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Tom's Summer Fun Ch. 03


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Off camera Celia could hear a soft moan of a voice she thought she recognized, her own breathing deepening as she watched in awe as the veiny thick dildo sunk deeper into the waiting pussy.

The camera panned out slowly, pale skin now appearing, framing the perfect pussy as it stretched around the girth of the toy cock. The person filming was obviously above, as from the angle it was clear the camera was pointing down at the girls behind which came into full glorious closeup view a moment later.

Celia held her breath as she saw the shape of the girl's pale ass, her hips flaring out to form a beautiful smooth curve, the cleft between her cheeks wide and deep, in the centre a tight little pink knot that was gently pulsing, skin vibrating as the girl shuddered with pleasure.

The rubber cock seemed to get longer as the camera panned out and then Celia saw another small female hand resting on the back of the girl's ass, holding her in place as the cock dipped in-and-out.

"Spread them!" a small voice commanded the prone girl, A voice Celia subconsciously refused to recognize, dismissing the notion, and she felt her own legs spread, as if the voice had ordered her, her free hand sliding back down under her school skirt and starting to play with her clit as she watched opened mouthed.

Two small hands were reaching back and spreading the ass cheeks wider, stretching the small pink anus tighter. The hand that had been resting on top of the ass now delicately traced across, down into the dip, softly grazing the skin as a small finger began to circle around the stretched hole.

"Your little asshole looks delicious, are you sure you won't' let me play with it?" the small voice asked.

"Mmmmmm no, I'm not ready. That feels so nice what you're doing but this is already so wrong, if my parents ever found out they'd kick me out of home."

The cock was moving in a steady rhythm that made Celia realize that no-one could be holding it, that it must be a strap-on. The thought that Sarah had a video of two hot young girls fucking was more erotic to her and she kind of wished the girl would start playing with the other's ass, feeling herself having guilty thoughts about her young daughter again. Her fingers sped up in their movement across her clit, the electric feeling building across the surface of her skin as her breathing grew more rapid.

The camera had now panned out enough to show the girls bent over body, her moans of pleasure more obvious now, her hips rocking back and forth with pleasure, fucking herself against the girl's cock. In a long fluid movement, the camera pulled back and panned up showing the two girls fucking reflected in the mirror in front of them. Celia gasped and thought she was going to be sick, her body convulsing in shock even as her fingers still frantically flicked across her clit.

Before she could even contemplate stopping the video her orgasm had ambushed her and she cried out, her whole lower body trembling, then bursting as the electrical tingles became shocks that emanated out across her skin, her toes curling, knees bouncing as her eyes rolled back and her whole being flushed with heat, the red wine sloshing over the edge of her glass and splashing onto the cream carpet.

On screen reflected in the mirror filming herself Sarah was athletically thrusting her hips against the girl beneath her, Lily's face twisting into a look of blissful pleasure and moaning loudly as her young pale hands reached back to spread her ass proudly for her lover.

Celia sat there awash with excitement and shame, overcome with a range of emotions she couldn't properly understand, but she couldn't take her eyes of her young daughter, her naked body covered with a sheen of sweat confidently satisfying her teenage female lover in a way that Celia would never have dared. Celia slammed the lid of the laptop shut, rushing from the room, leaving it lying on the now dishevelled bed, the red stain on the floor seeping deeper into the carpet.

She practically ran to her own room, sitting heavily on the bed her head swimming with images and thoughts and she breathed heavily trying not to feel faint. Her reflection caught her eye and she saw how flushed she was, her face pink with sweat, her chest rising and falling heavily, and she realized how much of a fuck-toy slut she looked right now.

She felt dirty and wanton and needed to get fucked really badly, where the fuck was David?

There was the sound of the front door quietly opening and then nothing, Celia knew someone had entered the house and couldn't help moaning with anticipation whoever they were. She heard her husband call out in a strange almost strangled voice that made her giggle.

"Hi Honey I'm home."

"I'm upstairs Daddy," Celia called out in a breathless cutesy voice and quickly made her way back to Becky's room.


