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Trail of Silver Skulls Ch. 13

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Anna is edged with a vibrator again.
2.5k words

Part 13 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 07/07/2022
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In the days that followed, it took Anna almost everything she had to not give in. With only ten days left, Eric drove them harder than ever and she felt it in the intensity of the schedule. Along with Rachael, when she wasn't eating or sleeping, they spent all their remaining time in the training room either with their legs spread open or bent over on all fours. Every waking moment was another command for them, another order they had to obey without messing up. Already pushed up against the edge, Anna her body was starting to reach its limit. With the additional frustration of the chastity belt still around her waist, her mind grew more and more frazzled from the denial until she could barely think about anything else anymore. Slowly, she felt the training starting to take hold until her mental thought processes started to give as well.

Deep inside however, a tiny fragment of resistance still remained glowing dimly behind her downcast eyes whenever Eric walked past. As much as he tried to stamp it out, a small core of it always remained, unnoticed behind the dull stare of a defeated slave. Like an ember glowing in the wind, it waited like a spark against kindling for the perfect opportunity to strike. With nothing else to hold onto, Anna clung to it desperately as her last hope against the rising tide of darkness inside.

"Open your mouth," Eric would say and she would obey, almost out of her own will now than anything else. Even as the foul taste lingered afterwards in the back of her throat, she would then turn around and offer her ass to be used as well. As he penetrated her back there, Anna counted down the number of days left in her head. Doing her best to ignore the pounding against her rear, she clenched her teeth and endured. In times like these, the clock always seemed to move the opposite of how she wanted it to speeding up when she needed more time and dragging out the moments in between as she waited for Eric to finish. Either way, Anna closed her eyes and prayed all the same.

On the very last day before they left, she finally found her chance.

A little over a full month had gone by now since she her training had started and Eric had decided that it was time for her final exam. As Mark lead her and Rachael down to the training room where he waited for them, Anna found her heart beating in her chest once more. Standing before the precipice of her future as a slave, she felt some of her old thoughts drifting back to her, the ones Eric had tried to stamp out. As she entered the training room it was as if a veil had been lifted from her eyes, every detail of the room sharper than ever before. This would be perhaps the last chance she would get before the end of her freedom.

"Legs apart and present," said Eric.

Like all the other previous training sessions this one started off much the same. Standing in the middle of the training room, Anna took off her thin dress before spreading her legs shoulder width apart. Lacing her fingers together and placing her hands on top of her head, she arched her back to push her meager chest out as far as she could. Besides her, Rachael did the same, her slightly larger breasts perking up against the air with her nipples stiffened to a point. Together, they stood still as they waited for the usual inspection routine to start.

Anna bit down on her lips to prevent herself from making any noise as Eric reached out to cup one of her breasts. No matter what they were doing that day, he always started off with the same line.

"Have you been a good girl today?" asked Eric.

Anna winced as he reached between her legs to run his fingers along the edges of her chastity belt. Holding his hand up before her face, he pulled his fingers apart and Anna watched as a sticky strand stretched between them before breaking and falling to the floor. With the last bit of relief she had being a ruined orgasm over three weeks ago, staying dry at this point was an impossibility. Anna lowered her head in shame as she replied.

"No Sir, I'm sorry Master," she said.

Walking over to Rachael, Eric did the same. Reaching out with his fingers, he gathered up some of her fluids from between her legs before bringing his hand up before her face.

"And how about you?" said Eric, "Have you been a good girl today?"

"No, Sir," said Rachael, "I'm sorry for being wet, Sir"

Eric pressed a button on his remote and Rachael flinched as the device inside her activated sending a short pulse of electricity to her clit. A moment later, Anna did the same jerking back as she felt her clit being shocked. The stimulation cut off as soon as it started however and she breathed a sigh of relief. Had it been a serious punishment instead, it would have lasted for at least an hour or more. Anna felt a shiver run up her back as she pushed the thought out of her mind. The last thing she needed right now was to lose track of herself and for the imagined punishment to become reality instead. She forced herself to focus as Eric continued his lecture.

