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TOPF - Duties (1888)

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Follow Persephone and her Sire settle old debts.
6.2k words

Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 05/16/2024
Created 04/09/2024
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Under Tammany hall lay the court of Dimitri.The basement of the hall connected into old tunnels built during the war for independence to store arms stolen from the British, now it was home to the gargoyle like rule of the New York Undead.The chamber they found themselves in was dank, the darkness almost oppressive with only a few small sconces lighting the entrance here. Persephone thought the room was simple, bare brick work, with ware and markings from its time as a storage hub, now a few Russian paintings dotted the walls, with quite a lot of old well used weapons, pikes, spears and the like.

However at the end of the chamber sat the throne of Dimitri. One could be mistaken for believing they were in the mediaeval palaces of old, the throne sat upon a raised platform, seemingly made of platinum and cobalt with Plush blue seating.The intricate design of the back of the chair swirled away from the head creating a blue and pale white crown behind the Justicar. The carpet was rich with lapis dye and tapestries of a similar colour hung from the walls, bearing a jagged spiral sigil. Dimiti however would have been suited for the sewers than this throne. The bulbous vampire sat on the throne towering above the back of it blocking out most of the artistry, his blue grey skin stood in contrast to the platinum metal, and the suit on his body seemingly hadn't been taken off or washed in weeks. Holes developing in the pant legs, and red faded stains littering the shirt underneath. This was the most animalistic vampire Persephone had ever met, but despite that she could feel the absolute power seeping from the beast.

"It is good to see you have returned friend, Louisiana has treated you well?" His voice grated, a gruff rumble present under each word almost masking the thick Russian accent.

"The new court has had a few issues but nothing that would cause any serious concern for the Justicar of Louisiana." Persephone thought of Alexander's remark, with how quickly the hunters had been dispatched after her untimely rescue in the bayou, it probably did rank low on the list of actual threats.

"I do not believe Rapheal has much concern for anything beyond what would make him more money, why he decided to found a court in the middle of that swampy shithole is beyond me.What of Texas?" Texas was an arid shithole by Persephone's account of the state, and poorly run with how many outlaws had tried to rob its institutions in her wake.

"Rapheal just followed the French, and it has paid of for him seemingly. Your Childe Piotr does well, his new court is stable and growth of the vampiric population and its tax revenue seems inevitable under his stewardship." The noise that left Dimitri could have been a huff, but sounded more like a dying animal.

"Stable is not the word I would like to be used to describe my eldests ventures, I will need to send word to him, he has been taught how to run a court. What of your new Childe, what is her name?

"Persephone, I felt the call and she had already been found by Isabella, she was turned shortly after. She has been a quick study of our ways and proven quite profitable as well." Dimitris' eyes slowly took in Persephone's form, kneeling next to her Sire on the lower platform, feeling his gaze linger on her Persephone could only be glad Alexander had been working to improve her poker face.

"Stand girl." Almost flinching at the words Persephone rose bowed her head for the Justiciar, Alexander had her dress finely for the evening, the white blouse billowed towards the wrist of the sleeve and tightened at the waist, a swirling black pattern snaking up from wrist to shoulder. The black skirt had embroidered a similar pattern, black on black catching occasionally in the low light to reveal the detailing, a modest piece with little skin on show, yet Persephone did not believe Dimiti was evaluating her fashion.

"She is pale, has she fed this evening?"

"No Justiciar, we plan to feed after our meeting here." Dimitir took one more look at her before motioning for Alexander to rise.

"You are both welcome here for the month, do not linger beyond and inform me or Benjamin should you need to leave the area sooner. Good luck with your business friend." Alexander bowed his head and taking Persephone's elbow led them both from the dark chamber, leaving the grey beast alone.

"Sire, tell me right now I will never look anything like that or I shall meet the sun this morning." The pair marched down the busy streets of New York, mortals still out in droves at this time of night, the saloons they passed pushed to capacity. Alexander simply laughed at the response.

