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Transformations - Naughty vs. Nice Ch. 03

Story Info
Battle. Drew Teaches. Devil Dealing. Predators. Coven Love.
31.8k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 12/17/2021
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Comments always welcome. This is the final chapter of Naughty vs. Nice and it is extremely long -- we were trying to make sure you got the entire book before Christmas, 2021.


Mistress Maria Anastasia Marapova di Morpheus walked through the front door of Stallion's Adult Video in Ithaca dressed in a white latex jumpsuit. It had a hood trimmed in thick white fur.

Behind her, a shorter blonde in a pink latex snowsuit and matching kitten mittens kicked the snow off her boots. She pushed a black pair of eyeglasses up her cute button nose.

They would have almost made her look like an intellectual if not for the fact the frames had no lenses.

"It's colder than a witch's titty out there!" Brittney said in her bubble gum sweet voice. Then she leaned forward and pinched Maria's right butt cheek. "Not as cold as that ass, though."

Maria gave her a sideways glance and a frown. She threw in a raised eyebrow as well.

"Sorry," Brittney said. She fought back a laugh by popping a pink sucker into her mouth between her pink painted lips.

Sugar Tits stepped out from behind the counter and hugged Maria tight.

"Any word?" Maria asked.

"No," Sugar said. "The last contact I had was before dawn. Willy and Honey were in the middle of performing transformations. I'm very worried."

"The quicker we get out there, the better," Maria said.

Sugar led them toward the back of the store. "Ray and Rita have a car waiting by the loading dock. We have Dr. Thompson in a moving van he's made into a mobile surgery. We also have two buses we can use to transport any witnesses back here to Stallion's."


"We have eight Whore Masters and five White Witches I've brought in from Ithaca and Buffalo. Total of sixteen Street Whores and a couple of Dominatrix Whores." She squeezed Maria's arm. "Maria, maybe we need to ask for Church Agents?"

"Absolutely not. We can't trust the Church on this, they let it happen. I want our own people, people we can trust. This is Whore Caste only. I don't even want Sister Asmodea involved."

Sugar nodded as they reached the back of the store and stepped into the hallway. "What are we facing?"

Maria shrugged. "We can expect everything she had with her on Level 9, quite possibly more. It seems that the destruction of Morpheus's fucking book only slowed her down, it hasn't stopped her progress." She looked at the elevator as they continued down the hall to the loading dock. "How did Dr. Demona take it?"

"How do you expect? She's set on killing Demonica."

"Well, I'd love to do that job for her," Maria said as they stepped through the double doors and onto the loading dock.

The big, black SUV sat idling just off the dock.

Ray stood outside and smiled up at her.

Beside him, Rita stood holding his hand.

"Ray," Maria said.

"Mistress Marapova," he said in his thick Brooklyn accent.

She smiled at Rita. "Ready for another shot at Demonica?"

Rita's rubber bimbot lips turned up at the corners. "Say the word and I'll ice the bitch."

"Oh, I might give that word. Can you stay inconspicuous till I need you?"

Rita nodded and pulled her hoodie over her electric pink hair and plastic face.

"Perfect," Maria said.


Patricia sat with her face against the cold passenger side window.

Drew was driving, the seat pushed all the way back still didn't give him enough room for his legs. He looked cramped. "When you were a lesbian, how many girls did you fuck?"

She turned slowly to look at him. "What?!"

They were driving toward the house. They had met Joey's SUV and the bus coming down the hill as they were coming up and now all three vehicles were headed back to Patricia and Drew's house.

Drew looked at her and smiled. "Did you only fuck one girl?"

She nodded. "Yes, Drew."


"What do you mean, why?"

"Were you ashamed of your sexuality?" Drew asked.

"I... I met you, Drew. I fell in love with you. Can't you remember that?"

"Yes, of course, I do. I fell in love with you too. I just... didn't you miss making love to women?"

"Jesus," Patricia whispered and looked back out the window. "I make love to people I care for, Drew. I cared for her. I didn't have some label that defined me. I just cared for her and I... had a relationship with her. I didn't worry about whether I was gay or straight."

"Hmm," Drew said. "You should have told me. You could have continued your relationship with her, I wouldn't have minded."

Patricia laughed. "Yeah, I'll bet you wouldn't have minded a bit."

He shook his head. "No, I'm serious." He reached out and touched her hair. "You didn't have to choose. You could have been with us both."

"Yeah, all of us in the same bed, right?"

