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Tricky Old Priest

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My dad performs an exorcism on my girlfriend... I think.
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I cheerily whistled a gospel tune as I walked home from after school bible study. My parents are very religious, my father is the local priest and my mother is often away doing missionary work, so they expect me to be an expert on such matters.

I'm Derrick. I'm an eighteen-year-old senior at an all-boy's Catholic high-school. My girlfriend Anna comes from an equally religious family, she's also eighteen and attends the all-girl's Catholic high-school nearby. We've known each other for years; our parents are friends, and they were all ecstatic when we started dating this year. We're deeply in love, and it's basically a given among both of our families that we're going to get married. Naturally we are both virgins and saving ourselves for marriage. Our parents often chuckle as they watch us blush as we hold hands. We are completely naïve and innocent of sexual matters and our parents preferred it that way.

Bible study got out very early today, normally it lasts two hours but today the teacher had an emergency and sent everyone home after a half-hour. My girlfriend normally joins me at bible study, but she couldn't make it today because she was having a private meeting with my dad.

My dad had me when he was already pretty old; he's pushing 60 now, while my mother is quite a bit younger at 40. As a respected older figure and a pillar of the community my dad takes a special interest in protecting the girls at the Catholic high-school, often consulting with the seniors in private individual sessions on religious matters. My dad told Anna that now that she is eighteen there are new spiritual risks out there, and it was important that she meet with him for some guidance. I really love my dad and am happy he's taking such an interest in protecting Anna. Anna was grateful too, though also a bit nervous.

I figured Anna would be meeting with my dad at the church, and since my mother was away doing missionary work, I didn't expect anyone home. When I entered the front door, I was surprised to see my girlfriend's cute pink sandals, and my dad's church shoes, both on the shoe rack. I was about to call out, when I heard some strange sounds coming from upstairs.

As I walked into the upstairs hallway, I was surprised to realize that the sounds were coming from my room. The door was closed, even though I am pretty sure it was open when I left this morning.

The sounds were weird and made me a bit nervous. It sounded like my bed was creaking heavily and the headboard was thumping against the wall. There were strange squeals and whimpers, and occasional heavy grunts. I approached cautiously.

I gently opened the door slightly and peeked inside. I stared in confusion at what I saw. My dad and my girlfriend Anna were lying on my bed. It was difficult to make out what was going on, as my father was still wearing his priest's vestments, but my dad seemed to be lying on top of her, with his hips nestled in between her luscious thighs, their groins pressed together, and my girlfriend's beautiful red sunflower dress scrunched up somewhere around her hips. My dad's robes also appeared hiked up in the front, but they still covered his back and legs fully, so I could only really see my girlfriend's beautiful legs as he lay fully between them.

My dad was hovering over her, with his weight resting on his elbows, however my girlfriend's breasts are quite large, so they were squashed against my father's robed chest, bulging out of the sides of her dress.

There was a lot of movement going on. My dad seemed be shifting around frantically on top of her, constantly bucking and grinding. Both of their faces were red, and their eyes were closed. They looked they were in serious pain, I didn't understand what I was looking at. It looked like my dad was hurting her, he seemed to be doing most of the movement, although it was hard to tell with his robes blocking much of the activity. All I could really see was my girlfriend's shapely legs spread outside him as he rutted in between them. It seemed to me like Anna would sometimes bounce her hips up against him as well, but it was hard to tell.

The noises they were making further confused and worried me. My girlfriend kept whimpering, occasionally moaning out vague comments to my dad; "Father," "Father, please..." and making desperate prayers to the Lord; "Oh God, no", "Jesus, oooh". She would occasionally squeal, and scream, and holler as well. She seemed to be in awful pain, I wanted to rush over their and comfort her and save her from my father's savage pounding, but I was still confused and didn't understand what was happening. I know my father would never hurt my girlfriend, there must be a reason for all this insanity.

The noises my dad was making convinced me that this was difficult for him as well. He was moaning and groaning like he was being tortured. He'd rut around frantically on top of her for awhile and then slow to a stop and just lie on top of her for a minute, desperately sucking in air and groaning as he tried to recover. Then he'd start bucking away again and the sounds would escalate. I could hear the bed creaking quickly under the weight and manic movements, the headboard thumping against the wall, the rustling of their clothes, my girlfriend's whimpers and desperate pleas. There were also odd smacking and slapping and squelching sounds coming from the point of contact between my dad and girlfriend's groins which I didn't understand.

