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Tricks and Treats

Story Info
He tests her sexual appetite before wedding.
2.5k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 06/30/2009
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He picked it up after work, rushing he needed to get ready for his date. Sarah. Before he would pop the question he had to find out. Jay said this would work, he would know by the end of the evening. And Jay had proof. Jay had videos and 'wow' were they ever convincing.

Jay the stud got every woman he ever wanted to do anything he ever wanted them to do. They came back begging for more. He said he ordered it straight from the Orient where they actually knew what an aphrodisiac was supposed to do.

Showered, dressed, groomed, Rick was ready. He stepped to the kitchen bar and prepared a special treat. His own brand of wine laced with 'God help meCumor I'm going to scream!' Then he heard the knock at his door.

'Let the party begin.'

"Sarah," he sighed. "My God you're a vision." He took her hands and drew her inside slipping behind her to bump the door closed with a hip. Hands moving to her shoulders he removed her light shawl and dropped a kiss on that smooth silky sweet shoulder.

She tried to turn in his arms, but he held her with just enough pressure to let her know it wasn't what he wanted. He nuzzled her neck and whispered in her ear, "Just let me admire you, sweetheart, just a few minutes." "Please," he added because she always gave in to that word. Tonight it could be her undoing or her... undoing. He smiled a secret smile behind her ear as he took in the sweet smell of her perfume.

"I... I thought we were going out...," she was panting it a little.

"We are, oh we are, my pet. I just wanted you all to myself for a few more minutes. Here," he said as he walked to the bar. He slowly pulled her along. "Try this. I had it sent up from the vineyards just this morning. It's my own special blend. I plan to market it overseas later this year if the testing goes well."

"Testing?" she took the delicate flute from him and swirled the contents of the most beautiful ruby colored liquid she had ever seen. A delicate sniff gave her the sensation of a great strawberry field. "Mmm..."

"Yes and it looks like it's passing the first one. Attractiveness."

The way he was eyeing her made her squirm a little so that she wasn't sure if they were still discussing the wine. She wore the outfit he had delivered to her. It was a bit tight a bit slinky. Black clingy silk dress that barely caressed her midthigh. The heavy silver cross that draped provocatively between the cleft of her lovely endowment. The dress itself cut so low in the front she had to forego wearing a bra. The silk black dropped over pointed hat of what could only be called a slut witch.

It was a Halloween party and she wouldn't know anyone there. She chose to be daring for him this one time. She felt so wicked and dirty she had almost cried off, but the tickets were ten thousand a plate. So this once and she would make it clear after the party that it was never to happen again. Next time if he wanted her to play dress up he would have plenty of time to pick out something more appropriate.

He toasted her good looks and his great luck at finding her. Then he bade her try his wine. He sipped gently over the rim as his eyes followed her lips to the glass. He watched that perfectly pouty mouth pull back, her throat swallow gracefully and the tip of her tongue dart out to catch the droplet on her lower lip.

"Oh, Rick, this is wonderful. It's bound to be a big hit overseas! Maybe you should even think about marketing it worldwide," she bubbled.

"Mmhmm..." he watched her closely and lifted his glass to his lips again encouraging her to do the same with just a look. She lifted her glass and joined him in the celebratory drink and matched him as he downed the whole flute. Her eyes going wide as she tried to keep up.

She swayed a bit as she lowered the glass and Rick took it from her placing it down on the bar.

"Wow, what a rush!"

"Yes it does have quite the kick, pet. Shall we go?"

Sarah held her head a moment, but realized she felt really good not sick like she thought would follow the slight lightheadedness. Smiling up to Rick, she watched him cross over to the sofa, pick up his floor length black satin cloak with the red silk lining and swirl it over his shoulders. Placing a top hat on his black straight shiny hair already pulled back in a queue, he looked like sex in a tuxedo.

'Oh, crap... Sarah keep your mind out of the gutter,' she thought. Out loud she asked, "Don't you think it's a little warm in here?"

"Yes darling it is. I'll turn up the air for us so it's cooler when we return." He came to her, helping her back into her shawl and led her towards the door.

"Um... you're taking me home after the party right?" she asked a little dazed as she moved a bit too quickly.

"Yes pet. I am. I am taking you home after." He smiled and locked the door behind them.

