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Train a Com'in! Pt.01

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A Classic Damsel in Distress Story - Tied to the Track
2.8k words

Part 1 of the 10 part series

Updated 08/13/2024
Created 07/21/2024
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Train a Com'in! (Part 1)

When Kelly Ann Vanderhilt, heiress to the fabulous Vanderhilt Patent Medicine Empire, woke up that morning, she knew it was going to be a bad day.

It should have been a wonderful day. It was her 18th birthday and this was the summer that would seen her presented to society at a magnificent ball at the Vanderhilts' marvelous mansion in Newport, Rhode Island. Unfortunately, however, a series of tragic events had ruined her spring.

It has all started on April 15th, of 1912, when her parents, returning from a Spring vacation in Europe on the Titanic, perished at sea.

Things did not get much better when a month later, her aunt, and guardian, Suzanne, who was a ten years older than her, made unwelcome sexual advances toward her. While Kelly Ann was aware that some girls liked other girls, she had no interest herself in such an arrangement and was shocked that her trusted aunt would attempt to force her into a romantic liaison. Kelly Ann sternly rebuffed the woman's advances.

And now this: Kelly Ann had been awakened in the wee hours of the morning by a cloth over her face with sickly sweet smell. She had immediately fallen unconscious and was now only awakening again.

She opened her pretty, vivid blue eyes and over her head was the sky. The pillow under her head felt like hard and almost like a stone. Glancing around she realized the back of her neck wasn't sitting on a stone, however, but the iron rail of a railroad track somewhat softened by the coverlet from her bed. She attempted to sit up, by then realized that her arms were stretched out on either side of her and tied, by the wrists, to the same rail. Moving her feet was also impossible as her ankles spread wide apart, were tied to the opposite rail. She was cushioned from the ties and the gravel below herback by the same coverlet under her head and by her long nightgown.

Trying to figure out how she got into this situation she looked past her feet where a tall, dark, and somewhat handsome fellow with a rakish look, stood, reading a sheet of paper.

"Excuse me, sir," she said, "would you be able to help me here? I seem to have gotten tied to this railroad track, somehow."

The man looked up from the paper, and replied, "Well, normally I would help a lady in need, but you see since I just finished tying you to that railroad track, untying you would seem to be a bit, counterproductive, wouldn't it?"

This made her a bit testy. "Sir, do you know who I am? I will speak to the police and have you arrested!"

"Well, I know precisely who you are and that's why you are tied to the track," he replied. Cocking his head as they heard the sound of a train whistle echoing up the valley, he continued, "And I suspect that, sadly, in no more than a half an hour, you won't be talking to anybody ever again."

Kelly Ann was a bright girl and looked around to assess her situation. They were in a narrow valley, filled with trees and no sign of civilization nearby. The track she was currently laying on was a tight curve and it was impossible to see anything more than a few hundred feet up or down the rails. She realized that it was unlikely that the engineer of a train barreling around the curve would even catch sight of her, let alone be able to stop his locomotive, before his iron monster was on top of her.

"Sir, why would you to such an evil thing as this!?!" she cried.

"Well, miss, it's nothing personal. Just business," he replied.

"Business! Somebody paid you to do this? Who?" she demanded.

"Your aunt, Suzanne."

Kelly Ann remembered the woman's anger when she had been rejected.

"You mean she paid you to do this just because I..I wouldn't give into her...sexual demands?" said Kelly Ann, aghast.

"No, your rejection of her is behind your manner of death. The reason for you death is that today is your 18th birthday," he answered.

"My birthday?"

"Yes. Perhaps you were not aware than your parents' will states that on your 18th birthday, you inherit the entire estate," he explained. "As things stand since you have not written your own will this morning, upon your death the entire estate will pass to your closest relative, you aunt.

"Listen, I'm now filthy rich and I can give you twice the amount my aunt is paying you, if you just let me go!" she offered.

"Well, that's a tempting offer, Miss," he replied. "but, I just don't feel its ethical."

"Not ethical?!?"

"Well, yes, I already have a contract with your aunt for this job. If I dropped that contract to take up one with you, it just won't be right, would it?" he answered.

Kelly Ann thought about that. "Well," she admitted, " I suppose not, but just what does your contract say anyway?" she inquired.

"Well, I have it right here," he said, fumbling with the sheet of paper in his hand. "Let me see... 1)Kidnap heiress from house. 2)Drug into unconsciousness. 3)Roll in coverlet. 4)Transport to unpopulated area. 5) Tie to tracks.... and Oops! I almost forgot number six!"

