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Traffic Girl - Highway to Hell? Ch. 20

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A successful playboy raises the stakes. Can he handle it?
3.8k words

Part 84 of the 207 part series

Updated 03/30/2023
Created 07/22/2021
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Author's Note: Have had a few haters check out the page the last two chapters! Not really sure where that came from. I appreciate anyone who reads, and if what I write isn't for you? There are tens of thousands of other great stories on here. I'm sure one will float your boat. Vegas is going to be a deep dive this time. Let's enjoy the ride. It's just getting started. It's going to be intense.

* * *

When the jet parked at the airport in Las Vegas, I saw a gold limousine waiting for us.

"The MGM Grand," I said, sitting on a couch between Kat and Jess, an arm around each of them. "They're the only ones in town with gold limos."

"Smart daddy," Kat said and leaned her head against my shoulder.

Jess followed suit, leaning her head on my other shoulder.

"Thank you, my loves," I said. "This is really an amazing surprise. I know we're going to have so much fun!"

I could feel the girls exchange a glance.

"You have no idea," Jess said.

We gathered our things and left the jet. Christy bid us farewell.

"Will you be on our flight home Friday?" I asked.

"Of course, Mr. Cameron," she said.

I bent down toward her ear and whispered, "Then I hope you're ready for my cock to tear your ass apart, you fucking slut."

For the first time I could remember, Christy let her professional facade fade. Her chest heaved as she took a deep breath. I glimpsed her tits in the strained gap between buttons on her shirt.

"Don't tease me," she said.

"He never teases, sweetie," Jess said as we deplaned.

We walked to the limo and piled in. Christy still stood at the top of the Gulfstream's cabin as we drove away.

"Well, that was fun!" I said.

"How are you feeling, daddy?" Kat asked. "We've got a lot ahead of us today!"

"I feel amazing!" I said enthusiastically.

"You are going to need every ounce of energy," Jess said.

I put a hand on Jess's thigh while we rode. Her skin was so soft, and I loved how the tennis skirt flowed freely. I could feel heat radiating from between her legs.

The driver passed the main entrance to the MGM Grand and, instead, turned right on MGM Road. My pulse quickened, and I leaned forward on the bench seat to get a better view out the window. The girls could sense my excitement.

"You're starting to get it," Kat said and rubbed my back.

"Are we?" I said.

"We are," Jess affirmed.

"The Mansion?" I asked almost in disbelief.

"The Mansion," Kat confirmed.

I couldn't contain my excitement. I was effusive in my praise of the girls' planning and ability to keep such a huge surprise from me.

"This is like the one thing better than a Bellagio villa," I said to Kat. "I can't believe you one-upped me!"

"This is Vegas, sweetie," Jess said. "Money gets you anything. Literally anything. You know that."

I laughed. She had me there. I wanted to know more, but I focused on controlling my breathing and just letting all this unfold in front of me. Normally uncertainty would give me anxiety, but I trusted my girls implicitly. I knew this weekend would be amazing. The anticipation was nearly unbearable -- like what I felt as a kid the night before Christmas, willing time to move faster so I could tear into the presents under the tree. But the charm of this weekend is that I had to let time go at its own pace, to let it unfold as Kat and Jess had planned. It wasn't going to be a slow burn; it was going to be a relentless, fast burn consuming everything in its path. I knew that for sure.

The limo pulled past the heavy, ornate gate and into the Mansion's entryway, and we were greeted by the butler for our villa. I was surprised that the butler was a statuesque woman, nearly six-feet tall and slender, with long, silky brown hair.

"Mr. Cameron," she said and confidently extended her hand. "I'm Madeline. Please let me escort you and the Mrs. Camerons to your villa."

Kat, Jess, and I giggled at that. It was sexy to hear "Mrs. Camerons" said out loud.

I took Madeline's long, slender fingers in my own hand and smiled at her.

"That's so kind of you," I said. "It is like a dream to be here."

"Well, we do aim to fulfill every guest's fantasies," Madeline said.

My eyes caught Jess's, who ineffectively tried to suppress a smile.

"Careful, Madeline," Kat said. "That can be dangerous territory with John!"

A porter left with our luggage, and Madeline led us into the inner sanctum of the Mansion. Kat and I had made this walk before, on our trip to the restaurant Joel Robuchon. It was familiar, until we turned left down a corridor, and we disappeared into the maze of this hotel within a hotel. Finally, Madeline stopped before a set of tall double doors.

