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Transformations - Witnesses Ch. 01

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Three people are changed forever...
3k words

Part 1 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/13/2017
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Copyright 2017 by Wayne and Ann Triskelion

All Rights Reserved

Chapter 1

Gwen watched the countryside pass by through the rear window of the Oldsmobile. It was a relic of Detroit's glory days, seemingly kept running by her fiancé's willpower alone. The cloth headliner dipped in the back making what should have been a spacious back seat feel cramped.

David drove, stealing glances at her in the rearview mirror. She felt his eyes on her and adjusted her plaid, woolen skirt to cover her knees. She looked up at him and smiled.

He smiled back.

"Keep your eyes on the road, please," Jessica said from the front passenger seat.

She was their chaperon, though the idea of two adults in their early twenties needing a chaperon was ludicrous.

They had controlled themselves for two years. Another four months until their wedding would be a walk in the park.

Gwen had looked forward to this trip for weeks. They were going witnessing in the farmland of upstate New York.

Talking about God with total strangers was a requirement for Jehovah's Witnesses.

Both their parents had insisted on David's sister-in-law taking the overnight trip with them. "Lest you be tempted to sin," her father had said.

And, she had to admit, seeing David's green eyes smiling at her in the rearview mirror was giving her tingles 'down there.' She turned and looked at the hay fields to take her mind off it.

Jessica leaned forward and turned on the radio.

"...and we have to look at the happenings in Cuba over the past year as the work of Satan," the announcer said.

Jessica rocked and nodded. "Amen."

Gwen wished she would turn off the radio. The revolution in Cuba frightened her. It had happened overnight - Noche de las Brujas they had called it: The night of the witches. The communist leaders in Cuba had all been murdered in their sleep by their wives and mistresses. A new religion had taken over the island. The Church of Morpheus had expelled all reporters, and Cuba had gone silent.

Three months later, the island re-opened for tourism - sexual tourism. Sexcations the trip planners called it.

"This is what the elders have been telling us about," Jessica said as she turned toward the back seat. "Satan is expanding his dominion on earth."

She should know, Gwen thought. Jessica's husband Cal, David's brother, had gone to Cuba six months ago to witness to the new heathens.

Instead of witnessing, he had become one of them and refused to return.

"Church of Morpheus? They can hide behind names all they want," Gwen said. "They're satanists."

Gwen felt a shiver run through her.

"Jessica, find something else," David said. "You're upsetting Gwen."

"No, no, I'm okay," Gwen said.

"We're Jehovah's chosen people. We have to steel ourselves for the coming Apocalypse," Jessica said. "We can't do that if we aren't prepared."

David glanced in the rearview. He said 'I'm sorry' with his eyes.

Gwen gave him a weak smile and nodded. Jessica had always been soft-spoken and kind, but the past six months had taken their toll.

"Oh, they're satanists all right," Jessica said. "Why else would they choose that inverted pentagram as their symbol? And, that horrid statue in front of their temples?"

Gwen blushed at the thought of the statue. It was a rendering of a man formed from cut crystal with sharp sides and angles.

The appendage that hung between the statue's legs was obscene. It dangled past the knees.

Gwen had never seen a real one, but she knew that wasn't possible.

The farm's driveway cut off from the two lane state road. The old white farmhouse was just visible through the forest of oaks.

They drove under a canopy of trees down the narrow one lane road.

A single horse stood eating spring grass behind a white fence. The horse looked disinterested.

The fields were green with vegetation, which seemed odd to Gwen. At this time of year, the fields should have been freshly plowed.

An old Ford pickup was parked by the front porch. It sat crooked on its frame, as if it were trying to sink into the yard.

David parked beside it.

Gwen gathered her things: her purse, her Bible, and a Watchtower pamphlet. She stepped out of the car and breathed in the smells of the farm: wet grass and animals. She smiled at David over the top of the car, and he smiled back.

This was the hard part: walking to the door and knocking. She knew that most people did not welcome their presence.

She and Jessica stood on the steps as David knocked.

The door opened.

The man inside stared at them. He was well over six feet tall and dressed in faded overalls that looked too short for his body. He wore a John Deere cap on his bald head.