"No. That could have just been something for you."

She turned and looked at him again. "You wouldn't have been jealous?"

He shrugged. "Maybe. But there's a big difference between an open marriage and cheating. I think I could have handled it even back then. I think you could have as well."

She took his hand. "I don't regret choosing you, Drew. I was happy being married to you."

"Me too," Drew said. He squeezed her hand. "Things change, though."

She stared at him in horror.


Santa kicked the nearest three elves across the hotel lobby. "Whore! Fucking whore!"

The elves scattered but Dinah stood her ground though she kept her eyes on the floor.

"She was a lousy fucking lay," Santa groaned. He held the axe in his right hand and slapped the handle against his open left palm.

"I'm not," Dinah said as she looked up at him and smiled with her bruised lips.

"No, you're a good fuck, Dinah."

"I will never betray you, Santa."

Santa snorted. "All bitches betray me. Sooner or later. But, if they do? I fucking kill them."

She nodded. "We will kill her together."

"Come here."

She walked to his side, and he kissed her roughly, mashing his lips against hers so he could taste the blood.

Dinah smiled through the pain.

"Who hit you?" Santa asked.

"That balloon titted street whore the Whore Master brought with him."

"I'll give her to you. You can torture her to death if you want."

"I'd like that."

He grabbed her hair and pulled her head back. "You're going to need some upgrades, Dinah. Luckily, I brought a lot of chemicals with me. You ready for some early Christmas presents, Mrs. Claus?"

She smiled, no longer caring about the pain, "Yes, Santa. Whatever you want."

"Come on," he said and walked with her toward their room. He looked at the elves. "You assholes find those transformed. Round up the possessed and have them help. When we find those Whore Caste fuckers? We're going to wipe them out."


When they got back to their house, Drew took charge of finding rooms for their many guests - one of the perks of living in what used to be a ski lodge.

Patricia watched him leading people upstairs and down the long halls.

She was trying to fight back her tears, but they kept welling in her eyes.

She had lost her husband.

Drew the Dominator was not Drew Combs.

And he no longer wanted her.

She felt hands on her shoulders.

Patricia turned to see Honey smiling at her.

"You didn't leave," Honey said.

She shook her head.

"Drew the Dominator, huh?"

She nodded and the tears came.

"Golly, Patricia, are you okay?" Honey said as she pulled her close and guided Patricia's head to her ample bosom.

"He... there was cell service up there. He was programmed." She looked up. "He doesn't want me now, Honey. What am I going to do?"

Honey blinked. "Huh? No, Patricia, you don't understand..."

"Yes, I do! He's one of... you now. He told me he hasn't decided if he wants to claim me. Oh, Honey, I've ruined everything." She held Honey tight and cried.

"No, Patricia. Just hang on." She turned her head and yelled, "Willy!"

"What's wrong?" the giant said as he walked up to them.

"There was cell service at the end of the road. Her husband was programmed when he was transformed."

Willy nodded. "Okay."

"She says he doesn't want her anymore."

Willy stroked Patricia's hair. "Oh... what's her name?"

"Patricia," Honey said.

"Patricia, your husband still loves you," Willy said.

"Tricia Tease," Patricia mumbled. "My name is Tricia Tease and none of it matters anymore." She clung to Honey and shook.

Willy stroked her hair. "Patricia, what's your husband's name?"


"Patricia, Drew is asleep."

She looked up from Honey's chest to find them both smiling at her. "No, he isn't. He's upstairs finding rooms for..."

Honey giggled.

Drew smiled and shook his head. "Patricia, Drew is asleep. This is one of the reasons we were doing field testing. The programming he received from SlutzNet had to be modified to use cellular or Wi-Fi signals. There's a side-effect."


"It's like Drew was in surgery and now he's in recovery. Programming through cellular is very taxing and it takes the human mind time to heal."

"We put them to sleep," Honey said.

Willy nodded. "Drew, your Drew, is still in there, he's just sleeping. The part of him that's awake is the SlutzNet programming."

"Kind of like 'Drew Lite'," Honey said.

"When will he wake up?" Patricia said.

"After a good night's sleep. Tomorrow morning, he'll be just fine," Willy said. "He'll remember that he loves you. Everything is going to be okay."

She threw her arms around Willy's neck. "Thank you. Oh, God, thank you."

Willy rubbed her back. "It's okay."

Honey shook her head. "If you'd just let me transform him, I would have made sure the two of you were bound during transformation. Now you'll probably have to wait till tomorrow."

