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Toy For the Night

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Four girls use Ross as their personal sex toy.
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I don't like parties. They're loud, crowded and generally uncomfortable for 20-year-old chemistry nerds like me. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy hanging out with people. I'm just not in the party scene.

When I started dating Alina, a 21-year-old beauty from my Organic Chemistry lab, I was ecstatic. Not only did I have a girlfriend (finally). I had a way to get out of parties without seeming like a total loner. Instead of making up some lame excuse why I wasn't going to the free on frat row, I could just say "oh, I'm hanging out with my girlfriend." Worked every time.

Unfortunately, Ali made friends with Emma, a 20-year-old lacrosse teammate. Emma was known for throwing great parties at her parent's lake house 30 minutes from campus. Anyone that was anyone went to these things. Unsurprisingly, with Ali and Emma becoming close, it was inevitable that I'd get asked to accompany Ali to a party soon.

That day came one Friday in late June...


"Come on Ross!" Ali pleaded as we sat in the living room of my apartment. "Emma's my best friend and she really wants us to come! I can't go to this alone!"

"Ali, you know I hate parties! All I do is follow you around and look around awkwardly! Can we please skip this one? I wanted to take a trip to the coast with you this weekend and just lounge on the beach."

"No!" she said sternly. "Besides! My birthday is in a few weeks so we can save the couples vacation for that! I won't be alone at this party and that's final!"

"Ugh," I muttered. "Fine. But I'm not going to have a good time."


Despite being dragged along, I ended up having a pretty good time. I ran into some buddies from chess club, I beat Bryce McAllen, 22, in beer pong, and I danced with Ali while we were both slightly tipsy. The booze certainly helped put me in a social mood.

Around 1:00 in the morning, the party finally started wrapping up. As people took selfies, exchanged contact information, and said their goodbyes, Emma hurried up to Ali and I and asked if we'd stick around to help clean up.

"Of course we'll help!" Ali chirped. "We'd be happy to!"

Without either of them noticing, I shot Ali an annoyed glance.

"Thank you so much!" Emma said. "Ross, would you start folding up the tables?"


We weren't the only ones helping clean up. Annabelle and Mariah, two of Emma's friends, also stuck around. Although I didn't really know Emma, I kind of knew Annabelle, 21, and Mariah, 20. Annabelle and I were in the same chemistry classes and I'd seen Mariah at concerts before. I didn't think much of them, but they seemed to adore me for whatever weird reason.

Despite all of us being exhausted from the long night, we somehow managed to get everything cleaned up in just around 30 minutes, a feat I was not expecting. As I hauled the last garbage bag out to the curb, I checked my watch and realized how late it had gotten. Eager to get home, I went to the backyard and found Ali talking to Emma.

"Sweetness," I said, "we should get a move on."

"Actually babe," she replied, "Emma's letting us stay here for the night! Isn't that great news?"

As much as I didn't want to, I figured a few hours of sleep could do us both good. Additionally, I was slightly tipsy, and I didn't want to risk being behind the wheel.

Without giving it more thought, I agreed.

"Great!" Emma said. "I'll take you two to your room!"

Guided by the flashlight on her phone, Emma led us through the now-dark house up to our room. It was a simple room: a king size bed, a dresser, a couch, a small private bathroom, and a big window looking out towards the woods.

"Sleep tight, lovebirds!"

Emma closed the door, leaving us alone. Too exhausted to even strip to my boxers or go wash my face, I stumbled into bed and crawled under the covers. I heard Ali go to the bathroom before I drifted into a deep slumber.


"Wake up sleepyhead!"

My eyes fluttered open at the sound of Ali's soothing voice and gentle nudging. I yawned big and swung my weight to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Morning babe," I muttered. "How'd you sleep?"

"Slept alright. You are quite the snorer, you know."

I chuckled and stood up.

"Sorry about that. I'll work on it."

She rolled her eyes and smirked.


After a long, refreshing shower, I changed back into my clothes from yesterday and went downstairs with Ali for breakfast. I was surprised to see that Emma was already awake and breakfast was ready.

"Wow Emma!" Ali said as she sat down. "This looks great! Thank you so much for cooking!"

"My pleasure," she replied. "Only the best for my guests. Please! Sit and eat!"

We sat down and Emma slid a big plate of eggs, bacon, and toast in front of each of us. She poured us some coffee and then sat down to have a small bowl of fruit. As we ate, we talked about our plans for the summer and reminisced a little about high school.

