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TRC - Lord of the Glass Desert Ch. 04

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Contrast. Kind-of a Monster Girl. Giving Chase.
9.2k words

Part 4 of the 43 part series

Updated 07/12/2024
Created 09/03/2020
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During supper Ria gathered two silver pieces in her arms and carried them up in front of the dark-skinned server who delivered Kal his food. The woman gave the mage a sly look and she held her hand beneath the sprite.

The mage smirked from where he was sitting, "Don't be mistaken, you will be at her beck and call, not mine."

The woman's smile vanished, replaced by a mask of confusion as her eyes darted between the mage and sprite.

"You will be with him," Ria reassured the woman. "But I will be the one deciding what you two do together."

The waitress looked over at Kal, "I do not understand, why does she speak common when you speak Fazalan?"

"I will explain when you come to my room tonight."

Nodding, she looked back to Ria, "Thank you," she said in halting Common, "I will be looking toward later." Dropping the coins into her pocket she gave the sprite a small bow before leaving to take care of her other customers.

"You forgot to tell her about the tent in the middle of the room," said Ria as she landed on the table.

"Then I guess I need to finish this ale so she can come over and give me a refill," said Kal before taking a large swig from his mug. Setting it back on the table, he started working on the meal in front of him.



"Is it bad that I'm thousands and thousands of years old and the first thing I ever buy is a prostitute?"

The mage spent the next minute trying to not choke on the food in his mouth.


Kal stood outside his door waiting for the woman to arrive. While he ate, she made several more stops at his table where he learned her name was Shakri. The unfamiliar style of the name took a few tries for him to get right. Despite being paid to bed him after her shift, she seemed to genuinely enjoy his company and took every opportunity to drift over to his table and chat whether it was for a few minutes or only a few seconds. Kal had to admit that he hung around in the dining area far longer than normal because of her.

He heard footsteps coming up the stairs and saw Shakri poke her head out looking both ways down the hall before seeing him. Smiling, she stepped out into the hallway and made her way over.

"Normally, I just knock," she said, stopping in front of him. "Before we go in, is your little friend really the one paying for tonight?"

Kal chuckled, "Yes, she has a thing for watching me with different women, although, this is the first time we've done something like this."

"Good, then before we go inside..." Shakri stepped into Kal and pressed her lips to his. The mage moved to put his arms around her, but she put a hand up on one side to stop him. As her other hand gathered up the front of her dress the one stopping his arm directed Kal's hand downward and underneath the fabric until it came to rest on her naked mound. He could feel the heat and moisture coming from her sex already. Widening her stance slightly, Kal took the opportunity to slip his hand down and caress her folds while pressing the heel of his hand against the top of her pussy.

The sound of boots coming up the stairs reminded them both they were still in the hallway. Kal pulled his hand away, but not before collecting some of her juices on a finger and dragging it across her clit. By the time the man coming up the steps reached the top, Kal and Shakri had separated and were doing their best to look as though nothing interesting was going on only seconds ago.

Once the stranger disappeared into his room, Kal pulled her in front of the door. "I need you to promise that you not speak of what is inside my room to anyone. As fun as that was," he glanced over where they had been standing a moment ago, "if you can't promise me then I can't let you come in." As the words left his mouth, he suddenly wondered why he had not been this cautious with Tetas two nights ago.

Shakri gave him an odd look but eventually shrugged, "As long as it's nothing illegal I can promise to stay quiet."

Nodding, Kal opened the door to reveal the magical tent taking up most of the room's floorspace. Shakri looked at him in confusion, "There's a perfectly good bed, why set up a tent in your room? Was it not good enough?" she asked, her voice taking on a tone of indignation.

"Come," he replied, putting a hand in the small of her back and guiding her forward, "once you see inside, you'll understand."

Kal pulled the tent flap back and Shakri stopped dead in her tracks. She had been with a few magic users, all significantly older than the young man currently taking too much pleasure in her reaction. Most had done their best to impress her with their abilities before bedding her, but none had an entire room inside of a tiny tent. "How?"

"I can't tell you, unfortunately," the mage replied. "It was gifted to me and I'm still learning all of the things it can do."

