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Triggered by Her Neighbor Pt. 01

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John spies on Sarah while she is brainwashing herself.
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Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 08/15/2024
Created 06/07/2024
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"Why don't you come over for dinner tonight, I've got this new recipe that I really want to try. What do you say?" John smiled at Sarah, making it almost impossible to say no.

"I can't tonight, I'm afraid," Sarah said. It was true, she had other plans. Plans she hoped John wouldn't ask too much about.

John was her neighbor and best friend. Ever since Sarah had moved into the house across from John, he had been there for her. Had been the first to welcome her to the neighborhood, which was a gated community. Had introduced her to the other people and when he found out that Sarah had moved her to hide from her crazy ex-husband told anyone off who asked too many questions. When John had split up with his wife, they had spent a lot of time together. Even though Sarah really liked John she had never gotten the vibe that he was interested in her as more than just a friend.

"That's a shame," John said.

"But how about tomorrow?" Sarah asked. She loved John's cooking and couldn't wait to see what he had come up with. "I'll bring some wine?"

John's smile was back. "Great. Be there at seven?"

Sarah nodded, glad she had been able to postpone his invitation. Tonight was her special night and she didn't want to have to move it to another day. She had already been giddy all day at work.

John helped Sarah with the rest of her shopping backs before wishing her a nice evening. Sarah was sure she would have that.

Her dinner was a quick affair, just some leftovers from the previous day. She had two glasses of red wine before she moved to her living room where the computer waited for her.

It was time for her next hypnosis session. At first, she had just been doing them randomly whenever she felt like it but soon it had turned into a weekly thing, by now she did them every other day. It just made her feel so good. So much so that she even considered if doing them every night when she wasn't busy was a good idea. So far she had been able to convince herself that there were other things in her life she needed to do as well.

She sat down at her computer, waiting for it to boot.

"Come on," she said, impatiently tapping her finger on the mouse. When she was finally in Windows she started the hypnosis program and put on her headphones.

With a sigh she leaned back in her chair, relaxing already. It only took a few moments before she dropped deep into trance. Having done it so many times it was no longer an issue.

The voice guided her down expertly while the messages on the screen told her to relax and drop deeper. Soon enough they changed, showing images and video clips of women sucking cock or getting fucked with messages like "be more like her" "good girls obey" "good girls suck cock" and "good girls never say no".

Sarah was a good girl so she obeyed everything the voice told her. She relaxed, dropped deeper and deeper until she was ready to be programmed once more.

When Sarah came back out of trance, it was three hours later. She was so very horny now. The programming had done its work, just like always. She felt so blissful, all the stress she had gathered since the last session was gone. All the worries and fears she carried around, gone. All that was left was happiness and arousal. Sarah removed her hand from her panties, her fingers that she had rubbed her pussy with for the past hour or so, soaked in her juices. She had not cum, of course, she never got to have an orgasm anymore. The denial and edging were part of her training. At first, it had been annoying and she had tried very hard to cum anyway, sometimes even managed to. But when she increased the number of sessions a week this had quickly changed. Sarah didn't mind, she liked being constantly horny and wished she could be like that all the time but when she was at work, she was in work mode even though she hated it.

Sometimes she really wished that the person behind the recordings she was listening to was actually talking to her specifically and training her but he made them for all the good girls out there and he had a lot of followers as far as she could tell.

Sarah took a few deep breaths to calm herself down before she got up, turning the computer off. With a frown, she noticed that in her excitement earlier she had forgotten to close the drapes and anyone walking by her house could have seen what she was up to. If they had looked closely enough. However, given that her living room was facing her backyard that seemed highly unlikely. So nothing to worry about, even though it was a bit exciting to think that someone could have seen her.

With that thought she went to bed, rubbing herself some more before finally drifting off to sleep.

The next morning she was running late for work, having overslept quite a bit. She left in a hurry, waving to John who was smiling at her a little too brightly for such an early morning. At work nobody noticed she was late, so she hurried to her office and got to work. It being Friday meant that everything felt much easier and faster than on regular days during the week and in no time the workday was already over. Sarah picked up a bottle of wine on her way home, took a quick shower before heading over to John's house. Since their backyards were connected, she knocked on his backdoor a few minutes to seven.

