine now."

Jade had a distant look in her troubled eyes. "Physically, yes... he's fully recovered."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Dana hissed, feeling a surge of alarm. "What about mentally?!"

The Nymph steered the unsettled redhead away from the Trankarans that were walking towards the treatment centre. She nodded to Marika as they passed the closest catgirl, the four Nymphs in their nurse's outfits as they aided the lines of patients.

"John's upset, Dana," Jade whispered to her companion. "With good reason to be."

"About what?!" she demanded, walking quickly to keep up with the hurrying green-skinned girl.

Jade glanced around furtively and was about to reply, when she spotted Helene nearby, talking to a huge Trankaran warrior wearing imposing battle armour.

"You should be very proud of your people, Warden Brokurlun," the aquatic girl said, looking up at him with respect. "They've been through so much... but they're all incredibly brave."

He stood a bit taller, towering over the teal-hued beauty. "I am very proud of my rock-brethren, Lioness Helene. Many citizens of Dun Hergrun have approached me with stories of your benevolence and the kindness you have shown them; I see that they have not exaggerated their claims."

"I just tried to help ease their suffering. They refuse to show that they've been hurt, but I could still feel their pain," she said softly. Reaching up to place a hand on his rune-embossed chest plate she added, "Just like yours..."

The Warden's mouth fell open as he gaped at her in shock, then his slab-like features crumpled with overwhelming grief.

"I'm so sorry, Brokurlun," Helene whispered, her compassionate blue-eyed gaze glowing with a soft light. "I know you loved your children very much..."

"I lost everyone... they have all been taken from me," he rumbled, his expression one of insurmountable pain.

"Don't give up hope," she said, meeting his look of anguish. "We managed to save over a million Trankarans... there's still a chance that your wife survived... and your parents."

He dropped to one knee with a clang and gently embraced her. "I will do as you ask. I will continue to pray to the Great Protector for their salvation."

Helene hugged him back. "I hope your prayers are answered, Brokurlun."

The big Trankaran gave her a grateful look, then rose to his feet and bowed respectfully. He turned and walked away, a newfound purpose in his stride.

Jade had held back as the two spoke, but she hurried to join the aquatic girl when Brokurlun departed. "Helene, are you alright?" she asked, reaching out to stroke her shoulder.

"The Kirrix were so awful to these poor people," Helene murmured, watching the big warrior leave. "Is it really true that John killed them all?"

The Nymph nodded. "He had to save the Trankarans from being torn apart by hatching eggs."

"I suppose I should be horrified that so many Kirrix have died today, but I don't feel that way at all," Helene replied wearily, running a hand through her light-green hair. "How can the Kirrix be so cruel? The Trankarans are nice people... they never deserved any of this."

"There are some truly evil creatures in the galaxy," Jade replied, a sad edge to her voice as she studied the innocent girl.

Dana gave Helene a supportive hug. "John's awake and wants to talk to us. Are you coming up to the meeting too?"

"I'd love to join you," the aquatic girl said, smiling at her gratefully as they started walking towards the double doors at the end of the room.

*Helene's coming with us, Alyssa,* Jade warned her fellow matriarch, looking at the young woman with concern.


John stood beside the broad windows that flanked the Briefing Room, staring at the enormous Trankaran battleship that was docked with the Invictus. The Forge of Ukonlir was a dull rust-red, the armour plating a dozen-feet thick to protect the massive command vessel's robust hull. The door opened behind him and he turned to see the girls filing into the room. There was a succession of hugs and kisses from each of them as they all expressed their relief that he was alright.

Dana was the last and she looked him in the eye when she pulled back from the hug. "You're not alright, are you?"

He reluctantly shook his head. "Alyssa told you what I did? That I went into the Hive Queen's head and overloaded her psychic network?"

"I've seen hundreds of Kirrix corpses," Sakura said quietly. "They were bleeding from their eyes... from their mouths... You lobotomised them all."

Alyssa reached over to squeeze his hand. "You nearly took yourself out too."

There were shocked gasps from the girls at that announcement and John looked around at them apologetically. "That definitely wasn't intentional. I tapped so much power from Alyssa, Jade, and Edraele that I was high as a kite. If Alyssa hadn't snapped me out of it... I dread to think what might've happened."

"You've drawn huge amounts of psychic energy from your matriarchs before," Calara said, looking puzzled. "Why did you react so badly this time?"

John's eyes flicked to Jade.

The Nymph nodded glumly, her expression chagrined. "With all the attention my sisters have received from John recently, they've grown strong... far stronger than I realised. When he asked me for as much power as possible, I obeyed without question."

"It wasn't your fault, you just caught me by surprise," John said, putting an arm around his green matriarch and giving her a supportive hug.

"I love blowing your mind, Master... but not like that!" Jade exclaimed, hugging him back.

"Jade and her sisters are now packing as much psychic energy as Edraele and her entire network of Maliri wards," Alyssa explained, smiling at the green-skinned girl in admiration. "And we're not close to being finished with those sexy catgirls yet."

"Isn't upgrading them even further going to be dangerous?" Calara asked with concern.

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