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Traffic Girl - Rita Ch. 05

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Return home; Jess gets candid.
2.8k words

Part 117 of the 207 part series

Updated 03/30/2023
Created 07/22/2021
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Author's Note: Wrapping up the Ranch and getting back to the real world in Houston. There's a lot of fun work to be done! Thanks for letting me know how you feel about the direction of the new book. I love the ideas and feedback. Keep it coming!

* * *

The weekend at the ranch turned into a blur. The relentless appetites for drugs and sex on display would have been shocking to an outsider. To all of us? It seemed like the greatest escape in the world. Peter was the ringleader, but he found two excellent enablers in Jess and Kelly. I don't know how they did it, but the six escorts never let up for a moment.

Looking back on it, the three girls from LA obviously had been in this situation before. Kelly chose them because they were primed and knew what to expect, so their performances ought to have been unsurprising. But Alix, Gloria, and Nicole from Infinity never faltered. I knew Alix would be up to the task. She defined a true professional. Gloria? She performed when she felt like it, and she rose to this occasion. Nicole, well, Nicole proved herself to be a top-flight whore.

To their credit, the four other men at the ranch also proved up to the task. They kept the six whores, plus Jess and Kelly, occupied most of the time. It didn't turn into an orgy, per se, but it became difficult to find anywhere at the ranch that wasn't occupied by someone getting pleasured.

Kat's tryst with Stephen hadn't lasted long, less than an hour. Rita realized it was the first time that Kat had been with another man since we had stopped trying to get pregnant and she had returned to work. When Kat returned, a satisfied grin on her face and robe loosely tied, Rita tugged both of us back to our room.

"We need to start a new tradition," Rita said excitedly. "I don't know if it's all the coke or the fact that Stephen is a gorgeous Hollywood hunk, but I think if Kat fucks someone else? We need to have a reclaim fuck."

She stripped off her robe, and Kat followed suit.

"What do you have in mind?" Kat said. She looked at me, eyes lit with desire. I had reclaimed her before after she had been with other men, and it always turned her on.

"I'm going to eat his cum out of you while John fucks me," Rita said casually, "and then John is going to fuck you and cum in you. Up to that, baby?" She turned to me as she spoke.

"Sounds like a plan to me!" I said, my robe already on the floor.

Rita dropped to her knees and took my cock in her soft, wet mouth. I got hard fast. She pulled off and instructed Kat to lie on the bed.

"Look at that puffy, wet pussy," Rita said. "Does he have a big dick, Kat?"

"It's big," Kat admitted. "Really thick. It's nice. I'm not going to lie."

"Is there a lot of cum for me in your pussy?" Rita continued. She was being aggressive and dirty. There was an intensity about it that I hadn't seen from her before.

"So much," Kat said. She gasped as Rita's tongue went to work on her smooth pussy lips. They were puffy and freshly fucked. "You better be hungry."

"Fuck me, John," Rita ordered.

I stepped behind her and entered her from behind. Rita moaned but didn't slow down her tongue's assault on Kat's cunt. The setting was red hot. Kat had fucked other men before, but something felt different right now. Rita was flexing her position in our relationship, almost scolding Kat for having done it. She understood, of course, but she wanted to ensure Kat knew where her priorities needed to lie.

Several minutes later, Kat came on Rita's face, crying out in pleasure and pulling her head further between her thighs. Rita shuddered and orgasmed on my cock, then ordered me to pull out and finish inside Kat. There was a desire and confidence in Rita's eyes I had never seen.

"Do it, John," she commanded. "Show her that her daddy owns her."

My cock pulsed visibly as I pulled out of Rita and jammed it into Kat's pussy.

"Oh, daddy!" she screamed.

"You're a bad cheating slut, aren't you, Kat?" Rita said.

"I am! I'm such a dirty slut!" Kat cried.

"But we forgive you," Rita said. "And you always come back to us. You belong to us."