"It is simply a bloodline trait, you're no more likely to look like Dimitir as you are to grow horns my Childe. Besides he is a fair ruler for the area, when you are left to your own devices, and not having to deal with the incessant tasks and orders of a Lilitean leader, you make allowances for appearances." Persephone had yet to get her head around all the new Vampiric religions some undead seemingly chose to waste their eternity following, yet the worst had to be those devoting eternity to preparing the earth for the return of the being they believed was the progenitor of their species, Lilith of Eden. The fact they didn't even know what she would do once she was here was just the icing on the cake.

"I'll have to take your word for it, where are we off first anyway? I could do with a bite to eat, perhaps a live show? We could pay for a private booth and feed in the middle of high society." Alexander's grin held a mischievous glint.

"Have I got a treat for you then, our first stop of this trip is to a theatre we own, work first though pleasure after.." Persephone's face lit up.

"Oh please can we see Beadle's pirates of the ten cents? Isabella absolutely refuses to go see anything less than an opera, she said even operetta's are beneath her and low brow." Persephone responded, rolling her eyes dramatically.

"Isabella has always prided herself on being aware of the taste of the higher class, I think personally she just prefers the taste of their blue blood so goes where the wind blows. I remember seeing her begin to enjoy a brass band in a tavern not far from here actually and it was like the second she saw that I knew she was enjoying it she went cold and disregarded them for the entire evening. Remind me to try and find something similar on wax cylinders for her actually." Arriving into Madison square the blinding lights of broadway illuminated the streets. Electronic adverts for coffee and dental cream dead centre of the street and broadway shows advertised on the side. Persephone's eyes adjusted to the light after a moment and was momentarily stunned by the beauty of human invention.

"It's fantastic, do you think they'll manage to get lights like these everywhere?" Alexander's expression easily dulled Persephone's excitement.

"I hope not, I'd rather walk by moonlight than this, I can practically hear the whirring of each bulb, it's monotonous."


"Trust me you get used to the fancies of humans, I remember the first time I saw Rococo architecture, I couldn't imagine a building designed any other way. It took about four years for it to become gaudy. I almost had our English holdings remodelled, what a mistake that would have been." Persephone just watched as her Sire rambled on.

"Anyway, where's this theatre? And what's our stake in the business?" Turning off Madison she saw the large dominant building, its facade covered in arches and gothic designs, arching up and beyond the roof of the theatre.

"There, and I paid for the construction back in 1752 I believe, the company that runs it now got the funds to redecorate the interior from our accounts as well. The current custodian is a rather young elf, around two hundred I believe, he seemed shrewd when I first met him but as of late he's taken to missing payments."

"How much has he missed?" Stopping outside the front doors, the noise behind is raucous, almost deafening to their vampiric hearing.

"Well between, rent, dividends, interest on the loan payments and our travel costs, he's looking at around ten thousand dollars, give or take a few hundred for our inconvenience." Persephone gave a whistle at the figure.

"How long has he not been paying for to reach that much? "

"One year this month, Palladius' thrall visited twice to try and collect and was given a rather unfitting greeting from the new staff. He's informed us that the Elf, a Jovan, is courting mortal investors, for what reason I'm not sure, but since he started, we haven't seen a penny." Considering the options Persephone responded.

"The gang had to collect a few times from those who didn't want to pay us, sheriffs with bounties far too large for the village, cattle sales, misplaced weapons from the confederacy. We really only had one way of getting the money back." Persephone caught Alexander's smile as he opened the double doors before him, it was no longer mischievous, but cruel.

"We only need the one, Childe.

Entering the main hall of the theatre the bustle of mortals surrounded them, the crowd awaiting the show trying to get into the hall to find their seats. Standing in the entryway, Persephone folded her arms across her chest taking in the decor. The wooden fixtures of the room were a rich mahogany, from the floors to the rails and the metals in between all brass, the electric lights gleaming on the surface of them. All of it coming together to create a dark and alluring hall, one Persephone would have found far more fitting for the Justiciar than his dank little hole.

"Should we go somewhere? The ticket booth?" Turning to her Sire, he stood looking across the masses like an emperor amongst his subjects, his body hidden behind the purple dress coat and black trousers. The entire suit is in pristine condition as if it had never been worn before.

