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Tia's Bucket List Ch. 10

Story Info
Tia discovers a secret plan that puts her in danger.
30.6k words

Part 10 of the 10 part series

Updated 04/30/2024
Created 05/05/2023
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---The Breastie and the knock---

Hello everyone, it's Tia! Your ravishing reporter generating insights with stories that excite. And I have an important message for all my folks out there: my story is on the home stretch.

So, let's circle back to the beginning and the real reason for this blog. I had worked my way through my bucket list and found out that objectification, taboo sex and exhibitionism are the drivers of my arousal. If that didn't sound elaborate and carefully considered, right? And yet, I had forgotten the most important factor, even though it had literally been handed to me on a silver platter. In the end, it had taken Matty's mentor Steve to enlighten me. But that's the way it is with a basic, blank bimbo. Nothing unusual to see here! Nobody expects a blonde, big-boob barbie to figure everything out for herself. Definitely not!

So, here's the final realization: my kinks are important drivers, but first and foremost I'm a denial doll. Every ruined orgasm escalates my arousal until it reaches maximum level. Then it erupts with the force of all the missed climaxes combined. The repeated edging drives me from dicktranced to dickdazed before it makes me dickdrunk until I finally become dickdumb. And that's exactly what I'm addicted to... the progression of passion to the ultimate explosion of sensations. Bet!

Based on recent experience, there seems to be something to this theory. Remember, Matt can't make it to the 'steak-and-blowjob' party, so he had organized a neighborhood get-together the day before. And it turned into a total meat-and-greet. My man had exposed me as a cotton-candy-brained bimbo in front of the whole neighborhood. And as if that wasn't enough, Matt had arranged a private after-party where he had presented me as a pliable house pet to his mentor Steve. Teasing me endlessly, the Dom duo had made me edge countless times. When I finally got my release, I had experienced the strongest orgasm of my life, cementing my status as a dickdumb denial doll. Swear to god!

But that's not all, not by a long shot! Matt had simply left without saying goodbye as he had a flight to catch. For this reason, he had left his premium house pet - aka me - in Steve's care. Of course, the nasty newshack had taken advantage of this opportunity and taken me for a walk in the garden. At least, he had been nice enough to wash the cum off my face, albeit with his yukky piss. So gross!

And yet, there was something much bigger going on in the garden! While I was kneeling butt naked in front of the doghouse, the light came on in the condo building and one of our neighbors spotted us. What a stunner! The shock went right through me, literally piercing marrow and bone! The neighbors had already noticed that I was a dumbass ditzy doll, but I didn't want them to know that I was also a service-oriented subslut. No way!

When the light came on, Mason went to the window and opened it. Leaning out, he shouted to Steve what he was doing in the garden at this hour. Of course, the snobby scribe reacted immediately. Frantically tucking his cock into his pants, he turned around. I, on the other hand, was completely frozen and couldn't move a muscle. Damnit!

"Oh, you know my bimbo, I mean Bandit! Her training's not finished yet. Still a pestering house pet." Steve shouted back. "Wouldn't settle down till she got out. So here we are!"

Holy shit! My breath caught when I heard the randy reporter. He had really said bimbo! Even if he had corrected himself shortly after, the damage was done, wasn't it? Unfazed by the danger, he had continued to talk about 'her', even though I was a hundo percent sure that Bandit was a male dog. Fucking hell!

"Oh, believe me, I'd prefer my bed too!" Steve added. "What I wouldn't give to trade places. I've never had such an unruly pet."

Oh jeez! I was pretty sure that the snooty snob wasn't talking about his dog. He was talking about me! More than that, I was convinced that he meant the whole thing literally. Without hesitation, he'd swap places and hand my leash over to Mason so another neighbor could have his way with the premium house pet. And with that, I realized that I was no longer the alumni's house pussy. From now on, I was the neighborhood nookie. Oh my fucking god!

For once, however, I got lucky! Mason seemed too sleepy to understand the heavy hints, or was he? I wasn't so sure! But at least, he agreed with the journo instead of coming into the garden. And then another factor came to my aid. I had completely lost sight of it, but my hind end was still stuck in the doghouse. Meanwhile, my front body was covered by Steve. As a result, Mason couldn't see me clearly. Apparently, he only saw a silhouette in the darkness, which he actually took for Bandit. That was my salvation! At the same time, though, it was a hell of an objectification! A man actually thought I was a pet. Jesus!