When I finished my cup of coffee, Emma sprang up and grabbed the empty mug.

"I'll get you some more!" she exclaimed, heading to the kitchen. "Just a second!"

"Thank you!" I replied, surprised with her eagerness.

I looked to Ali and raised an eyebrow. She just shrugged and bit into a piece of toast slathered with peanut butter and jam.

A moment later, Emma returned from the kitchen with my cup. She put it down in front of me and gave me a small pat on the head.

"There you go!" she sang. "Drink up!"


I took a big sip and gagged. The new coffee tasted nothing like the stuff I had earlier. But to avoid being inconsiderate, I forced myself to swallow it.

"Everything alright?" Ali asked, looking over at me.

"Yeah..." I croaked. "Must've...gone down the wrong tube."

"Nah," Emma said. "It's probably the secret ingredient."

All of the sudden, I started feeling very sleepy.

"What do y-you mean..."

"Shhhh," Ali whispered as she reached over to hug me. "Just relax..."

I tried to stand up, but my limbs felt heavier than ever. At this point, I was struggling to keep my eyelids open. Little by little, my field of vision shrunk and soon, I was out like a light.


Sometime later, I'm not sure how much, I broke from the heavy slumber forced on me by whatever drug they slipped in my coffee.

As I slowly regained consciousness, I realized how drastically things had changed. Outside, night had fallen. I was back in the bed Ali and I slept in, but my arms and legs were stretched out and cuffed to the bedposts. I was propped semi-upright by pillows. A ball gag rested uncomfortably in my mouth. On top of it all, I'd been stripped naked and the only thing covering me was a thin blanket over my privates.

"Nngnh!" I cried, trying to break free. "Hngh mmph!"

It was no use. The cuffs were sturdy, and I was still frail. My cries were loud enough to attract attention though. After my pathetic attempt to free myself, I heard voices in the hallway.

"Did you hear that?" someone said. "He's awake!"

"Well what are we waiting for?" someone replied. "Let's get in there!"

The door swung opened and in marched Ali, Annabelle, and Mariah. Each girl was wearing just a bikini, putting each of their stunning bodies on practically-full display. My stomach dropped like an anvil as they surrounded the bed, looking down at me hungrily. A minute later, Emma, also in a bikini waltzed in, closing the door behind her. With a glint of mischief in her eye, she stood at the foot of the bed and eyed me like a hawk.

At this point, I was shaking in fear and very confused.

"Good evening Ross," Emma said in a low tone. "You comfortable?"

I shook my head and whimpered, causing them to giggle.

"That's alright sweetie," she replied. "You will be soon."

To my horror, she climbed forward onto the bed and slowly crawled towards me until she was straddling my stomach. I shot Ali a desperate look, praying she'd do something. Instead, she winked and remained in place.

"Let me explain," Emma said as she adjusted her top. "We've always wanted to tie up and dominate one of our boyfriends in bed. All four of us versus him. We'd tie him up, take turns torturing him, share him with the other girls, yadda yadda."

"Unfortunately," Mariah explained as she made her way over to me, "we never got someone willing to do it. It was always 'I don't want to be tortured' or 'I don't want to be seen naked by other girls,' that kind of shit."

"After my ex declined too," Annabelle continued as she too made her way over to me, "we decided that finding a willing participant was worthless. If we wanted to do this, we needed to take one of our boyfriends by force and not give him the choice."

"Hence, why I dragged you to the party," Ali said. "Look at us now! We've got you tied up and at our complete mercy! Babe, you're our toy for the night!"

Now that I understood the situation, fear turned to anger. I felt betrayed by Ali. By Emma. By everyone in the room. I realized that they'd probably only thought of me as a potential toy for this sick fantasy since the day I met Ali.

Enraged, I started thrashing about, causing Emma to stumble. Mariah and Annabelle caught her before she could fall, much to my disappointment. In my struggle, I shifted the blanket covering my privates, which drew Emma's attention.

"Feisty huh?" she said. "Love it! We enjoy challenges! Don't we girls?"

The others nodded, grinning.

Emma climbed off me and stood next to Ali. While she climbed off, Annabelle started reaching for the blanket, causing me to shriek and shake my head frantically.

"Look at that!" Annabelle laughed. "Our little toy doesn't want to be naked!"

"Poor thing," Ali responded. "Who cares though? Take it away!"