"A slave must obey her master, no matter how she feels," said Eric, "For your final exam today, we will put that to the test"

Eric stepped forward to unlock her chastity belt and Anna waited patiently for him to push the key into the lock before spreading her legs further to let the belt drop to the floor. She felt a pair of handcuffs being fastened around her wrists and then her arms were pushed up as Eric attached the links to a metal hook hanging from the ceiling. Satisfied that she was no longer able to move, he walked over to do the same with Rachael as well. With the both of them now naked and secured in place, he stepped away before returning with a telescoping metal pole attached to a flat base. A knob halfway up its side allowed it to be adjusted for length and placing the devices between their legs, he moved it so the top was just below the waist. Looking down, Anna saw a metal ring around two inches or so across attached to the end and she wondered what it was for.

Her question was soon answered however as Eric set two wand vibrators into the frame before connecting the cord to a power strip plugged into the wall. Pushing the stand forward, he moved them until the vibrator rested against her clit. A spanking machine placed behind her finished the setup and Anna felt the large wooden paddle touch her rear. Her stomach began to tighten as she realized what Eric had in mind.

"The rules are simple," said Eric, "For the next two hours, you will have your clits stimulated by the vibrator. However, you will not be allowed to climax or pull away. If either one you leave the vibrator for even a moment, the machines behind you will spank you until both your clits are back on the vibe. If at any point you try to have an orgasm, the vibrator will turn off for thirty seconds and ten minutes will be added to the total time"

Setting a timer before them, Eric turned the switch and Anna moaned as the vibrator came to life between her legs. Immediately, she clamped her mouth shut as she resisted the urge to push herself away from the stimulation. Her feet strained as she leaned forward and fought to keep her clit pressed against the toy. The harsh vibrations cut painfully into her flesh.

"Thank you, Master," she gasped.

Rachael let out a similar moan of frustration as she shoved her own clit directly against the humming vibrator. Behind them, the machine waited patiently for either of them to make a mistake. Holes had been cut out through the surface of the paddle to allow it to swing faster and neither of them needed to be reminded of how much it hurt.

"Remember, good girls don't clench," said Eric, "Like usual, the power will increase every time you do"

Turning towards the door, he stepped through it leaving them alone. Then, the test truly began.

In the silence that came afterwards, Anna bit down on her lip standing as still as she could with the vibrator buzzing away on her clit. She watched timer count down the remaining time as fought against the urge to pull her clit away. Connected to the sensor inside her, it pulsed at a slow speed designed to keep her right at the edge without letting her spend. Slowly, she felt her clit starting to swell under the tight covering of her hood. Besides her, Rachael whimpered as she started to cry, her arms pulling at the chain above her as she endured the stimulation upon her clit.

Having already endured weeks of denial beforehand, it wasn't long before one of them finally gave in. Less than five minutes later, Rachael's legs twitched as she jerked away, unable to take the torture anymore. As her clit left the vibrator however, the spanking machine behind her immediately drew the paddle back before sending it forward with a large swing.


With her bottom pushed out behind her in just the right way, she presented the perfect target and Rachael cried out as the impact pushed her forward back onto the vibrator once more. A moment later, Anna felt an impact across her own bottom as her own spanking machine swung forward as well. With her clit still on the vibrator however, she was mostly out of range and the paddle only grazed her at the end of the swing.

"A-aaah! No more!" cried Rachael.

She sobbed as she rubbed her clit up and down against the vibrator crying at the torture she was forced to inflict upon herself. The frequency of the vibrations increased and grew louder as she clenched down on the emptiness she felt inside. Anna felt her own vibrator increase in power as well. It was only a fraction of a percent, but with just under two hours still to go, it wouldn't be long before it became too much for her to bear. She called out to Rachael trying to get the other girl's attention.

"Rachael, listen to me, we have to work together," said Anna.

"What do you mean?" cried Rachael.

"If you're going to pull away again, we need to do it at the same time," said Anna, "If just one of us does it, we'll both be punished anyways meaning the punishment will be double if we don't time it right"

"But I can't take it anymore," cried Rachael.