"Did you hear my golden stress reliever howling?" The nasty newshack continued playing with fire. "Sounded pretty high-pitched to me."

Oh fuck! The stuck-up snob wouldn't stop with the heavy hinting. That was the kind of arrogance that would get us into hot waters! Mason was slowly waking up. All too soon, he'd understand everything. And then all hell would break loose. Guaranteed!

"You wanna remain undetected, silly skippy?" Steve hissed over his shoulder at me. "Then do your business in the dog bowl!"

Um... what? He wanted me to do what exactly? He couldn't be serious! No way! This was totally illogical! How was I supposed to do my business and remain undetected at the same time? Despite the lack of logic, I didn't have much choice. Otherwise, the snobby scribe would give me up in a heartbeat. Definitely so!

"Hey Mase, you wanna give barbie a treat?" Steve shouted over to his neighbor.

And that was the final trigger! Although the smug fuck had mumbled, he had called me barbie instead of Bandit. That got me going! I looked around frantically until I found the dog bowl right next to the doghouse. It looked dirty as hell and hadn't seen food for a long time. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I crawled out of the kennel. On the way there, I bumped into Steve's leg and instantly paused under the protection of his shadow.

"Hey Mase, I've got a better idea. Why don't you get your cigs?" The journo changed his mind. "Let's have a smoke together n then we'll both go to bed. About damn time!"

And with that, he started walking towards the window. At the same moment, Mason turned around and went to get some cigarettes. I couldn't believe my luck, so I seized the opportunity. With unexpected speed, I crawled around the doghouse and positioned myself over the dog bowl. Oh gawd! I was getting real good at moving on all fours. But whatever! I knew that female dogs - aka bitches - pee differently, but I lifted my leg anyway. And so, I ended up doing a squat-raise over the dog bowl. The humiliation was max level!

But it wasn't that easy! I couldn't do it! I didn't know if my shy bladder was caused by the unfamiliar position or the fact that it was happening outside. But I knew one thing for sure: I wouldn't ask Steve to explain it to me because he'd use the chance to continue training me as a pliable pet. Never gonna happen!

And so, I did a squat-raise in the dark while I listened to the guys having a smoke. Oh gosh! I was totally exposed! Even though I was behind the doghouse, Mason could see me if he looked closely. One glance and my cover would be blown. The horror!

"Man! Did you see Matt's newest piece of ass?" I suddenly heard the urban planner ask the journo.

"Some hot stuff for sure!" He exclaimed. "But I talked to her for a bit. And damn! His former chicks were stupid as shit. But that new squeeze is thick as a brick. She's dumber than all the previous broads combined."

And that did the trick! While the humiliation ripped through my body, I started peeing! And I did it in the most degrading posture ever, aka a squat-raise dog position. I have no idea if anyone has experienced this before, but my whole body was flushed in shame from head to toe while I was doing my dirty business. Unbelievable!

And when I finally finished, I was in for a pleasant surprise. The lights were off! Mason had gone to bed. Instead, I saw Steve coming back to me in the dim light.

"Let's see! Full to the brim n hardly a drop missed. Looks like you got a talent after all, skipper." The nasty newshack praised me... sorta.

"You know the pooper scooper rule, silly skippy?" He suddenly asked me. "Do it! Pick up your waste. We don't want you fouling the lawn, do we?"

And once again, he caught me off-guard. For the second time, he couldn't be serious, or could he? Despite my doubts, I followed his order, albeit with a blurred mind. As if I were in a dicktrance! The disgust made me shudder as my hair stood on end. And yet, I picked up the dog bowl filled with piss, carrying it on my outstretched hands. This was an insane balancing act! Plus, I could only crawl on my knees which made the whole balancing that much harder. Bet!

I swayed... and halted... the yukky ooze sloshed around like crazy. I stumbled... and stopped... the bladder brew threatened to spill out. This was damn hard! But there was no way in hell I was going to lick up the foul fluid from the floor. After all, the nasty neighbor was capable of anything. Promise!

And so, it took me three times as long as usual to cross the lawn. In the end, I was afraid that I'd still be crawling through the garden at dawn when the neighbors got up. But then I finally made it! I had reached the house. And there was another shocker waiting for me! I was kneeling on the back porch of Steve's apartment. But it wasn't the place that made my lips curl, it was the door. I was facing the dog flap in the patio door. He couldn't! He wouldn't! No way, I'd ever do that. Never!