My dad's pace started to increase, the bed was creaking furiously and the headboard slamming against the wall. My girlfriend's face was very red, the muscles in her neck tense as she screamed and desperately gripped the sheets while my dad frantically humped in between her legs. My girlfriend's eyes were clenched shut, her beautiful face scrunched up in what appeared to be agony, I was going to shout at my dad to stop hurting her when she suddenly screamed out, "Father! Save me! Save me, Father! God please, father!"

My dad was yelling as he slammed into her, "God!" He started to speak in Latin, shouting some kind of prayer or something. When he started shouting in Latin, something clicked for me. An exorcism! That must be it! That's why it's all so difficult and painful for them both, my dad is doing some kind of exorcism spell to save me girlfriend. Oh no! Was my girlfriend possessed? The way she's been yelling and screaming throughout has been kind of strange, although maybe that has more to do with this exorcism activity than a demon? I will have to wait until they are finished to know.

As I watched my dad shout in Latin and frantically slam his groin into my beautiful girlfriend, I wanted to cheer him on. Save her, dad! I thought. I didn't want to interrupt though, I'd let them finish then ask them what was going on.

My dad continued to thrust, with Anna occasionally seeming to provide assistance bucking her own hips to him as well. Even standing outside the door there seemed to be a heat and musk coming from the room. Could it be the demon?

The sounds and movements reached a fever pitch, my dad yelling in Latin, my girlfriend's desperate screams, the thumping and rustling and squelching. My dad frantically thrust into her groin a few more times, let out a strangled yell and seemed to hold still for a minute or two, then just collapsed on top of her luscious body.

I watched and listened for a few minutes as they slowly recovered. My dad just kind of laid there on top of her, still panting desperately with his face buried in the same pillow her head was on. My girlfriend's face was still kind of red and her eyes were shut, though she seemed much more relaxed.

"Did we... Did we get the demon, Father? Did the special holy water you squirted into me work?" My girlfriend asked my dad somewhat breathlessly, slowly opening her eyes.

My dad didn't respond, still panting into the pillow. My girlfriend just lay there waiting patiently for a minute or two.

"Sir? Father?"

"Hmmm?" my dad sleepily replied into the pillow, lying there exhausted on top of my beautiful girlfriend.

"Did it work? The holy water from the special rod? It feels like you squirted a lot inside me."

"Oh yeah, worked really well, for now. But the demons have a habit of coming back, we'll have to do this pretty regularly. The good news it will definitely keep the demons away, as long as we're sure to do it a lot, probably everyday, maybe twice a day," my dad replied.

"Oh ok," my girlfriend said, seeming a bit unsure, probably happy that the demon was no longer there but worried that it may come back.

"Cheer up sweetie, the good news is that we can make sure the demons never bother you again as long as we're diligent. Come on now, give me a hug." My dad said, still lying on his elbows on top of her, groin pressed against hers, staring at her expectantly.

"Of course, thank you again Father for your protection. I know Derrick will be happy that you are keeping me safe from the demons." My girlfriend smiled shyly and wrapped her arms around my dad in a platonic hug. My dad groaned and lowered himself back down fully on top of her, resting there with my girlfriend holding him close, her large perfect breasts squished against his chest, her shapely legs wrapped around his hips, her sweet breath on his ear.

My dad moaned and started shifting around on top of her again.

"Oh uh, sir? I thought we... I thought we got the demon already?" My girlfriend asked, giving my dad a confused look, grunting and panting slightly in response to the activity going on top of her.

"I think another round will add more protection." My dad said, gradually increasing his pace, repeatedly thrusting his groin into my girlfriend once again.

"Oh ok," my girlfriend said, shutting her eyes, still hugging my dad. Her face started getting red again and she looked pained. "It kind of hurts, Father," she grimaced and held my dad tightly.

"I know but just work through it, it hurts me too, but we got to protect you from the demons," my dad said, his eyes seemed to roll in the back of his head as he groaned and increased his pace.

"Ok sir, I'll work through it. Praise God," my girlfriend said, with a pained but determined look on her pretty face.

"I'm so proud of you sweetie, my son is so lucky to have a lovely young girlfriend like yourself," my dad said, giving her a kiss on the cheek as he continued to hump into her.