Stuffing the list into his pocket, the man, whipped out a knife and brought it to Kelly Ann's breast.

"No, please!" she begged.

"Oh," he said. "This isn't for you. It's for your nightgown. Your aunt wished you to suffer maximum humiliation!"

With that he started slitting her pretty, lavender, silk nightgown down the front, then at the sleeves so he could peel it off her. He then cut her only other garment, loose panties off her hips, leaving her completely naked.

Sitting back to admire his work, he looked her up and down taking in her dainty curves. Kelly Ann was a petite girl with curly blonde hair and perky small, but shapely breasts. "I must say, Miss, you have quite a lovely body. Such a shame that it will never be able to pleasure a man!"

Just then the train blew it whistle. It was much closer than before.

Will Kelly Ann be crushed by the wheels of the approaching Iron Beast? Will Aunt Suzanne get away with this terrible crime and get a hold of the fabulous Vanderhilt fortune? Stay tuned for the next part of our hair raising story!

Train a Com'in! (Part 2)

The story to this point. Heiress Kelly Ann is has been tied naked to a railroad tracks by a mysterious, but handsome, man hired by her evil aunt Suzanne who will inherit a fortune if the pretty, blue eyed, teenager meets an untimely end.

The man kept looking at Kelly Ann's naked body with what she realized was a smoldering desire in his eyes. Reaching out he squeezed her soft, right tit, then toyed with the bubble gum pink nipple that topped it feeling it harden. Kelly, despite herself, moaned involuntarily at his touch.

He then ran his hand down her soft belly, enjoying the smoothness of her pale skin. "Your flesh feels like silk!" he exclaimed. Finally his hand dipped in between her legs, cupping her public region and sliding a finger into her pussy. With her legs tied tightly into place, there was nothing Kelly Ann could do to stop him from fondling her most sensitive areas.

He stoked the hood of her clit and she grew instantly wet. Her eyes closed and her head fell back on the rail. Kelly Ann was amazed at how aroused she was becoming. Instead of the fear of the oncoming train dampening her erotic desires, it seemed to inflame them.

She forced herself to lift her head and again into the stranger's eyes. She could see the struggle within him. It was obvious he was weighing the danger of the approaching locomotive against his burning desire to take her virginity.

Kelly Ann found herself struggling too. Her entire upbringing had been designed make her a paragon of female virtue, not letting the male sex see even as much of her skin as an uncovered ankle. Forever trying to ignore those business partners of her father's that clearly undressed her with their eyes whenever she walked into the room. Now she was helpless and stripped naked before this man. Yes, as her aunt had intended it was humiliating, but also freeing!

Suddenly, the handsome stranger ripped off his shirt and unbuttoned his pants. "Damn it! I think we still have time for a quickie before your train arrives!" he said, and climbed on top of her. She could see that his cock, long, thick and with just a hint of an upward curve, was fully erect. He placed the tip into her already soaked cunt, and thrust his way inside. She felt a pang of pain as he entered her, but that was soon replaced the delightful feeling of warm, hard flesh moving deep inside her.

Laying on top of her as he moved his cock in and out, he started kissing her neck and running his hands up and down her naked body. To Kelly, who had never been touched by a man before, the feeling was overwhelmingly pleasurable.

"So sorry to make your first, and last time, such a rushed affair," he whispered in her ear. "But I'm afraid that time and tide, and in this case a 20-ton locomotive, wait for no man!"

In the gusts of pleasure that rippled through her body Kelly Ann could almost forget about the approaching train. She found herself thinking, 'Well, if I'm going to die in a couple minutes, at least this is a wonderful way to go!"

Another toot of the whistle, now just seemingly out of sight around the curve, caused the mysterious man to double the rate of his thrusts into Kelly Ann's now sopping wet pussy. She knew at this point he was committed and would not pull out of her until he emptied himself into her, train or not! She knew because she felt the same way. Even if her bonds had magically disappeared she would have been unable to lift herself from the tracks. Her need for release was too great. Every bone in her body only wished to wrap her legs and arms around his masculine body and let him ride her into oblivion.

Suddenly she felt his motion slowed and changed to a series of powerful, short stokes. She could feel her pussy fill, then overflow with warm, thick liquid. Her inner thighs became wet and sticky with his cum. The feeling triggered her own orgasm which sent waves of pleasure through her. She found herself floating in a cloud of bliss, uncaring about anything outside her body, drunk on ecstasy.