Shakri cautiously put a couple of fingers over the threshold, expecting them to pass through an illusion or bump into a magical moving picture with the way the fire in the middle of the large room beyond danced and flickered. Her eyes widened and she jerked her hand back as the scene inside the tent suddenly changed. The man's small, glowing sprite from dinner came flying out of one of the side rooms and flew over to greet her.

"You're here!" cried Ria, grinning. The sprite grabbed the server's hand, tugging her inside. "I know you've been working for some time, so the first thing will be getting you a bath."

"Not that I'm complaining, Ria, but you know there were plenty of times when Perra and I had some fun in the middle of the day when we'd both been working out in the fields."

Shakri and Ria both looked at him with knowing smirks. "Impatient, are you?" asked the sprite.

Kal brought the fingers that had been playing with the dark-skinned woman to his nose and breathed in her scent. "Maybe a little."

"Too bad. You said if I got her for the night you would do whatever I say, and I say she gets a bath, so you will just have to wait."

Kal raised an eyebrow, "You seem to be getting a bit demanding lately."

"You treat me like one of your women, so I'm going to make sure my man gets the best I can offer. Which means you get a woman who isn't soaked in the smell of ale, pipe smoke, and sweat."

"We have a room downstairs for baths," said Shakri, "but the kitchen workers don't like it when people ask this late at night." Her Common wasn't very good but she he was picking up most of what the sprite was saying and hoped to diffuse the growing tension in the room. It didn't help that her curiosity made her want to shake the tiny, winged woman loose and explore the inside of this strange, magical tent.

"No need," said Ria, beaming up at her and pulling her off to the left. "We have a bath in here that I think you are going to love!" She took a moment to glare at Kal, "No peeking."

The mage rolled his eyes but couldn't hide his smile as the sprite disappeared with the dark-skinned woman.


"Ready Kal?" called out Ria.

The mage sat up from where he was dozing on the bed. He guessed it had been about an hour since the sprite and Shakri left him to his own devices. After puttering about in the library and checking on the mixture he had working in the alchemy lab, he retired to his bedroom and stripped down to his trousers to wait for the women. "Ready as I can be," he answered.

The sprite slipped through the canvas door to his room before zipping over to float above his head. Though he couldn't see her, he could feel the excitement coming from the little avatar.

A few seconds later, Shakri entered wearing a pair of loose leggings made of a white silk-like fabric with a matching top that crisscrossed over her breasts, leaving the skin of her midriff bare. Kal purchased the clothes earlier at Ria's request and it was not difficult to guess who she had in mind when buying them.

What surprised Kal was how they made Shakri look. The shimmering white cloth contrasted beautifully with her brown skin and the effect was stunning. The waitress twirled, showing off for him, "I feel like I belong in the King's harem wearing this," she said quietly, her embarrassment keeping her from meeting his eyes.

"You look like you belong in the King's harem," said Kal absently as he continued to drink in the vision before him. He suddenly blinked a few times, "That was a complement, right?"

Shakri laughed and Kal noticed the silver earrings glinting in the room's light. "Only the most graceful and beautiful women are chosen to be the King's concubines. Yes, it is a complement."

Kal adjusted himself in his trousers, "I'm torn between wanting you to keep your clothes on and a strong desire to rip them off."

Swaying sensuously, Shakri approached the bed and stood over him. "Luckily, you need not worry about it. While I was changing, Ria gave me my instructions." She pushed him back slightly until he was resting on his elbows before reaching for his belt. Once that was undone, she tugged his trousers down and off, humming with appreciation as his cock sprung up when once free of its confinement.

Pushing his legs apart, she reached down to gently fondle his balls. "She said you wouldn't disappoint me; I can see she was right." Dropping to her knees beside the bed, she continued to lightly play with his scrotum as she leaned in and licked him from base to tip.

The mage found it impossible to look away from the spectacle as she lovingly ran her tongue up and down his prick, making sure no part of it went untouched. Releasing his balls, she circled the base of his cock with her hand and worked her way up the shaft using tiny strokes. When Shakri reached the head, she ran her hand back down then squeezed as she came back up, milking a large dollop of pre-cum from slit. While staring up at him, she leaned over and collected the drop of clear liquid on her tongue then rolled it around in her mouth. Her eyes still locked on his, she drew out another drop from him, but this time covered it with her lips and with agonizing slowness began sucking him into her mouth.