This was fucking hot. My whole body felt like it was on fire. I groaned and thrust my hips, my cock spasming as it shot white-hot sperm into Kat's pussy. I collapsed on top of her, but in front of me was Rita's grinning face.

"Good job, daddy," she said, using Kat's pet name for me for the first time ever.

"Fuck, that was so hot," I said. "I completely lost control."

"God, daddy," Kat said dreamily, lost in the intensity of the moment. "Rita, fuck, you both know exactly what I need."

"Don't forget it, slut," Rita said playfully, kissing her on the lips.

"I need a line," I said with a laugh.

* * *

The hour-long ride back to Houston on Sunday -- after an incredible barbecue and fireworks show for the Fourth the night before -- was pure hell. We were all hungover and stuffed up. My head throbbed. I sat with Rita and Kat on either side, holding my hands, and Jess sitting on my lap. She had worked hard over the weekend. Peter had become quite enamored of her.

Perhaps the biggest surprise of the weekend for me is that I hadn't fucked anyone who wasn't one of my girlfriends. Maybe it was because the Hollywood crew had kept the escorts so relentlessly occupied. Maybe it was because I'd changed, at least a little bit. Regardless, I was perfectly content. I was also excited about my business prospects. I had done some rough math in my head, and if the timeline for the movie that Peter and Stephen had presented held, I could see an eight-figure return in a year.

There was also the dangled carrot of set visits and watching the movie-making process unfold, and my mind couldn't help but drift to what that meant. Seeing Juliet Lawson again. That was a temptation I was sure I wouldn't be able to resist.

When we got home, the girls wanted to take a nap. Kelly had taken her girls straight to the airport to fly home. I regretted not talking to her more over the weekend, but she promised to come visit us again in a couple weeks. So as I sat in a quiet house, too tired and hungover to do a line or pop a bottle of wine but unable to take a nap, I stared aimlessly at my phone doom-scrolling.

And then the text notification popped up.

"Are you back?" Crystal wrote. "I'm lonely. But I've been working on my natural tan."

Accompanying the words was a picture of her sitting on her bathroom counter in front of the mirror. She had lifted a leg and carefully positioned her arms so you couldn't see her pussy or tits, but she was naked. The tan looked really good.

"You look fantastic," I said. "Just got back. Super tired."

"My husband is covering an open house at the last minute," she typed. "I was kind of hoping you could come over."

She must have been out of coke, I laughed to myself.

"Maybe you should try to convince me," I said.

I put my phone down when she didn't respond right away. My thoughts drifted off. I was so impressed with Rita. In the face of celebrity, she hadn't shown a whisper of interest in playing with another man. She was asserting herself with Kat. There was a feeling inside me that Rita was becoming the glue to hold all of us together in a sustainable way. She showed that, to her, the relationship was the most important goal, not individual desires. It was an attractive example.

My phone buzzed. It was Crystal again.

"Maybe this can convince you?" she wrote.

She attached a picture she had taken while lying down. She spread her legs and snapped a shot of your spread pussy. It was invitingly pink, the lips tight and drawn in. Moisture glistened from it, like radiating sunshine.

"I just shaved," she said. "All the way."

It was the first time Crystal had sent a real nude picture. I was tempted. Very tempted. But I couldn't let her seize any balance of power in this affair. My goal was to turn her into a wanton slut who would leave her husband. I couldn't let her think, even once, that I'd drop everything at her request.

"Sorry, babe, I'm just too tired," I said. "But let's do something the next couple days."

"I've got a lot of work the next couple days, but what if you came to my parking garage? Maybe you could bring me some coke, and I could give you a blow job at lunch?" she wrote.

There was my budding coke whore, I thought to myself.

"That sounds amazing," I said.

Just then, a sleepy, bleary-eyed Jess sat down next to me on the couch and rested her head on my shoulder.

"I can't sleep," she said. "Not even with Benadryl. Too much coke. Who was that?"

"You had a busy weekend," I said. "It was Crystal."

"Oh, what did she want?" Jess asked with new vigor.