His eyebrows were missing, and his smooth face made him look any age from twenty to sixty.

"What do you need?" he asked. His voice was a bass rumble.

A tremor went through Gwen and she faltered on the steps. An electric current flowed through her at the sound of his voice. She blinked and shook her head, dispelling the feeling.

Glancing at Jessica, she saw the older woman trembling as well.

"Good morning, sir. I was wondering if you had time today to discuss our savior, Jesus Christ?" David said. It was a practiced line that David delivered without effort.

The man stared at David. Gwen thought she saw an amused expression pass over his smooth features. "Why not?"

Another tremor, not as strong as the first but enough to cause her to arch her back. Electricity arced from her nipples to the juncture of her legs, and her tongue felt too big for her mouth. She was looking at Jessica this time and saw her hands clench into fists.

The man stepped aside and motioned them into the foyer.

Gwen wanted to run away. Something was wrong with this man and this place. She wanted to reach out and take David's hand, pull him away down the steps.

"Come in," the man said.

And, her legs moved. She followed David and Jessica through the front door. Her eyes were drawn to the ice blue eyes of the man. He smiled at her - not a warm smile, but a smile like a predator just before the kill.

He shut the door behind them.

"I'm Alex Richards," he said.

"Is there a Mrs. Richards?" Jessica asked.

His eyes dropped to the floor. "Not in some time. She died last year."

"Very sorry for your loss," David said.

Alex Richards pointed down the farmhouse hallway. "Please, let's go to the kitchen. I was just brewing some coffee - you can drink coffee, can't you?"

David laughed. "Yes, sir. It's Mormons who can't have caffeine. We're Jehovah's Witness."

"Ahh, that's right. Call me, Alex, please. It's so nice to meet other religious people." He ushered them down the hall with his wide shoulders that seemed to stretch from one side of the passage to the other.

The kitchen was bright and white like the rest of the house, and Gwen began to feel more at ease. Coffee was brewing in a coffee maker on the marble countertop and the room had the smell of eggs and bacon from a recent breakfast.

"Please sit down," Alex said.

The three of them sat down at an antique kitchen table.

"And, what are your names?" Alex asked.

"I'm David Turner, this is my fiance, Gwen Jenkins, and my sister-in-law, Jessica."

"Pleased to meet you all," Alex said. "Now, how do you all take your coffee - let me guess. David, you like yours black, Jessica, cream and sugar, and Gwen, just sugar?"

Jessica laughed. "That's amazing."

"Exactly the way we like it," David said.

Alex turned his broad back to them and prepared the coffee. He shrugged. "What can I say, it's one of my only talents."

"So, you are a religious man, Alex?" Jessica asked.

"Indeed I am. Not that I started out that way. I never gave it much thought one way or another until my wife died." He lowered his head. "Then, I suppose I had a crisis of faith." He turned toward them with a tray of coffee cups.

"The loss of a spouse could cause anyone to have a crisis of faith," Jessica said. She was being more pleasant than she had been in months, Gwen noticed. And, why not? Her husband had abandoned her, and here was an available, handsome man of God.

Gwen stopped herself. Handsome? He wasn't handsome. His lack of eyebrows made him look strange and there was something odd about his appearance beyond that.

He pushed a coffee cup in front of her.

Gwen stared at it as Alex sat down across from her.

He was smiling at her as he raised his own cup to his lips and drank. She watched the motion and observed the level of coffee both before and after.

Alex did drink some of the coffee.

Well, of course he did, she thought. Something in the back of her mind was telling her not to drink.

Both David and Jessica were drinking theirs.

"Please, drink, Gwen," Alex said.

Her hands moved of their own volition, and she drank the steaming brew.

Coffee, just coffee. Slightly bitter but offset by the perfect amount of sugar.

"The important thing is you came back to the church," Jessica said.

Alex smiled. "Oh, yes. It saved me. The things I've seen and done since I found salvation. I finally feel like my life has purpose and that there is hope."

"Well," Jessica said. "As much hope as you can have so near the Apocalypse."

Alex nodded and finished his coffee. "Oh, yes, that's right. Jehovah's Witness believe we are in the final days. I had forgotten."