David heard his wife call out in a young cute tone of voice he'd never heard before and felt his excitement and fear building inside of him. He took a few deep breaths to steady his nerves and then headed up the stairs, the smell of sex drifting down to him as he climbed closer.

David looked down the upstairs landing towards the bedrooms, glancing into Sarah's room that looked like a wild animal had escaped in it, a fresh wet wine stain spreading on the floor. Padding gently down the hall he saw Becky's room, the door open invitingly but he paused, it was his daughters room and even though he knew it was his wife in there he also knew this was turning into something that could spiral out of control.

His fingers gingerly reached out, feeling the cold wood of the door to his daughter's bedroom as he pushed it open with slow trepidation.

Celia sat on the edge of the bed, her knees held tightly together, her hands flat on her lap, palms down, her head bowed not looking up at him. Her hair which was normally loose and flowing was tied up into two cute pigtails held by little pink bows, making them bounce on the top of her head, the long braids gently swaying by her face.

She wore large round glasses that David realized were his own but that on her made her eyes look bigger, more doe like, innocent even. Her lipstick was a gentle pale pink and now David could see the hint of sparkle in it. Celia's lips were full, and David could see her trying to steady her rapid breathing.

His eyes sunk down, watching her shoulders move with little trembling movements, the dark maroon blazer tight across her upper body, too small for her mature frame and curves. A single brass button tried valiantly to hold the blazer closed at the front, failing to stop the starched white cotton shirt beneath from practically bursting with the weight of his wife's breasts.

Celia's hands rested gently on her lap, her fingertips picking at the hem of a short plaid skirt that barely covered her wide thighs, the gap between them hinting at her sex. The outfit was finished off by small white cotton ankle socks and a pair of plain sensible heels.

David looked at his wife of over twenty years with a sense of excitement and lust he had not felt since they had been youngsters. He could feel how hard his cock was in his trousers and he knew that Celia must be aware of the bulge though she'd made no attempt to look up at him yet.

Her words in the video and just now when she'd called him upstairs were still rolling around in his mind, how she'd called him Daddy, as if she knew his fantasies. For a moment he wanted to talk to her, as his wife, to discuss what had led to this sudden change, but then he looked at the woman in front of him, dressed like an overtly slutty, if maybe, abnormally tall schoolgirl and he realized how much he wanted to fuck her.

David's guilt in that moment also threatened to overwhelm him, the only other person who had called him Daddy was Tricia when he had ass-fucked her in the toilets the previous Christmas eve. How could he tell Celia? If he even should? There was no doubt in his mind that if she found out, she would divorce him in a heartbeat.

But then his cock started to take over and he imagined his wife, in her small slutty school uniform kissing and groping young Tricia. Tricia had made it obviously clear that she would be up for such a thing, but would his wife?

David also began to think about the fact that Celia was sitting in their daughter's room, dressed in a way, especially with the glasses, that reminded him of his favourite porn film where Becky the babysitter was roughly fucked, Becky who he couldn't admit to himself made him think of his young daughter with the same name and who had been in his fantasies often when he secretly masturbated to the film.

He cleared his throat and trying to assert some authority over the situation addressed his wife in what he thought was a stern voice.

"Hello Celia, what do you think you're doing home instead of at school young lady?"

Celia looked up at David for the first time, biting her lip, a look of genuine nervousness in her eyes as their gaze met. She seemed to steady herself for a moment and then smiled the sweetest smile at him he had ever seen.

"Oh silly Daddy, have you been drinking again during the day? Why are you calling me by Mummy's name?" and she fluttered her eyelids at him theatrically and innocently.

"You know my name is Becky........" Celia left the words hanging in the air between them, the room suddenly heavy as Celia vocalized what they had both been hinting at.

It was David's turn to look nervous, except now he felt like he had been trapped, that his secrets had been revealed, waiting for his wife's face to turn to anger and disgust as his incestuous perversions were proven true to them both.

Celia saw the fear in her husband's eyes, the rising panic as the colour drained from him face and she realized that he really had lusted after their daughter Becky, but she felt no anger, acknowledging in that moment that they had both crossed some moral boundary, especially since she'd already allowed her own nephew to sodomize her the day before.