"Husband had a last-minute open house to cover," I said. "She wanted me to come over." I showed her the pictures she had sent.

"The natural tan looks so much better," she said.

"I told her maybe tomorrow or the next day," I said. "She wants to hook up at her office parking garage." I laughed.

"What she really wants is more coke," Jess said.

"That's exactly what I thought," I said.

"I did have a busy weekend," she said, putting her head on my shoulder. "Are you mad?"

"You know that's not me, babe," I said.

"Peter really likes me, I think," she said.

"Oh, I know he does," I said. "He told me."

"He wants me to spend a little time in LA," she said.

"You'll probably be going there for the agency soon anyway," I said.

"You may need to go there for the movie, too," she said.

"I confess, I kind of hope so," I said.

"To learn the movie business, or to see Juliet Lawson?" she asked.

I paused just long enough to open the door.

"I thought so," Jess said. "Be careful. Rita may need some time to adjust to that."

"You think so?" I asked.

"Rita has tumbled over the waterfall for you, John," she said. "Stephen wanted to be with her, you know. She turned him down. You were outside with Peter yesterday. She said she wasn't comfortable being with another man without you."

"Really?" I said.

"Really," she said.

"I'm speechless," I said.

"No you're not," Jess said. "You'd shut up if you were."

She smiled wickedly at me. There was a sudden energy and life in her eyes. She sat up, and her lips started tracing a line up my neck to my mouth.

"Where is my reclaim fuck?" she said sultrily.

"Right here, it seems," I said.

"I was such a dirty whore all weekend, babe," Jess said. "Three guys used all three of my holes whenever they wanted."

"You were very, very busy," I said. "Don't think it was lost on me."

"I feel like I have an opportunity right now," Jess said. "We both do."

Her kisses moved up my neck to my ear and became more insistent.

"And what opportunity is that?" I asked.

"You're working again," she said. "You're working in a space that overlaps with my work. This weekend? That was me planting a flag in a new world. Yes, I probably gave more of myself than I'm interested in now -- not that it wasn't fun. But I have a feeling there is a lot in this LA scene, John, thanks to you and your Hollywood connections that can benefit us both."

"Are we building an empire together, darling?" I said.

"I think we can," she said. Her hand slipped under the waistband of my shorts. "But right now, I just want to feel that thick dick inside me. Shoot a load of cum inside your favorite whore."

Jess climbed on top of me. She pulled off my t-shirt that she had been sleeping in and was fully nude underneath. Her nipples were slightly chapped from the relentless sexual activity of the weekend. She grabbed my cock and slid it between her pussy lips, which were wet and slightly fuzzy with soft wisps that had grown over the past three days.

"I need to shave," she said, as if reading my mind.

Jess didn't even need to look down to slide my cock inside her. Our bodies fit together perfectly. She was wet, but as was typical when she was a little dehydrated after partying hard for a few days in a row, her juices were thick and almost like syrup. They coated my cock liberally and gave a feeling of enhanced pleasure.

"What did you like best this weekend?" I asked.

"You're feeling naughty, aren't you?" Jess said, picking up on my signs. "You want to hear what a nasty whore I am."

"Yes," I said.

"Peter," Jess admitted. "He's so unequivocal. He knows what he wants. And his dick is just so thick. Especially in my ass, I get that intense pleasure-pain combination you know I like so much."

"You're such a slut," I said. The pace of our fuck was slow and determined. "How many men do you think you've fucked in the last two years?"

"God," Jess said, grinding her hips back and forth, "I have no idea. Fifty or sixty, probably."

"My whore," I said.

"You know I can't get enough dick," she said. Her orgasm started to build. She loved talking about being a slut.

"But mine is the only one you never get tired of," I said.

"Always, my darling," she said. "Although Johnny's dick is really good."

"You really like him," I said.

"I do," she said. "I'm going to see him later today."

"Oh?" I said.

"Shelly doesn't know," she said. "Sometimes he likes to be naughty."

"And so do you," I said.