With a swipe, Annabelle ripped the blanket away, leaving me completely exposed for all to see. They looked down at my cock, which had since shrunken in fear. I tossed my head to the side and groaned, hoping I'd die from embarrassment.

"What a gorgeous cock!" Mariah exclaimed. "How big is he when he's hard?"

"Seven inches," she responded. "Plenty of cock for all of us."

They clapped and I wanted to die even more.

"Big cock, handsome face, strong body, you really got lucky with this one!" Emma gushed.

"Damn right," Ali said in a tone I'd never heard. "Go on! Give him a feel!"

All four girls reached down and started exploring my body. They caressed my face, torso, arms, legs, and, you guessed it, cock. I watched helplessly as they poked, pinched, and grabbed me wherever they pleased. I wasn't used to so many hands on me at once.

The moment I felt hands on my cock, I yelped and bucked my hips up, making them howl with laughter. Mariah, who had grabbed my cock, slammed her palm down on my stomach, making me stifle a grunt.

"Hold still!" she ordered. "I'm going to play with your cock and you're going to like it, damnit!"

With a firm grip, she started stroking my cock, resting her free hand on my stomach. As she brought my cock to life, Emma opened the top drawer of the dresser and pulled out a bottle of lube. She tossed it to Annabelle, who promptly opened it and poured it onto my tip.

To their delight (and my dismay), my cock got harder faster from the lube. The intensity of Mariah's handjob increased tenfold and in no time, I felt an orgasm fast approaching. Without even realizing, I started thrusting along with her stroking and my breathing got faster and faster.

"Mmph!" I spat. "Gnhnh! Hgngnhh!"

I must've made it pretty clear that I was about to cum because Mariah let go, leaving me worked up for nothing. Even after she let go, I kept thrusting as if I were still in her embrace.

"Not so fast!" Mariah said, wiping the excess lube on my thigh. "We're only getting started!"

"You're not cumming just yet," Annabelle added, running her hands up my chest. "That was just a teaser."

With that, they headed for the dresser. I watched as they went through the drawers and started taking out whips, paddles, and other devices I couldn't describe. Emma went out into the hall and came back a moment later wheeling a tray table. The others put the devices on the table before going and sitting down on the couch.

Ali made a quick stop at my head to take the gag out.

"Ali," I stammered, "please let me go! I'm..."

"Just relax sweetie," she interrupted, patting my head. "You're going to be fine."

She went and sat down on the couch while, Emma approached the table.

"We're moving into the torture segment," Emma said as she picked up a riding crop. "Each of us gets 10 minutes to torture you however we want. You'll have a short break between turns. Do your best to stay sane alright?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Start the timer!" Emma shouted.

I heard a *beep* and a split second later, she swung hard, striking me in the left ankle.




Pain shot through my leg and I spasmed in my restraints. As I struggled to catch my breath, she delivered another blow, this time, on my right ankle.



Emma laughed wickedly and continued to pummel my legs. Her blows were fast, accurate and strong. In just a few minutes, she'd assaulted me from my feet to my thighs multiple times. By some miracle, she'd spared my cock and balls, which were both easily in striking range.

As she traded her crop for another device, I took deep breaths and watched her ponder what device to use on me next. I got my answer when I saw her pick up a small wooden paddle.

"Please Emma," I sobbed. "Please stop. I can't...I can't take it..."

"Calm down toy," she replied. "Just breathe and keep screaming."


She struck me hard in the stomach, forcing the air from my lungs. I let out a loud cough and fought to breathe as she struck me again in the same exact spot.



As the beating continued, I glanced right and noticed the others were watching my torment with big grins plastered on their faces. Ali waved at me, which, for some reason, hurt more than the pounding Emma was giving my stomach. I sniffled and shut my eyes quick to stop a tear from escaping before rolling my head to the other side.

Finally, the timer went off and Emma's beating ended. She leaned down, planted a kiss on my lips, and whispered in my ear.

"That was wonderful. I can't wait to use you again soon."

With that, she stood up, caressed my cock briefly, and walked away, leaving me gasping for breath and aching all over.


Before Mariah's turn started, the girls let me have a glass of water and a few minutes to rest. They also teased my cock a little, bringing it back to life. It'd gone limp during the beating. Unfortunately, like earlier, they brought me to the edge of an orgasm and stopped, leaving me sour again.