For just a moment as he finished, he collapsed on top her, seemingly exhausted. She too was in a daze, unable to shake off the mind bending power of her first climax. As she tried to recover, she felt him push himself up off her, and lean over to whisper in her ear, "That was wonderful, Miss Vanderhilt. I'm so sorry that circumstances require our parting. You were one magnificent fuck!"

Kelly was surprised to hear her own voice say, "Thank you for doing me. I didn't want to die a virgin."

With that the man tenderly kissed her on her forehead, grabbed his clothes, and Kelly Ann watched her first --- and last lover, disappear into the trees.

Kelly Ann, still in a state of rapture, turned her head. The locomotive had rounded the curve now and she could see that massive iron beast only a hundred feet down the track. It raced toward her at full speed, confirming that the engineer had not seen the girl laying on the rails.

She couldn't take her eyes off the metal monster as it closed the last few yards between them. She briefly wondered if she would feel anything as her dainty body was crushed beneath the huge, iron merciless wheels. Fortunately, as the machine loomed above her, with only seconds to go, she fainted, sparing the girl the reality of finding out one way or another.

Is this the end for Kelly Ann? Will Aunt Suzanne be able to spend her ill-gotten riches? Will the mysterious man regret his decision? Stay tuned for the next episode in our riveting story!

Train a Com'in! (Conclusion)

When Kelly Ann awoke she was still lingering in the state of bliss, her eyes shut tight. She realized she was cuddled up in someone's arms. 'This must be heaven,' she thought. And it must be her own dear father, who had gone before her, holding her close. She realized that the figure was wearing a suit, as her father often did. She could feel it against her naked skin. Naked skin? Why was she naked? Didn't they at least give you a robe in heaven?

She opened her eyes, and realized she was not in heaven, but a few feet from the tracks and the lap that she was in was not her fathers, but the mysterious man. Turning her head she saw the last car of the train disappear down the tracks behind the trees.

"How?" she asked.

"Despite my contract with your aunt, I couldn't let such a beautiful and sensuous creature be smushed by that engine, so at the last minute and jumped in, cut your bonds and carried you off," he told her.

"How could you, when I fainted the train was just a few yards away? You must have taken an awful chance!" She hugged him. "You're my hero!"

"Well, I rescued you off the tracks, but I'm afraid I was the also the one who put you on those tracks," he admitted.

"Well," Kelly Ann said, her pretty features in deep thought. "You ALMOST killed me, but then you COMPETELY saved me. In my way of thinking, COMPLETELY outweighs ALMOST, so on the balance, you are still a hero!" Logic was always one of Kelly Ann's strong suites.

"I'm glad you feel that way. Oh, I should introduce myself. My name is David."

"Well, David, what do we do next?" she said.

"I guess I should take you back to your mansion," he replied.

"Stark naked?" she said. She didn't mind sitting stark naked on his lap. In fact, she rather liked it, but walking into town that way was unacceptable and the shreds of her nightgown had been scattered down the tracks by the train.

"Well, that coverlet I rolled you up in is still in good shape. I could roll you back up in it and smuggle you back into the house," he suggested.

She could see he was right. The coverlet, being heavier was still on the tracks. It was a bit dirty and torn in places, but in amazingly good shape. "You know that could work," she said. "I typically sleep till noon, so they probably wouldn't even notice I was missing. That's a great idea. Also, now the you have broken the contract with my aunt, perhaps you could work for me. It occurs to me that I will need a bodyguard. You could do that and," she said, reaching out and rubbing the bulge in his crotch, "provide some needed personal services for me too..."

Three weeks later:

Kelly Ann laid there marveling about how things could be in your life for years and then suddenly, after one incident, you viewed them completely differently. For example, the posters on the corners of her bed. Before they were just decorations, but now...

"That should do it," said David, as he tied the last rope around her ankle leaving her naked and spread eagle on the mattress, tied to the posts. Under her was the same coverlet that had been with her on the tracks. It was a bit beat up and worn, but she kept it as it had for her a sentimental value.

Kelly Ann was looking forward to their regular afternoon game. It had been a difficult morning. The police detective had stopped by to tell her that there had been no more progress in the case of her missing aunt. Her disappearance was a mystery, but the officer suspected foul play.

"I picked up something in the village I think you will like," David said, sitting the edge of the bed and smiling at her. He pulled what looked like a long wooden block with holes in it from his pocket.

"What is it?" she asked, intrigued.

He put it to his lips and blew into it. The sound of a train whistle echoed through the bedroom.

Instantly Kelly Ann felt her pussy get wet as a shiver of excitement go though her body.

"You're playing our song!" she giggled.


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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

This was a lot of fun. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Pretty funny!

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