"Here is your villa, ladies and gentleman," she said, scanning a key across the electronic lock. It opened to reveal otherworldly opulence.

We walked inside, and I could barely comprehend the scale of the place.

"How big is this?" I asked out loud.

"Twelve-thousand square feet, Mr. Cameron," Madeline said without missing a beat.

"Jesus," I said.

"I'd be happy to take you on a tour," Madeline said.

"Honestly? Here," I said, peeling off $500 and passing it to her. "Take some of your day back. I think the girls and I will just wander around. We'll let you know if we need anything."

"I think you'll find that Mrs. Cameron and Mrs. Cameron have arranged for a variety of amenities that are to your liking," Madeline said. "But there is nothing we can't accommodate."

"If only all women were as agreeable as you," I said with a laugh.

"I'm on-call twenty-four hours a day," she said. "My only goal is your satisfaction." She made meaningful eye contact. This was next-level service.

When we were left alone, I turned immediately to the girls. I was overwhelmed with happiness, love, and energy.

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed. I put an arm around each of them and spun them around.

"Are you happy, daddy?" Kat asked. They both looked at me eagerly.

"If we didn't leave this place at all, I would be completely satisfied," I said.

"Let us show you around a little," Kat said, "and then we'll give you some information on what's going to be happening here."

"You're going to love it," Jess said, emphatic in her words.

"Okay, where do we start?" I asked.

"The bar, of course," Jess said.

It was located near the front door. There were a half dozen red wines we liked, along with six magnums of Dom Perignon rosé.

"We were feeling pink," Kat said. She reached for one of the magnums. "Let's get the party started!"

I laughed. "Didn't we do that on the flight?" I asked.

"Like I said," Jess reminded me, "that was just a first bite. Let's get serious now."

Kat popped the bottle but asked me to fill the glasses from the heavy magnum. We raised our glasses in toast.

"To you, John," Kat began. "For being the love of my life and introducing me to you, Jess, the other love of my life. This weekend is going to be such a fun adventure. It will only make our bond stronger."

"Here, here," Jess said. "I love you both, and this weekend is just another step on the path together with our indestructible bond."

We clinked glasses and kissed.

"I want to check out this place!" I exclaimed.

"It might take an hour!" Jess said. "It's 12,000-square feet."

"Are you fucking serious?" I said.

"Four bedrooms," Kat added.

"Let's make it fast, then," I said. "I don't want to miss out on a minute of what you girls have planned."

It still took fifteen minutes just to stroll through all the rooms and take it in. The finishes and construction were superlative. Each bedroom had a large steam shower and sauna. There was a private pool in the rear garden. We had a pool table and grand piano. There were dozens of fresh floral displays. This was unlike anything I'd ever experienced. I didn't care what we had needed to do to secure it because this was the most worthy splurge I could have possibly dreamed up.

As was our habit at home, we gathered around the bar when we finished our gawking tour of the villa. The coke had mostly worn off, but I was flying on adrenaline. It was just past two o'clock Vegas time. Jess had brought our lone suitcase into the room and laid it on the floor. She unzipped it, and I was surprised to find none of the clothes we had packed.

"It's going to be hard to go to a nice dinner wearing these clothes," I joked.

"You didn't look in the closet, darling," Jess said.

"Go ahead, daddy," Kat said. "We'll get a few things ready here and give you a rundown on our rules for the weekend, okay?"

I refilled my Champagne glass and went to the largest bedroom. In the closet, I found a fully stocked wardrobe for all of us. Kat had taken another page out of my past Vegas playbook. These girls were good. There were three custom suits for me, a variety of casual clothes, matching shoes for everything. It was impressive. I smiled and shook my head before taking a swig of Champagne and returning to them.

"How did we do?" Jess asked.

I grinned. "You two are magnificent," I said. "Thoughtful, sweet. I can't come up with enough superlatives for you."

"And that's only for the clothes!" Kat exclaimed.

"So what was in our suitcase then?" I asked.

The girls exchanged conspiratorial grins. Jess crooked a finger and motioned me to the bar.

"Our pharmacy," she joked.

Laid out was an insane spread of drugs. There must have been a fifty-gram lump of sticky, uncut cocaine. I recognized molly and oxycontin. There were a couple other substances that I couldn't identify.

"No weed?" I said.

"We can get it here since it's legal," Jess said. "I want to do some more research on different kinds of edibles."

"I hope this isn't all for us," I said.

"Only as much as we want to do," Kat said. She had started to take a few chunks of the cocaine and put it inside a grinder. She worked eagerly.

