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Torn Between Two Beauties Ch. 03

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A three-way with mother and daughter.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 05/31/2024
Created 05/25/2024
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In Ch.1 and 2: I started dating Amelia, a model-like, beautiful 25-year-old girl. Eventually, I met her mother, Sophia, who was never married and was more voluptuous but rather shy. My relationship with Amelia was perfect until the day she suffered a devastating car accident, forcing her to stay in the hospital for several months. Amelia asked me to help her mother cope with her loneliness. The sudden deprivation of sexual activity with the daughter, with closeness to the mother, triggered my arousal. Sophia also seemed to find me attractive and asked her daughter how to deal with the new situation. Amelia suggested that her mother go with it, and a short time later, Sophia and I began our intimate relationship. The time for Amelia to return home was fast approaching.


The big day has arrived.

At 11 am, Amelia was supposed to get her discharge papers. I arrived a couple of minutes early, thinking I could help collect her stuff, deal with the inevitable bureaucratic BS that always accompanied leaving the hospital following a long stay, and help carry her luggage.

Amelia wore a summery light dress with a small cast on her left thigh. I asked if she wished for me to carry her in a wheelchair, and she smiled, "No, honey. I can walk by myself. Even the cast is 'just-in-case,' and I am allowed to remove it in 3 days."

We drove home and barely talked on the way. We just ogled each other. When we arrived at the parking place near her home, Amelia said, "You look nice and happy. Mom did a good job..." I couldn't tell if she really meant it as a compliment, so I answered, "Girl, for somebody after a major accident, you look terrific!" Then I kissed her lips softly, and we entered the house.

Sophia had on a long robe. She rushed to her daughter, hugged and then kissed her, "We missed you so much here! I just came out of the shower. Would you like to rest for a while? Eat something? Shower?"

Amelia smiled, "Guys, I feel fine. A short rest will do, then I'd love homemade food for a change."

I smirked, "Are you saying hospital meals are not gourmet? Actually, more than once on my way to visit you, I thought of bringing you good food, but I liked your figure and didn't want you to get fat..."

Amelia chuckled and stared at her mother, "He used to be much more gentleman when I left him. What did you do to him?"

Sophia blushed and smiled, "As per your request, I spoiled him, but you may be right suggesting that I overdid it."

Amelia went to her bedroom and closed the door behind her.

I gazed at Sophia, "Girl, how are you doing?"

"I am nervous. I love her dearly and want her happy, so I prepared her favorite dinner and baked a special cherry cheesecake, but the tension will remain until we sort out the intimacy situation."

"Darling, during dinner, I'd like to toast her being back home; hopefully, it will relax us. We should also dress up nicely, creating a warmer atmosphere for her first day home."

Amelia stayed in her room for 2 full hours.

I was concerned if I let her sleep too much, she'd stay awake at night. I entered the room quietly, watching her wake up. She stretched her arms and sighed, "I needed that. This mattress is so much better than the one in the hospital."

"Amelia, can you move around comfortably, or do you need help?"

"Willy, I am doing better than you think. I wanted to surprise you and Mom, so for the last 2 weeks, I did physical therapy and exercise after visiting hours." She winked, "I plan to prove it to you later, tonight..."

"I am glad to hear it. Listen, it's supposed to be a secret, but Sophia made a great meal for your return. We also have to celebrate your 'reborn body' with a special toast, so wear nice clothes. I'll go out and help Mom arrange the table." I closed the door behind me.


Sophia was in the kitchen, finishing preparing the food before putting it in the oven. She said, "I'll shower and be back soon."

I arranged the table for three and placed the Moet & Chandon champagne I bought for the occasion in the middle. Next, I pulled from the bar the 2 bottles I had placed there beforehand. Both contained specially concocted cocktails my friend at the bar had prepared per my request. The ingredients included rum, orange, and berry juices, which both ladies loved. Additional tequila and whiskey shots were mixed in, too.