He had the car brought around and waiting. His driver already had the car warmed up and the door open. Inside sat two glasses and some more of that special wine. This time minus the special ingredient. Wouldn't be good to over do it on the first night or so Jay had warned him.

He handed her into the back and climbed in after her. She looked a bit uncomfortable as she wiggled her ass on the seat looking for a more pliable spot. Rick chuckled silently to himself. Her skirt road up a few inches on her thigh. She didn't even seem to notice.

The car pulled away from the curb and Sarah was thinking desperately how she wished she had begged off now. It made no sense, it was like the new material of her panties 'well thong included in outfit' tonight was riding up between her legs and seemed to penetrate her pussy. The more she moved the more it seemed to burn. A slow burn pushing its way deeper into her cleft.

"Baby, are you alright?" he tried to seem concerned about her predicament but was only mocked by his cock stiffening in anticipation.

"I'm... fine really," she replied as she valiantly tried to lock her legs together to stifle the burn that now had a tingling itch following it and spreading deep inside her. She was dying to slip her hand down and rub away some of the irritation. It was totally humiliating and she was sure she couldn't confess to Rick.

He tried to engage her in conversation but she seemed greatly distracted.

"Honey, what's wrong? You seem distressed."

Oh the misery was causing her to press deeply in the seat and try to rub her crotch against the leather. It only made it worse. Something, anything, she had to stop the burning. It was started to build a knot in her lower belly. When she turned to look at him the silk of her dress brushed against her nipples and caused an electric shot of pure, 'oh my god' pleasure.


She looked hard to see if that had come from Rick. With mortification it hit her, that was her own voice. Her face reddened and she buried it in her hands.

"Oh I don't know what's wrong," she wailed suddenly. His arms came around her comfortingly but the moment rubbed everything at once and she moaned loudly. In tears now she tried to explain.

"I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm so sorry but I seem to be allergic to these clothes. I feel a burn and tingle everywhere. What can I do, Rick?"

"Well pet, where did it start?" He petted her hair consolingly.

"I... I... it's," she was burning crimson now unable to continue she patted her skirt nearest her crotch and started crying in earnest.

He laid his hand over hers; she jerked and tried to pull away. They had never taken that step. She wanted to save herself for him for marriage. The burning intensified when he pressed down holding her hand in place.

"Now pet, if you want me to help." He tilted her chin up with his other hand and kissed the tears from her cheeks and lips. She found herself eagerly nip his bottom lip and begin to suck on it. The burn turned into heat and spread throughout her belly. It was much better than the burning.

Before she was completely aware of it, he had her dress up enough to place her hand directly over her small triangle of material coving her crotch. She pulled away enough from his oh so delicious mouth to feel where her hand was and tried to jerk it away.

He held it firm.

"Honey, pet, you have to apply some pressure, maybe rub it a little and see if that helps. He moved his hand to watch. Gingerly she applied pressure. It felt so much better so she pressed a little harder and began to circle her fingers over her labia. She laid back her head on the seat.

"I think... it might be ok by the time we get there. Rick, I'm so embarrassed"

"Think nothing of it, pet. I just want you to be happy tonight. The party should be a lot of fun, don't you think?" He winked at the driver when he caught him glancing in his rearview mirror. The driver reddened up but kept glancing back often.

"Mmm... yes!" Sarah seemed to have forgotten where she was as she rubbed every inch of the burning tingling pussy lips thru the material of her thong. She wanted desperately to slide her fingers between the lips of her pussy and follow that wonder tingling heat to her center.

She only groaned when Rick accidentally rubbed his forearm across her pebble hard nipples reaching for the wine glasses. He rubbed his erection through his pants with his other palm. He spread her legs a little more as she slipped deeper into the seat. Taking the glass of wine, he placed the cold moist glass against her thigh and traced a path to her busy hand.

Lifting her hand he placed her glass in it and pressed it tight against her crotch.

"Try this pet." She sighed delightfully and began to rub her hot burning cunt up and down the bowl of the glass slow and using her palm to roll it in the crease showing wet now through her panties. The limo jerked a little as the driver caught his breath and tried to concentrate back on his driving. Wine splashed out on Sarah's hand and inner thighs and soaked her panties.