"We do not go looking for a fae, he will come to us. Check the mortals before they enter, if this goes well you may need to find dinner elsewhere." Laughing at the idea that Jovan would just hand over that much money, Persephone obliged and watched as the last of the crowd filtered into the viewing hall. It was odd being out of the south again, the city was packed with so many people, especially from different walks of life. No more southern Twang ringing in her ears, but the accents here varied, the most common sounding quite harsh but some more delicate. She would need to ask Alexander what accent was what, the only one she recognised was that of her parents, the Irish accent sounding homely to her. Even if it was probably the rarest in this hall. As the last figure entered the hall Persephone caught sight of her potential meal, a tall elegant brunette hanging on the arm of a man who looked like he was more accustomed to the grave than either vampire. She would make a fine meal, hopefully a rich taste, but regardless the woman would serve to soothe the ache Persephone felt missing her partner.

"He's coming." Approaching the pair a man walked slowly down from the mezzanine, his suit extravagant, a bright orange and yellow. The colours blending across the coat, vest and pants, almost like the man glittered with sunlight. She noticed copper eyes and pointed ears, longer than her own, peeking out from the white blonde crop of hair on his head. This man was worse at hiding that he wasn't human than she was. His arms opened as he approached his mouth parting with a wide smile.

"Alexander, what a pleasure it is to have you back in my theatre. To what do I owe this prestigious honour." It was a fight for Persephone to suppress the snarl threatening to leave her lips, the mockery and acerbic tone of the man enough to make her hate him.

"Jovan, I think you know why I'm here." Jovan finally came to a stop before the, his smile only faltering for a second.

"Oh Alexander, you have absolutely no manners. Lets save the unpleasantness for now, how about we show your fetching little pet around our building first. What say you dear, do you wanna see a real theatre? Can't imagine you've been in one as grand as this before." Looking at her Sire, it seemed he was having as much trouble suppressing his anger as she was. "Come on dear, you don't need his permission for everything, if he hasn't got you thralled yet that is." The comment made her realise, he thought she was human. Making an effort to start breathing and letting a little of that southern twang slip in, she smiled.

"Oh I'd just love too, please do lead the way sir." Turning on his heel Jovan began walking down the hall pointing out all the different fixtures and fittings of her bloodlines property.

"...and finally we have my office, now it's probably the most boring of all the rooms in this building dear, but sadly the men have work to discuss. Alexander, do you want me to have someone escort her to wait in the lobby?" Alexander waved him off.

"She's been commanded into silence, she won't be able to repeat anything she hears or says. Isn't that the right pet?" Persephone just gave a vacant nod and a smile, placating the elf.

"Very well, in we go, as he opened the door Persephone's eyes fell upon the owners of the heartbeats she had heard from outside. Each man had a passing familiarity to the last, most likely family, the oldest sitting to the right, grey and almost hairless, going down the line each man was younger and had more hair than the last. It was like looking at one of those drawings showing the evolution of man.

"Please take a seat both of you, we have much to discuss." Entering the room, none of the men rose from their chairs, and two seemed to look at the pair with distaste. As Jovan shut the doors behind them the oldest man broke the silence.

"So are these the vampire investors you've been having trouble with, Jovan?" The comment made her eyebrows raise, Alexander seemed equally as baffled.

"He is, she's just his pet human. They tend to keep one or two around to feed and fuck as and when they please, isn't that right old friend." Jovan had walked round the pair to stand between the men seated, looking to Alexander challengingly. The Youngest of the men looked derisivly to Persephone.

"You sure? She's almost as pale as he is." Jovan just shrugged.

"That's the Irish for you, barely human but definitely not dead." Alexander cut in.

"You've been sharing secrets that aren't yours to share, it seems Jovan." Jovan never got the chance to comment, one of the middling men rose first, his hair a crop of slicked brown hair, his suit carried a thick scent of tobacco and sweat.

"Let's cut to the chase, vampire. Jovan will not be paying you any further. We, the Artugo family, will be funding the theatre going forward and we will be providing protection for him and the building. We have guards outside actually should you make a fool of yourself. Should there be any other problems caused, we will go public with the knowledge of you and your kind, you will be hunted across this earth until you're locked up in a circus cage somewhere. Is that understood?" The silence was thick in the room, two of the men seemed nervous, two arrogant with Victory. Jovan was just looking at Persephone. He was the first to see as she broke the silence cackling loud and heavy. The sound folded her at the waist as she struggled to control her commotion. The human who had challenged Alexander spoke up.

