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Transformed By a Demon

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Nikolai made a deal with the devil and now it's time to pay.
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Nikolai came to with the horrible taste of the demon's potion still in his mouth, an ache in his guts like someone had reached in and stirred, and the strangest slick yet full sensation between his legs. Something heavy was on his back, and worse something was inside him, moving, thrusting.

He tried to move, to get away from the thing inside him, only to find that his hands and feet were tied. Icy trickles of fear started to penetrate the fog in his brain and he struggled harder even knowing it was useless.

"Ooh, I like it when you wriggle." the demon on top of him purred in his ear as she thrust deeper. "Keep it up."

His mind still refused to grasp what was happening to him, but the horrible, impossible shape of it was starting to come clear no matter how hard he tried to turn away. The potion the demon gave him must have done more than just make him harder to kill.

"What did you do to me?" Somehow the question slipped out even though he was certain he never, ever, wanted to know.

"Oh, you know, just a few changes. You're faster now, and stronger, although you're not getting out of those ropes until I'm good and ready to let you out. You're harder to kill, which will come in handy before long."

"What did you do?!"

"You know already, you just don't want to face it. Come on hunter, can you really picture demons waddling around pregnant and vulnerable when there are humans to do it for us? You just needed a few little changes."

"A few little changes?! You call this a few little changes?"

"For now, yes. Things will change a lot more once you're seeded. But don't worry, that takes two demons. For now, just get used to one of us at a time." And the awful thing was, he was getting used to it. The demonic cock filling him was starting to feel good. More than just starting, a traitorous little voice inside him whispered.

The wrongness, the violation were still there, but they were overlaid with a growing pleasure that had him fighting not to thrust back against the demon on top of him. Fighting, but not succeeding. His growing disgust with himself couldn't keep him from spreading his legs as far as his bonds would allow, trying to get her iron hard cock even deeper inside his - oh god - his pussy. Those demonic bitches had replaced his cock with a hole for them to use, they were going to knock him up, and worst of all, knowing all that they had done and all that they were going to do just made him more desperate to come.

The humiliation of being reduced to a toy for demons to fuck, that certainty that all he had to look forward to was being bred like an animal, and the fact that there was absolutely nothing he could do about any of it it all turned him on more. His desperation finally spilled out of his mouth in panting moans, try as he might to keep his teeth clenched.

"Oh, you like that? Do you want some more?" But instead of thrusting harder and faster, the bitch slowed until she was barely moving. Every backstroke left him feeling empty, ravenous for her cock. Every stroke back in made him ache for her to fuck him harder and faster. Sheer frustration forced him to writhe on her cock like a bug on a pin until finally he snapped.

"Please," he whispered, "please, I need.." As desperate as he was, he still couldn't quite bring himself to say it.

"What do you need, pet? Ask nicely and I might even give it -" punctuated with a single thrust hard enough to make him gasp "-to you."

"Harder. Please, harder. Just let me come, I'll do anything if you'll let me come."

"Anything, pet? What can you give me that I'm not already going to take?" Her voice was terrifyingly even as she taunted him. He was already going mad with frustration, and she sounded like she could keep this up all day. By the end of it he'd be a shivering wreck of a human being, but what did that matter to her?

"Please, use me, I'm your fuck toy, just a hole for you to use, please, just let me come, please!" he howled.

"That's right, you are just a hole for me to fuck. For knowing your place, you get to come. You've been a good boy." It shouldn't have been so satisfying to be praised by the lying bitch who got him into this mess in the first place.

Finally, finally, she fucked him like she meant it. She grabbed his hips and pounded her cock into his dripping pussy like she wanted to break him with it. His cunt was starting to ache from the abuse he was taking, and god help him but he liked it. Everything she did to him, whether painful or pleasurable, pushed him closer and closer to coming all over the cock that violated him.

"Do you like that, you little whore? You're going to come while I use you, aren't you." To his utter humiliation, being degraded sent him over the edge. His pussy clenched on the massive cock that invaded him as he came so hard he saw stars. He had never felt anything so intense, it seemed to go on and on without end. The feeling slowly ebbed, but as the demon kept fucking him it started to build again. After the first one he could hardly even try to thrust back against her, but she just grabbed his hips and pulled his limp body onto her cock. It didn't seem to matter to her if he participated at all, she was going to use his body to get herself off whether he liked it or not.

Helplessly, he came over and over until finally, what felt like hours later, she filled his abused cunt with her seed and left him sprawled on the bed like a forgotten toy, her come dripping from his aching hole.

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AspieGirl88AspieGirl88about 5 years ago
Gender reversal?? LOL...

So ... the SHE-demon has a c*ck & the male ... has a p*ssy?? Wow. That's quite creative, LMAO! Talk about gender reversal! 😂

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Good but...

Needs more, turn him into a demon succubus, make more chapters up to 4/5

fooblefooblealmost 10 years agoAuthor
re: Another installment please!

Thanks for reading! I have a few more installments planned, from Nikolai getting bred, to him eventually going back to his former life, to him meeting up with another demon in the future. Stay tuned!

RedArrowKuczynskiRedArrowKuczynskialmost 10 years ago
Another installment please!

That was hot! I really hope you do another story where he's getting tag-teamed or even gangbanged and bred by the demon ladies!

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