Celia suddenly saw the man she loved unsure of himself, looking like he might run away, and the moment would be lost, and yet his cock remained as hard as it had been since he walked in and his eyes still dropped, snatching glances at her bust. She smiled up again at him as reassuringly as she could, trying to let him know with her look that it was ok.

"Are you ok Daddy?"

"You're looking at me a bit funny, do I have something on my uniform?" and Celia's hands cupped her large tits through her shirt, rubbing her fingers over her obviously hard nipples.

"I, ahh.......well......I'm not sure what to, ah,,,,,,,say"

Celia giggled, "Oh Daddy, I love you, you are silly, you don't have to say anything."

"Mummy and the others won't be home for a while, and I skipped school cos I wanted to show my Daddy how much I love him."

David felt the risk of execution lift, his panic receding as he saw his wife gently kneading her tits in front of him as she pretended to be his daughter. It started to dawn o him that this was not a trick, that his wife seemed as excited by this as he was, her hard nipples were threatening to pierce holes in her shirt, and he could see how she was squeezing her trembling thighs together.

"Are you ok Daddy?" she asked, her eyes dropping to the large bulge in the front of his trousers.

"What's going on with your trousers? Do you have something in your pocket?"

David almost laughed at Celia's faux naivety and innocence but at the same time he found himself feeling more aroused than he had ever felt. The sight of his wife dressed in his daughter's old school uniform, flirting with him as if she was his daughter in her own room was almost overwhelming. He also felt embarrassed, at the thought of what Becky would have said and done if it was her sitting on the edge of her bed right now, staring at the outline of his erection.

"It's ah......well......"

"Umm sometimes when a man really loves someone his body reacts in ways that he's not expecting."

"It's my body's way of showing you how much I love you too Becky!"

Celia felt the tension in her groin reach new levels of intensity as she felt her husband relax and start to respond to her flirting. At the sound of him calling her Becky she felt a wetness almost dripping down the inside of her thighs.

"Can I see Daddy?" she asked innocently.

"Well, I'm not sure about that, it's really only something that Daddies should show to Mummies. I'm not sure it's appropriate for Daddy to show it to his daughter."

"But Daddy, you said it was just a way that your body is showing it loves me so why would it be wrong for me to see?"

"Umm, well I do love you, but I wouldn't want to upset your mother, this is a special type of love that I only show to her."

Celia couldn't help but sense the slight hesitation that came over David as he said the last thing about only showing his wife. As if he had just been caught in lie. Celia looked at him carefully and the look of nervousness had returned to David's face as if another dark secret was being hinted at. Celia breathed in sharply, was he nervous because he actually had just lied?

Celia sat for a moment considering all her options, if he had cheated on her she should be angry and jealous, but how could she be when less than twenty-four hours before she'd cheated on him with his own family. She also felt a weird fluttering in her belly at the mix of jealousy, anger, and something else, arousal maybe at the idea of someone else seeing his cock.

She breathed deeply and looked up at him again with reassuring eyes, "I think that Mummy loves you very much and wants you to be happy."

"I don't think she would mind if you showed your special love to other people,"

"And besides we're family so you can show me how much you love me and that will make Mummy happy."

"Have you shown anyone else Daddy?"

David's sense of terror that had returned when he thought he had slipped up and revealed he had cheated on Celia, began to diminish again and he finally realized that Celia was acknowledging his desires, that she could obviously read him like a book and was now as they roleplayed an incestuous fantasy giving him the opportunity to unburden himself.

"If I tell you Becky, you have to promise not to tell you mother as I don't think she would be very happy."

"Are you able to keep this our secret?"

"If you do, I'll also show you how much I love you."

Celia nodded her head like a good girl trying to please her daddy.

"Can I see it first while you tell me?" and Celia felt herself start to tremble with excitement and anticipation.

David looked down at her and then stepping a little closer till his groin was almost level with her face started to unbuckle his belt. He slowly pulled the leather strap out, watching her breathing as he undid the button of his trousers, languidly pulling down the fly. His boxers bulged forward as his trousers opened up and his cock strained against the soft material as if trying to reach out to his daughter's face.