"There is nothing to fear for the righteous in the coming tribulations," David said.

Alex laughed out loud. "Tribulations? All tribulations are caused by man, not by deities."

David paused as he drank the last of the coffee. "I beg your pardon?"

"You holy rollers. You see God behind every rainbow and the devil in every dark alley. You don't like what you see in the world - you see things that frighten you or make you uncomfortable and you ascribe demonic intentions or divine will. If there is an Apocalypse, it will be the making of man."

Jessica winced. She shook her head. "I thought... you said you were religious?"

Alex leaned back in his chair and steepled his fingers. "Oh, I am. Just, not your religion."

"We should go," Gwen said.

"Oh, I wouldn't advise trying to stand."

"What?" Gwen asked. Her lips felt numb.

"Your legs won't support you. There was a very strong, fast acting sedative in your coffee. If you stand, you're likely to fall and break something," Alex said. "David, if you begin to feel short of breath, let me know. I'm used to dosing women, and I had to estimate your body weight. If I gave you too much, you could stop breathing."

David's face went slack.

"Don't worry if you do, I used to be a veterinarian. I know how to resuscitate you if necessary."

Gwen tried to stand, but neither her arms nor her legs would cooperate.

David leaned over in his chair and Alex sat him back upright.

Alex stood up and gathered the cups and tray. "I have to say, I wasn't expecting prey to simply walk up to my door and ring the bell. Normally, I have to venture out to the interstate to find suitable whores." He placed the tray on the countertop.

Jessica raised her arms and looked at her hands.

"No, Jessica, I didn't give you a sedative."

Jessica jumped to her feet. Then she moaned out loud and grabbed the edge of the table. Her whole body shook.

Alex placed his hands on her shoulders and rubbed gently down her back to her buttocks. "Not that you are any condition to run away either."

Jessica's eyes rolled up into her head.

Alex smiled at Gwen. "In case you're wondering, Jessica is experiencing some very intense orgasms right now."

"Oh, God, help me!" Jessica said through clenched teeth.

He guided Jessica back into her seat. "It's called Ambrosia, but it's also known as whore's milk, and Jessica had enough in her coffee to give her orgasms for the next two hours. They're about a minute apart, and probably the strongest she's ever had in her life." He leaned close to Jessica's ear. "They'll get stronger until they become almost unbearable in about an hour."

Jessica whined and gripped the edge of the table.

He kissed her neck. "That's it, my little pious slut. Keep hanging onto that table to keep from touching yourself, but you will eventually. You'll masturbate that little twat right here in front of your friends."

Gwen strained trying to lift her arm, even her fingers. Nothing worked. Her arms and legs were lifeless. Even her head felt heavy on her neck.

As each wave of orgasms subsided in Jessica, she tried to stumble toward the door.

Each time, Alex would laugh and carry her back, clasping his huge hands around her waist and carrying her back to the table.

He spoke softly to her. "Where would you go? David has the keys to your car, and you couldn't possibly walk to the road in your condition."

Jessica moaned and writhed in his grasp.

"You can't do this to us," Gwen said. Her head hung crooked on her neck.

"Of course I can," Alex said. "You're drugged. I'm stronger than you are. We're miles away from anyone who might help you."

"It's wrong. Can't you see that?"

Alex laughed. "Wrong? How?"

"You've abducted us. You're forcing Jessica to..." Gwen looked into Jessica's eyes and saw that another minute had passed. Her face was red and painted with perspiration as her body convulsed.

"All your life is an illusion," Alex said. "You believe you have will and self worth - it's all an illusion. Your life doesn't matter, and, really, what have you done with your will?"

"You're insane," Gwen whispered.

He knelt beside her. "Think about it - what was ahead for you in your life? Marry David here and pump out a few children. Live a quiet life and die. That's all your life would have been. For all your clutching at free will, you are destined to waste it." He stood up. "You Jehovah's Witnesses are even worse. You don't even believe in careers. You spend your whole life looking forward to the Apocalypse when you will be resurrected. It's pathetic, really."

"God... promises eternal life..."

