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Three Square Meals Ch. 095

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Igniting a flame, burning bright, guttering out...
31.5k words

Part 95 of the 145 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 12/20/2015
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John awoke that morning to find two warm soft bodies snuggled up against him and glancing down he saw the lithe blue arms of the Maliri twins crossing his chest. As his mind shook off the fuzziness of sleep, he realised that the girl on his left actually had short white hair, then remembered that it was actually Tsarra and Edraele on either side of him. Settling back with his head on the pillow, he recalled the previous evening's events.

Having loaded up the Maliri Flagship with stockpiles of guns, ammo, and armour for the two assassins, they'd all said their goodbyes to Almari and Ilyana, wishing them a safe journey. Edraele and the Young Matriarchs had grown close to the pair, so it had been a touching and heartfelt farewell, accompanied by lots of hugs and promises to stay safe.

Once the two assassins had boarded the Galaena Serine, John and the girls watched the fleet's departure through the long windows in the Officers' Lounge. The House Valaden vessels powered up their engines and raced away, heading for the outskirts of the Delta Arietis system before jumping into hyper-warp in a blue flash of tachyon particles. Their departure was shortly followed by three sleek gold cruisers carrying materials for the Ashanath, which left in the opposite direction to link up with the second Valaden fleet departing Genthalas.

That left only one Maliri battleship in-system, the Andresil Enkana, which would eventually transport the Matriarchs back home. As soon as the two ships docked, Faye's maintenance bots began using grav-clamps to form a chain of cargo pods, and started transferring the massive volume of Trankaran ores from the Invictus across to the Maliri vessel. Faye had predicted that it would take at least a day to complete the transfer, as the cargo bay of the Andresil Enkana was not able to directly connect to the Invictus, as they had with the Trankaran freighter.

After watching the departure of the fleet, John and the girls had a late dinner, with Sakura enlisting the help of several assistants to cater for so many guests. The Invictus crew were all tired after using so much energy to heal Edraele that afternoon, so there were no complaints when John suggested calling it a night. Edraele and Alyssa swapped duties, so John was accompanied in his bedroom by the bevy of Maliri beauties, while the Invictus girls paired off in their own quarters. The Maliri could see he was tired, so they'd had an early night, getting ready for the exciting days to come...

*Alyssa's right, your mind is so busy when you wake up!* Edraele's eyelids fluttered open and she gazed at him with her regal purple eyes, an affectionate smile on her face. She frowned in confusion then added, *I wonder why you don't normally wake me?*

*Maybe my thoughts are louder when you're right next to me?* John suggested with a playful smile, hugging her closer. *I'm sorry I disturbed you.*

*You're forgiven,* Edraele replied, kissing his chest, then resting her head against his shoulder. Glancing across him at the sleeping House Perfaren Matriarch, she reached out to brush her fingers through Tsarra's short hair. *But now you're wide awake, I better start taking good care of you. I wouldn't want Alyssa to think I'm neglecting my Matriarchal duties!*

There was movement around the bed and the rest of the Maliri girls started to stir, woken by Edraele's gentle telepathic prompting.

John glanced around and gave the girls a look of apology, before frowning at Edraele. "You didn't need to disturb them, they were all fast asleep!"

Tsarra shook her head, a very familiar gleam in her dark-green eyes. "I didn't mind at all; I've been looking forward to this for weeks!"

She crawled down the bed and knelt between his legs, accompanied by a flurry of movement from the rest of the azure girls. Edraele moved aside to give them some room and cuddled with Luna as she watched the activity with the hint of a smile teasing her lips. Leena and Kali lay down next to him, while Valani flanked Tsarra, and Nyrelle scampered over to the bedside drawer to retrieve a tube of lubricant.

"What are you ladies up to?" John asked, watching them in fascination.

Leena kissed his ear, then explained, "Alyssa told us you don't like it when girls go into a trance those first few times, so we tried to come up with something fun and different for Tsarra."

"Why don't you like it?" Nyrelle asked him, a flirtatious grin on her face as she bounded onto the bed. "Watching Kali turn all docile and compliant as she sucked your cock was really exciting!"

John looked up into the indigo eyes of the House Loraleth Matriarch, who was the last of the original four Young Matriarchs he'd fed a second time. "It's too much of a reminder of the way Progenitors usually treat their girls," he replied quietly. "I like you vibrant and full of life, not behaving like mindlessly obedient Thralls."