"It's the only way into the house, at least for golden stress relievers!" Steve told me matter-of-factly. "Otherwise, you can sleep in the doghouse till a neighbor wakes you up. The choice is yours, skipper."

Oh wow! You wouldn't believe how much that lit a fire under my ass. I crawled along faster than ever before. And then I stopped short at the doggie door. What was I supposed to do with the dog bowl? I couldn't ask Steve because he was gone. I hadn't even noticed that he had left. He must have gone around the house to get to his apartment the normal way, aka the manly way and not the bitchy way. Whatever! I only needed a moment's hesitation before I decided to push the bowl through the flap and put it down on the other side. I'd simply take it from there. First things firsts, right?

And then I hesitated for another moment. I knew what was coming next and it gave me the creeps. But I did it anyway. Crawling forward, I stuck my head through the dog flap. Goosebumps covered my body as a wave of humiliation ripped through me. And yet, I kept going. The doggie door was super tight, so I had to wriggle through. But that's where my old cheerleader training came in real handy. And so, I made it through the flap all the way to my hips.

And then I stopped! But I didn't need a break. Instead, a pair of boots appeared in front of me that gave me reason to halt. It was Steve! He had been faster than me. And he exploited the situation. Picking up the leash from the floor, he wrapped it around the doorknob until it was taut.

Oh my god! I couldn't move! I was trapped! My head and hands were in the apartment while my butt and legs were outside. And I couldn't get out of this position, no matter how much I wriggled and struggled. No chance in hell!

Holy shit! I went hot and cold as the consequences dawned on me. His heavy hints had already foreshadowed the future. The arrogant asswipe would keep me outside. But he couldn't do that! I was his golden stress reliever not a husky, that was Holly's part with her gray-blue eyes. Worse than that, the neighbors would discover me in the morning. My reputation would be ruined once and for all! I'd have to find a new place to stay. This was a disaster!

But then all those negative thoughts were forgotten! After all, Steve was still standing in front of me. And he lightly kicked the dog bowl with his boots to push it forward. Coming to a stop under my head, some splashes of piss spilled out and splattered onto my hands. That's a yikes!

"Show me your well-behaved n lick up your mess. Then I might let you into the house. You know, tomorrow when I get up." The snobby scribe informed me. "If you're lucky, none of the neighbors will have discovered you by then."

Oh wow! That sounded like a glimmer of hope... at least to the ears of this dickdumb doll. In truth, though, it was totally pretentious. Throughout the after-party, I had dutifully obeyed and passed all the silly tests Matt's mentor had put me through. In reality, I deserved to be treated like a princess in her castle, not a stray dog on the street. Facts!

However, only the positive aspects reached my blurred brain. The negative parts didn't penetrate the fog. And so, my body acted faster than my mind. Lightning quick, I lowered my head. Frankly, I moved so fast that I almost fell over and dunked my head into the brimming piss bowl. That's a big yikes!

A surge of shame washed over me, making my body shudder so much that my buns of steel not only stuck out of the dog flap, but also waved cheekily towards the doghouse. As if anybody would see me there. So ridiculous! But a total revelation! I was such a humiliation hound! Maybe this was the right position for me after all. What a nasty thought! Reboot your brain, bimbo!

Unfortunately, that was easier said than done! And frankly, the dickdaze was too dense for that. So, I kept going, sticking my tongue out and dipping it into the puddle of piss. But that was the end of my high-speed action. The rancid, salty taste overwhelmed me, making my body tremble harder than ever. The disgust hit me with the force of a hundred bad hair days in a row. It literally left a bad taste in my mouths. And from then on, I only progressed at a snail's pace. Again and again, I dipped my tongue into the piss pool, but most of the vile whizz ran back into the dog bowl, only a little ended up in my mouth. So inefficient! But so much more disgusting!

Oh my god! At this rate, it would take me all night. Soon, my taste buds would be dead. I'd never taste anything again. Bet! To make matters worse, Steve was no longer in the room. He had gone to the bathroom to brush his teeth, so he didn't even see my efforts. Nevertheless, I carried on as eagerly as ever. This may have been a minor matter for the journo, but it was a big thing for me. Promise!