"I do, I do," she said, closing her eyes and having a first, slightly muted climax. "I love being a cheating slut, too."

"You're such a bad girl," I said, clapping her ass now. "He's getting married in two weeks to one of your friends, and you're sneaking around fucking him."

"I can't help it," she said. "I love him. I love his dick."

Jess exploded. She had never admitted to me that she loved him. Her body shook, rattling the couch, and she threw her head back in pleasure.

"Now give me that cum," Jess commanded. "Send me to Johnny with a big load of sperm already inside me."

Emotions took over me, and I couldn't help but fill her pussy. Jess knew exactly how to push the buttons on my nastiest fantasies. She kissed me and rolled to the side.

"Fuck, I love when you give me a big load like that," she said, holding a hand over her pussy.

We were breathing hard. It was an intense coupling. A couple minutes passed in silence before I finally broke it.

"You really love him?" I asked.

"In my way," Jess said. "It's not like you. I love fucking him. I love that Shelly doesn't know how often we fuck or every time we fuck. You know how much I love a dirty secret. With Johnny, I feel like I can have the dirty secret but not keep it from you."

"I think I understand it," I said. "And I do like that you're honest with me. You see how much better it works if I just know, right?"

"I do," she said. "Kat and I talk about it frequently. We aren't going to play the secret game with you anymore. We love you too much."

"You're a bridesmaid and fucking the groom," I said with a chuckle.

"I want you and Johnny to double penetrate me sometime," she said.

"That would be really hot," I said.

"I think it would make me cum so hard to have the two men I care about most inside me at once," she said.

"You know I'll make any fantasy come true for you," I said.

"That's why I'll always love you the most," Jess said. "I never have to hide anything. I can be me, unvarnished and full of blemishes."

"Your imperfection is perfect," I said.

I closed my eyes, and we both drifted off, Jess's head in my lap. I had a little bit of jealous anger inside me. It was mild, and it pushed my thoughts to Crystal. It was time to ramp things up with her, I decided. Her corruption would become my primary recreational activity.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

five stars. my favorite players Jess and Kat seem to be in for a good hard long ride from sexy new playmates. while I like they have good attachment to John as they should. but to hear both of them describe how they now both have outside men with very satisfying big thick cocks that they said are nice that will keep them busy is so hot and exciting. we know both of them need more than one man and one cock. They have strong sexual needs that they must have filled. the two girls will make for happy willing wanting and cum craving playmates. beside Kat and Jess John has Rita and Crystal and whole group of escorts for himself so my favorites should have a few hard cocks for their 3 holes. life is good.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

hat was sexy stuff there. Very neat to hear what happen after the party. Also a big hint the descent of Crystal is coming. Looking for her ruination as she is abuse by both men and women. Make her.a trashy whore. The hooker house needs a bottom bitch three hole cum dump whore.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Think back to Jess’s history with Johnny and the harm it did to her relationship with John. He owns a much smaller piece of her heart than he may have thought he did.

Qwer12Qwer12over 2 years ago
It Just Keeps Getting Better

5 Stars of Hot Sexy Excitement. That was an outstanding and well laid out and great writing that made you feel the connections going on. The reclaiming scene between John, Rita and Kat was so very hot and sexy. And very intense. It showed Rita in a new and interesting light. It was fun to feel the interaction between the three of them. However, the reclaiming scene with Jess and John was even more hot and sexy. That was a very strong and impassioned moment then followed by a fervid conversation that revealed a lot about how these kids think and feel in the hot moments they are in. Appears that lots of little seeds of future events could be found thought out the chapter. Very well done. Cheers

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Jess is an extraordinarily well-drawn character. Over the chapters we come to know her well; including the way she casually, almost indifferently, uses sex to control and console John as she reviews things to him that she knows he needs to be aware of but is not going to like, for example. She is a proud whore and businesswoman who loves her calling and seamlessly combines it with her insatiable hunger for cock and coke. John is lucky to have her and knows it.

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