Kali let out a happy sigh, then leaned down and gave him a gentle kiss. When she pulled back, she whispered, "Dana's been telling me all sorts of fascinating things! You're going to have such an awesome time when it's my turn with you!"

He was about to reply when he heard the squirt from the tube of lubricant. He glanced down to see Nyrelle enthusiastically coating Tsarra's ample cleavage in lube, making her firm blue breasts glisten in the light.

Tsarra gave him a sultry smile as she leaned forward and thrust out her chest, enveloping his throbbing shaft in her slippery cleavage. Her breasts felt soft, warm around him as she started to move, slowly massaging his shaft by sliding up and down his length. Nyrelle and Valani pressed her breasts together, trapping his length between wonderful mounds of pliant flesh, and freeing Tsarra to focus on her movements.

"Does that feel good?" she asked tentatively, gazing up into his eyes.

John nodded mutely, shocked but thrilled at this unexpected turn of events.

"This is the first time you've done this isn't it?" Tsarra asked, visibly growing in confidence. She rose up a few inches and his cock sank into her cleavage, then she lowered her chest so that his broad head reappeared once again. The Maliri girl swabbed her tongue over his hot flesh, before his head disappeared between her blue breasts once again. "You just relax and let me do all the work."

He stared at her in astonishment, seeing her eyes sparkle with excitement as she bobbed in his lap.

Tsarra bit her lower lip, then purred, "I might not be as powerful a Matriarch as Edraele, but I still command scores of worlds and rule millions of Maliri... Do you think all those beautiful women would be shocked to see their Matriarch milking your cock like this? Or would they wish they could be on their knees in my place, waiting to be filled with your cum?"

"How do you know-" John tried to ask, before trailing off into another deep moan as she increased the pace.

"What turns you on?" Tsarra asked him with a knowing smile. "I'm paired off with Alyssa remember..."

He could see how thrilled she was to be turning him on so much, then groaned as he felt her slim tummy brushing over his taut quad when she pressed herself against him.

"You feel so full," she said, giving him a sympathetic look as she dragged her big breasts over the length of his cock. "Wouldn't you feel so much better if you pumped that big load of cum into my stomach?" Her eyes flashed with lust as she continued, "I can't wait to wake up with my belly swollen with your spunk. It'll be like a preview of tonight, when you make me pregnant..."

He jerked against her, his cock twitching at the thought. "You're so fucking sexy!" he managed to groan.

She licked her flushed blue lips in anticipation, her breasts snug around his cock like a warm wet vice as she stroked his shaft. "Tell me when you're close! I don't want to spill a drop... I need all of your hot load in my stomach, making me fertile, all ready for you to breed me..."

John thrust up against her soft breasts, arching his back as he gasped in a strangled shout, "Now!"

Tsarra dove forward, opening her mouth wide to engulf his head. Her eyes widened in surprise at the powerful blast of cum that shot into her mouth and she just managed to swallow it down before John bulged out her cheeks with a second. She swallowed that down too, her eyes glazing over as she fell into a trance. Moving on autopilot now her throat bobbed up and down as she gulped down one mouthful of cum after another, until she tilted forward, letting him slide effortlessly into the entrance to her throat.

Made malleable and pliant by his cum, Tsarra's neck bulged to accommodate him, sheathing his huge girth inside her throat as she took his cock to the hilt. John could only groan in ecstasy as he fed her, his hands cupping her head to his groin as she sucked out every last drop of cum, her throat milking him with rhythmic contractions. His four balls ached when he was done and he collapsed back on the bed, his softening length sliding from her flushed lips.

Tsarra sat back, a dazed look on her blissfully happy face as she ran her fingers over her hugely swollen belly.

Nyrelle grinned at John and cuddled her friend. "I think she looks adorable like this! I've been in her position; you've no idea how wonderful it feels to have your tummy stuffed full of cum like that." The rest of the girls on the bed nodded their agreement.

"I'll have to take your word for it," John managed to reply, smiling at them as he regained his breath. "That was amazing, thank you."

*Any time, handsome,* Alyssa purred in his mind.

He sent her a grateful telepathic grin, then sat up to help Nyrelle and Valani guide Tsarra to lie down on the bed. The Young Matriarchs blew him a kiss goodbye and climbed off the bed to take a shower. Edraele saw Luna off with a kiss, then lay down opposite him as he spooned behind Tsarra, their hands touching as they caressed her curved tummy.