When I was done, I put on clean, long khaki pants, a white long-sleeved shirt, and shiny shoes. I checked one last time everything was in order, dimmed the lights, lit several candles that I put in strategic places around the living room, and searched the radio for soft, soothing music.

As I was done, Amelia came out of her room. She wore a long, white evening gown I'd seen her wearing only once. She looked terrific!

She watched my eyes and grinned, "Are you still impressed by me after all that time together?"

"Honey, you are simply G O R G E S S."

"Thank you. You are not bad, either. I can smell Mom's delicious food in the oven. Where is she?"

"She'll be here in a minute. After slaving in the kitchen, she showers."

Amelia sat at the table, and I stood behind her, massaging lightly her shoulders. She displayed her pleasure with a soft moan and mumbled, "I missed your touch. Being stuck motionless for close to 2 months was torture. Feeling your strong but gentle hands again is a treat."

I poured Amelia a glass of the cocktail. She sipped it and commented, "What is it? I like the sweet and tangy taste but don't remember having it before."

She managed to drink half a glass when Sophia made her entrance. And it was impressive: Her long dark hair was tied neatly in a cinnamon bun behind. She put on little makeup and no lipstick. Her gray dress was short and, as I had seen multiple times before, exposed a generous part of her creamy breasts on top. A 2" heel shoes completed the ensemble. I poured her a large cocktail glass, and she sipped it.

The 2 ladies ogled each other, and Amelia said, "Mom, you look fantastic in that dress. I don't remember you using such a short, sexy thing before. Willy must have had a great influence on the way you dress these days."

Sophia smiled, "Honey, your man was a real help when you weren't around. But why are you talking about me? You are back home and look so good. I am surprised you didn't lose or gain weight."

"Hospital food sucked, so I should have lost weight. But I hardly moved, so the net change was close to 0."

Sophia and her daughter sat opposite each other. I stood between them, watched the 2 so-different pretty women, and raised my glass for a toast. They laughed and chugged the light-brownish liquid. Both seemed to like the taste and soon all glasses were empty.

So far, my plan had worked well: The initial anxiousness and tension slowly disappeared. We chatted about the lousy hospital food, the nasty smell coming from certain patients' rooms, the doctors' superior attitude, and gossiped about some of the employees who cared for Amelia. The discussion was entertaining and fun.

Both were now sitting very comfortably on their chairs, laughing and showing mild signs of alcohol effect.

The meal would be ready in about 30 minutes. I looked at Sophia, "Ma'am, we have time until the meal is ready. Amelia's leg is not perfect yet, but you are in good shape. May I dance with you?"

She giggled, "Of course, sir."

I approached her and helped her up. She seemed slightly wobbly. I hugged her waist with both hands, and she put hers on my shoulders. We began moving slowly on the floor. Gradually, I pulled her body closer, and at some point, her hands moved to hug my neck. My pecker reacted to her giant tits pressing against my chest by hardening. Sophia didn't seem to notice.

Subsequently, I turned her around so her backside was against me. I bent somewhat to keep her hands around my neck, and during the dance, my hands started trailing the sides of her body. She closed her eyes and whispered, "It feels so good to be in your arms."

I peeked at Amelia. She laid back in her chair and continued sipping her cocktail with her eyes focused on us.

I maneuvered Sophia's body gently around the room as my hands moved forward, lightly wandering the front of her body from her neck down to her chest, then her tummy and her hips.

Sophia's only reaction was to push her ass cheeks toward me, and my growing tent nestled comfortably in her crack.

Her lack of resistance emboldened me, and my palms roamed her huge rack, slowing down each time my fingers met the exposed parts of her tits. There was still no objection.

My hands kneaded Sophia's areolas as I stared at Amelia. Her eyes widened, and her breathing seemed more labored.

I whispered in Sophia's ear, "You look very sexy tonight. It is so difficult to take my hands off of your breasts."