"That's fine. I was so scared, Honey. He's so... different. He was like an animal out there." She looked up at Willy. "He has those mental powers that Honey says you have. I think he was mind controlling me out there."

Honey grinned. "Was he now?"

"Hard to tell what he would have done to me tonight," Patricia said.

Honey looked up at the second floor landing. "Hey, Drew the Dominator?"

Patricia turned around and watched as Drew came down the stairs.

Honey put her arm around his waist when he got close enough. "What do you think of Tricia Tease here?" She smiled at Patricia with an evil twinkle in her eye.

Drew leered at his wife. "She's a great lay."

"I know. But, she's so uptight and inexperienced," Honey said.

"Honey!" Patricia said.

"I think... Tricia needs a lot of training tonight, don't you, Drew?"

Patricia swallowed. "Honey, don't!"

Drew nodded. "She wasn't programmed."

"Well, I think it's very important for you to program her yourself," Honey said and winked at Patricia.

"No! Honey!" Patricia said.

Drew grinned. "I think you're right."

"Don't hold back, Drew. She'll thank you for it later."

"Honey, goddamn it!"

"Silence!" Drew said.

Patricia put her hand to her throat. Suddenly, she was unable to talk.

"You're a MILF Whore, Tricia. Time you learned the ropes," Honey said. Then she leaned forward and kissed Patricia's lips. "Don't fight it. Embrace it. It's who we are," she whispered.

"Follow me, slut," Drew said as he led the way upstairs.

Patricia followed him, unable to resist his commands.

"That was evil," Willy whispered.

"She'll thank me later," Honey said.


"My hypnosis of the people from the lodge will wear off sometime tomorrow. Until then, they'll remain calm, and do as we ask," Willy said.

Drew and Patricia had disappeared upstairs but the other transformed were sitting in the living room listening to Willy.

All but six of the humans from the lodge were upstairs in rooms Drew had found for them.

The six remaining were sitting at the dining room table with blank expressions.

"So, they're only hypnotized?" Carter asked. He was sitting on the couch between Brenda and Hannah.

"Yes, and it's more like a psychic sedative than anything else," Willy said. "They'll start to act more... normal soon. Just compliant."

"What's the plan?" Gina asked from the other couch. Richie sat beside her, and Josie sat at their feet. Gina was braiding her hair.

"The plan is to stay here if we can. We have shelter here and the house is defensible." He looked at the people in the dining room. "Like it or not, these humans are our responsibility. We have to protect them."

Loretta looked up at him and nodded from where she, Honey, and Kayla sat.

Berniece was lying on her back in the middle of the floor, legs spread wide, taking huge drinks from a half-empty gin bottle.

Brenda nodded toward her. "Is that normal?" She whispered.

Berniece rolled on her side, smiled and nodded. Then she returned to her gin.

"Yes," Kayla said. "The elves drink constantly for some reason."

Brenda wrinkled her nose. "Okay. Going back to what you said: these people..."

"Humans," Willy said.

"Yeah, humans. Are they really our responsibility? I mean, I don't want to be a jerk but... they're not... us."

Willy nodded. "Part of transformation is our bond to the other transformed. Most of us regard humans as beneath us..."

Brenda shook her head. "I wouldn't go that far."

"No but give it a few weeks and you probably would. We're the next step in human evolution, Homo Aeternum, man everlasting. And, we can look at Homo Sapiens and say they are backward and warlike and cold to one another and see them as less than us. Treat them exactly the way they probably treated the Neanderthals." He shook his head. "It's programmed into us, into our genetics - we don't need Wi-Fi and SlutzNet for that bit of information. It makes us want to make the humans into us and that's not a bad thing, at least I don't think it is."

Willy smiled at Brenda. "But seeing them as less than us? That's the trap, Brenda. That's the mistake. We have to treat them the same as we treat each other. We're supposed to be better, and we have to be. These humans are our responsibility. That asshole in the Santa outfit wants to hurt these people and we aren't going to let that happen."

Kayla stood up. "Willy's right. Santa wants these people so he can turn them into an army of monsters. If he gets them, he'll attack the town. The Demon Goddess Demonica is coming, and he wants to impress her."

Willy nodded. "Honey and I came here to do an experiment - to take a few people and turn them into something more than they were. We brought gifts. We never expected to be in a fight. But, the fight found us. It found you. Now we have to keep these people safe until the cavalry arrives."