"Very punctual as usual," John said as he opened the door to let her in.

"Well not this morning at work," Sarah said, handing him the bottle.

"I noticed." He chuckled. "You were in quite the rush. Hope you didn't break any traffic laws on the way there."

Sarah shook her head. "I don't think so."

"Make yourself comfortable. Dinner will be served in about five minutes," John said.

Sarah took a seat at the table. John's kitchen was much bigger than hers but it doubled as a dining area and she knew from experience he could easily fit about twenty people into it.

Just as John said, about five minutes later they were ready to eat. John had once again been on his quest to make the perfect grilled chicken, trying something new every time. And much to Sarah's surprise it really did get better every time.

As they ate, John opened the wine and remarked that it fit perfectly well with his dish.

"Well I took a wild guess that you were going to make something chicken," Sarah said with a smirk.

"So what have you been up to yesterday?" John asked catching Sarah a bit off guard. Since she hadn't considered he would be asking, she hadn't prepared an excuse for it either.

"Uh," she said, trying to think quickly. "Just some work stuff I needed to finish."

"Really?" John didn't sound convinced. He knew that Sarah preferred to leave her work at the office and that she wouldn't even be available on her work phone once she had left for the day.

"Yeah, it was an emergency. I considered staying at the office but decided it would be best if I did it at home. After having some proper dinner and all that." Sarah was just talking out of her ass, hoping John would buy it.

"I see." His grin made clear that he didn't believe a word but thankfully he didn't question her any further. But somehow she felt that for the rest of the dinner, there was this slight smirk on his face no matter what they talked about.

John told her about how far his divorce proceeding had been going. Thankfully his ex didn't make a fuss about it and just wanted to get it over with, so everything was going smoothly.

When they were done, Sarah felt as if she was about to explode if she had one more bite, but it had just been so delicious that she had to eat everything on her plate.

"I hope you have room for dessert. I made chocolate cake," John said as he took her plate away.

Sarah groaned. "Oh god, why John."

"Because I know you love it and can't say no?" He chuckled as he took the cake out of the fridge. Sarah just grunted in response.

"You aren't going to say no, are you?" He asked when he put a plate down in front of her that held a generous piece of cake. There was something strange in his voice.

"Of course not," Sarah said picking up the spoon. She should have known there would be dessert, there always was. John really was spoiling her.

"Good girl," John said. She looked up at him in surprise and he winked at her. He had never said that to her before and it felt...it felt like something. A slight tingle all over her body and she felt her nipples harden ever so slightly.

"You wouldn't want to disappoint me, would you?" He laughed as he sat down to eat his piece of the cake. Sarah didn't know how to respond to that so she remained silent.

The cake was as delicious as ever. John would always get envious comments from the rest of the community when he made the cake for one of their events.

"Last night the power went out," John said. "Not sure what caused it." He shrugged. "But I had to go to the fuse box to fix it." He pointed behind Sarah and she turned around to see the fusebox next to the backdoor.

"After I had done that I glanced over to your house, just to see if you still had power and it really was just my fuse that had blown."

Sarah's stomach began to twist, fearing she knew where this story was going.

"Luckily you still had power. I saw you sitting in front of your computer."

Sarah said nothing. Maybe John hadn't seen what was on the screen.

"Do you know what else I saw?" he asked, now that smirk was even bigger than it had been the whole evening.

"N..no?" Sarah finally managed to get out.

"I saw you furiously masturbating while flashing images of naked girls in all kinds of sexual acts were on the screen."

"Oh," Sarah said. It wasn't too bad, right? He had just seen her play with herself watching porn. Nothing special.

"So I took a closer look to see what you were watching."

Oh no, that wasn't good. Not good at all.

"You weren't just watching porn like I initially thought. You were watching some very naughty brainwashing stuff."

Sarah gasped. He knew! He had seen it firsthand. What could she possibly say to that? Maybe if she said that it was just watching other people being brainwashed?