And suddenly, I inhaled audibly before letting out a loud moan. There was something behind me! There was something touching my pussy! I didn't know who or what it was! Jesus! All I knew was that my snatch savored the sudden sensations. I wanted to hold my breath, I wanted to look over my shoulder, but I couldn't do any of that. Instead, I lapped away at high speed. Jesus Christ!

"That should keep you entertained during the night." I eventually heard Steve's voice.

So, it was the nasty newshack! What a surprise... not! For once, however, I was glad that it was the boring option and nothing unexpected. On the one hand, I wanted to breathe a sigh of relief. On the other hand, his statement made me shudder. And I finally realized what he was actually doing. The snobby scribe had shoved a love egg into my pussy! And as if that wasn't enough, he had switched on the vibration. Not at full power but at a mid-level. It stimulated me! It made me infinitely horny! But it wasn't enough to bring me to climax. Swear to god!

I thrashed and trembled. I wriggled and wobbled. My cunt throbbed faster than my tongue licked the piss. My arousal was at an all-time high, but something was missing to push me over the edge! I couldn't reach my orgasm, I couldn't get any relief! Instead, I was edging constantly. And it wouldn't stop because Steve had gone back inside. Can you believe it, folks? Matt's mentor was asleep! In fact, the whole neighborhood was fast asleep. Only the premium house pet was kneeling in the doggie door, enjoying the love egg vibrating in her twat. Unbelievable but true!

And so, the inevitable happened! I didn't close an eye all night long, not even when I had cleaned up my mess. The constant stimulation kept me on a high. At some point, I actually lost track of how many times I had edged. In fact, my whole body went numb from holding the unfamiliar position on all fours for so long, only my cunt remained on high alert.

But then my dickdaze got pierced by a noise. And suddenly, I was wide awake. There was something outside! It took me a few moments to place the noise. But then I realized that it was the neighbor next to the alumni apartment. For fuck's sake!

As it turned out, the guy had woken up and stepped out onto the balcony where he was smoking a morning cigarette and drinking a coffee. But that didn't really matter! What mattered most was the fact that he was practically standing right above my butt. One look down and he'd see my naked ass. Fucking hell!

And then the noise stopped. Just as I figured out that he was watching an online video while having his smoke. But it wasn't over yet! Instead, I felt something bumping against my booty. For crying out loud! It was the cigarette butt! The neighbor had finished smoking, stubbed out the cig, and thrown it off the balcony. The stub had bounced off my ass cheeks and landed on the grass next to me. This was absurd! And I didn't know what was worse: getting turned into an ashtray or getting exposed. At least, the first option had no long-term consequences. The guy had taken his time to finish his coffee, so the stub was cold and didn't burn my skin. But then again, the humiliation burned all the hotter!

Anyway, I was pretty sure that the neighbor hadn't seen me. He would have made a fuss if he had discovered my bare bottom in the dog flap. Admittedly, though, I couldn't be a hundo percent sure. So, fingers crossed! But you know how the saying goes: even a broken clock is right twice a day. Accordingly, an unlucky bimbo must strike luck from time to time, right?

Whatever! I didn't get to investigate the matter any further because I was interrupted by Steve. He had woken up and shuffled into the kitchen. The smug fuck was still wearing his old-school pajamas and could hardly look out of his eyes as he was still real sleepy. Nevertheless, he did what every man does first thing after getting up: he took a tinkle. No kidding!

And so, I stared with my eyes wide open as he let his pajama bottoms slide to the floor and grabbed his cock. A second later, I heard a loud splashing sound. The snooty snob was pissing in the dog bowl. This was unreal! For the third time, he couldn't be serious! And yet I could do nothing but watch him fill the bowl to overflowing. Facts!

Let me tell you, I was shocked to the core! But I still followed my bimbo impulse. When Steve's piss stream stopped, I opened my mouth to give my nasty neighbor a fresh pisspot, so he could dump his aftertinkle. Nasty but true! And of course, the arrogant asswipe didn't have to be asked twice. It figures!

As announced, my taste buds were so numb that I barely tasted the salty swill. Even my booty was only shaking slightly. And that motivated me to go straight ahead. The next step was totally logical anyway. Dunking my head into the brimming bowl, I began to lick up the new puddle of piss. What a docile dickdumb doll!

At least, I made faster progress with the putrid puddle than before. And once again, no one noticed my efforts, because Steve had gone back to his bedroom. Apparently, he was getting dressed. Clearly, that was more important than watching the premium house pet serve... not!


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