Despite the pain and everything going on, my girlfriend opened her beautiful eyes, they were bright and shining as she beamed happily at my dad. "Thank you sir," she said joyously, but slightly out of breath, "I love Derrick so much, I want to spend the rest of my life with him! Thank you for using your rod to save me! Use your rod and shoot the holy liquid into me! Protect me with the liquid from your rod!" she started yelling as she said this, aggressively bucking herself into my father's thrusts, her large breasts jiggling against his chest, her shapely thighs mindless clutching his hips. I was happy to hear her say this, although by the end of her comments she was less speaking to my dad than hollering at the ceiling with unfocused eyes.

My dad was frantically thrusting into my girlfriend while her arms and legs were wrapped tightly around him, holding him close in a friendly hug. "Almost there," my dad grunted in her ear.

My gorgeous girlfriend was still staring unfocused at the ceiling, looking pained but also kind of excited. She clenched her eyes shut and started shouting words of encouragement to my dad as she held him close. "You can do it Father!" "Save me!" "Save your son's girlfriend!" "Save me with your rod and holy liquid!". They seemed to automatically reach a kind of synchronicity with their hips, frantically slamming their genitals into each other at the same time. The loud slapping and squelching sounds coming from their groins was louder than ever.

My dad reached his manic pace again, desperately slamming into my girlfriend's core. "AH! AH! AH!" my dad yelled, the veins in his neck sticking out as he humped feverishly between her legs. "AHHHHHHHH!" He yelled, before going completely still for a minute or two, and then collapsing on her incredible body, just as he did before. They both laid there sucking in air, faces red, eyes closed, my girlfriend holding him close.

"Thank you, Father James," my girlfriend said after a few minutes, opening her eyes and giving my dad a tired and somewhat awkward smile, still holding him close. "I appreciate you keeping me safe from demons, I can't wait to tell Derrick about everything you've done to protect me."

My dad just grunted into my pillow, resting on top of her unmoving.

"Uhm sir? Could you maybe take the rod out now? I feel kind of sore." My girlfriend asked him hesitantly.

My dad didn't respond, and continued to breath deeply into the pillow. "Sir?" my girlfriend asked again after minute. No response, as my dad seemed to have fallen asleep on top of her. My girlfriend wiggled uncomfortably for a bit trying to find a more comfortable position with my dad's rod apparently lodged inside her, but she sighed in defeat after a moment and closed her eyes, trying to get some sleep while still intimately connected with my dad.

Eventually she drifted off into sleep. I just watched them for a bit, my dad lying between my girlfriend's shapely thighs, sleeping comfortable on top of her, both of their heads on the same pillow--my pillow--her beautiful young face up, his wrinkly old face down. After all that frantic activity they were doing I thought they deserved a rest.

While I was worried about the demons going after my girlfriend, I was thankful to have a father who is a priest and knows how to keep her safe.

I was still puzzled by the exorcism process though. It seemed really intense and painful, I couldn't help feeling bad for my dad and my girlfriend. I decided I would let them sleep and maybe ask about it later, Anna did tell my dad she was going to talk to me about it. Maybe I'll also ask my mom about when she gets back from her missionary trip. Anna's parents also might be worth asking, I know they're very knowledgeable about religious matters too.

Still, I felt grateful for my dad and proud of my girlfriend for how she handled this adversity. I'm happy they're close and bonding, I want my future wife and my father to get along. I know if my mom and Anna's parents saw how hard my girlfriend and my dad worked in bed to keep her safe they'd be immensely proud. The way my girlfriend and my dad frantically rutted and held each other close despite the pained expressions on their faces to conquer the demon. It was admirable and heroic. I wish I had filmed it. My dad did say they had to do it everyday, so I'm sure there will be more chances to film it and capture the beautiful moment.

While I wanted to have access to my room, I thought I should let them sleep after the rough ride they just had. They looked peaceful sleeping on my bed, although the juxtaposition was odd. An elderly priest lying in between the shapely thighs of a beautiful young teen girl, her sun dress and his robes hiked up at the front, their groins seemingly locked together, both snoozing on the same pillow. Making sure the sound and flash were off, I took a picture on my phone to capture this beautiful moment of father-son's girlfriend bonding.

I decided to talk a walk and come back closer to when my bible study was supposed to get out to give them some time to collect themselves. I loved my girlfriend and my dad so much, I was looking forward to talking to them about this later.

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