Kal caught movement out the corner of his eye and glanced over to see Ria landing on the bed next to him. Both hands were buried between her legs as she dropped to her knees, her gaze never leaving where his cock was disappearing onto Shakri's mouth.

A small grunt escaped the mage as the head of his prick bumped the back of her throat. She stayed like that as her tongue ran over the underside of his cock before beginning to gradually pull back. Each time she slid her lips down him she went a little faster until she was bobbing on his cock, only stopping occasionally to swirl her tongue around the head a few times or lightly flick the slit. Kal's hips started to jerk as he felt his balls ready themselves for the coming release.

"Now Shakri," said Ria, and Kal watched with mild annoyance as the dark-skinned woman let his prick slip from her mouth and gave the head a small kiss before standing up.

He glared at the sprite and growled, "You could have let me finish. It's not like I can't get hard again."

"It'll be worth the wait," she replied, floating up to sit on his stomach. They both watched as Shakri began swaying and humming some nameless tune inside her head. Untucking one end of the fabric strip making up her top, she let it fall and slowly unwrap itself, only helping it along when it got hung up on her breasts. As the final loop loosened, the fabric dropped to the floor revealing smooth mounds with areola and nipples slightly darker than her normal skin tone and about the same color as a bittersweet candy people were selling at the bazaar. Kal's hands unconsciously clenched as he thought of touching them.

Her pants were held in place by a knot in the front that she began to untie as she continued her subtle dance. The mage allowed himself a small smile at the slight darkening of the fabric between her legs from where it pressed against her sex. Shakri began acting shy as the knot came undone, looking away as she toyed with the idea of just dropping her pants. Instead, she flashed him a coy smile and turned around. Holding the waistband tight to her bottom, she bent over and slowly slid it over the cheeks of her ass, revealing her pucker moments before Kal got his first glimpse of her sex. Like her nipples, her lower lips were darker than the skin surrounding them and were noticeably wet. Shakri's arousal made her open like the petals of a flower revealing that, like all but Silma and Aradelle, the flesh beyond her outer lips was bright pink.

Ria laughed at his look of disappointment as the dark-skinned woman stood back up, "I think he was enjoying the view."

Instead of answering, Shakri came back over and pushed Kal to the bed with a smile, "Then I think he will like this part." Climbing onto the bed, she straddled his head, turning so she was facing toward his feet, before lowering her sex to his mouth. Reaching around her hips to grab an asscheek in each hand, Kal attacked Shakri's soaked pussy like a man dying of thirst. Surprised by his enthusiasm, the woman fell forward with a long moan as his tongue tried to lick everywhere at once. Kal felt her breath on his cock and hoped she decided to continue what she was doing moments ago.

"Nooo, I wanna see!" Ria cried out.

Above him Kal felt Shakri stiffen with surprise as she was pushed back to a kneeling position by a much larger version of the glowing sprite.

"How did you...?"

"Kal, she's asking too many questions."

The mage replied by capturing the woman's clit between his lips and sucking it into his mouth while flicking his tongue across it. Shakri shrieked as the intense pleasure washed over her but instead of pulling away, she ground her sex into his face while panting for more. Seconds later he felt a smaller hand grasp his prick and guide it to Ria's entrance as she sat down on him.

She leaned over his chest and whispered, "Lick her, Kal, show her what your tongue can do to that beautiful brown pussy." The sprite kept up a steady stream of raunchy commentary, which he ignored for the most part, while he focused on Shakri's body and worked off the woman's reactions.

Collecting some of her juices on his tongue, he spread her cheeks apart and ran the tip over her backdoor. Her wanton moan told him she thoroughly enjoyed the feeling. He looked forward to possibly exploring how much she liked it some other time.