Alex burst out laughing. "Yes, an empty promise from an invisible God." He waved his hands in the air. "How does it go? After the Apocalypse, the righteous will live forever?"

"Yes," Gwen whispered. "Not for you. You've abandoned God."

He leaned on the table and smiled at her. "My god doesn't make promises. He's already made me immortal, free of disease, an image of perfection." He caressed her face and she jerked her head away. "The things I have seen, Gwen. Oh, the things I have seen. The things I have done."

"Your god? Who is your god?" Gwen asked.

"Morpheus. The Church of Morpheus. You've heard of it?" Alex asked.

Gwen whimpered. She felt her eyes grow wide.

"Yes." He smiled. "You have heard of it."

He turned and put his arm around Jessica's waist, drawing her back to the table and bending her forward to grasp the edge again.

"Your God. When my Katie took ill three years ago, I prayed every day. Through chemo and radiation, and I watched her wither and die." He rubbed Jessica's back gently. "You think I abandoned God? He abandoned me first."

Jessica opened her mouth and moaned out loud. Saliva dripped from the corners of her mouth.

Alex wrenched her right hand free from the table and forced it down and back. He pushed it gently past the waistband of her skirt. "Stop denying yourself pleasure. You've put up a good fight against it, you have nothing to be ashamed of, but it's pointless to continue."

Jessica relaxed and hissed out breath through her teeth as her hand worked under the fabric of the skirt.

Alex nodded and smiled. "That's right. Just like that."

"Feels... so good," Jessica whispered.

Alex stroked her back. "They always start out fighting it, but the milk always wins." He entwined his long thick fingers in the collar of the white blouse.

The muscles in his arms flexed and the fabric ripped down the back.

He tossed the ribbons of fabric away and then broke the bra's hooks.

Jessica whimpered in protest, but Alex tore the front of the bra in half. Her breasts fell free and he cupped them in his big hands. "Thirty-four C. These will require modification."

Jessica moaned as Alex released her breasts.

Her nipples were red and engorged with arousal.

He ran his fingernail down her spine and she shuddered.

Alex looked up at Gwen. "You're horrified by her reactions."

"No, I'm horrified by you."

He smiled as Gwen turned her head away.

David was just staring at Alex. His mouth hung open at an angle and drool was leaking from the corner.

"David, are you okay?" Gwen whispered.

David jerked his head slightly but seemed unable to control his mouth. He blinked at her.

"I told you I was afraid I gave him too much. He's still breathing, so he'll recover." Alex had his hands wrapped around Jessica's waist. He was rhythmically pulling her back against him, dry humping her.

To Gwen's horror, Jessica was grinding her hips against him.

"Jessica? What are you doing?" Gwen whispered.

"Can't stop... I just can't...," she said as her hand worked under her skirt.

Alex stopped thrusting and ripped her skirt in half, leaving her wearing only white cotton panties.

The cotton was soaked translucent, and Gwen could see Jessica's fingers now as they rubbed at the little nubbin.

Alex yanked the panties down and Jessica orgasmed.

Gwen gasped.

Liquid squirted between Jessica's fingers and spattered on the floor.

Jessica's eyes were wide in astonishment.

"First squirting orgasm," Alex said. He leaned over and whispered in Jessica's ear. "It won't be your last."

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cors41214guycors41214guyover 3 years ago

Great start.

Not sure what I was expecting here, but this looks like it has potential and now I want to keep reading.

wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionover 7 years agoAuthor

Hi, everyone, just to let you know, there are two more long chapters in the submission queue. It takes a few days for Literotica to approve them. Also, over the next couple of days, I'll be submitting a few Transformations short stories that go along with the books.

wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionover 7 years agoAuthor
More to follow

No worries, plenty more to follow. Witnesses is a novella at about 50000 words now. Plus there are many short stories on the way set in the same universe. We're just getting started :)

wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionover 7 years agoAuthor
From the authors

On the question of mind control : MC does come into play in the chapters to follow.

sexymomma57sexymomma57over 7 years ago
Great start!

This story definitely has potential!! I can't wait for the rest! Keep it up!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Mind Control?

I'm not sure if sedatives are mind control. Could it be NonConsent/Reluctance?

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