"Pull my pants down Becky," his voice was stern and fatherly, and sent a flutter of excitement through Celia.

Her hands reached out and she realized how much she was shaking, and it felt as if it was the first time she was pulling his boxers down, the first time she would see his penis, even though they had three kids. The material snagged on his cock and pulled it forward as she tried to stretch the fabric over him. it resisted for a moment and then the material fell away, his cock springing forcefully towards her face and she felt herself gasping with excitement,

"Oh Daddy, it's so beautiful, wow can I touch it?"

David nodded and his breath caught in his throat as 'Becky' reached out and tentatively gripped his hot flesh.

Her fingers tentatively wrapped themselves slowly around his cock as if they were exploring his ridges and veins for the first time. She did not immediately start to wank him off as Celia would do on the recent occasions they had had sex, instead turning him over in her hand checking out every small detail of him.

David still groaned at her touch, excited by how this new delicate sensation felt.

"Am I doing it right Daddy, it looks very stiff and sore, I don't want to cause you discomfort!"

He nodded, "that's it Becky, you can hold it more firmly and stroke it gently, that's it, Daddy likes how you are doing it now, aahhhhh..."

"Who have you done this with except for me and Mummy?" Celia's fingers began to grip his hard flesh more firmly, making small movements up and down, his foreskin rolling back revealing a dark bulbous head.

David paused, enjoying both the sensations in his cock, and considering how truthful he should now be. Celia seemed to sense this and she herself was wondering who he would say, was it her friend Joan? She was divorced and always hinting at some mystery guy, and she was hot in a slightly overweight frumpy way. Was it the woman from the golf club, the posh one who was skinny and obviously did too much yoga, Celia would understand, maybe she could bend in ways she no longer could?

Celia decided to tease him a bit, "Was she an old lady Daddy? Like Mummy?"

"No," he groaned, and she giggled.

"Oh Daddy, so you think Mummy is an old lady?"

David looked embarrassed; Celia giggled again.

"Was she young like me? Did you show one of my friends? Was it a schoolgirl like me?"

Again, he shook his head, "I'll tell you baby girl but first I need you to show me how much you love me right now, can you do that for me Becky?"

Celia would do anything for him right now and eagerly nodded her head.

"Ok baby, I want you to kiss me."

Celia went to get up from the bed, but David put a firm hand on her shoulder pushing her back down onto the bed.

"No, kiss me there," and he looked down at his cock.

Celia gasped in mock surprise, "Oh, I'm not sure I should Daddy, I think Mummy might get cross if I do that. She told me that only dirty, sinful girls do things like that."

David almost burst out laughing at the image of his wife Celia being uptight about oral sex, knowing how much she enjoyed both giving and receiving, but he went along with the fantasy.

"I'll let you in on a little secret Becky, your mother likes to do it herself sometimes, but I've always fantasized about what your mouth would feel like."

Celia felt a strange mix of jealousy, at the idea of her husband considering if his daughter, a younger version of herself would be better, and then a sense of arousal of taking on the role. She leaned forward and puckering her lips together tentatively kissed the end of his penis, tasting the salty wet taste of the precum already leaking from him. Celia breathed in heavily, enjoying his strong smell, a familiar musky smell that she was so fond of. She opened her mouth wide and looking up at her daddy she pursed her wet lips around his cock and sunk effortlessly down his cock.

"That's it Becky take the whole thing, show me you can take more than your mother."

Celia was proud of her skill and knew she could easily take the full length of her husband's cock, an image flashing from the day before when she'd tried the same with her nephews much larger cock. She'd not managed the whole thing that time, but she thought with some practice she might. Celia pushed herself down further until her noise was buried in his greying pubic hair, feeling it tickle her face.

She felt her husband's hands slip over her head, his fingers firm and strong wrapping themselves around her pigtails, feeling the tightness as he grabbed her roughly and held her head in place.

"God Becky, your mouth feels good, do you like taking Daddy's cock?"

Celia nodded as she came up for breath with a gasp and a splutter even as she expertly licked and sucked his shaft.


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