"Oh now look what you've done, pet" Rick admonished her in mock sternness. The horror of her embarrassment. She choked on more tears as she felt the cruel nastiness of the fact it felt so good. All cold and wet, hot and tingling, running down her thighs and around the stem of the glass.

"Just this once, pet. Let me help you." And the magic word, "Please."

He knelt down in the more than ample limo and moved in between her spread legs. She gasped at the first touch, his tongue hot, wet and satiny against her skin. He started where the wine ended on her inner thigh and very eagerly lapped slowly up her legs. She knew somewhere in her mind she should stop him, but she couldn't remember why. It's not intercourse and it's helping the burning flesh of her..... 'Oooo... my ... god!'... pusssssy... 'gheezuz saints christ almighty.'

Screaming and clutching at her boyfriend's hair, she flung herself back in the seat arching her hips. Still teasing around the edges of the thong he reached up with both hands and ripped the undergarment from her ass.

Sarah gasped at the realization. Just as quickly she screamed his name, tossing her head side to side as his tongue rammed home inside the flaming hot soaking wet hole of her tortured pussy.

He gave her no mercy. She tasted so fucking good. He pried her pussy lips apart with is thumbs and dug in deeper. He licked and lapped till he had all her juices. Then he suckled her clit till she filled up and over-flowed with more for him. He sucked long and hard, licking, sucking, and licking.

She tried in vain to pull his head up. The limo had come to a stop; she had no idea when it had. Her hips were bucking in Rick's hands and his mouth relentlessly clung to her clit like a starving puppy. Even though she knew the driver must be watching, struggling to muffle her screams that only reduced themselves to groans of pleasure, she still couldn't stop herself... not now!

Rick sensed with her muscles bunching and her hips well arched and with the stranglehold she had on his head, she was near the edge. He rammed the tip of his tongue as deep in her clit as he could and three fingers shot in her hole at the exact right moment.

Sarah screamed and screamed and screamed out her release. Her cunt clamped down hard on Rick's hand. He bit down on her tender swollen button and felt the flood of hot cum splash over his fingers forcing its way past and saturating his hand. 'Damn she's a cummer!'

Her body rocked with tremors as she came back to reality. She squeezed her eyes tight and tried to cover herself with her hands. Rick just ssh'd her and gently pushed them away, her knees still spread open to him. He picked up the torn thong and passed it over the seat to his driver. He was rewarded with a few muffled grunts. He was then handed back a nice saturated cum soaked shred of cloth which he slipped into the mini fridge for keeping.

Gently he cleaned up his slut and put her clothes back to rights. Minus the panties. That would make the evening all that more slutty for them both.

"There there, pet, freshen your makeup. We are at the party." He sat back rubbing his raging hard on. The shit was working on him too. He'd given her the little extra. You know, a little goes a long way, but a bit more goes further. He chuckled quietly to himself and looked forward to the night.

Sarah dug in her purse mortified. Rick was acting just like nothing had just happened. He was so sweet. He must think her an awful slut now. He probably hoped this evening would end soon. Any thoughts of marriage to him were now crushed. Her only hope to make it through this awful evening with as much dignity as she could muster up. She didn't want to embarrass him in front of his friends.

Unfortunately the driver picked just that moment to wink at her. The shame brushed her entire body in pink tones. Rick thought it was beautiful and the night had only begun.

To be continued...

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XeslanadrahXeslanadrahalmost 15 years agoAuthor
Chapter 2 Has been Approved

The story continues. Don't Miss Ch 02.

XeslanadrahXeslanadrahalmost 15 years agoAuthor
Pt. 2

Pt. 2 is at this moment sitting in the 'pending' box. Check back again to see it when it is approved. I enjoyed writing it, but I enjoy your comments and feedback even more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

Cant wait to read the next chapter.

XeslanadrahXeslanadrahalmost 15 years agoAuthor
The Author I am :)

It always amazes me the people who come to an obvious erotic site. Views an obvious Reluctant sexual encounter. Read it!!! and then makes a negative comment on it. I find myself rolling around laughing my ass off at such hypocrisy. I know they secretly enjoyed it and will be back for the next chapter. It feels so good to feel dirty. Thanks to my enthusiastic readers, I love you all.

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