Tears spilled down her face as she cried in frustration.

"Yes you can," said Anna, "We'll go slowly, just five minutes at a time. Count to three hundred and we'll both pull away for a break"

The promise of hope, as little as it was, brought Rachael back to her senses enough for her to calm down. Taking a deep breath, Rachael began to count out loud.



"T- three-..."

"Slower, you're counting too fast," said Anna.

Rachael restarted the count going slower this time. Her voice trembled as her entire body shook from the effort of keeping her clit pressed against the vibrator.




One minute passed, and then two. Even to Anna, by the time she reached two hundred, it was as if an hour had gone by instead of a mere three minutes instead. Even as she forced herself with every last bit of strength she had left to keep her clit pressed against the vibrator, Anna breathed out a sigh of relief as Rachael reached the end of the count.

"Three hundred," cried Rachael.

"Now!" cried Anna.

Together, they pulled away, their hips jerking as their clits went numb from the sudden loss of stimulation. A moment later, the spanking machines behind them swung into action. The sound of the wooden paddles hitting their flesh echoed out through the room as they danced upon the spot while pain flashed across their rears. With their arms still strung up above their heads, the only way they could remove their clits from the vibrator was to push their hips out behind them raising their bottoms and presenting their open rears for the machine to hit.




Anna waited until she couldn't bear the spanking anymore before finally rushed forward to press her clit against the vibrator once more. Rachael moaned in frustration as she stepped forward against the vibrator as well. The moment both of them were back on the toy, the paddle slowed and stopped as it returned to its original position behind them. Rachael started to count out loud again.



"T- three-..."

Five minutes later, they pulled away and the spanking machines came to life once more. Then again, and again, and again. Each time her clit returned to the vibrator, Anna felt herself getting closer and closer to the edge as she desperately tried to ignore the rising heat inside. As the cycle of spankings and stimulation went on, she felt the vibrator increase in power each time she clenched until it pulsed hard against her clit. The vibrations had started off weak at the start but with each spanking she received the stimulation grew until as it ran up through her body and into her mind. Any more and she would hit the peak. Before she could cross the line at the end however, she heard a cry from Rachael as she finally gave in.

"I'm cumming!" cried Rachael.

The moment the words left her mouth, the sensor tripped and both of the vibrators cut off at once. Anna grit her teeth against the sudden loss of sensation inside as her pussy clenched down on empty air. Against her own will, her hips started to move on their own, rubbing her clit against the surface of the wand as her body sought the last bit of stimulation she needed to go over. Behind her, the arm on the machine moved forward extending the paddle out to give her and Rachael five blows across their rears for failing to hold themselves back.






The timer before them beeped and then the numbers on the display flickered on the screen. Anna watched in disbelief as ten more minutes were added to the total time. Fear rose up in her at the thought of having to stay here forever.

One hour and forty-seven minutes left.

After thirty seconds of waiting, the vibrators turned on again as they reset back to their initial power level. With the device buzzing away against her again, Anna felt her pussy start to twitch again as it forced her back up the hill once more. Biting down on the inside of her cheek, she fought against the urge to cry. It was going to be a long time before the timer reached zero, she thought.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Well, yes, the chapters are way too short. We just get into a scene when it just ends. A chapter just gets interesting, then stops. Too bad, the story would be a good one but the chapters should be combined to create a better representation of what happens during slave training.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

love this story!

EdthegentEdthegentover 2 years ago

Would love to see the girls forced to do things to each other. Really get in their heads!

Loving the series.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Ignore the haters. This is a good story. Keep going!

mirlynnmirlynnover 2 years ago

I'm not into the end game here - repetitive, endlessly predictable torcher .. That's it? At least either let her get her bloody revenge or move on to the pleasures of a sex slave. Maybe consider that later can involve intermittent bursts of extreme pleasure without correlation to any stimulus. The motivation to 'be a good slave' for that unpredictable reward can be powerful and seductive as hell.

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