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Tough Love


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We may have been in the clear with the Italians, but it transpired that Stephen was in way over his head.

He may have lost the company and all the money he had invested, but try as I might I could find no way to separate him from his personal fortune.

But it turned out that if Claude couldn't retrieve his money from what was left of the company, he knew ways to persuade Stephen to pay up.

I heard through the grapevine that Stephen had had to sell his house and all of his cars to pay Claude and Tony the substantial compensation they demanded for what had happened to their investments.

I suspected that not everything they did was above board. But what the hell, if I couldn't get him, I was just glad someone else did. I was just happy that the two people I hated most in the world were now suffering.

So all in all I felt good. Life was good. Barry was in prison. Stephen was ruined and Lynn and Amy were serving me. And I had more money than I knew what to do with.

I looked at my watch. I realised it was time to serve Lucy her lunch.

So what about Lucy?

I had talked with Lucy and told her what I wanted. I gave her a choice.

She could have a divorce, but with the evidence I had of her adultery and what she planned for me, she would end up penniless and homeless. Maybe she could share Stephen's rented flat I told her spitefully.

I also, as a backup, had kept some documents implicating her in Barry's crime, just in case she tried to inform the authorities of what I had done,

Or she could agree to my proposal.

She told me she didn't want a divorce. She convinced me that she still loved me and would do anything to make amends. I believed her, I had to, I loved her and wanted her to stay.

I had her tell me everything she had done. I hadn't realised, and was genuinely shocked by the extent of her actions. I considered seriously what she had disclosed for some days.

After a lot of thought, I told her I forgave her everything, but, I also told her she had to pay a price for her actions.

She cried in relief, she said she would do anything I wanted her to do. I thought back to how I had said those exact words to her. I then told her what was going to happen.

I opened the door to see my wife sitting on the bed in the basement. She smiled warmly at me and stood up. She couldn't approach me as she was chained by her collar to the wall. She was naked, she had been naked and chained in this room for ten months.

" Barry got seven years," I told her.

"Poor Barry, his only fault was to fall in love with me," she said. I shrugged "he deserves it," I said as I put her lunch tray down on the table.

"Its now ten months. You only have two more to go," I informed her.

"It'll be nice to see daylight again," she said, sitting down on the bed. She took my hand in both of hers and looked up at me.

That is what we had agreed. She would stay in this basement, that she had prepared for me, and she would be my prisoner for one year.

I unzipped my shorts and let them drop to the floor. Lucy looked at my cock and smiled. I dropped to my knees before her.

"Please ma,am may I cum?" I asked her.

Lucy lifted the thin chain from around her neck and used the key attached to release my cock cage.

She spread her knees apart.

"You can cum only after you have licked me," she said.

I leaned forward and lovingly began to eat her pussy as I stroked my cock. I was careful not to rub too fast. knowing Lucy would want to watch me masturbate to orgasm before she again locked me into the cock cage.

Lucy was forcing her pussy onto my eager mouth. Only two more months left to go, then our lives would return to normal. Or at least as normal as we would ever be. Lucy would again be mistress of the house and I once more her slave, but this time I would be so willingly. After all the secrets and subterfuge to turn me into a slave, she cried as I told her.

"Lucy I love you, if you really want me to be your slave, just ask."

The end.

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Some time all a weak man has to do is stand up and say no or stop, to save himself!!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

16 pages for a cheap cuckold story? You must really have time!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

WTF is wrong with this husband? After finding out what she had done to him, and how much he let her do to him with out fighting it. He still Kept her, with only 12 months locked up. Fuck she was on her way to completely Destroying his whole life. Fuck that kill her, and feed her to the fish....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The "Italians", Invested and all their investments disappeared ? with the Italians, Stephen was in way over his head. He may have lost the company and all the money he had invested, but the Italians ended up with his personal fortune. After all, they did make an offer that Stephen couldn't possibly refuse...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Really liked this story, it's just hard to believe that all Lucy was waiting for was John to refuse or even fight back or just say no to stop all of the Abuse In torture In a temptation to make him a slave..

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