"Jovan can you get this slattern out of here, why the hell would a woman run around spreading her legs for a dead man anyway." Persephone continued to laugh, Alexander seeming amused at the way things had unfolded as well. Jovan approached speaking softly.

"Come on dear, let's get you out of here before things get messy." Reaching out, Persephone felt Jovan grip her hand, and as she did she felt the shock thrum through his body. Noticing looking down towards the joint hands and as she gripped it far harder than any mortal was capable.

"Well, that's a rude secret to keep dear." Persephone just shrugged, a fanged smile on her face.

"Sire any orders?" Alexander's own eyes began to glow crimson, lighting up his pale features.

"Just don't kill the elf for now, Childe, you can have three of the mortals for yourself." As soon as he stopped speaking two more of the men rose at the challenge and they heard the loud crack echo out as Jovans wrist snapped, the bone bending backwards in his wrist as Persephone twisted. Releasing the elf she saw as Alexander barred the door locking them in. Turning back to the mortals as the elf cried and crawled along the floor she saw the weapons begin to be drawn. Running forward faster than any of the mortals could track Persephone confiscated two guns and a knife as they were being pulled from pockets, throwing them to the side of the room. By the time she stopped next to Sire's side, the men had a variety of expressions. Some anger, some shock mostly though fear dominated the group, they had misjudged who was prey here. The eldest of the men spoke being the only one still seated.

"It's six on two even without weapons, and at worst it only takes one of us to get out and the whole world will know about you monsters, is that what you want?" Alexander's claws lengthened, before he spoke.

"Six on two is sadly horrible odds for a group of mortals, your supernatural friend did you a disservice by not warning you how deadly we can be." As he finished he rushed forward, hand sinking into the chest of the eldest before any of the others could react, Persephone barely managed to follow his speed as his hand withdrew from the man's chest, a sputtering heart giving its final beats as the old man went white with shock, blood pouring from the wound and staining the air. One of the men let out a horrid yelp at the action with the oldest closest to Alexander, beginning to pull back for a swing. Before it landed Persphone was on the man, her hand pinning the man to the desk as her fangs descended tearing into his throat. Blood spurted out with the action, spraying arterial blood along the back wall and Persephone. It sounded like Alexander had engaged the group, shouts and yells echoing in the room behind her as Persephone was lost to the blood lust. The heady liquid continuing to pour down her throat had a dark rich taste, the tobacco this man smoked seemed to have saturated more than just his clothes. Before the blood dried up she heard a man charging towards her, looking up in time she saw one of the younger men, looking far more ruffled than he had to begin with coming at her with the discarded knife. Reaching for the man's hand as the blade was about to sink into her chest, she gripped the hand, his eyes bulged as the other came up to beat at her arm trying to get it released.

"What the fuck is wrong with you people, ah, Just, die!" As his fist came down to strike her again she thrust the blade back, the metal slicing into his throat and giving a similar spray. Letting him fall back clutching at his neck.

Persephone looked back into the room, four men now lay dead. Alexander was on top of another feeding deeply from him, the final of the mortals was cowering against the wall, sobs and staccato breaths the only thing coming from him. Walking towards the man slowly, Persephone felt the blood continue to drip down her form, tracing thin lines down her neck and arms. As she stopped at the foot of the man he looked up, face puffy and wrinkled.

"P p please. I didn't wanna fight yall, just. It was an investment Pa wanted." Persephone just peaked an eyebrow at the words. Crouching low so that they held eye contact her eyes pulsed crimson, his mind falling into the void of her hunger and susceptible to her command.

"Don't cry, you're safe as long as you answer my questions, understood?" The man just nodded, barely aware of his surroundings any more, or his family's blood coating the face of the monster before him. "Did you have any money with you today? Any of your family?" The man nodded, pointing to a single briefcase. "Do you have any other family members who are aware of your investments?" He shook his head.


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