"Do it Kal, make her cum," commanded the sprite as she gently rocked back and forth on his cock. Kal usually felt a little bit of pride when one of his women got a little demanding, but there was something about Ria's attitude lately that was starting to rankle him. However, he did agree to let her direct the nights events and pushed it out of his mind for now. Adjusting the server's position slightly, he began making the light swirls around her pearl that would eventually drive her over the edge. Just to make things more interesting, he reached around and began rubbing her pucker with the tip of his finger. Her hips immediately started bucking as her panting turned into high-pitched whines. Kal stiffened his finger thinking she wanted more but she jerked away. "No... not inside... just outside," she said between breaths. Kal hummed an affirmative and pulled her back into place, renewing his assault on her clit.

The addition of teasing her back entrance led to only a few more seconds of licking before her body tensed up and a full-throated scream escaped her lips. It wasn't the first time Kal was glad the tent didn't let sound out once it was sealed. He didn't get to think on for it long as he found his face coated with her fluids with more pouring down onto him as she frantically rubbed her sex over his mouth and nose.

Still in the midst of her climax, she threw herself onto the bed next to him, her hands going to her pussy and trying to halt the stream of fluid. "S... S... Sorry. I didn't think..." she hid her face in the bedlinens, unable to look at him as a final burst of liquid soaked her hands and the bed around her.

Kal reached up and wiped the woman's fluids from his eyes. Ria dismounted his hips, allowing him to roll over and prop his head on one arm. "Shakri?" called, getting her attention so she peeked up at him with one eye. "I have many women back home, this isn't the first time that's happened." There was a hint of relief in her eyes until she saw the large wet spot where his head was laying. Kal chuckled, "That is also not an issue." Tracing a small glowing sigil in the air, Kal chose the bed as his target and activated it. As the first spell went to work cleaning and drying the bed, he drew two more similar spells, directing one at Shakri and one at himself. Within moments the occasional shivers running through the woman's body were the only indication of what had just happened.

The waitress looked at him in wonder, "You're so young but you can use magic. I thought you just had some nice items."

"That's a story for another time. But for now," reaching out, he pulled her over and lifted one of her legs into the air exposing her dark brown lips, "That spell works a little too well, so we need to get back to where we were." Leaning forward, he ran his tongue over her pussy, careful not to touch her over-sensitive clit.

Shakri understood what he meant when he dragged his tongue over her bone-dry sex. A glowing hand rested on the back of her head and woman glanced up to see Ria nudging her toward Kal's cock which was only inches from her face. Leaning forward, she took him in her mouth and began getting him nice and wet for the last of the night's activities. The thought that the shaft between her lips was about to be inside her sex made Kal's task of getting her wet much easier. Most of the time she held back during these nights, more than one man had gotten upset about her squirting everywhere. With the young mage's calm acceptance and easy cleanup, she was looking forward to possibly soaking down the bed again. Judging by his size, that was a good possibility.

Ria had one more thing she wanted the two of them to do but by the time Kal had the brown-skinned woman moaning around his prick he was done waiting. Pulling out of her mouth, he quickly stood up, dragging Shakri with him. The server was light enough that he casually tossed her back onto the bed. As she bounced, her legs came up and hands caught them behind her knees, by the time he crawled onto the bed and positioned himself between her legs, she was panting with anticipation.

Still wet from where she was sucking him, he placed the head of his prick at her entrance and slowly pushed inside.

"Fuck yesss," hissed Ria as she floated above them, masturbating furiously and staring at where he and the waitress were joined.

Kal was doing the same, entranced by the sight of his cock sliding in and out of her sex. A few minutes passed of watching as he slowly stroked into her before he began speeding up. Sensing he was getting close, Shakri reached down and began rubbing her clit but knew she wasn't close enough to join him. Moments later he slammed into her a handful of times before buying himself in her pussy and cumming deep inside her.

Long after the last shot spilled out of his prick and into the woman beneath him, he held himself tightly to her pussy, enjoying the warmth and wetness and not wanting to pull out.

"He's normally good for one more and can go all night with a little magic," Ria assured Shakri.

The last time his cock was in a flesh and blood woman was when he visited the pack of dog-girls living in the forest south of Carriston. Reaching behind him, he drew a small rune that he knew by heart and directed it toward his balls. The slight tingling told him it had taken effect, as did the swelling of his prick inside the waitress. From the pleased look on her face as he started moving inside her again, a little magic was exactly what she was hoping for.

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