"It looked like you enjoyed that," Edraele said with a warm smile. "Did my girls do well?"

He chuckled and nodded. "That was incredible, thank you. I can honestly say that was the most fun I've had feeding a girl for a second time."

"That's wonderful to hear." Edraele reached up to caress his cheek, brushing her soft blue thumb across his skin. "They're all very taken with you and just want you to enjoy your time with them. We all know the pressure you're under, so let us help you really relax and forget about your worries. The girls would love that more than anything."

John kissed her wrist and nodded. "That sounds like a very reasonable request to me."

Her angular eyes crinkled with affection, before she glanced at the girl sleeping serenely between them. "Now, would you like to cuddle with Tsarra until she wakes up, or shall we notify the rest of the Matriarchs of my recent elevation in status?"

"Let's make your new title official," he decided, then kissed Tsarra on the shoulder. "She'll be asleep for four hours, but can someone watch her?"

*I'd love to,* Jade immediately volunteered. *I'll be right there!*

They heard soft footfalls in the hallway a moment later, as the Nymph jogged down the corridor to join them. She swept into the bedroom, a look of delight on her face when she saw Tsarra's condition.

"The Maliri look so good stuffed full of your cum, Master," she purred as she climbed onto the bed. "You were truly meant to be with them."

"I couldn't agree more, Jade," Edraele said with a fond smile.

John moved out of the way to make room for Jade, who wrapped the slumbering girl in her loving arms. He offered his Maliri Matriarch a hand and they headed towards the bathroom. The Young Matriarchs were laughing together in the Terran shower, finding the experience just as exciting as the last time they'd been aboard the Invictus. Even Luna couldn't help grinning as she felt the hot water washing over her and she beckoned John and Edraele in to join them.

He found it endearing to see the Maliri find such a simple thing as a shower so enjoyable, reminding him again of the grim nature of these womens' previous lives. As Nyrelle and Valani giggled in his arms, he watched Edraele and Luna as they laughed and hugged one another under the streams of water. His Maliri Matriarch met his curious gaze over the former assassin's shoulder, then gently kissed her lover's blue skin. John nodded his approval, sharing a smile with her, before turning his attention back to the young women lathering him up.

The Maliri eventually conceded that John and Edraele couldn't get any cleaner, so the couple left the rest of the girls in the shower. After using the air-dryers, John turned on the big bath and filled it with bubbles, much to the rest of the Maliri's fascination. Waving them goodbye and telling them to have fun, he led Edraele out to his walk-in-wardrobe to get changed. In an act of supreme generosity, Alyssa had cleared some space on the clothes rails for her fellow Matriarch and Edraele brushed her fingers over her various robes, trying to find something appropriate to wear for the occasion.

"Understated or brazen?" she called over her shoulder to John.

He was just pulling on a shirt and looked at her quizzically. "Excuse me?"

"Should I dress down to look modest, or appear in the most regal robes I have to look the part?" Edraele mused, her fingers dancing between several outfits in her indecision.

He had no idea what to advise her and when she turned to look at him, Edraele laughed at his deer-caught-in-headlights expression.

Tilting her head to one side for a moment, she selected an unassuming but elegant long purple dress and murmured, "Alyssa's right, I should dress down to reinforce your-" Her voice trailed off and she exclaimed, "Oh look, I have the perfect outfit!"

John sighed with relief and pulled on his trousers and tucked in his shirt. "How do you want to handle this, anyway?"

Edraele fastened up the dress, then fluffed out her long snowy-white hair. She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye and replied, "To minimise the chance of upsetting the other Matriarchs with this decision, it might be prudent for them to hear it from you."

"Sure, that makes sense," he agreed, his mouth lifting into a smile as he tugged on his shoes. "I suppose we should wait a while before I make you a crown?"

Edraele stepped into a pair of high heels, a thoughtful expression on her beautiful face. "I agree, it would be premature for me to wear one today, but a crown might be useful in certain circumstances to make a statement." She glided past him, a mischievous twinkle in her purple eyes. "Besides, I'd love to wear one for you in our next XO catch up meeting..."

John's eyes were drawn to the perfect globes of her ass, admiring her pert cheeks as she sashayed from the room.