When my break was over, Emma took Mariah's seat. Mariah already stood over the table, drumming her fingers while she thought about what to use. After some time, she picked a small chain with two metal clamps on the ends.

"Do you know what these are?" she asked as she walked over to the bed.

"Not really," I replied.

"I think I'll let you figure that out then."


With her time started, Mariah stooped down to my chest and nibbled my left nipple. I squirmed at the sensation and let of a quiet gasp of surprise. It hurt a little, but, oddly enough, also felt good. She must've sensed I was liking it because then she switched to my other nipple. Again, the slightly ticklish sensation of her teeth on my sensitive bits flowed, making me feel strange. With a free hand, she teased my left nipple, keeping it hard.

After some time nibbling, she pulled back and held the chain in both hands. Finally, I gathered enough brain power to figure out what the device was and where it was going.

"Oh shit!" I cried as I started thrashing from side to side. "No! Keep those things away from me damnit! Hell no!"

Mariah looked over to the couch and nodded. Ali and Annabelle were at my sides in seconds, pinning me down so Mariah could easily attach the clamps to my nipples.

"Nowhere to go," Mariah snickered as the clamp drew near my left nipple. "Let's hear you scream nice and loud..."

She released her fingers, causing the clamp to close and bite down hard on my nipple.


My barrage of profanities continued as the other clamp was attached to my right nipple. I trembled in pain and I started crying softly. With their work done, Ali and Annabelle went back to the couch and Mariah remained straddling my chest, holding the chain.

"Look at this!" she laughed as I teared up in pain. "It's like holding the reins of a horse! Why don't you give me a 'neigh' or two huh?"

I scowled and let out a grunt. She didn't take to that gesture kindly.

"Alright then. I'll make you give me one!"

She yanked the chain hard, taking me a few inches off the mattress. I howled as the searing pain in my nipples ricocheted through me like a pinball. For a few agonizing seconds, she held me up by my nipples, laughing maniacally.

When she finally let go, I collapsed back on the mattress sobbing. My nipples felt stretched and one was even starting to bleed a bit. As I blubbered and writhed in pain, she leaned down and got right in my face.

"Neigh," she ordered. "Neigh like the stallion you are."

"Ne-neigh..." I stammered.

She smiled and nibbled the tip of my nose before sitting up and taking hold of the chain again.

"Alright my horse," she said, "let's have ourselves a rodeo, shall we?"

Holding the chain, she leaned back and threw her free arm up in the air. I screamed and twisted from side to side, trying to get her to stop. She hollered like a cowgirl and started thrusting down on my stomach with her hips.

"Yeehaw!" she shouted. "Come on stallion! Giddyup!"

With all the might I could muster, I bucked my hips high, trying to get her off me. She noticed and yanked the chain harder, making me snarl and thrust again. Our eyes locked and soon, we were engaged in a fierce competition. As I thrashed and bucked about, she held the chain firmly and matched my thrusts with equally enthusiastic slams down into my abdomen.

"That's it!" she panted, gritting her teeth. "Buck me off! BUCK ME OFF!"

Our power struggle continued on. At one point, I was so determined to get her off me and stop this humiliation, I'd completely forgotten about the clamps. I focused my might and finally, with a sharp thrust to the right, managed to buck her off. She let go of the chain and yelped as she tumbled off me and rolled to land on her feet next to the bed.

"Hoo-wee!" she hollered. "Now that was a rodeo!"

I caught my breath and let out a sigh of relief as she finally took the clamps off. A moment later, the timer went off, warranting another sigh of relief.

"Good job my stallion," she whispered as she kissed my cheek. "Best ride I've ever had."


Like before, I was allowed a small break before the next torture session. Emma served me another glass of water and some sliced apple while Annabelle and Ali played with my cock. They knelt across from each other, my cock between them. They had a little game going where one would pull my cock towards themselves and then release it for the other one to catch and do the same. From the way they giggled, it sounded like they were having a blast.

Once I'd eaten the last slice, they wiped my face with a napkin and adjusted the pillows a little to make sure I was still comfortable. The others returned to the couch and Ali stayed behind, indicating it was her turn with me.

"Oh no," I thought.

As she stood at the table, mulling over what to use on me, I thought back to all the times we'd shared. All the late nights downtown. All the crappy shows my band played. All the weekend trips to the beach in my mom's station wagon. Was any of it genuine? Was it an elaborate ruse to get me here?

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