"I don't even recognize some of this!" I said.

"That's ketamine," Jess said, pointing to a baggie of slightly brownish powder. "Those are benzos. And, of course, xanax and molly and oxy and coke."

"It's a veritable pharmacopeia," I marveled. "Now are you going to let me in on the plan?"

"As soon as I unpack the toys," Jess said. She emptied the suitcase, which still contained a litany of sex toys. They had brought their leather harnesses, a paddle, flogger, various butt plugs, vibrators, nipple clamps, and even latex pants.

"Now?" I asked impatiently, refilling our Champagne glasses. The girls loved drawing this out.

"Okay, fine, now!" Jess said. "But first, you need to know the most important rule for the villa."

"What's that?" I asked.

"If we're here? We're naked," Jess said.

In tandem, she and Kat stripped out of their clothes and looked at me expectantly. I followed suit and, as I did so, took a moment to drink in my girlfriends. Jess, slightly taller than Kat, was absentmindedly playing with her dangling, diamond belly ring. Standing in a room naked seemed like the most natural thing in the world for her. She was turned slightly sideways from my vantage point, and the curve of her ass was like a perfect half-moon. If there was a feminine lushness to her bottom half, she was the picture of delicate grace on her top half. Her breasts, on the small side of a B-cup, were beautifully round and tipped by prominent nipples. Her neckline was delicate and modelesque, emphasizing her classical beauty.

I'm not sure I had ever appreciated how physically different Kat and Jess were. If there was a length to Jess that gave her a statuesque quality, Kat came in a more compact package. She gave off a sense of power, her thighs with a ripple down the side, ass firm and a perfect bubble. Her breasts were slightly larger, with more prominent nipples that betrayed the depth of her arousal when hard. Her face had a warmth to it, a welcoming hospitality that worked in tension against the mischief behind her eyes. Two women who were so similar in so many ways yet so distinct. To me, they were the perfect package. I could have just stared at them and been happy. But I didn't need to. I had so much more to do with them.

"So, daddy, this weekend is a thank-you for you being you," Kat said. "Jess and I have spent a lot of time being caught up in the Hooker House and whoring and just ... living life to its fullest."

"And we know we haven't always been the most transparent or honest about this swamp of hedonism," Jess admitted.

"That's why we have three special nights planned," Kat explained. "Each one has a theme and a purpose."

"Tonight and tomorrow," Jess continued, "will each focus on jealousy."

"That's right," Kat said. "Tonight is my night. I know Jess and what makes her jealous. So I've planned a night all about pushing those buttons. We figure by doing this, it will help us understand how you feel when we're not being honest."

"And tomorrow I've planned a night to make Kat jealous," Jess said.

"Now, these are the nights only," Kat said. "Until 5 p.m. each day? We're just us. The three of us. Doing whatever seems fun."

"And what about the third night?" I asked, taking it all in.

"The third night is all about us," Jess said. "It's going to be just us, coming together."

"And cumming together," Kat joked.

We laughed.

"This sounds incredible," I said. "I can only imagine what's in store!"

"Well, we have a couple hours before Jess jealousy night starts," Kat said. "What do you want to do daddy?"

"You know, smoking a joint by the pool sounds amazing," I said. "Can we get some weed?"

Jess walked to a tablet on the wall and summoned Madeline, our butler, with the touch of a button. Within two minutes, she rang the doorbell of the villa. Without flinching, Jess walked to the door nude and opened it.

"Madeline, thank you so much for coming so quickly," Jess said sweetly.

"Mrs. Cameron," she said with a smile. "I see the rules are in effect now?"

"They are," Jess said with a smile.

With disarming speed, Madeline shocked me by taking off her jacket, black pants, and shirt. In a flash, she stood before us nude. She shook her hair out of the loose bun she had kept it in and allowed the thick, black locks fall down to the middle of her back. She was six-feet of tall, very thin olive skin. She looked like a runway model, with modest breasts that turned up slightly and an almost entirely linear figure. She had a thin line of pubic hair just above her tightly compacted pussy lips.

"Madeline is just here as a decoration," Kat said. "No touching. But she thought it was fun to play along with our rules for the villa."

"I think that's incredibly generous of you," I said. "You're exquisite."

"I used to do some modeling," Madeline said. "But how can I assist you?"

"We need some weed," Jess said. "Pre-rolled joints, all the edibles, and gummies. Strong ones. At least ten milligrams."