Drew sat in a chair in their bedroom and stared at Patricia.

She was standing in thigh high stockings and high heels she had bought for Valentine's Day a decade ago and held up the 'little black dress' she'd had since college. "It won't fit, Drew."

"Master. You call me, Master, Tricia."

"Yes, Master, just... it won't fit. My breasts and butt are too big for this."

"It will fit."

"It's too low cut for these breasts, I don't even have a bra!"

"You don't need a bra. Put it on."

She slipped it on and turned toward the mirror.

Patricia gasped.

The hem was so high it was scandalous and if she turned the wrong way? Those nipples were going on display. The lacy tops of the stockings was visible below the hem.

Drew stood up and stepped behind her. He gently zipped up the back of her dress and fastened her pearls around her throat.

"Lipstick. Red," Drew said.

"I'll go get it."

Drew shook his head. "Look at your lips. Lipstick. Red."

She stared at her lips.

They began turning red.

"Oh, my God," Patricia whispered. She had the electronic makeup Honey had demonstrated.

Drew smiled behind her. "Darker."

Her lips turned to a wine color. "Am I doing this?"

He kissed her neck. "Yes. Eyeliner now."

"How do you want me to do it?"

"Whatever you want."

Dark eyeliner appeared forming wings at the outside corners.

He took her hands. "Nails."

"Like the lips," she said, and her nails became a glossy, dark red.

"What are you?"

She swallowed. "Tricia Tease. MILF Whore."

He laughed. "No. How do you look?"

"I don't know... pretty? Sexy?"

"Beautiful," Drew said. "You look beautiful."

She smiled. "This is all so strange."

He stroked her hair. "There's nothing strange about it for us, Tricia." His hands roamed down her body and she held her breath. Everytime he touched her now, it felt like he was touching her for the first time.

He moved his left hand up and caressed her breast as he put his lips on her neck.

His right hand slid down her stomach and then below the hem of the little black dress.

She leaned her head to the side, almost closing her eyes but stopping short. She wanted to see their reflections, Tricia Tease's and Drew the Dominator's reflections, as his fingers stroked the inside of her thighs.

"We're Whore Caste," he whispered. "We're here to seduce. To corrupt."

She nodded and swallowed hard as his fingers pulled up the hem of her skirt exposing her clit with its diamond piercing.

"We're designed to entice. To please."

She could feel the bulge in his jeans pushing against her ass and she rubbed back against him.

His finger traced a line around her swollen clit.

"Through us, the humans are reborn. We seduce and transform them, give purpose to purposeless lives."

His tongue moved against her throat in time with the massaging of her clit, in time with the gentle caresses on her left breast.

"It's not just sex. It's sacred. Do you understand?"

"I'm... trying," she whispered.

"Your body understands, Tricia. You're wet. Dripping."

She moaned as his finger slid inside her gently.

Patricia almost cried out as he pulled his hand away from her sex.

She followed his hand as he brought the finger to his lips and licked it.

Then he leaned around and kissed her.

She tasted herself through him and all she wanted in that moment was to be with him forever. "I'm ready," she whispered. "Please claim me."

He smiled at her. "You are ready. But, for something else entirely."

Drew took her hand and led her to the bedroom door.

Patricia had never exactly been a klutz on heels but now they seemed comfortable. It was as if her body had been re-designed to wear heels - which, of course, it had. She was graceful, floating across the floor beside him, her hand in his.

She didn't take her eyes off his as they walked into the hallway.

She descended the stairs without fear. If she stumbled, he would catch her. If somehow he didn't catch her? Her body would twist and roll, and she would not be hurt. She would land on her feet like a gymnast doing a perfect dismount from the parallel bars.

Patricia's body was now a precision instrument, and it would never fail her.

He smiled, reading her mind. Or, had he put those thoughts in her head? In the end, did it matter? Truth was truth.

She felt eyes on her as she went gracefully down the stairs but no one's eyes mattered except his.

"See what I mean? We entice," his eyes looked down at the room below.

The people sitting at the dining room table were staring at them.

The transformed in the living room were smiling.

"People are turned on by different things. Street Whores and Street Studs entice because they are young and virile, Dominants and Dominatrixes entice because of the promise of pain and pleasure, White Witches because they can change you into anything they want, Whore Masters and MILF Whores because we are mature, and we can teach them the things they crave to know." He paused halfway down the stairs. "When we arrived here at the house, I examined the humans. I picked six to be prey."

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