She mumbled, "Don't you care Amelia can see what you are doing?"

"I don't. I watched her, and she seemed aroused..."

Sophia opened her eyes partially, glanced at her daughter, and shut them again. She had a mysterious smile.

My right side fingers caressed the top of her breast and gradually slid inside the thin material to feel her bare mammary. The nipple was rock-hard. Sophia groaned, and her butt began grinding against my pole.

By now, Amelia's eyes were mesmerized by Sophia's half-exposed tits. Her lips were dry, and she licked them as her hands were hidden under the table. I turned Sophia toward me, kissed her lips lightly, and started unzipping her dress as I whispered, "Honey, I love you. You are so beautiful. I want you so much..."

She murmured, "I know. But is it a good idea to do it in front of Amelia?"

"Your daughter ogles us and shows no signs of stress or being upset. Don't worry, she won't be neglected."

Next, while watching Amelia's face, I removed one of Sophia's hands from my neck and placed it on my frontal bulge. Amelia gasped, and one of her hands moved to caress her covered breast.

At that point, Sophia's zipper was all the way down. I slowly removed the upper part of the dress sideways until it slipped off her shoulders and stayed at her waist level. Her soft white bra could hardly contain her massive jugs. I unclasped her bra, letting her tits free. They stood erect with the 2" areolas surrounding her contracted nipples.

I slowly turned Sophia around. Her cheeks became red, but she didn't protest, as her bare, out-of-this-world mammaries faced her daughter.

Amelia held her breath and looked very pale. I signaled to her with my finger to step forward. She hesitated. Soundless, I moved my lips, 'Come here!'

Amelia rose slowly off her chair, tried to improve her shaky balance, and gradually closed the distance until she was a foot away. I took her hand, pulled her gently to me, and kissed her lips. She did not react to my lips and stared into my eyes. I kissed her ear and whispered, "Oh, honey, I love both you and your Mom. Show her some love, too."

She gave me a blank stare as if not sure what I meant. I kissed her again and placed her palm on her mother's warm tit. Amelia closed her eyes and moaned as she cupped the soft breast.

Sophia's right hand was still gently massaging my caged dick as she moved her other one to cover her daughter's palm, and together the 2 tiny hands gently tweaked the amazing tit. I looked at the highly erotic sight, trying to capture it and engrave it in my brain for posterity.

Next, I used both my hands to push their faces together gingerly. They shivered when their lips met for the first time. Amelia recovered first, and her tongue licked her Mom's lips. Mom parted her lips, and Amelia's tongue invaded her Mom's oral cavity with their tongues intertwining.

Subsequently, I slowly unbuttoned Amelia's long dress, gradually letting it slide off her body. It needed some improvisation since both girls' hands were now playing with the other one's top. The first time Sophia's fingers touched her daughter's tit, she shrieked and then whispered, "Honey, it's so fantastic. I love what you have here..."

Amelia whispered back. "Mom, yours are the prettiest I've ever seen. May I kiss?..."

"My baby... yes, do it. Everything mine is yours too."

Amelia's lips latched to her mother's nipple, and she started sucking on it. Not to be outdone, I began milking Sophia's other one. Sophia put her hands on our heads and murmured, "I nurse my 2 babies..."

It was time to move to a more convenient and comfortable place. I lifted my head and, little by little, moved us toward Sophia's bedroom.


Both girls were topless, hugging and touching each other without my help. The alcohol made a big difference, and both appeared horny too.

I removed their panties, undressed quickly, and pulled Sophia to lay supine as Amelia followed her, her lips still tightly sealing her dark nipple. The mother gazed lovingly at her daughter's pretty face and whispered, "Amelia, my love, I missed you. You left me for 2 full months. I am sorry I have no milk left, but go ahead, suck my tits. Your lips feel fantastic. When you are done, I'd like to suck your amazing breasts. They are so perky, firm, and perfect!"