"After watching you for a while, which I have to say was really fucking hot," he said and there was a hunger in his eyes now. Her pussy twitched, it clearly approved of this conversation.

"Curious what you were doing, I looked up what exactly it was you were watching..."

There went the last bit of hope of keeping her secret.

"Damn Sarah, I had no idea you were brainwashing yourself into a slutty, horny bimbo!"

"I..." Sarah didn't even know what she wanted to say but felt she had to say something, anything.

"I guess it makes sense, very stressed at work. It's probably really nice to come home and just turn your brain off," John said, ignoring her attempt at speaking.

Sarah's pussy was throbbing now that her secret was out. Secretly she had wanted someone, anyone to find out but now that it had actually happened it was also kind of scary. Too scary.

"I guess that is what kept you busy so much," John said. "I wish I had known sooner, I kept wondering what you were doing all those nights you were too busy to go out with me or anyone else. None of us had any idea that you were training yourself to be a GOOD GIRL!"

Sarah sucked in air as John grinned at her. Those words clearly did something to her. She liked it but...

"Now what am I meant to do with that knowledge? Should I let our friends in on that? You think they would be as interested as me?" He was teasing her, she knew. There was no chance he would do that, betray her like that. Would he?

"I..." Sarah tried again, this time willing herself to speak. "I should go." She forced herself to get up. The sooner she got out of there the better. Then perhaps she would be able to think about this properly without her horny side distracting her so much.

She needed to leave. Needed to think.

"Sarah," John said, his voice having taken on a strict tone she heard him use on his dog before his ex had taken it with her. "Sarah, be a good girl and drop for me."

Instantly Sarah sank back down on the chair. In a fleeting moment, she realized he had used her trigger on her. Unable to move she instantly relaxed and dropped into trance for him.

"Wow," John said. "I had wondered if those triggers would really work for anyone. Amazing. Sarah, I want you to go deeper for me. Relax and go deeper."

Sarah could feel herself drop deeper and there was nothing she could do to stop it. She was too relaxed, had no control anymore.

"Now that you are nice and deep," John said after a few moments. "I have a few questions for you Sarah and you are going to answer honestly, won't you?"

"Yes," Sarah said.

"You want to tell me everything, don't you? A good girl shouldn't keep secrets."

"Yes, good girls don't keep secrets."

"Good girl." Just like before she could feel her arousal rising. She loved hearing those words.

"How long have you been brainwashing yourself?"

"Since I moved here."

"Oh wow, that's a while then." Sarah had moved here almost two years ago. "But you didn't seem busy that often back then."

"Only listened sometimes, when I felt in the mood for it."

John nodded. "But then you started listening more and more?"

"Yes. I started to become addicted."

"How did it make you feel when you realized that you were addicted?"

"I tried to stop because I got scared but..."

"You couldn't stop. Good girl."

Yes, she hadn't been able to stop. Telling herself that it felt too good and that it was something she needed after all the stress at work. It helped her relax and feel good, why should she stop? There was no harm in it.

"It said in the file descriptions that the subject will be unable to orgasm. When did you have your last orgasm, Sarah?"

Somewhere deep down Sarah felt this was a question John shouldn't be asking. He was her best friend, not her lover.

"Three months ago."

"Ah, so you kept being able to for quite a while after you started listening. I wonder what changed." John scratched his head.

"I started listening several times a week," Sarah said.

"I see. So you haven't been able to cum for three months but you have edged yourself. How often?"

"Every night. While listening to the files and before going to sleep."

"So you must be really fucking horny."

"Yes. All the time." At times she felt the overwhelming need to touch herself and if she wasn't at work she usually obliged. Even if it was just for a minute or two in a bathroom stall somewhere.

John got up from his chair and moved over to her. He spread her legs, moving the skirt out of the way. Touching her panties he found them very wet.

"Are you enjoying this?" he asked.


"Good girl." With that he moved her panties aside, pushing a finger deep inside her pussy.

Sarah moaned but didn't move.

"Fuck, so wet and ready. God how long I wanted to do that." He pushed in a second finger. "Nice and tight. I love it." His thumb started to circle her clit while he fucked her with two fingers.

Sarah moaned louder.