"Are you coming?" she asked coyly as she glanced at him over her shoulder, pausing in the doorway and arching her back slightly to make her rump look even more enticing.

He laughed and strolled up behind her, placing his hands on her hips. "Not quite yet..."

She grinned at him and they walked hand-in-hand towards the grav-tubes. "Let's head over to the Andresil Enkana. It might be wise to address the Matriarchs from familiar Maliri surroundings, to make you seem less of an outsider," Edraele pondered out loud. She glanced at him and arched an eyebrow. "These precautions are probably unnecessary, but this announcement would be a simple formality if you were able to spend some time alone with the Matriarchs."

"I planned to after they allied with us, but I was called away to help the Ashanath," John said with regret.

Edraele smiled as they descended in the red anti-gravity field. "Emandra Holaris has already expressed an interest in... how should I put this delicately... sampling your 'fountain of youth'. If you were to rejuvenate her in the same way you've done for me, she would gladly give you full trade rights to House Holaris' repertoire of wines."

"The bottle you gave me was fantastic," he said, nodding thoughtfully. "That's an offer well worth considering."

"A delicious beverage for a delicious beverage," Edraele replied airily. "An equitable trade for all involved."

He laughed and squeezed her hand. "I love this lighter side to you."

"I'm just happy," she replied with a loving smile, leaning into him for a kiss.

They strolled down the Deck Nine corridor towards the airlock and John could see the golden hallway of the Maliri battleship where the two ships were joined. They crossed over into the Andresil Enkana and took a lift up to the Command Deck. A white-haired Maliri captain was waiting to meet them and she gave John a radiant smile when they walked out into the upper corridor that led to the Bridge.

"It's good to see you again, Daeyra. How are you?" he asked, recognising her from one of the groups of senior officers he'd been with on Genthalas.

"I feel wonderful, John..." she replied with a dreamy sigh, coquettishly brushing her fingers through her short white hair. Daeyra managed to collect herself and blushed a dark blue as she gave Edraele an embarrassed nod. "If you'd care to follow me, Matriarch, Protector..."

Daeyra ushered them into the Captain's personal suite, which was fully furnished with a plush desk and an ornate holographic suite. Once John had promised that he would call for her if he should need anything, the battleship captain bade them farewell and exited her quarters.

Edraele glided over to the comfortable-looking high-backed chair and smiled as she gestured for him to sit. "I took the liberty of asking Daeyra to contact the rest of the Matriarchs. They're all waiting for us to speak to them."

John took the seat and Edraele stood demurely behind him.

She glanced down at him and asked, "Would you like my advice on anything before we start?"

He shook his head and sat straighter. "Thank you, but I think I'll be fine."

Edraele looked pleased and leaned across to activate the comm interface, her long blue fingers sweeping across the controls as she connected to the conference call. The faces of the nine remaining Maliri Houses Matriarchs appeared in a series of holographic panels, their expressions brightening as soon as they saw John seated before them.

"I'm so pleased to see all of you again," John said with a warm smile. "Please accept my apologies for how long it's been since I spoke to you last." When the nine Maliri waved his apology away and returned his smile, he continued, "I want to give you my profound thanks for staying true to our alliance over these last few weeks. With me absent and Edraele incapacitated, I know the temptation for you to... misbehave... must have been overwhelming."

Several of the Matriarchs blushed, but they all sat taller at his praise, confirming to him that they had all managed to curb their usual impulses.

"I promise you that such loyalty is greatly appreciated and you have my word that it will be rewarded. It will probably be several weeks before I'm able to return to Genthalas, but when I do so, I'd like to meet with each of you individually. We need to discuss ways to make our alliance as mutually beneficial as possible, so think about anything I can do to improve the lives of your House's citizens, or for yourselves personally."

He glanced at the third woman on the left, recognising Emandra Holaris from the brief meetings he'd had with the Matriarchs. A striking woman, she appeared to be slightly older than Edraele had been when he'd first met her. She caught his pointed glance and her magenta eyes flared for a moment as her face lit up with delight.

Looking at the wider audience again, John continued, "As you know, I agreed to be your Protector and assist you in the defence of the Maliri against external threats, such as the other Progenitor that threatens us all. You are all wise, intelligent women, with many decades of leadership experience and I wouldn't want to presume to tell you how to run your Houses. However, a committee of fifteen Matriarchs needs some form of leadership to make sure that you are all working together as a cohesive team."

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