I watched Amelia's face. She looked happy, although her eyes were dazed. Too much alcohol, for sure.

It was time for me to join the fun. I was overthinking what position I wanted. With so many options and knowing I won't be able to cum more than twice, it was a hard decision. Talking about 'hard,' I was hard for too long already. I giggled, thinking, 'What the hell? Why is my mind focused on the words 'hard' and 'long?' I must be drunk too.

Fuck! why do I care? I have 2 of the sexiest ladies in the world; it's time to take advantage of the rare opportunity.'

I climbed the bed and saw Amelia's face still glued to her mother's massive breast. Amelia's legs were wide apart, helping her balance. I dove between her legs and started licking her folds, smelling the familiar odor of her sex. The labia were moist, reflecting her arousal, supplying me with fresh nectar. I lapped the precious fluid hungrily, and my tongue moved up, touching the clitoris lightly. Her body jolted, and she moaned. Apparently, her orgasm was pending. I inserted 2 fingers and later a third one into her pussy, and rubbed the front wall as my tongue danced the shake on her clitty. Her breathing halted, her pulse shot up, and her lips disengaged from her mother, crying loudly.

While continuing to massage her G spot, I turned her on her back and knelt between her thighs. I gently raised her calves over my shoulders, remembering her bones were still recovering from the accident, aimed my pole into her snatch, and gradually penetrated her cunt.

As I was doing it, her mother raised her head and watched wide-eyed my advancing cock. I signaled to her to join in. Sophia bent down and gently kissed her daughter's pink nipple. Both women's tits were near, and the contrast could not be bigger: Sophia's breasts were rounder, larger, and dark brown with almost black nipples. Amelia's tits were smaller, perkier, and light pink with darker pink, smaller nipples. However, both increased my appetite for munching on them.

With Sophia's mouth hooked on Amelia's nipple, the most interesting view was... Sophia's ass. I began plowing Amelia's pussy harder, hearing her cries intensify. I leaned forward, reached Sophia's ass crack, and massaged it. Her legs parted, and I was able to reach her cunt, grab as much of her juice and smear it on and around her back sphincter.

Next, I accelerated my strokes into Amelia and invaded Sophia's anus with my forefinger. Unexpectedly, Sophia began trembling. Her thighs spread wider, and she shoved her butt hole onto my finger, signaling she wanted more in her back door.

As I continued steady pounding of the daughter, I penetrated the mother's ass with a second finger while my thumb tilted her love nub from side to side.

I was now riding Amelia, having fingers inside Sophia, and the 2 ladies shouting simultaneously, one partially on top of the other.

God, I loved the view and... was ready to explode. Soon after, a series of 5-6 jets pierced Amelia's pussy before my spunk's volume began to diminish.

My women took longer to recover. I rested, having a single thought in my head: I was thoroughly happy! Not only the initial attempt of a threesome was highly successful, but we 3 came pretty much at the same time!

Amelia opened her eyes before Sophia. She kissed her lips softly and whispered, "Mom, you are beautiful, sexy and tasty. I realize now I love you not just as a mother but also as a wonderful lover. Thank you!"

Sophia opened her eyes, ogled her daughter's pretty face, and murmured. "I was so afraid to lose you for encouraging your lover to betray you and for being... too old. Amazingly, we found a three-way love."

As the girls hugged each other with a new kind of love, I rushed to the bathroom. I showered briefly, knowing mother and daughter needed the shower too. Actually, I was surprised not to be interrupted.

I exited the bathroom with the towel wrapped around my waist, thinking they were anxious for me to get out so they'd take their turn.

I found them sound asleep, their bodies clutched together in a loving embrace.

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NesticNestic17 days ago

I certainly enjoyed your threesome story. Hope there will be more parts to come … please continue…

Sex4lf57Sex4lf5722 days ago

Loved it! Hopefully there'll be a 4th chapter with more threeway action! Five stars and a favorite point!

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