"So tell me Sarah, why can't you cum?"

"Good girls don't get to cum."

"And why is that?"

"Because good girls need to be dumb and horny."

"That's right." As a reward for her answer, he pushed in a third finger. "And you are a good girl, aren't you?"


"That's what I thought. I want you to go even deeper for me Sarah. All the way down. To a place where you are totally open. Let me know when you are there."

While John waited for Sarah to go deeper, he continued to fuck her. His other hand opened the buttons on her blouse, revealing a sexy bra and some very stiff nipples.

"I am there," Sarah said sounding like she was just barely able to speak.

"Good," John said, using his hand to lift one of her breasts out of the bra, followed by the other. "God they are so nice." He tweaked one of her nipples, causing another moan out of her.

"Now then, Sarah. I want you to listen to your files every single day, no matter what. Even if it's just for thirty minutes. Every single day, you understand?"

"Yes. Every day."

"Good girl." He twisted her nipple, hard. A louder moan followed.

"From now on, your triggers will only work in the files you are listening to and if they come from me. Either in vocal or text form. Nobody else. Do you understand?"

"Yes. Only the files and you. Nobody else."

"Good girl." He gave her clit a flick causing a very loud moan. It hurt but Sarah liked it more than she would have thought.

"From now on, I am your master and the files are my tools to train you. You will do whatever they and whatever I say."

"You are my master. I will do whatever you and the files say."

Another flick at her clit, harder this time. Oh, she really liked that.

"I want you to edge yourself every night before you go to bed for at least thirty minutes and in the morning before you go to work for at least ten minutes. And every time you edge yourself you will think about me and how much you wished I was your master."

Sarah repeated her instructions while John sucked and nibbled on her nipple.

"Good girl. Now when I wake you up in a few moments, I want you to forget everything that happened since you started eating the cake. Your subconscious will remember all my instructions but your conscious mind will have no idea about any of it. Only once you hear me say 'Remember the chocolate cake' will you instantly remember everything that happened here tonight. Only then. Do you understand?"

"I will forget everything but my subconscious mind will remember your instructions. I will only remember when you say 'Remember the chocolate cake'"

"Good girl." John continued to rub her clit and fuck her pussy. Sarah was already on the edge and if she had been able to cum, she would have.

"Tell me Sarah, why did you continue brainwashing yourself when you noticed the danger of getting addicted?"

"Wanted..wanted them to work." Sarah had a hard time speaking now that John had sped up. He was making her ride that edge hard.

"You want them to turn you into a horny, dumb bimbo?" John asked.


"But what about your work?"

"Don't care. Just want to... be...happy."

"And being brain-dead and slutty will make you happy?"


"So why haven't you used the program more often?"

John wrapped his lips around one of her nipples, sucking on it hard.

Sarah moaned before she was able to answer. "Scared it would work even better."

"So you are scared of it working but you also want it to work?"

"Yes." Sarah couldn't explain it. It was like two parts of her were fighting over what to do.

"I see." John went back to sucking on her nipple while he twisted and pulled the other one. Sarah couldn't tell how long he edged her, but she noticed the drool that was falling on her exposed breasts.

Then after what seemed like a long time, or maybe only a few minutes, John stopped. He put her breasts back into her bra, closed the buttons on her blouse, and moved her legs back together. He sat back down and then finally woke her back up.

"Sarah?" he asked, looking at her with concern.

"Oh sorry," Sarah shook her head. "I must have spaced out a bit. What did you say?" Sarah felt a bit strange. She was insanely horny and she could feel how wet her pussy was. She might even leave a stain on the chair, but she couldn't remember why she had become so horny. Was this just because she had been brainwashing herself so much? Or because she had been edging herself for three months?

"I was asking what your plans are for the weekend," John said.

Sarah shrugged. "Probably just staying at home, I think. Relaxing after another stressful week. Don't think I'll be going out." No, she had no plans for that. Instead, she would spend a lot of time with the nice hypnosis program. There were two full days after all. Previously she had resisted spending all her weekend in a mindless trance but why should she? It made her feel good and she deserved to feel good, didn't she?


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