Madeline, who I hadn't noticed somehow still had her cell phone in hand, made a quick call. We made small talk -- which should have seemed odd standing around naked -- until the doorbell rang again. What looked like a room service attendant stood outside and didn't blink at seeing all of us nude, simply stepping forward to offer a cart teeming with marijuana products. We loaded up, probably over-indulging, which was precisely the right thing for us to do.

My eyes lingered on Madeline's ass lecherously as she left through the front door.

"It's a shame to look but not touch," I admitted when the door closed.

"There will be plenty of touching," Kat said.

She and Jess carried the weed products to the bar. I grabbed a joint and walked toward the pool. It felt liberating to just be naked. We let our legs dangle in the warm water as I sparked up the spliff and took a hit. I watched the girls inhale deeply, holding the smoke until they couldn't any longer, and then let out comfortable, elegant exhales.

"You two look so fucking sexy smoking up," I said.

"I have a confession," Jess said, passing the joint back to me for another hit.

Kat and I looked at her with expectant eyes.

"It's something I haven't done since college," she continued. "But I have loved smoking a cigarette after my sessions lately."

"God, I haven't had a cigarette in ten years," Kat said. "I used to smoke occasionally when I first got to LA before I figured out cocaine was so much better at keeping me skinny and awake."

"I only tried it once in high school," I said. "I was trying to impress a girl."

We all laughed, and an idea popped into my head.

"How about you, Kitty Kat?" I asked. "Confess something."

"Gosh, I don't even know where to start," Kat said, handing Jess the joint as it continued to make its way among us.

"Okay, I'll go first," I said. "That sleazy motel you fucked at this morning, Kat? Maybe ten years ago, when I was really into fucking hookers, I used to take girls there pretty regularly. Cheap hoes I'd find on Craigslist."

"You're still really into fucking hookers, John," Jess said, and we all laughed again.

"Were any of them hot?" Kat asked.

"There was one," I said. "She was a redhead with a really smoking body. She pretended she was a fitness model, but she was really just a junkie whore. But, damn, she could fuck. I remember once I met up with her at that same motel, and she was doing something called a hot rail."

"What's that?" Jess asked.

"You snort crushed up meth through a hot glass straw, and it evaporates as you snort it," I explained. "She said it was a super fast and intense high. And she swore it made her pussy hotter, like literally hotter in temperature. I can only tell you that her pussy was really warm."

"Meth is gross," Kat said.

"Was it hot that Kat fucked at the same seedy motel you used to take cheap whores to?" Jess asked.

"Super fucking hot," I said. My cock stirred. We were nearing the end of the joint. I proposed an idea. "We should have confession time every afternoon while we're here. I know there are things we don't know about each other."

"I guess it's my turn then," Kat said.

"Make it good," Jess said, holding in a large hit of smoke.

"Maybe this is lame," Kat began, "but, Jess, I think our coke dealer is hot. I want to fuck him."

"He has a nice dick," Jess said.

"You've fucked him?" Kat asked, surprised.

"Sweetie, how do you think we always get such heavy bags?" Jess said. "If I have the chance, I'll suck him for a little extra. I thought you knew that!"

"Take me with you next time!" she said.

My girls looked so beautiful, and I could feel the desire building again in my cock. I glanced at my watch. It was pushing past four o'clock. I wondered what would happen once the clock struck five.

"All this talk about coke dealers makes me want to do a couple lines," I said. "You girls with me?"

"I think I have literally never said no to coke," Jess said. She led us inside to the bar.

Kat lingered behind and walked in with me.

"You might want to cum with Jess," Kat whispered. "It's going to be her only chance to have you today."

"Oh really?" I said.

"Most definitely," she said. "Tonight is going to be wild. I think you're going to adore it. I hope you do. I've put a lot of thought and effort into it."

"I know I'll love it, Kitty Kat," I said and paused to kiss her. "I love everything you do."

When I saw Jess bent over snorting a line of cocaine, my cock knew exactly what I was going to do. I could resist. I immediately stepped behind her and spread her ass. She pushed back into my crotch.

"Are you feeling frisky, baby?" she asked as she gave a couple sharp inhales.

"I want to give you something to remember tonight while you're ravaged by jealousy," I said.

I didn't wait. I entered her asshole and heard her sigh in content pleasure. She braced herself against the countertop and let me assault her ass. Kat took her lines, then dropped to her knees. As my cock split Jess's beautiful cheeks in half, Kat began to lick her clit, occasionally letting her tongue graze my balls as I bottomed out.


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